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12745610 No.12745610 [Reply] [Original]

>let the knife do the work

now that the ceramic knife meme is dead and I nearly lost a finger, what nipponese steel should I get for a maximum of $100?

>> No.12745613
File: 137 KB, 804x802, 1562191126868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that ceramic blades do not dull like a normal knife, but instead form microscopic chips.
You are eating these razor sharp microscopic chips. They are in your food.

>> No.12745614

> Blaming the knife when your dumb ass can’t cut a fucking avocado


>> No.12745617


all I did was try to twist the stone out as I have done hundreds of times before.

>> No.12745624

That will break normal knives you fucking retard.

>> No.12745665

I'm looking for something new, but my G2 has unironically held up for over a decade now and I've been using it as my main chef knife at work for over two years now without issue. It's thin and light and a lot of people find it uncomfortable, but I have big hands and love it. Just make sure you actually handle a knife before you buy it.

>> No.12745671
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, 0188452C-F0B4-4917-9BF6-EF4EE9AA0454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never break on you

>> No.12745673

Looks like he did what everyone else does.

OP, ceramic knives are a meme.

>> No.12745698

why would you want to cut the seed in half? honest question

>> No.12745704

>man who eats avocado nearly kill
>shitty knife
and nothing of value was lost

>> No.12745714

You don't cut the seed in half, you slam your, preferably, cleaver into it so you can twist it out.

>> No.12745716

Let Gordon demonstrate

>> No.12745725

Kyocera makes knives? Lmao

>> No.12745729

how do so many fuck up such a simple action? I've plopped the seed out with just a fucking spoon many times

>> No.12745731
File: 51 KB, 127x188, 1552464671679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a PLASTIC knife? My butter knives aren't even plastic.

>> No.12745733

Ceramic knives are alright if you use them to cut non-hard stuff on a wooden chopping board. You can only blame yourself OP.

>> No.12745737

>applies twist to ceramic
>is surprised when it breaks
You should eat more fish, OP. It's good for brain.

>> No.12745777

he doesn't really insist that you should do this. is it that hard to remove with your hand? don't think it's much harder than cutting it.

>> No.12745793

is this true ?

>> No.12745821

You think it just magically disappears?

>> No.12745833

Had a ceramic knife once, took the utmost care of it and it was still mostly unusable within a few months because of dozens of microchips, so yes, can confirm. Never found any of those chips.

>> No.12745834

best bang for the buck on the market:


>> No.12745844

They will keel. Try boarding a plane with one.

>> No.12746162

>using a knife made by a company that makes phones

>> No.12746191
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so you have been well aware that blades have been created from metal since the beginning of time, and you thought you somehow knew better in all of your soylent, hipster wisdom and opted for some faggot meme blade instead, in the process nearly causing irreparable damage to your hand.
Your first thought was to take a pic for maximum upvotes and post it on the internet to share with fellow redditors because you are devoid of a social life anywhere outside of a pixelated electronic screen.

>> No.12746200
File: 14 KB, 301x330, 1554246896510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never found any of those chips.
…can we just ban these things for good?

>> No.12746219

Are you the Anon that’s shooping those faces on various pics? If so keep it up, you’re doing God’s work.

>> No.12746247

Go German and get a Wusthof
Best knives i've used

>> No.12746957

stone knifes (flint is basically nature's ceramic) predate metal

>> No.12747047

precisely, so why go backward idiot?

>> No.12747051

Well, duh

>> No.12747133

Yeah I had a cuisinart ceramic knife break in the dishwasher a few years ago. I use Wusthof Grand Prix IIs now. I buy new designs as I need them. My 5" Santoku is my go-to. Just a pleb home cook, so I have the little 30 dollar sharpeners made by wusthof (one for japanese, one for normal). Seems fine. Cost, like, $60 each. Won't break on avocados.

>> No.12747145

Aren't you supposed to keep ceramic knives out of the dishwasher?

>> No.12747171

Top rack only. Which is sort of an out-dated concept since most new dishwasers don't have heating coils on the bottom anymore.

There's a lot of stuff that manufacturers say to keep out of the dishwasher just because it saves them liability and reduces the strain on the product. I know 'good' knife manufacturers will tell you to keep out of the dishwasher because they will literally fuck up the dishwasher itself by cutting the prongs off and stuff. My good knives are all handwashed.

>> No.12747230
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>what nipponese steel should I get for a maximum of $100?

Some like to call Global "entry-level" as far as nip-knives go, but I've found they're almost all well-weighted and balanced. Only downside is they're usually a little dull out of box, but that's common.

Get Global's 2-piece starter set. Comes with the G2 (8" chef's) and the GS2 (4"1/4 kitchen). You can usually get the set on sale, ranging around 60-80$ per knife. It's a good place to start with Japanese knives, though there are the usual complaints about the stainless handle. I find it still grips well with wet hands, but that's the main issue people bring up.

If you don't end up liking it, you're not set back a ton, and you can either return them or keep them to play with custom sharpening when you get a pair you do like.

>> No.12747319

>tried to twist a ceramic blade

>> No.12747435

that's what happens for eating a meme food like avocado

>> No.12747443

I dont get the obsession with knives honestly. I went to House of Knives or whatever mall knife store bought like a 100 dollar whatever knife and one of those sharpening things you drag it across and it works fine.

Im not saying all the data and science behind the best knife for this and that is wrong but honestly I just need to cut stuff. Its fine

>> No.12747462

It takes you 30 seconds to clean a blade, you shouldn't put a knife in there ever.

>> No.12747474

Is there a specific reason you shouldn't put a knife in the dishwasher? I put my knife in the dishwasher all the time out of laziness

>> No.12747480

No reason for most modern knives.

>> No.12747507

Part of it is that knife skills have always been the fundamental piece to classical training in cooking. Not that you have to go to school to get good or anything: most cookware shops with space offer 90 minute knife classes on a regular basis.

Other part is that buying exclusively from one good brand means you get a sexy-looking knife collection.

Saying you can cook with only one good chef's knife is true, but it's like saying you can build a shed with only a hammer.

>> No.12747517

I have shit knife skills. Maybe better than someone who never cooks but I cant do that rocking motion shit.

Also I tend to abandon the safety of the cats paw to cut finer stuff like garlic

>> No.12747522


Don't let the knife's edge or tip rest against any surfaces. Don't let the knife sit with water droplets on it to air-dry. Putting your knife in the dishwasher isn't going to damage it as much as fifty overly-heavy taps to the cutting board, but it is a source of wear on the edge.

Sharpen your knives, guys.

>> No.12747527

>Sharpen your knives
This is they only thing I agree with.

>> No.12747538

You're probably better than you think. All that matters is that you're good enough for your own cooking.

The cat's paw is indeed just a safety thing, and situational. As long as you're not pretending you're some madman working a teppanyaki grill, you'll probably be fine.

>> No.12747541

>This is they only thing I agree with.
It's the only thing that fucking matters.

>> No.12747557

I think it's just convenient to cut it open then hit it with your knife since you're already holding it and the seed comes out cleanly.

>> No.12747560


>> No.12747666

Why are ceramic knifes even made? Why not just use metal?

>> No.12747684

>Comments are disabled for this video.
what did he mean by this

>> No.12748052

Probably to avoid the stupid milenial avocado toast xD jokes

>> No.12748117

They stay sharp longer.

>> No.12748276

Why do people insist on removing the seeds with a knife? Just pull it out with your hands , christ.

>> No.12748294

because it is infinitely easier to do it with a knife and I dont have to wash my hands you fucking dipstick

>> No.12748309

I guess I dont have that great a knives and I only ever do one at a time.
Everytime I see these, I get this in my head.

>> No.12748332

>when your knife has the same logo your phone does

>> No.12748801
File: 198 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like most Jap brands, Kyocera makes fucking everything from cutting tools to cellphones.
They also make top tier machine tooling so ceramic kitchen knives isn't that far out.

>> No.12748822
File: 729 KB, 876x1068, leo feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avocados are bad for you
look it up
many studies of mammals going crazy, dying, after eating avocados. only the poorest/dumbest ethnic groups eat avocado (mexicans, south americans).

if you are european you should not eat avocados as it is not natural to your ancestral diet.

>> No.12748882

you’re right, OP, it was the knife’s fault

on a related note, my shovel handle broke while trying to cut down an elm, any advice?

>> No.12748914

If you have to treat your tools with kids gloves for it not to experience catastrophic failure then it is not the superior tool.
R e t a r d

>> No.12748919
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>He cant digest microscopic ceramic

>> No.12748925

microscopic ceramic chips don't even sound harmful

>> No.12748940

Steel knives are no different.
The "sharp edge" on a smooth steel knife is actually made up of thousand and thousand of micro-serrations. A knife goes "dull" when all of these micro-serrations have broken off, or been bent flat.
When they break off, they end up in your food, you eat your food, and they end up in your body.
The human body cannot process or break down steel.
Plastics aren't really better either, for toxic reasons.
Wood is almost your best bet: Sure, more of it will break and splinter off than any other material, but at least you know the microscopic broken bits of wood can be absorbed/processed/broken down by your body.

>> No.12748966

> the microscopic broken bits of wood can be absorbed/processed/broken down by your body

dis nigga thinks humans can digest cellulose?!!!

>> No.12749074

How can something ironically hold up you faggot

>> No.12749090

Ceramic knives are so you always have a sharp knife for things like cheese or fruit. Ironically, halving an avocado would be an ideal use for this kind of knife, provided you weren't a retard. Even if that were a steel knife, nobody in their right mind would drive it halfway through the fucking avocado seed to twist it out like you did in your pic.

You broke a $28 knife to make this thread. Sort your life out.

>> No.12749102

>I spent more money on a knife and tools to keep it sharp than the average person who would buy a knife
>I don't know why people would do what I did
This is how I read your post. $100 is fucking expensive as shit for the average chef's knife. You're probably worse than people who have an "obsession" if you went to a dedicated store and dropped $100.

>> No.12749126

>9 hours later
>nobody has commented on or contested my absolute act of shillery for my favourite brand

I'm putting this on the board as a win, /ck/, Suck it, Shun-fags. Global wins.

>> No.12749138

Steel is mostly iron and can be absorbed by our body as nutrients.
Ceramic microchipping is bad because it doesnt dissolve so it can cause internal scratches as it goes through your body.
It takes a long time for any toxins to leech out of plastics, hopefully you aren't constipated.
We can't digest wood fibers but, fibers are good for digestion.

>> No.12749140

>not just using the knife to slice inward to the edge of the pit, then spreading the avocado open with your hands and scooping everything out with a spoon
You don't deserve fingers if you're gonna play with knives like a psychopath.

>> No.12749323

Do glass knives also splinter like ceramic? I have an old glass knife from the 40s that I use to make really clean cuts on soft fruits and veggies and it works better than any steel knife I've used, plus I only sharpen it once a week at the most and its good to go.

>> No.12749351

It's not the knife, but the sharpening stones that you use

>> No.12749361

Just fucking bite the pit out you pussy

>> No.12749590


I hope their knives are better than their shitty fucking photocopiers.

>> No.12749971

180mm dojo aogami super from cktk.

>> No.12749977

Their ceramic grater plate works wonders too.

>> No.12749993

I remember when these things came out and this was all I could think about happening. I heard if you drop them they can shatter. I would never buy a knife like that. I like Wusthof that's what I recommend

>> No.12749996

That knife is very deeply within that hard pit, like a centimeter in It was probably whacked on the cutting board to do that, into a non-ripe firm avocado too, and the tip was angled down. Point of resistance was the middle absorbing all that impact.

I honestly wouldn't have used a ceramic on a pit. Seems like I instinctively know that they are sharp edged but brittle overall.

>> No.12750006
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>weebs using japshit like this: >>12747230

>> No.12750010

I hate those handles. If you work with a knife a lot you know what I mean

>> No.12750014

I meant the Global's handles

>> No.12750016

Do you mean the holes? They look like they'd get filled with crap and be impossible to clean.

>> No.12750026

Yeah the holes, the shape, the pretty much everything. The shape tires your hand and the handles get slippery. I just never like Global's at all.

>> No.12750031

Isn't that literally the same outcome of dulling a metal knife: metallic particles get in your food and from cleaning all the time?

>> No.12750563
File: 46 KB, 500x333, 51Yev5H9irL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Japanese high carbon/Blue steel #1 chef's knives a meme and annoying to look after, or fun and easy?

>> No.12750992

It gets very sharp and is easy to sharpen, but forget to clean it once or have some idiot roommate or family member throw it in the sink to soak a few hours and it is rusted to shit. It is definitely not for people who dont have the time or patience to take good care of their things.

>> No.12751082

Women are literally this stupid

>> No.12751098

You don’t absorb the iron from steel you retard, different molecules containing iron have different levels of bioavailability. That means that some forms of iron, including the ones found in plant matter, aren’t as easily digested.

Any kind of hard metal containing iron is absolutely not digestible or bioavailable. Only salts are and not all of them.

>> No.12751180

you should of added one to the seed.

>> No.12751189

If you don't have the dexterity to not rape your fingers with tools, you should probably find a different hobby.

>> No.12751201

>Video unavailable
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Guess there's just too much freedom for me to see this one.

>> No.12751207

if you dont digest it, you shit it out
who gives a fuck if its plastic or steel

>> No.12751304

Plenty of research showing that cooking on cast iron helps people with iron deficiency. Main difference between steel and cast iron is the carbon content.

>> No.12751312

>actually falling for the "hit your knife onto the avocado core then twist it out" meme
>not just picking it out with the tip of the knife

>> No.12751327

That’s unironically because the iron reacts with acids and forms salts, and if you think it’s for any other reason than go try licking a rusty iron pipe and tell me if it helps with your iron deficiency as much as it helps with your tetanus deficiency.!

>> No.12751393

stomach acid

>> No.12751421
File: 115 KB, 2048x2048, weabooknife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i assume you are sloppy, so i would recommend you buy a low maintenance knife with a polyproplene handle.


if you want wood, get this one.


>> No.12751539


>> No.12751542

Unless you’re eating the iron on it’s own, there’s a lot more shit going on in your stomach other than the chemical reaction with iron. You’re literally talking about micrograms of iron being converted into iron chloride, and iron chloride is not added to any foods as an “iron supplement” because it’s generally regarded as useless and toxic.

>> No.12751619

you got me there but, the knife chips are gonna be mixed into the foods you cut and some of that food is gonna be acidic.

>> No.12751865

maybe buy a knife from a company that focuses on making knives and not fucking printers

>> No.12752139

Yeah that’s always true, theres probably microchips from the plates you eat off of unless you’re an expert at cutting through your food and stopping before you scrape the plate.

At least we aren’t OP who’s stupid enough to apply shearing stress to ceramic and expect it to hold up.

>> No.12752780

I was actually curious to see how he was going to do this. Pretty much how I open up an avocado except I twist the knife horizontally to loosen the seed.

I still don't know how anyone manages to injure themselves. Can literally use even a fucking butter knife to do the same job.

>> No.12753007

It depends on which ceramic, but metals are generally much easier for the body to dissolve and excrete/absorb.
This is the reason things like asbestos (a "ceramic" in a sense) are so dangerous. Its low chemical reactivity, combined with its tendency to split into small fibres, makes it stay inside the body and literally stab your cells like millions of microneedles, giving you cancer.

>> No.12753850

>global hate

I get it, but I'm still a fan. The average cook doesn't julienne ten potatoes per minute. When the only argument against a knife is its handle, then it's a pretty damn good knife. Like I said, the grip works well, wet or dry, and the balance is beyond superb. If I was a line cook trying to make a living, then I'd fucking throw Global to the curb. For home cooks, it's a fair choice, especially considering its entry-level price. Good for practising knife skills and deciding your path.

>> No.12753884

>When the only argument against a knife is its handle
Hard to complain about anything else if I can't hold it long enough to see how the rest of the knife performs.

>> No.12753900

Go back to chopping onions, prep cook.

>> No.12754532

You're supposed to use the heel of the knife anyway

>> No.12754552
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>flint knives

>> No.12754555

Do you plan on twisting your fancy Japanese katana as well?

>> No.12754607
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>sprinkle in a very generous light way
what the fuck did he mean by this

>> No.12754615

my katana has been folded 1000 times
I think it can survive one more twist

>> No.12754750

I got a Henkel that has been working great for me for years. Just sharpen it with every use and you’re always good.

>> No.12754777
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Meme knife guide

>> No.12754782
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x3000, 1387128395046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme knife guide part deux

>> No.12754850

> conflating treating tools with kid gloves to being such a rested that you break a knife cutting a fucking avocado.


>> No.12754891

Baka gaijin
I reccomend you a real Kyoto katana folded over 12 000 times with an edge that cuts through atoms. No western piggu steel can come close to that

>> No.12755185

If I'm cooking for myself, I just use my teeth. Much safer.

>> No.12755272

Get a tojiro carbon steel santoku and learn how to take care of it

>> No.12755313


Also don't forget that knife fetishism is a meme. If you need to get paper thin slices fucking get a rotary slicer and not waste half your life learning the 'craft' of knife sharpening. It's about as useful as learning to make fire by rubbing two twigs together.

Knives are tools for a purpose not your fucking samurai wet dream disguised as kitchen utensil.

Most jobs literally need 2 knives at most and a boning or filleting knife for very specific tasks which you generally won't do at home.

>> No.12755325

Santoku's are for manlets with tiny hands who can't handle a chef's knife weight for vegetables.

Don't go for the Japanese knife meme. Apart from some single blade sushi knives they literally don't do anything different from a regular chef's knife or a chinese chopper correctly sharpenned.

>but I need to look cool like all the animes

>> No.12755334

single edge*

>> No.12755372

At least you get to use them, unlike knife fetishists on /k/

>> No.12755394

True, I really enjoy having a $500 gyuto and yanagiba to slice up beef and fish every 10 years,
Protip: you'll probably fuck it up any because it takes years of practice to have the right technique. If you're not a professional and/or use it a lot, it will sit in your knifeblock gathering dust and rust and yes they will rust because they're usually harder steels.

>> No.12755433
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, correctknifegrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy $500 meme anime samurai damascus steel knife
>don't hold it correctly

Hold it like a pen and don't be afraid to go up the blade for more precision brainlets.

>> No.12755892

single bevel

>> No.12757538

What are you a brit bong? Do they not let you buy real knives on the island?

>> No.12757640

>there are people who don't know how to cut an avocado
jesus christ go get a permaban, you have no business posting here.

>> No.12757674
File: 14 KB, 480x319, 11E5480D-E81C-4A77-93F6-1AE75FFD423B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the ceramic knife meme