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12654233 No.12654233[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Eating burger

>> No.12654248

Most people don't want to eat less meat and most companies don't want to sell less meat. Even big meat companies are investing in stuff like lab-grown meat to be able to produce more of it to feed everyone, which hopefully will solve a lot of the issues with factory farming at the same time.

>> No.12654250

Why should Americans care if eating burgers causes non Americans to starve?

>> No.12654252

i grew out of eating unhealthy amounts of meat around 20, hopefully you'll get their soon

>> No.12654255

>Americans need to do something to help the other 9.75 billion
Fuck yourselves and stop reproducing like that. Or stop fucking yourselves. We should be looking at ways to cause natural catastrophes in India and China if this is a problem.

>> No.12654258

Let the third worlders eat the lab grown meat. I'm so sick of them telling us we have to cut down on everything cause brown people can't stop breeding like rats.

>> No.12654260

Why do people push such unscientific nonsense clickbait?
The article says if US beef production magically stays the same from 2012 standards, to 2050, we might have to limit beef consumption
The absolute clown world level of news sites

>> No.12654261

why can we not just kill off a couple billion. the weak should fear the strong.

>> No.12654264

That's a little insensitive, don't you think? At least you can train a rat.

>> No.12654271

It's the poor countries that are booming population. Who gives a shit?

>> No.12654288

You literally won't even know the difference.
Stop being a retarded whiny boomer

>> No.12654289

>Let the third worlders eat the lab grown meat.
What if it improves to the point where it's indistinguishable from the real stuff? I'd be happy if we could have meat without needing to kill for it anyway.

>> No.12654291

or people stop breeding beyond feeding-level and rely on forwign gibsmedats

>> No.12654299

This but unironically. Control your fucking population third worlders. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.12654324

Why do we need to feed 10 billion people? Here's a thought, lets reduce our global population by about 3 billion. 4 billion is about all we can manage.

>> No.12654336

fuck the rest of the world, couldn't care less if they all starved.

>> No.12654338

Fuck poor countries.

>> No.12654339

africa is going through their population boom right now like europe did, now retarded journalists keep on parroting the >muh 12 gorillion by 2050 thing because they dont know how population trends of developing countries works

>> No.12654348
File: 3.35 MB, 480x270, Shitting India.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the biggest problems with countries like India is seeing women like sex dolls and impregnating them endlessly. When women essentially have no rights and Indian posters on 4chan honestly try to defend molesting an old woman on the way home because that's just the way it is, you know they're going to be perpetually knocked-up. It's hard to educate a people that's mostly poor and backwards with a religion that tells them they should wipe with their hands.

>> No.12654355

I’m not going to cut back by 7 burgers a week just to help starving people.

>> No.12654369

>4 billion is about all we can manage.
That number was much lower until a scientist figured out how to easily create more fertilizer in the 1900s. Reducing the population is what brainlets think is the answer, bigbrains know developing technology further is the answer.

>> No.12654371

I dont care about the 9.5 billion fly faced savages that eat curry off of banana leaves. I need burger, goddammit.

>> No.12654372

I'll eat more burgers if it ensures the rest of the world starves. fucking subhumans.

>> No.12654386

Isn't Argentina's beef consumption per capita 3 times that of the US? Why is it always incumbent on us to change in order to save the world

>> No.12654392

Who cares about the difference? If some shitty ass society can't survive because I'm eating food that I can afford, then fuck them. I'd rather they die so that actually capable human being can move in to take their place.

>> No.12654400

Nah, they'll be fine. They can eat bugs

>> No.12654404

newsflash: once lab grown meat becomes cheaper natural meat prices will skyrocket as stores won't want to carry it anymore due to ethics and profit-based concerns
you and the third worlders will be eating the same meat

>> No.12654406

No worries. As climate change gets a stronger and stronger grip, great swaths of the cattle raising areas in the US will become deserts and beef and meat in general will be a luxury for the rich who profited from the industries accelerating climate change. In fact, if Canada was foresighted it would be building a wall to block the desparate US refugees flooding into their country.

>> No.12654407

Develop some more space then because that's what is required to feed 10 billion people. Even average Americans will probably be unable to afford daily meat within a few generations.

>> No.12654409


>> No.12654410 [DELETED] 

>odango over in botswana won't stop having 12 kids so you need to reduce your quality of life

>> No.12654412

dont my mean prices will fall to compete?

>> No.12654421

>implying real grown meat won't be a selling point
You already have people refusing to eat the impossible burger, you know people are going to refuse to eat lab-meat. A market will grow from that and we'll still be eating real meat. Just look at the impossible burger. A market grew for fake meat and it sells. The reverse will absolutely happen if real meat becomes the minority.

>> No.12654422

speak Ænglisc third worlder

>> No.12654423

Lab-grown meat will probably be a more efficient use of space, and there are other things being worked on for crop farming like vertical farms which essentially create more space to farm on.

>> No.12654426

It's more about China trying to buy all your meat so you can't afford it anymore.

>> No.12654433

I'm vegan enough, which makes me better then you

>> No.12654437

the lab meat and impossible burger are two completely different markets and cannot be compared.
i have tried an impossible burger before, whatever it is, it only faintly tastes like meat.
lab grown meat isn't "fake meat," its no different from regular meat. literally no difference.
it doesnt help that both of those companies products are either not even on the market or expensive as fuck. well wait and see when lab grown meat inevitably become cheaper to make than raising a bunch of cows for 2 years is

>> No.12654450 [DELETED] 

bullshit. it's because we feel the obligation to tax our citizens at gunpoint and gibs all their wealth to savages in apefrica where each woman has 10+ kids. if you stopped feedign them it would no longer be a problem. unsustainable populations is a problem that solves itself.

go back or something you magapede boomer retard, chinks don't give a fuck about us, and their population has leveled off and is declining.

>> No.12654455

>america is responsible for the world


>> No.12654462

>the lab meat and impossible burger are two completely different markets
Alright I'll give you that.
At most, one or two generations of people will have some percentage of people who won't eat it, but once they are killed off no one will bother. Except hipsters.

>> No.12654465

It all boils down to cost. If and when lab meat is safe and identical taste wise and cheap enough and the cost drops below farmed meat then that what people will eventually start eating curmudgeons be damned. Sure there will be a niche for normal meat but I don't get the belly aching over it. You're the old man yelling at a cloud and you too shall pass.

>> No.12654470

>it doesnt help that both of those companies products are either not even on the market or expensive as fuck. well wait and see when lab grown meat inevitably become cheaper to make than raising a bunch of cows for 2 years is
A company was saying they'd have lab-grown meat in stores by the end of 2018, now articles are saying sometime in 2021. But, like 10 years ago it was around $300k to produce a lab-grown burger, and it's down to around $10 now so it's come down a lot. Still too expensive to really be viable but it shouldn't be too long now until it's available.

>> No.12654471

it has a lot more to do with improved infant mortality rates than "gibs"

>> No.12654473

Why the fuck should we stop eating because some curryniggers wanna have a million kids?

Im gonna go make a triple decker bacon burger.
Hope they starve lmao

>> No.12654483

3 burgers a week? You can’t expect me to eat just 5 burgers a week! Ok I can probably cut back to 7 burgers each week

>> No.12654486

I'd bet lots of vegans would even pay $3 per patty to be able to taste ethically procured meat again. I know I would if I was vegan, even if only occasionally

>> No.12654491

About 50 Marshal Plan's worth of free shit has been dumped into Africa. They live almost wholly on foreign aid.

>> No.12654492

Texas would literally secede from the United States

>> No.12654506

>unhealthy amounts of meat
No such thing, meat is one of the healthiest foods.

>> No.12654512

Yeah, I've seen a lot of vegans saying they wouldn't have any problems eating it and are looking forward to it. Some omnivores are happy about it too because they don't enjoy the need to kill animals for it, but they'd probably be less likely to buy it since actual ground beef is cheaper.

>> No.12654515
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I'd move to Texas. Seems like laws would be a lot better after they left.

>> No.12654516

Meat is good for you, but if you're eating so much that you aren't eating enough other healthy foods too, then it's become unhealthy.

>> No.12654528

The answer has actually been to cut down rainforests, not advance technology. As long as the Amazon and Congo still exist we can make more food. And if the choice is between "protect the rainforest" and "I want my burger/ think of the starving Africans", the latter will always win. Which is why population reduction is actually important because ecological diversity is more important (for us humans if you insist on being self-serving) than an ever-increasing human population.

>> No.12654542

Real beef will exist as long as grasslands and hard winter wheat farming exists. It's like free food that only ruminants can take advantage of.

>> No.12654550

Then why is this year the wettest year on record for the USA?

>> No.12654552
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*teleports behind u*

>> No.12654612

Well if the whole world is going to be under water than so will you and the fake meat labs too.

What are the raw ingredients for fake meat anyway?

>> No.12654621

>what are the ingredients for fake meat
how can you have such strong opinions on the future of lab grown meat and be such a retarded flyover fag you ask what the "ingredients" in lab grown meat is

>> No.12654634

I'm making burgers tonight with colby jack cheese, over easy egg, and spicy onion, orange bell pepper, and white wine apricot vinegar chutney.

>> No.12654642

you magatards and your complete misunderstanding of the difference between climate and weather never fails to amaze me

>> No.12654647


>> No.12654660

>in order to feed the 7 billion brown people who dont ever use birth control and just feed off western aid


>> No.12654663

Yeah it's annoying how articles like that are always written assuming America cares about saving all the world's chinks and mud people. Who gives a fuck? Not my problem. Let them eat what they're able to produce, and if that happens to be dirt pies, too bad.

>> No.12654685
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Sounds like it's genophage time!

>> No.12654688

Veg tastes good, you don't need meat 24/7, learn to cook properly. Plenty of resources online to learn, the only thing holding you back is yourself, once you learn to make good tasting food you can make it out of anything.

>> No.12654699

I always felt like meat and vegetables were like a yin yang but it's more fun to shitpost and say vegetables ARE FOR FAGGOTS

>> No.12654717

It's also calorie-dense. Very easy to over-eat with meat.

>> No.12654734

>10 billion people

Most of them are dirty mud people. Why the fuck do I care if they survive?

>> No.12654769

Lmao not our problem. I love beef


>> No.12654792

Why not just eat people?

>> No.12654856

no it's annoying how they word it as if it's a universal growth. normalniggers don't usually know all the growth is coming from shitholes. then the articles demanding cutback and sacrifice are always specifically directed towards first world countries.

>> No.12654869
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>Implying I care about anyone outside of the US
kek, the rest of you faggots can eat crickets, we in the states are keeping all the beef.

>> No.12654879

What fatass is eating more than one burger a week? Do Americans actually do this?

>> No.12654887
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Sorry you have to eat toast sandwiches bong.

>> No.12654899

Why don't we just kill all the darkies?

>> No.12654902

Because there won't be anyone to give all of this money and sociocultural progress to.

>> No.12654965

I think burger is just the standard unit of measure for beef. So steak, roast, beef stew, beef tacos and on and on

>> No.12655012
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fucking kek'd

>> No.12655022

Hahahahahaha fuck the 10billion, what have those niggers done for me?

>> No.12655032

literally ate 2 since this post

>> No.12655046

Fuck cows. Fuck humans. Fuck em all.

>> No.12655132

High supply/low demand does not equal higher prices, you retard.

>> No.12655146

>only a burger and a half per week
I'm sorry third worlders, but some of you are going to have to die. Your sacrifice will not be in vain ;~;7

>> No.12655150

really got me with that twist ending m8

>> No.12655159

Burgers aren't any worse if you replace the patties with a pan grilled amalgamation of grain and egg. I find weird that most people put beef in their burgers.

>> No.12655174

Desert has a very specific definition. Rainfall voids that definition. Climate change will not drastically happen for thousands of years.