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12763145 No.12763145 [Reply] [Original]

You're vegan on a cruise sailing the seas being fed vegan meals day and night. Life is good. All of a sudden there is a storm and the ship sinks. You don't know of any other survivors but you find yourself on a deserted island with no vegan grocery stores or restaurants. How do you survive?

>> No.12763147

Eat wild vegetal

>> No.12763151

Palm trees will provide you.

>> No.12763727
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A vegan will die for the animals, it's the choice they made when they went vegan to begin with.

>> No.12763755

Holy fuck is that guy ugly. Also not surprising that he died of a heart attack, have you seen what Indian vegan food is like? Deep fried everything

>> No.12763764
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It's a wonder they can get anyone to join this cult.

>> No.12763768

I wonder if it's possible that different vegans have different ideas about why they maintain their diet and in what circumstances they should persist. Like, as if they were individual people with different outlooks.

>> No.12763777
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>Like, as if they were individual people with different outlooks

Biggest joke in the world. Vegans are lifeless automotons at best.

>> No.12763806
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>continuously shitposting the same pasta about vegans from 3 AM to 8 AM every weekend morning for years and years
When you were growing up did you picture adulthood as being this?

>> No.12763822

By hunting. The problem isn't meat, it's modern animal harvesting methods and boomers thinking every meal must have meat

>> No.12764134

They tried this on Naked and Afraid with a few vegetarians that eventually ate meat. There was one vegan on a few episodes. She sat there and basically starved the entire time, because it turns out without farming there actually isn't all that much to provide in the wild for someone that won't turn to bugs and animals for sustenance. In this case you crash on a deserted island. Here's what will happen:
-Normal People-
>someone with skill digs up a hole to the water level so the sand can filter in clean water
>birds might be there, most suck to eat
>bugs are there, they taste bad but have value
>there's a small chance snakes and mice are there, snakes are high value and mice are between small and rabies
>if monkeys live there you have to watch your water source 'cause they'll shit in it, also don't eat them, monkeys are worth death cya dude
>depending on your location, fish and salt water crocs might live there, both are high value
>shellfish are good eatin
>some spiders are okay, believe it or not
>snails are basically eggs in nutritional value
-Vegans (norms can eat it too)-
>seaweed can be cooked but provides next to nothing
>coconuts act as a diuretic and are worth basically nothing, less than nothing if you get diarrhea or piss more than usual
>there might be some fruit that's extremely high in amino acids, if you eat more than a couple you'll easily ruin yourself, most survival experts will only eat one and try to find meat, worth basically nothing
>bamboo depending on your location, only good green and far harder to cut when green, hard to cook, worth basically nothing
>if there are monkeys then there are nuts and bananas probably, good luck finding them, reaching them, and not losing a body part to monkeys, both are worth the highest in the vegan category for an island, which is still empty compared to a normal diet

>> No.12764220

theres tubers, rhizomes and taproots available in pretty much every region, it's actually pretty doable if you're alone.
the trick is identifying the plants, which can be difficult without first digging them up to catalogue them.
anything that you find isn't edible you can use for fuel

it might suck eating nothing but raw ginger and cat tails for a week, but your goal isn't to stay there and sustain yourself forever, your goal is to be spotted by rescuers and news crews

yeah the big problem isn't that there aren't options, it's that too many vegans are, purely coincidentally, useless human beings.

>> No.12764249

jesus h christ, tell me thats not real

>> No.12764284

>it's that too many vegans are, purely coincidentally, useless human beings.
Well there aren't actually many options, just being fair. Even when they were in Africa with a few of the best survival experts to ever set foot on the show, that same vegan chick was literally starving to death with an entire team of people trying to help her out in any way they could without killing themselves. Funny enough, on a return to Africa for their best of the best season and the vegan wasn't there, they ended up finding an extremely rare wild spinach patch. Made me laugh hysterically.
You're right though, about them being useless. Thing is, even if you're the best vegan survival expert to exist, on a stranded island it's only a matter of time before your teammates are doing all they can to get you more than some water and a coconut. It's not feasible.
>tubers, rhizomes and taproots
I don't know how plentiful you could find tubers, but definitely the roots (cross your fingers someone can tell the poisonous ones apart from the rest lmao). Cataloguing them is beyond a problem for most people. That's like hardcore knowledge to identify. You have to know your region, or make a guess by climate. You probably won't have any identification publications just lying around, so at that point you're reaching for extreme knowledge that even most survival experts just never have in their arsenal.
Also highly region dependent. OP never strictly said tropical like most people would assume, so there's always a chance.

>> No.12764356

As a German I’m confident the EU Navy would save me before real hunger set in.

>> No.12764375

not a lot of cruises go through cold climates, we'd usually just call those a ferry.
I'm afraid it's most likely to be some form of tropical

ginger and cat tails are just examples, they're both rhyzomes, variants of cat tails are easy to find in most any area
>Typha latifolia has been found in a variety of climates, including tropical, subtropical, southern and northern temperate, humid coastal, and dry continental.
finding them is also a good indicator of fresh water
unless you accidentally landed on a place with constructed wetlands, then you're at a sewage lagoon.

it's not by any means impossible to deduce what is safe and what is not safe, a lot of plants will have a bitter smell or taste, you can break their juice onto your finger tip.
Ginger comes to mind because of this though, if you know what ginger tastes like you know it's ginger, but god damned if I didn't know what it was I'd assume it's mildly poisonous.
there are a number of varieties of ginger from different regions as well.

tubers are actually quite common, they're just any big lump of a root really, but they absolutely require cooking and boiling, which can be difficult without equipment
theres a type of tuber which I can't remember what it's from, some sort of palm or shrub, makes it feel like you're swallowing hundreds of needles but the chemical gets neutralized by heat.

nothing drives me crazier though than this 'collecting mushrooms to eat' meme that people go with
I used to collect puffballs and eat them, they're the only ones worth grabbing. they're big and
>"The poisonous ones look like they have cancer when you open them"
is all you really need to know
and I don't think the poisonous ones are even deadly or anything just inconvenient

>> No.12764495

Only vegetarian, but if cruelty is the vegan argument for no animal products they'd be stupid to not eat meat/dairy from the island since whatever came from there is guaranteed to have lived cruelty free. This is a survival situation yo.

>> No.12764503

i think 'being killed' counts as cruelty to most vegans
I know death is a normal thing but vegans are dumb