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12729591 No.12729591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans do this?

>> No.12729607

why does everything need corn syrup

>> No.12729618

gov't subsidies for corn farmers

>> No.12729621

corn is subsidized and sweet things are addictive

>> No.12729622

literally the exact same thing, UK just uses gay wording

>> No.12729624

Corn subsidies. /dumb thread

>> No.12729626

the corn industry is nightmare fuel

>> No.12729643
File: 96 KB, 511x768, FBC2C57E-FB18-41EB-BDE5-BB7607D800E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ketchup is, hands down, the best ketchup on the market.

>> No.12729652

wrong real sugar is much cheaper than corn syrup even with subsidies. We have absurd taxes on cane sugar thats why we dont use it

>> No.12729664

>eurocontainerlet gets mad about superior Americhad ketchup tubs
Back to your cigarette factory Nigel

>> No.12729673

prove it

>> No.12729727


>> No.12729732
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>> No.12729745
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>spirit vinegar

>> No.12729746
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 707ADB58-4FDA-41BA-91B3-FBC3F4837193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy it, taste it. All the taste tests prove it is better than Heinz

>> No.12729747

That just uses an artificial sweetener. It's okay if you like the taste though.

I've seen some ketchup brands just advertising less sugar so it doesn't taste so sweet rather than switching to artificial sugar. Also, Stubb's BBQ sauce is pretty close to what ketchup traditionally was, it's not full of sugar and smoke flavoring and it's mostly tomato and spices.

>> No.12729748

>We have absurd taxes on cane sugar
then why can't you grow more sugar beet?

>> No.12729758

these two are really similar in ingredients, it's a labeling issue. Apart from the corn syrup that is

>> No.12729777

because americans dont have slaves to keep costs down anymore. Corn doesn't require a massive amount of human labor

>> No.12729800


>> No.12729805

they are literally the same thing. Tomato concentrate is tomatoes, distilled vinegar is spirit vinegar, HFCS and corn syrup are sugar, spice, onion powder and natural flavoring are herb extracts and spice

>> No.12729807

Neither do sugar beets.

>> No.12729838

why is one better or worse than the other for making ketchup?

>> No.12729878

You know it's happening in urop as well right?
look out for fructose-glucose syrup in the ingredient. That's HFCS.

>> No.12729909

Why should it be looked out for vs other forms of sugar?

>> No.12729942

I agree with your assessment

>> No.12729947

I'm not saying it causes all the things people say but I prefer to be at last somewhat aware of what i am consuming.

>> No.12729954
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>> No.12729973

i mean at that we risk being drowned in useless info. There are an infinite number of questions we could ask about any ingredient in our food, but focusing on what exact trivially different form of sugar is in our condiment that we eat in small quantities seems rather silly

>> No.12730002

sugar beet has glucose

>> No.12730010

Do you not know the difference between corn syrup and HFCS? also why do you care about this?

>> No.12730039

Subsidized farming

>> No.12730042

>Do you not know the difference between corn syrup and corn syrup on steroids?

>> No.12730052

Its funny because you both do not understand that corn syrup is not the same ingredient as HFCS. Corn syrup is exactly the same as other common sugar sources. HFCS is a minor variant where a small portion one of the types of common sugar is converted to a slightly different other type of common sugar (though most of the original type remains) usually we are talking about converting like 5 or 10% of it

>> No.12730059

Fructose is every bit as toxic for your liver as alcohol but doesn't have the courtesy to get you drunk in exchange.

>> No.12730069

Because nearly 8X the amount of people in this country

>> No.12730075

Its the same the UK just lie about what they put in theirs

>> No.12730078

There is literally no evidence suggesting fructose is as toxic to your liver as ethanol

Also there is no conclusive evidence that fructose is worse for you than glucose or glucrose

>> No.12730084

its not even lying, they are just using slightly different words for the exact same thing

>> No.12730147


>> No.12730156

Yeah, which are also imposed to further incentivize corn farming.

>> No.12730159

>no conclusive evidence that fructose is worse for you than glucose or glucrose
Thats now what i heard at all

>> No.12730163

you are completely retarded, fructose is actually the preferred sugar for your liver as it is the one that can be absorbed without a sodium gradient. So you believe the opposite of the truth

/ck/ everybody

>> No.12730170

Again, there is no conclusive evidence that HFCS is more harmful to humans than corn syrup or beet sugar or cane sugar. There is some evidence that people in places with a higher portion of their sugar being fructose have worse health outcomes in some limited categories but this data is very limited in scope and not at all conclusive of a wider trend

>> No.12730177

yeah because you get your diet science from "food babe"

>> No.12730190

>i heard
then shut the fuck up idiot. I heard pizza is a euphemism for a global liberal sex trafficking ring run out of a basement in DC, doesn't make it true you moron

>> No.12730200



>> No.12730211
File: 38 KB, 657x527, swatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being so terrified of sugar you replace the 2 grams per serving in ketchup with an artificial sweetener
Fucking retard. You would need to eat 20 ketchup packets just to get up to the amount of sugar in a single can of soda, or a similarly sized glass of orange juice. Stop falling for memes.

>> No.12730215

Take your spin elsewhere, shill, I am specifically pointing out that fructose is poison and all of your equivilances also have fructose.

>> No.12730218

>All the taste tests prove it is better than Heinz
Like all the taste tests that proved New Coke was better than the original?

>> No.12730219

God americans are fucking disgusting.

>> No.12730224

Some people have legitimate reasons to avoid even smaller amounts of sugar. A few grams of sugar will make my skin itchy and irritated, and break out in pimples. And I guess it could be good for diabetics too.

>> No.12730231

>A few grams of sugar will make my skin itchy and irritated, and break out in pimples.
And this is because of an actual, specific diagnosis of some sort a doctor gave you? What's the disease called?

>> No.12730232

>it's just 2 grams goy
>just 2 grams goy
>are you a kidneylet or something?

the daily recommended maximum for sugar intake is 24g. considering a fucking can of pop covers that completely you had better be making extra effort to reduce or avoid sugar. even if it's just a gram or two here and there. unless you want to wind up on dialysis by the time you are 40.

>> No.12730236

Fructose, which makes up half of table sugar, is poison?
I hope you don't like cookies anon

>> No.12730239

ketchup is only used by children

>> No.12730242

I use like 2 bottles a year. So no problem whatsoever.

>> No.12730247

Yeah, let's just replace all sugar with non-nutritive sweeteners to create the illusion of actually eating food. Great idea, dummy.

>> No.12730260

Yes, because providing for 329+ million mouths is a bit more stressful than 66+ million.

>> No.12730267

Not saying it's ideal but we are going to bed enough food for 10 bullion people and more soon.
I see cheap ass carbs as the only solution.

>> No.12730276


>> No.12730296

Yes. It is poison.
In nature its negatives effects are marginalized since fruit have a shittonne of fiber, but refined sugar is not good for you.

>> No.12730316

This is why I will fucking never eat anything in the US, it's no wonder they have a fucking obese problem there

>> No.12730340

The obesity issue is not caused by using corn syrup instead of refined sugar or whatever it is you're thinking. And it's not like the UK is free from obesity either, it's not quite as high as it is in the USA but it's not too far off either.

>> No.12730358

>The obesity issue is not caused by using corn syrup instead of refined sugar
it totally is
corn syrup as a substance itself isn't at fault though
it's the pants-shittingly harrowing overuse of corn syrup in fucking everything

>> No.12730414

That contributes, sugar seems to fuck with your satiety. But it still won't make you gain weight unless you're overeating. You can put corn syrup in everything and still lose weight if you count calories.

>> No.12730425

>You can put corn syrup in everything and still lose weight if you count calories
we talking about ideal world or the US?
actually forgive me, a whole bunch of europeon nations seem to be heading full fat fuck lately because people who had to pinch their fucking pennies can now afford to fill their fridge with whatever fuck they want, but Amerifats have no excuse
they've lived in abundance for a half a century

>> No.12730434

It actually dates back to our embargo on cuba, america is that retarded

>> No.12730449

yeah but it has a person of color on the bottle i don't wanna scare my kids.

>> No.12730469

>why do americans X and Y

>> No.12730489


The problem is, it's in everything.
Bread, fries, places where you wouldn't expect it.
As for >>12730170 you can't deny that America has been getting fatter than 20 years ago and there is now EXTRA WIDE mobility scooters at the Walmart entrance so you can shove your data or lack thereof, up your dried up vagina.

>> No.12730491
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>This is why I will fucking never eat anything in the US, it's no wonder they have a fucking obese problem there
Every developed nation has obesity problems. Over 60% of the UK for example (which is being contrasted with the US in that OP) is overweight or obese.
It's not because of corn syrup. It's because people are too well off with modern conveniences and abundance of food, don't physically exert themselves, and eat too many calories.
>Increased food energy supply is more than sufficient to explain the US epidemic of obesity
I don't know how many more meme diet fads there needs to be before people start accepting you don't get fat if you don't eat at a caloric surplus.
>Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
>CONCLUSIONS: Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize.

>> No.12730503
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>you can't deny that America has been getting fatter than 20 years ago
Why are all the other developed nations that don't practice corn subsidies dealing with the same obesity epidemic? It's almost like the problem is calories and not corn.

>> No.12730531
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my ketchup is made with sugar though

>> No.12730536

well yeah that and sitting on their ass but it´s not good to put it in bread and fries etc.

>> No.12730568
File: 20 KB, 480x480, wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Splenda flavored ketchup

>> No.12730570

>nutritious food

pick one amerilard.

>> No.12730571

you know not everybody is a nutrition professor right
`I´ll just have a sandwich, that´s healthy right, like that faggy guy from the commercial?"
NOPE, sugar in the bread sugar in the mayo sugar in the meatballs.
B-but it's not the high fructose corn syrup you can lose wait on twinkies.

>> No.12730579

both are crap

>> No.12730580

oh so fruit is bad for apes like humans now?
what reptilian hellhole did you crawl out of?
we can't all eat algae

>> No.12730585

enjoy beetus fatso

>> No.12730588

>there's less words so that means they aren't functionally the same exact ingredients
Euros always brag about their superior education, but then they say dumb shit like this.

>> No.12730596

That's just what non-nutritive sweeteners are called: "Non-nutritive swetteners."
Because they don't actually get digested and just pass through your system. You're basically doing the same thing sub-Saharan Africans do when they eat "mud pies." Simulating the experience of eating with fake food.

>> No.12730598

The picture is pretty shitbrained and dishonest in general. There isn't actually a difference in shade of red between US and UK ketchup either. Whoever made the picture took an image with warped coloring to make it look like they were radically different products.

>> No.12730599

So, um. I guess if you ate a lot of it your shit would come out sweetened, right? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12730605

This is believable but id need some sauce.

>> No.12730608

>oh so fruit is bad for apes like humans now?
yes-- if you juice the fruit and discard all the fiber.

>> No.12730611

And those turned out great!

>> No.12730612


Corn subsidies make corn syrup cheaper than sugar

>> No.12730620

>And those turned out great!
I'm not saying non-nutritive sweeteners are good. I'm saying they're a stupid idea.

>> No.12730621


Eat less and you'll eat less sugar

>> No.12730639

literally not what we are talking about anon

>> No.12730646

oy all the beetus i get from eating fruit oh no

>> No.12730651

Look it up drinking orange juice alot, cuz of the vitamin C?
Think again, more sugar than cola.

>> No.12730665

It gets broken down in the lower intestine I think. That's why it causes diarrhea/gas for some people if they have too much. It doesn't go through completely the same.

>> No.12730672

get your macros and the rest is calories in calories out, unless you have some kind of metabolic disease

>> No.12730674

>rational level headed scientific inquiry is spin
>fearmongering and women magazine diet articles are the real science

>> No.12730677

>As for >>12730170 (You) you can't deny that America has been getting fatter than 20 years
Yeah because the media demonized fat through the 80s and 90s leading companies to replace it with more sugar and more calories overall but less fat, we still haven't recovered

Its not fucking because fructose is worse than glucose

>> No.12730695

Literally what I've been talking about this entire time: fructose.
If you believe otherwise you have misread or willfully misinterpreted something.

>> No.12730715

Seen here, Americans that can't read and think OP is talking about the color.

>> No.12730733

Fructose inhibits satiety, making you feel hungrier longer.
Fructose also pickles your liver just like alcohol.

>> No.12730766

>Fructose inhibits satiety, making you feel hungrier longer.
relative to equal amounts of other common sugars? Or just relative to calories from unrefined food in general
>Fructose also pickles your liver just like alcohol
Yeah, I don't think this is an accurate description. Even alcohol takes a fucking lot to really harm your liver

>> No.12730774

but the ingredients are the same, they are just listed with slightly different language so I guess the color actually is the most significant thing there

>> No.12730781

>relative to equal amounts of other common sugars?
Glucose does not inhibit satiety like fructose does.
Watch lectures from Dr. Robert Lustig if you want the full biological breakdown

>> No.12730782


hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process).
"cold inhibits plant growth"

>> No.12730791

I have heard that proposed, but I have yet to see evidence of this demonstrated in humans

>> No.12730818

>sugar is cheaper except there is taxes on it
then it isn't cheaper is it?

>> No.12730825

how exactly do you make ketchup without sugar?

>> No.12730826

Again Americans can't read, they're not the same

>> No.12730847

>free universally avaliable healthcare
>govt subsidies to hick corn farmers to sell their shitty crop, then put the HFCS in all food and food products against the population's will

>> No.12730886

`B-but they have the freedom to shake out of their mind-crushing week-day to look an the lable of their "hungry man's diner" under the gloomy Walmart led lighting and then pull out the mobile phone cuz they can't be bothered to do "times-tables", not that the feet and gallon and fluid ounces make it any easier...
But yes, they could know what shit they are pouring down their gullet.
Poor misguided people of the US eat a fucking salad for once in a fucking while it won't kill you would it?

>> No.12730927

They eat salads, but then they use dressings with the same shit ingredients in them my man. Also, even if the education system somehow stops teaching our kids to poison themselves with shit food; they will be told by friends and family to eat it anyways; or will get curious and addicted to it. Also, some people just don't fucking care.

>> No.12730946

Jews desu

>> No.12730958

I can attest to this. Even when I'm cheating and eating shitty food, I use this stuff. It has the sweetness without the burn of sugar, with an extra vinegar wang. It's fucking based

>> No.12730964

What. The fuck. Are you. Trying to say?

>> No.12730973

Because it's an addictive substance and inhibits higher brain functions

>> No.12731031

>(((there is no conclusive evidence that HFCS is more harmful to humans than corn syrup or beet sugar or cane sugar)))

>> No.12731096


>> No.12731111


>> No.12731118


>> No.12731124


>> No.12731251


>> No.12731257
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Thanks for finishing it for me.

>> No.12731280

Because food processing companies employ highly paid and educated food scientists to create delicious and inexpensive foods that will satisfy cravings. Why deny the science in favor of old fashioned sentiment and hokum. Your just like climate deniers, flat eathers, and transphobes.

>> No.12731295

Dubs of truth. The only substantial difference between the lists is the substitution of corn syrup for sugar. The U.S.list is arguably superior because it gives the extra detail that one of the "spice and herb extracts"/"natural flavorings" is onion powder.

>> No.12731298

>usually we are talking about converting like 5 or 10% of it
42% or 55% percent fructose are the industry standards for HFCS

>> No.12731500

Okay then G Hughes

>> No.12731516

Subsidies, it's cheaper in the US. They dontl't use it in the EU because it costs more to implement.

>> No.12731572
File: 15 KB, 152x229, horrific time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be polish
>travel through the US for a few months
>first time buying a drink from a deli
>just some random orange looking lemonade thing
>mfw it tastes like concentrated sugar solution with lemon aftertaste
>mfw I have to dissolve it in water in 1 part lemonate to 6 parts water to drink it
You people are fucking disgusting.

>> No.12731619


>Major subsidies to grow corn
>Pay below min wage to immigrants they don't have to file taxes for on top of that


>> No.12731627
File: 247 KB, 638x359, disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only differences in ingredients are the US sugar is sourced from corn and the US tomatoes are listed as from concentrate. "Distilled vinegar" in the US means the same* thing as "spirit vinegar," and it's very obvious whoever made the picture used an altered color image on purpose to create the impression of a difference that doesn't exist in real life you gullible retard.
"Spice and herb extracts" is inclusive of "onion powder" and "natural flavoring."
>The term "distilled vinegar" as used in the United States (called "spirit vinegar" in the UK, "white vinegar" in Canada[27]) is something of a misnomer because it is not produced by distillation but by fermentation of distilled alcohol.

>> No.12731637

most of those subsidies go to giant agro plantations not cletus. farmer subsidies has been mostly(certainly not entirely) a doing of the left and half-hearted reforms are usually started by the right.

>> No.12731652

if this image was flipped and the countries did everything the same the other way around the narrative would be why do americans hide their ingredients and not spell them out as well
>what are they hiding?

>> No.12731669

You can save a significant amount of money in shipping costs by dehydrating before shipping and adding water at the destination. England is pretty small, so maybe there's not much saving to be had. Where I live orange juice (not from concentrate) costs 4 times as much.
>Corn syrup
The Americans subsidise their corn industry to curry favour with local voters. South American sugar from cane is much cheaper and tastes better.

Everything else is the same.

>> No.12731682

Corn subsidies aren't done because people care so much about helping farmers. Subsidies are state investments that produce more money than what they put into it.
When you subsidize a crop you manipulate the behavior of farmers so they maintain a more stable / consistent food supply, don't overproduce during good seasons (which results in price crashes), and don't abandon close down due to a lack of profitability during bad seasons.
It's similar to the concept of keeping someone on a fixed salary instead of paying them by project or by the hour. The idea in both cases is that you have more of an interest in maintaining a stable long term investment then you do in what the short term payouts for each specific little transaction would provide when considered in isolation.

>> No.12732265

Imagine generalizing a whole subcontinent of people

>> No.12732288

Also the UK may have more lax naming conventions. Say their version of the FDA lets them call 'tomato concentrate' tomatoes because it meets certain requirements (percentage of tomatoes to water, usage, shelf life, etc). In that case then they both use tomato concentrate, but the US just has a different naming convention.

Why do people think a company would stop skating the borders of naming conventions and food regulations just because they're in a different country? If you think Heinz just wants to make good, real ketchup for bongs out of the kindness of their own heart, you're fucking delusional. UK ketchup is as shit as it can be without killing people. Just like it is in the US. Pretending it's the height of tomato syrup candy just because it's the UK is dumb.

>> No.12732298
File: 366 KB, 690x1052, tomato-sauce-600ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside plebs, superior sauce coming through

>> No.12732352

>conveniently forgets the “fish and chips is shit” and “do bongs really...” threads
Cry more and have sex O B E S E D sharter

>> No.12732356

>completely ignores the word: refined

>> No.12732361

Shitty b8, kys

>> No.12732363
File: 32 KB, 501x613, 906326B3-8B52-4FA6-83E7-CED162247D16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American Empire is corn powered.

>> No.12732506

Your government has less restrictions on what ingredients are listed

>> No.12732522

Sugar ketchup 1.49
Keto no sugar ketchup 5.99
Bottle half size


Same with tomato sauce, BBQ sauce, ANY SAUCE!!!
Yeah man, that will be 7.99 for a 4oz bottle...

>> No.12732541


How do you make bbq sauce without any sugar

>> No.12732548

Literally not true. In the very rare instances uk foods contain hfcs it's normally labelled as either fructose-gluctose syrup, gluctose-fructose syrup, or isogluctose.

I know this might boggle your tiny little mind, but the reason the US uses so much hfcs is subsidies to corn farmers - there is a surplus of it, it's cheap. Now, the UK, hard as this might be to believe, is not in the US. It doesn't have corn subsidies. Hell I'm not even sure we grow any corn. Want to know what we do have though? A substantial amount of local sugar production, both growing and refining. So, and again try not to be too shocked, we just use that instead of shipping your sugary sludge across an entire ocean to use.

>> No.12732552

gluctose = glucose fml

>> No.12732588

LOOK at the colour of the US ketchup. It's like the poison makes it bright red or something.

>> No.12733464
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Lol, same experience here.
Only it was some key lime flavor or something and it actually was sugar free and labelled and marketed just like those low calorie/calorie free flavored water thingies you get nowadays.
Had to dilute it down forever. Took me 3 days to empty that approx. 2l bottle.