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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12758467 No.12758467 [Reply] [Original]

How much coffee do you drink in a week?

>> No.12758470

>drinking the coffee jew

>> No.12758480

>Coffee pleb
Tea masterrace

>> No.12758481

basically none
im an energy drink freak and i dont know what worse

>> No.12758552

>like the taste of coffee
>drink little coffee
>have anxiety attack
why this is unfair

>> No.12758557

Have fun with your fluoride poisoning

>> No.12758563

I usually have one, occasionally two, cups a day
I just recently got a v60 and some locally roasted stuff; really liking them so far

>> No.12758566

roughly 2 cups a day for work and 5 days of work a week end up around 10-12 cups depending on whether I have any on weekends.

>> No.12758672

try without or less caffeine

>> No.12758934

14-21 Espresso

>> No.12759043

Usually one large mug (15oz) in the mornings but I'm currently unemployed and drinking 2-3 daily out of boredom. Tea consumption is climbing steeply as well.

>> No.12759097
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>> No.12759133

Now that i am unemployed i drink one or two big cups of coffee a day. During my last job though i drank up to 8 cups day, and in the job before thhis one i drank two pots of coffee a day.

>> No.12759136

Probably like 4-5 cups. I like coffee but I don't like the shits. It does mean I can buy interesting beans without breaking the bank though.

>> No.12759148

>I like coffee but I don't like the shits.
I find that stopped happening once I made my coffee a little weaker or just had smaller cups.

>> No.12759155

Does coffee actually do anything? I've drank like 2 cups of black coffee on my days off and felt nothing. I actually thought it was a meme that people needed it to function.

>> No.12759162

Some people don't feel much from caffeine, probably due to certain genes. Others feel a burst of energy, and some people only get negative effects like jitteriness and anxiety. The people who say they need it to function just have a tolerance built up and overuse it so they're basically going through withdrawals and feel like shit without regularly having it.

>> No.12759308

Around 20 mugs.

>> No.12759326

3-4 cups per day, so I guess 21-28 per week.

I think on average I spend about $80 a month on coffee. I buy a bag every 10-14 days for home use, then get coffee at the shop every once in awhile.

>> No.12759365

3 large cups every morning so 21 cups a week,

>> No.12759370

140 oz give or take

>> No.12759515

You need to go back, faggot

>> No.12759520

A lot, but I work at a coffee shop so I kind of have to and it's all free anyway. I honestly don't know the last time I paid for coffee since I get to take home beans every week too.

>> No.12759538
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You need a few of these to make it better

>> No.12759755
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>> No.12759891

Why is it "smart" to not drink coffee? Did a housewife tell you it's bad?

>> No.12759942

>How much coffee do you drink in a week?

>> No.12759997

1 cup a day at lunch.

>> No.12760202

Over the course of a week: 20 shots of espresso and 32 oz of French press coffee. Fuck the service industry.

>> No.12760226

about 120 fluid ounces

>> No.12760232
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I try to keep it around 500mg caffeine intake because of heart condition but because of my work I usually end up having 5 cups plus a triple shot of espresso

>> No.12760233

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.12760357
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About 5 mugs of approx 400ml per day, so 14L per week.

>> No.12760403

Hey leftypol

>> No.12760470

What is "leftypol" about OP's post?

>> No.12762391


>> No.12762588

Not him but you need to think of it in the eyes of a political autist 3d chessmaster. Of course /leftypol/ would want to spread their influence into 4chan so that they can recruit new members for the revolution right? So whats the easiest way to get people sympathetic to left wing values? Usually its by speaking of wage exploration but considering a large section of 4chan are NEETS and proud they must take another approach. Therefore the next available option Is by making them hate their local right wingers. Most of 4chan already holds a distaste for /pol/acks however when /leftypol/ makes a thread dissing them they are often called out and /pol/ is defended. Therefore /leftypol/ needs to take a more subtle approach to making /pol/ hate threads. So they go to a board and make a blatantly off topic /pol/ post as a falseflag in hopes that the thread will evolve into a /pol/ hate thread so that the local board dwellers build a resentment. Usually this doesn't really work either because most people think off topic posts are funny in moderation. This is all one big conspiracy in the end though and there is little proof that /leftypol/ is actively making threads on cuckchan in an attempt to recruit new leftists, i am just giving you the mindset that some imageboard political theorists have.

>> No.12762635

who would read this

>> No.12762643

People interested in the intricate political landscape of Mongolian basket weaving forums.

>> No.12762649


>> No.12762843

None. I stay away from caffeine bc it usually does nothibg and i figured why get the negative without the good?

>> No.12762873

5x a week.

>> No.12762881

Total cups, probably anywhere between 3-5. Sometimes less and rarely more. I try to maintain this balance so that I have some tolerance so that caffeine doesn't kill me when I do have it but I'm not addicted or get withdrawal. I've entertained getting a machine and making my own at points but it's a hefty investment and also it'd just tempt me into addiction, which I don't want.

>> No.12763448
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One mug of filtered coffee, please

>> No.12763471

get back on the meds schizo