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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12677170 No.12677170[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to be doing a gaming marathon for a couple weeks starting at the end of August. I will be gaming 16+ hours a day during most of these days. Being that I will be getting little sleep and exercise, I want my meals to be as healthy as possible while also taking minimal effort and time. What kinds of food besides freezing chili should I make in preparation?

>> No.12677176
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>> No.12677175

I'd start with kys.

>> No.12677178


>> No.12677181

first of all what games?

>> No.12677182

a fellow wow player getting ready for classic i see.

>> No.12677192


>> No.12677195

There's always alcohol if you're 21+. I love boozing while gaming.

>> No.12677200

He would have had to refresh the page or be using a reloading script/4chanx/etc to see your post at all so he would have never missed the post you want him to see.

>> No.12677203

I would love to but I am sensitive to alcohol because of my illness. I usually just have one or two beers.

>> No.12677237
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well when i used to grind in runescape an important thing is to not play havoc with your blood glucose especially if you're going to be inactive for long periods of time. Nothing sugary, heavy or overly fatty so fast food, soda etc (you know the basics). since you're grinding away, big meals are a hassle and bad (blood glucose again) snacking is reccomended but make sure its good stuff: I would highly suggest making a plater as they are god tier of snak foods: biscuts, nuts UNSALTED!, maybe some pickle/gerkins, dates (if you need a little sweetness) carrot slices, some cheese but not too much and WA LA you have a plate of goodies you can slowly nom through while playing. If you get really hungry and need something more substantial, a good salad (with some extra nice things) is a go to, the simple sandwich is king however: so many ways to very it diverse. personally a carrot, lettuce, capsicum, thin cheese and some cold shredded chicken breast was a favourite.

on a side note, make damn well sure you are wearing constrictive socks or you'll run the risk of DVT and get a pulmonary embolism (that shit is fatal).

>> No.12677243

I'd just buy a bunch of canned soup and stuff to make sandwiches. Something like eggs and breakfast sausage is also pretty quick to make.

>> No.12677277
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If I were you I'd eat clean. Have lots of fresh fruit chopped, ready to go, and ready to be eaten with a bamboo skewer. Rice balls from a Japanese market. Lots of water. Healthy soup in bottle form like pic related. If you need snack food, go with standard pretzels. You should also stretch every 2 hours, stand up, do a squat, do a push up, and a jumping jack or two to keep everything kosher. I've had to do some pretty intense coding sessions in my career, and this has kept me alive. Good luck.

>> No.12677294


>> No.12677297
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Unsalted nuts sound good. Baby carrots I will probably do. Cooking a chicken ahead of time does sound like a good idea and I can make some great sandwiches really fast. Thanks for the suggestions and safety concerns.

Canned soup is a good idea, I have some in stock. I get tired of it pretty quick though. Campbell's and Progresso Light Chicken Noodle is what I have, but I can't see myself resorting to that except maybe once or twice. Eggs are a given, the sausage though, I might get some of the small links since those are so easy and fast. Great idea.

I was thinking about getting some apples and bananas, I don't even have to chop those. I will only be drinking water and black coffee. I will be doing stretches and standing up often (especially during travel time in-game) so I think I should be good with that.

pic related is the "chili" I had in mind, yes I know it's more of a vegetable ground beef stew, but it works.

>> No.12677514

Video games are for children and 4chan is 18+ so can you please leave

>> No.12677525
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>on a side note, make damn well sure you are wearing constrictive socks

finally, permission to wear thigh highs

>> No.12677528

No, dude, those pretzels will make him salty.

>> No.12677531

Yea, that's exactly why we have a /v/ board and why some games are rated Mature, that can only be sold to those 18 and up.


>> No.12677536

These pretzels are making me thirsty!

>> No.12677538

>used to do 3000 calorie plus binges playing halo 2 all night with friends in high school
>went to AYCE sushi buffet over the weekend with family
>didnt even break even and i felt stuffed to the point of vomiting

cant turn back time, just like for wow

>> No.12677569

Yeah, I used to do halo 2 a lot (even won a couple tournaments), then wow became my demon in early 05. A chinese buffet was my go-to place to victory feast. But for wow I know what I will do this time and have a plan. This time I won't have silly things like "parents" or "work and school" or "a life" to hold me back.

>> No.12677599

>This time I won't have silly things like "parents" or "work and school" or "a life" to hold me back.

mate just let go. at this point, wow classic is dead on arrival, there's no coming back from where blizzard is now.

cook shitty food and find a qt gf to share it with. chasing this ghost of your golden years will just leave you depressed that it won't live up to your memories.

>> No.12677723

>your "golden years" was sitting in front of a computer and playing silly games
What are we all doing?

>> No.12677730
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Yearning for true freedom

>> No.12677748

How is it anymore or less silly than spending your life throwing a ball around a field?

Different people get meaning from different things.

Your thinking is based in puritanism that one should never be idle.

I'm not protestant, I'm a Catholic, so puritanical arguments make zero sense to me and my faith tradition. It sounds weird to us.

>> No.12677749

Get a Zojirushi rice cooker. You can make rice once every two days and the cooker will keep it warm that entire time so you can just spoon it out with a paddle whenever you need sustinence
Add soy sauce, wa la
Switch it up with curry or pilaf or porridge
In addition to that, maybe jerky if you're a rich faggot
Any kind of stew

>> No.12677754

Hot pockets.

>> No.12677760

The meaning of life is about maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. We all are made happy by different activities, to me opera is a waste of time, to others their life centers around it.

>> No.12677788

>little sleep and exercise
Your intentions are nothing like his, but I'm posting this anyway as a reminder that marathoning gives gamers blood clots.

As for the food, have you heard about chess masters diet? You know le hardcore gamers are clever consumers, right?
>Avoiding “heavy foods” or foods of difficult digestion before games must be adopted as a regular habit for chess players. The last “main” meal before a game has to be had at least three hours in advance. If a player wishes to have something to eat nearer the time of the beginning of a competition (one or two hours before, e.g.) he/she should choose among fruits (whole ones, fruit salad or juices, raisins), cereal bars, pretzels, cookies, low fat yogurt with fruit or cereals, sports drinks.
One of the main things chess players look for in food is protein, nuts, tuna, cheese sticks, eggs. For preparation, tuna sandwiches and boiled eggs. Fruits and vegetables are wanted too, buy a vegetable spread at the supermarket for parties. As for drinks (from chess master nutrition article):
>Regarding types of fluid, main preferences were water (72.1%), coffee (42.6%), tea (29.5%) and fruit juice (23.6%).
Anyway, good luck on your campaign. Don't let all the blood pool to your legs.

>> No.12677831

>How is it anymore or less silly than spending your life throwing a ball around a field
Because that involves moving your human body outside, interacting with real people, developing and honing your physical prowess, learning about team work and personal merit, breathing the fresh air.

If you think that is somehow equally nonsensical as sitting in a dark room in front of a machine for hours upon hours, getting fat, unhealthy (body and mind) and lonely, in exchange for... really nothing at all, then you haven't thought about this at all.
Gaming is fine, if you do it to relax in the evening for an hour or 2,
but if it ends up taking up most of your free time and interferes with your personal life even, then it is unhealthy and it WILL make you unhappy.

Games like WoW will scratch that itch for accomplishment just enough that you don't have to seek it out, but it will never be able to truly fulfill you.
If your goal is to maximize your pleasure, you should not piss away your best years sitting in front of a machine.
This is coming from someone who has done that and deeply regrets it.
You think it would maybe have maximized my pleasure a bit more to use that time socializing, becoming healthy and fit, learning to get girls, having real adventures instead of slaying 15 boars in a computer game?
Maybe long term that would have been better for me compared to spending all of my free time playing SILLY GAMES.

>> No.12677939
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>You think it would maybe have maximized my pleasure a bit more to use that time socializing, becoming healthy and fit, learning to get girls, having real adventures instead of slaying 15 boars in a computer game?
I would not.
If you insist on posting stories about how you failed to become a normalfag you might as well go to

>> No.12677950

>people cant play a lot of games without ignoring their health, not having a social life, going outside, etc
Ok retard, sounds like more of a "you" problem

>> No.12677955

I have become somewhat of a normalfag though.
Got fit, lost my virginity at age 24, had sex, traveled, had more sex, got a GF, made friends and started having a real social life.
Why am I saying all this?
Cause I cannot help but think about what would have become of me, if I had not wasted my youth playing crappy video games 14 hours a day for years.
The things I could have learned and experienced.
If you honestly think, that the best life has to offer is a shitty game about orcs and elves, where really all you do is grind most of the time, then I feel bad for you.

>> No.12677961

Water and apples.

>> No.12677966

Why would you?
It's a very very retarded mindset to piss time away with electronic toys instead of doing something worthwhile?
Yeah rationalize your sick obsession, but the fact is, if you play more than 3 hours a day, you have a problem and you are hurting yourself.
People playing 10 or more hours a day are legitimately mentally ill and/or severely addicted.
And it's not even very good, it's just flashes on a screen, there is no real fulfillment to be had.
But go ahead and waste most of your life away if you really insist so much on it.
That's a "you" problem then.

>> No.12677967

If you have a crockpot, then you could use that to make a wide variety of dishes that are as easy to make as pouring everything inside and turning it on for 4-8 hours. Stuff like pot roast or shredded chicken

>> No.12677984

Unironically soylent

>> No.12677995
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>I have become somewhat of a normalfag though.
Then leave.
Nothing you listed sounds """fulfilling""". Nothing you listed even sounds fulfilling.
Normalfaggotry is despised because normalfags assume their shitty hunt for validation from other normalfags is somehow the "best" way to live their shitty lives.
You haven't grown a day from when you were 14 if you still feel like you made the right choice to fall for the "worthwhile life" meme.

>> No.12677998



i'd say kill yourself, but you appear to have already done so.

the purpose of life is to increase in power and expend power, if you want a meaning to it all, the transcendental object at the end of time, it's the last man, the man who will overcome humanity, the birth of something greater than man, the man with no weaknesses, whom we must bend our will through time to create. for after all, every creature hence has overcome itself leading to something great, and who are we to be the ebb of this great flood?

>> No.12678029

>not underage

>> No.12678031

Yeah, you are right.
Playing an electronic toy, designed to get you hooked and have you pay monthly.
Now THAT is fulfilling.
Seeing the world, connecting with people, finding love and friends, having a family.
Those are memes.
Sitting alone in a basement, in front of a screen.
That is a worthwhile life.

>> No.12678074

>Playing an electronic toy, designed to get you hooked and have you pay monthly.
I play good games, not WoW. It doesn't matter either way, I think I get to decide what I enjoy.
>Seeing the world
Meme. Just because some street is far away from where you usually are doesn't mean its some alien world experience, it's just another street that looks weird.
>connecting with people
multiplayer games if you're even actually interested in that in the first place. I personally can't be bothered to deal with more than my 4 friends group.
>finding love
Literally the biggest meme of anything you listed
>having a family
Even normalfags are realizing that this is a meme
>Sitting alone in a basement
Why are normalfags always so hellbent on that image? Is it because its a meme and the only thing you can properly process is memes?
>That is a worthwhile life
You understood nothing of what I said. I take back what I said, this is the biggest meme out of what you have listed.

>> No.12678090
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>for a couple weeks
Ugh. That's a long time.I used to run a top ten guild and quit around level 80ish when my move created a shitty internet situation without T1 availability. I moved onto the coast of Florida at the far end of a cul-de-sac on a seawall, just not dense enough for them to care enough to bring the fiber down the street.

Load up the freezer with easy and quick items that you can make ahead, like squares of pasta casseroles like lasagna or stuffed shells, mac n cheese with ham and squash, chicken enchiladas (microwave thick items on 50% covered, with rest time). Curries like pork vindaloo or thai red curry cooked with lots of veggies like butternut squash, peppers, eggplant, corn, green beans, are all-in-one dinners you can microwave a steam-in-bag brown rice to serve with. Think about freezing your individual portions in containers that are already garnished inside with cilantro, basil, lime zest, toasted nuts, etc. Scotch eggs are delicious cold or hot and yummy at any time of day.

Jimmy Dean pancake wrapped sausage on a stick, or microwaveable frozen bagels to toast. Nuke a bowl of instant grits, top with raw egg or two, stir once, nuke, add frozen precooked sausage patty and cheddar on top, and enjoy a bite at a time (stays hot a long time).
Frozen pretzel bites, 30 seconds nuke, Colmans hot mustard, cold beer.
Goya cuban tamales, microwave 1 minute, remove from sleeve, hit with splash of cholula on top. Cozy cornmeal and salty pork to enjoy with a fork.
Frozen and thawed chicken shreds, pulled pork, taco meat/steak and peppers, can quickly fill a toasted bun or go into a wrap tortilla or flatout with seasoned cream cheese and a handful of arugula or carrot shreds. Avocado dressing, etc. Can prep ahead 2 sandwiches at once and roll in plastic wrap. Alexia makes an excellent elote frozen street corn that morphs basic meat or canned beans and brown rice into a fully flavored and sauced burrito filling or rice bowl.

>> No.12678104

based swifty lurking /ck/

>> No.12678124

>How is it anymore or less silly than spending your life throwing a ball around a field
No different in and of itself, but would've earned you money, fitness, respect and pussy.

>> No.12678152

manchildren, grow the fuck up.

>> No.12678155

But this site is strictly for manchildren, anon?

>> No.12678166

>playing games is so immature!
So is being a whiny puddle of shit on the internet. Shoo.

>> No.12678182


>> No.12678188

Imagine being such a loser you get angry at the idea of others playing video games

>> No.12678197

I play a shit ton of games for very long hours. I work out and eat healthy. Every weekend I go out with friends and every Friday I take my girl out to dinner. What's your excuse?

>> No.12678235

Geesh, so much self-loathing and bullshit causal explanations in this thread re anti-gaming and lives wasted. It always baffles me that people assume everyone is the same.

I never found gaming lonely whatsoever, but quite the opposite. MMorpgs like WoW and Everquest before that were extremely social in the earlier days. Everyone knew how to type on a computer (unlike now) and chat. Everyone was in ventrilo the moment they logged in. Love connections. Meetups. People are still friends years later even if they don't play! Before that, it was IRC channels, and not only were there job connections, people are still friends from that, still in their same channels, since the beginning of EFnet and Undernet. Depending how you made it, that is, you had your college years with that weird amount of free time and then you cut back. Military people were deployed, off and on, and kept skills up on cracked servers, I guess, but then they were back. Balance, I suppose, is needed in every life. I'm sure I'm not the norm, but I am very sure you are not the norm. People are going to fall along a spectrum of how they run their life and figure out what is a waste of time, and to what degree. I wouldn't project your mistakes and intensity of narrow focuses in life onto everyone else. You might have an addiction gene, but your upbringing didn't instill life lessons in playing the game of life of education, career, family, retirement savings, self-care vacations, hobbies, etc, and you only did 1 thing 24/7, your family failed you, not "silly games."

>> No.12678260
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Amphetamines and alcohol. Also make a casserole, maybe shepherd's pie, that you can nuke chunks of. Trust me.

>> No.12678273

I have a job.

>> No.12678283
File: 2 KB, 126x103, stick-bubblepipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people just shut the fuck up when they're caught in their own stupidity. It's a breath of fresh air to watch you double down on your stupidity instead.

>> No.12678290

Then you're either not eating healthy enough or not exercising enough, unless you work extra nigger hours.

>> No.12678294

Look mate, if you wanna waste your time on kids toys, instead of using it productively, then knock yourself out.
If you are actually trying to belittle people for choosing to spend their time more usefully than playing games designed to piss time away,
they you are beyond pathetic.
Some people are not content with living on chicken tenders and NEET bux.

>> No.12678299

Are you literally mentally handicapped?
Me not playing kids games for hours upon hours and having a career somehow means I don't eat well or exercise?
How stupid are you?

>> No.12678302

Most enjoyable things objectively are just pissing time away. Not him btw. When did 4chan become, "Just shit on everyone and every thing," now?

>> No.12678313

I am getting shit on for telling young people not to waste their time with video games and actually living life.
That is now considered a "meme", as opposed to sitting alone in front of a screen for hours upon hours.
That is being hailed as a great and desireable life now.
Pissing time away can be nice, but not when it's your main way of living, are you people fucking serious?
The most enjoyable things in life are constructive things,
building something, learning a skill, connecting with real people, not just letters on a screen.
But yeah, I'm the crazy one here for telling young men to not waste their youth away.

>> No.12678317


First of all, I can't wait for classic.

Second of all. Just buy a shitton of ensure and drink the ever loving shit out of it. You're going to be so sedentary that you'll likely not need that many calories anyway. Each shake is like 500 calories? Drink 3 a day with a bowl of cereal or something else and you're good to go.

>> No.12678323

The implication was that you would have the energy to do that if you ate better and exercised more but I guess I should've spelled it out for you.
Now you're just literally coping and deluding yourself. Anon pretty clearly stated that he has those normalfag things. I'll tell you a little secret: seeking and getting acknowledgement from others isn't making you more worthwhile. You can play and prefer video games over getting your peen wet. Stop eating up the bullshit that normalfags spread and stop thinking that you need other's opinions when it depends on wether they find it acceptable or not.
Stop being fucking retarded, retard.

>> No.12678328

Jesus, look at that block of words. You're literally wasting your time right now, fucktard.

>> No.12678337

>The most enjoyable things in life are constructive things, building something, learning a skill, connecting with real people
>source: me

>> No.12678354


I have a whole network of friends from all over the world I still keep in touch with from my Vanilla days.

Socializing is constructive as is broadening your social circle.

Instead of playing a game you just played yourself fool.

>> No.12678361

>I am getting shit on for telling young people not to waste their time with video games and actually living life.
It's not black and white for everyone like yourself, dude.

Yes, there are some really dumb kids right now addicted to their phones. Every generation has the underperformers in school and the low IQ kids born to teenaged parents who met in the Functional Unit in their school. Someone has to clean up the floors, as they say. But, this generation will enjoy a living wage for McDonalds soon. The shitty part-time temp jobs will now offer people to stay in them and have no motivation to gain education they can't stand or want to get away from the awful drudgery of their low paying job. That's the new norm. For the generation facing down the low skills jobs, gaming can be an outlet and a diversion when they come home to de-stress and get off their aching feet, and it's only $15/mo? that's cheaper than going to the movies just once! Who has the energy to toss a football or do homework with their kids after working hard like that?? *sarcasm*

>> No.12678362

Remember to get up and stretch, OP. Every two hours at the least.

>> No.12678386

I sometimes play games to be with friends I can't physically be by. You're an asshat.

>> No.12678391

If you actually cared about young people you would be teaching, not arguing on a Taiwanese sheep shearing site's cooking section

>> No.12678395


Nah, I didn't realize you were sarcastically responding to the faggot who is saying playing games is non-constructive.

We cool. My response was for that faggot.

>> No.12678406

I'm just jumping in here too, so maybe I'm off. Me sitting around a campfire in real life is just as an objective, non-constructive, "waste of time," as playing online with them. I don't know what that other asshole is on about, especially since he's wasting his time posting on this godforsaken website on a Tuesday morning.

>> No.12678407

>playing games is non-constructive.
It really isn't.
Have you ever seen any of the "friends" (read "virtual playmate") irl?
Have you physically traveled to the locations all over the world?
No, of course not.
Traveling is a meme after all, much better off convincing yourself that letters on the screen are the same as real friends and playing grindy quests is the same as real experiences.

>> No.12678412

There is a reason why video game nerds, incels and mentally ill trannies have such big overlap.
Playing vidya is a coping mechanism. You are deluding yourselves.

>> No.12678418

Most people here probably have jobs too. I can balance work with socialization and physical fitness, you're just a lazy faggot desperately coping and projecting your insecurities on everyone else for their hobbies.

>> No.12678422

>playing vidya is a hobby
Only if watching Netflix is a hobby.
Imagine being this much of an NPC lol.

>> No.12678426

Yes, me playing a hand of cards irl with friends is much more "constructive and productive." The fuck are you on about, faggot?

>> No.12678427

>vomiting out memes
Cope harder, faggot.

>> No.12678433

>Have you ever seen any of the "friends" (read "virtual playmate") irl?


>Have you physically traveled to the locations all over the world?

Also yes, visited my guild-mate from Australia and he put me up for a week.

My time spent on chatting on Vanilla WoW had a stronger and longer a positive impact on me then my week in Australia so your sentiments don't really hold water or make much sense and sounds like cope.

Having fun with people I wouldn't ordinarily know or meet is extremely fun and enriching. You've obviously never had a conversation with anyone outside of your own bubble.

You could learn a lot if you were smart enough to realize that experiencing other people doesn't mean you have to be in the same room as them. Some people just cannot grasp abstract concepts, obviously you are one of them. You have to see it and experience it first hand to understand it.

Sorry you were born retarded.

>> No.12678436
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>getting this assblasted
Is it really that hard to imagine that people have different preferences? Why are you so hellbent on convincing yourself and nameless people that you're right over something inherently meaningless?

>> No.12678438


>> No.12678442

>literally tries to counter with another meme
look who's talking lol

>> No.12678445

>I don't have real friends
>the post

>> No.12678455

>he says while posting on 4chan on a Tuesday morning

>> No.12678457


Because simply, he doesn't understand and he feels like we are all stupid because he is incapable of understanding.

A lot of the connectivity and experience you got from Vanilla WoW was abstract. You can't really put into words how it feels to chat with the same 100+ people day after day for weeks and doing various virtual team building exercises and how you would rarely have that kind of opportunity outside of work in the real life.

Sure I hang out with my friends for a couple hours or so every week and it's fun. But it's not the same feeling as the first time your guild-mates bring down Ragnaros after sitting around and chatting for 2 hours just to get prepared. There's a different feeling to it oddly more intimate even though there is less physical interaction.

Because he is incapable of understanding that feeling and the joy it brings he just assumes it's something losers like because losers are stupid and only stupid losers would do something he doesn't understand.

It's one of those situations where he is passing off his own stupidity as superiority.

>> No.12678469


When I was your age (no doubt you are in your 20's) and at the peak of Vanilla I hung out with my friends every week, if not every day. Halo parties were a regular weekly occasion (especially Halo 2) and I had a close knit group of 14-16 people (depending on who was home from college that week.)

As I've gotten older a lot of my friends have moved away and sure the ones who are around (roughly 8 or so) aren't available often due to working full time. Since I am married I also have a lot on my plate but we still get around every week or so ether in real life or virtually.

In short, saying I'm friendless is not only inaccurate but laughably absurd.

>> No.12678494

Halo 1 or bust. I'll tsk you nigga

>> No.12678513


Headlong all day my guy.

Bloody Gulch will always have a soft spot in my heart.

>> No.12678531

I'll see you on XBConnect, with host advantage, fuck-o

>> No.12678534

>Because he is incapable of understanding that feeling and the joy it brings he just assumes it's something losers like because losers are stupid and only stupid losers would do something he doesn't understand.
And, to be fair, Vanilla WoW was really special point in the time of the internet. There was a subset of the world that even had excellent home computers and internet connections at that time of the quality needed, and they came out of a slice of society that had them first, white upper class males, predominantly. IRC and the first coders and networking people were simply kids of people who afforded that.

Early WoW was magical, that time of less than a dozen possible servers leading up to that time of 1 in 6 people in the US having an account. Massive changes with each expansion.. If you were lucky enough to be a top player or in a top guild with your friends for a couple of years, you could come back over and over and find things still intact, still running and that you did NOT have to be online really that much to be successful or accomplished at whatever you did on, say, holidays. Blizzard messed with the model to regulate hours of grinding vs in play time to protect their end of things, and frankly, people couldn't commit that much time and be normal at the same time, or else they took away the need to work your way up or lose everyone of quality with the competitor. Things changed. There will never ever ever be another experience like that miniscule couple of years of time in history. Vanilla to say level 80, and then it was just ghost towns in old cities, stupid people, goldfarmers everywhere, bans and lack of bans, and broken coding here or there. The camaraderie can exist elsewhere, but magic and social connectivity? Not so much :P Evolution of cool things were in the midst of it all.

>> No.12678839

Hey man I know I’m not your mom or dad but I just want to remind you to stand up and walk around every so often. You can game all you want, alright? I get it! You’re a gamer, that’s cool. Just don’t get s blood clot! Happy gaming!

>> No.12678860

That's a cringe-tier false equivalency (and look it up if you don't know what that means). You're probably some maladjusted autist so let me blow your mind: mature individuals are capable of balancing work, family, friends, and hobbies at the same time. Think about that the next time you want to spend literally hours projecting your shortcomings onto others.