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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12595602 No.12595602 [Reply] [Original]

do you ever watch cooking streams /ck/?

>> No.12595607

No but I do watch titty streamers, sometimes they cook I guess.

>> No.12595627

These sluts have it so easy.

>> No.12595648

Not necessarily. Unfortunately they still have to deal with people like you. That being said... where on Al Gore’s green internet can I find this succubus?

>> No.12595666

>respect me for my talent!

>> No.12595671

>dealing with people is hard
you're retarded and have never had a physical job in your life.

>> No.12595676

>those melons
I wouldn't mind cooking with those if you catch my drift.

>> No.12595677

Too bad you're not pretty enough to have life on easy mode too huh? I almost wish you were so you could be insufferable somewhere else.

>> No.12595681

Silence tripfaggot.

>> No.12595711

I did once. It was some e-thot making chicken soup or some shit and she started freaking out over having to touch le icky slimy raw chicken

>> No.12595801

What do you mean she is sifting flour

>> No.12595810

Hit the treadmill and get some fake tits already

>> No.12595817

Not their fault the male species is so easily influenced by flesh bags.

>> No.12595826

Fucking this. Some retards give streamers 500 a month if not more. I will never understand this. You can get escorts or go to a strip club ffs why are you giving money to twitch streamers?

>> No.12595829


>> No.12595902

You all swear you know me.

>> No.12595927

The highest earners on Twitch are male. Majority of the successful streamers on Twitch are male.

>> No.12595973

>ywn exploit Audrey!T.UcHelyn6's constant urination need due to taking spironolactone to make her incontinent
>ywn weaken her sphincter by sounding her with bigger and bigger rods to accelerate the process
>ywn make her wear diapers 24/7 because she's literally incapable of holding in pee

>> No.12596000
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>> No.12596008

>Woman flashes tits so men will give her money

Every time

>> No.12596026

t. creepy beta

>> No.12596043

No, I'm a Delta. Also I'm an attractive male that makes women blush in public. I turn heads mother fucker.

Go seethe little gamma

>> No.12596047

>Not necessarily. Unfortunately they still have to deal with people like you. That being said... where on Al Gore’s green internet can I find this succubus?
NeonPuddles i think is her name. She's got an Instagram and massive same face so image search will probably find her

>> No.12596232

Thanks. How do you feel about her actual content? Is decent or is it a flimsy excuse to model and take “donations?”

>> No.12596295


>> No.12596574

>ywn force Audrey!T.UcHElyn6 to get a haircut, take testosterone, and have a masectomy to force her to go back to living as a "man"

>> No.12596631

Do you ever think for a second how pathetic it is to make a post such as this? Such a base, soulless post? Get a control of your sexual urges for one second, you fucking waste of oxygen.

>> No.12596662

>Thanks. How do you feel about her actual content? Is decent or is it a flimsy excuse to model and take “donations?”
She's okay. Honestly i have a hard time caring about female content for very long. Most isn't really original and relies heavily on sex appeal

>> No.12596677

Let me translate for everyone AHEM.

>I'm a Male that can't get pussy because of my shitty personality and so I down talk women to make my pussyless existence a little more bearable.

>> No.12596687

>Let me translate for everyone AHEM.
>>I'm a Male that can't get pussy because of my shitty personality and so I down talk women to make my pussyless existence a little more bearable.
You could just say incel, which is a beaten to death horse at this point.

>> No.12596695

And? This bitch doesn't owe you anything and if she chooses to use her body to her advantage to get coins good for her! Yall stay hating. Stay mad. You still watch the streams to complain about how women can weaponize their bodies to make money and yet I bet most of you motherfuckers go to titty bars because paying a woman to be close to you is the only way any of you cucks would have female contact outside of work or public.

Sorry that last statement was a bit presumptuous. I assume any of you have jobs or leave the fucking house. Sorry not sorry.

>> No.12596700

>And? This bitch doesn't owe you anything and if she chooses to use her body to her advantage to get coins good for her! Yall stay hating. Stay mad. You still watch the streams to complain about how women can weaponize their bodies to make money and yet I bet most of you motherfuckers go to titty bars because paying a woman to be close to you is the only way any of you cucks would have female contact outside of work or public.
>Sorry that last statement was a bit presumptuous. I assume any of you have jobs or leave the fucking house. Sorry not sorry.
Gay blog

>> No.12596713

I came here for the titty pics

>> No.12596715

Good. Twitch is for watching videogames. That's aren't good at such things

>> No.12596764
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holy shit, i'm bout to

>> No.12596781

that's transphobic of you

>> No.12596930

No, I'm not the ultimate beta loser.

>> No.12596935


>> No.12597102


>> No.12597171

Ain't nothing wrong with chicks with dicks or people who like chicks with dicks. People who throw the word tranny around haphazardly only do so because they probably shoot rope to the thought of getting fucked by a woman with a cock.

>> No.12597228

You forgot to put on your trip.

>> No.12597346

I've never used a trip and I never would. I like the schizophrenia simulator effect that anonymity provides.

>> No.12597371

I feel the same about “male content” to be honest. I know what you mean though. This “female content” is as flimsy as her top because it’s obviously all about those sweater cows. I’m into it but that’s because I’m into big tits and I already know how to sift flour. #notallfemalecontent

>> No.12597392

She cooks everything for at least 4 hours at 400F in the oven. no talent hack

>> No.12597409

is there any chance i can get her to have an affair with me

>> No.12597416

Only if you cook your food in the oven for at least 4 hours at 400F. Otherwise she will have absolutely no interest in you. Thus resulting in you chasing that high til you're old and droop balled.

>> No.12597461 [DELETED] 
File: 2.82 MB, 406x720, lovia suicide no sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop giving thots attention, they never learn. If you want to teach a woman civility you have to guilt them. Just fap to thots for free and don't give them money, maybe they will stop and learn to be a mature woman with prospects and can raise their own kids one day with a white male.

>> No.12597464

>take testosterone
enjoy your heart disease/stroke faggot

>> No.12597468
File: 1.07 MB, 1384x947, fatlard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch my piss stream stream you shitmutts. It's /ck/core because I'm pissing into popcorn. Get on my uselessness lard level.

>> No.12597482

No. By giving them watch time it encourages them to continue to do so.

>> No.12597493

for the third time itt, NIGGER

>> No.12597500

yes, dealing with incels who throw money at them randomly must be such a bother

>> No.12597534

That vein on her breast is making me diamonds.

>> No.12597564
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>fucked my fat pad

>> No.12597633
File: 65 KB, 625x415, 509B9A8A-9703-4B0E-B357-948B048D0A00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet jesus those jugs

>> No.12597683
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>lovia suicide
>no suicide
I feel scammed. Wtf /ck/.

>> No.12597752

What lonely miserable creature pays for this shit?
Fap for free, save the money and get an escort god damn.

>> No.12597812
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>> No.12597848

>you're retarded
Every fucking time. Get a new comeback, junior. It gets old before it leaves the gate. Also, fuck wage slaving. That ain't a meme.

>> No.12597856

How do you cook a stream? The water would just evaporate.

>> No.12597969

Take the top off you silly whore

>> No.12597998

>I feel the same about “male content” to be honest. I know what you mean though. This “female content” is as flimsy as her top because it’s obviously all about those sweater cows. I’m into it but that’s because I’m into big tits and I already know how to sift flour. #notallfemalecontent
That's fair, we both have preferences. I'd like to see someone blend cooking into other things. Lore and writing is more of my bag, maybe survival or /out/content? Do you produce stuff?

>> No.12598073

Stopping giving him attention and he'll go away.

>> No.12598079

Yeah I’m working on three scripts right now that I’ll test shoot in Aug/Sept. This is pretty low on my list so... no promises.

>> No.12598100

1. How to get flour off your tits using only a trampoline.
2. 4 minutes and 33 seconds of me drooling in my jawbreaker ball-gag.
3. Deepthroating geoduck until my mascara runs.

>> No.12598111

Just for the record:
This is true.

This is not.

>> No.12598113

Geoducks are those dickclams yes? And are you an animator/transexual?

>> No.12598124

Yes they are. I’ve made some stop-motion animations and worked on other larger projects before but I wouldn’t call myself an animator.
Transsexual no. Transgendered yes. I feel, there is a difference.

>> No.12598136

Interesting. And tranny is the meme version of transgendered yes? Like a sexual deviancy compared to a dysmorphia?

>> No.12598139

Ok, off topic.

Here are my real three scripts:
1. Gut Health & Beginner’s Guide to Fermentation Now (kimchi, kombucha, and kefir),
2. Easy Ice Cream Bases & the Bespoke Dessert Flavor Triangle,
3. Make Cheese Tonight & Charcuterie Building for Lovers

>> No.12598141

I've been curious about animation, programs required/skeletons or rigs/skins and all that

>> No.12598147

All three sound interesting. Most interested in the first. People swapping cultures and all. I'm guessing you're a regular here?

>> No.12598162

They’re called armatures and they’re fucking awesome. The creation process is pedantic as fuck and I don’t have the constitution for it. Take a class; online or otherwise. You can buy materials to make fancy armatures but you can honestly just twist some craft wire together and get really damned close.

>> No.12598185

Tranny, to trans people, is like fag to gay people. It’s pretty offensive but we say it to each other like, all the time for some reason and it confuses the straights.
I mean, I don’t say it. I don’t get why other trans people do. Like, draw a line and stick to it if you ever hope to make any progress or be taken seriously anywhere.

Deviancy is in the eye of the beholder. I’m sexually tepid but, for sure, not cis, but I’ve also never dated anyone of the same sex, but I do date people the same gender. Does that make me a deviant? Some people say yes. I can’t care anymore at this point.

>> No.12598189

Can confirm, armatures are Sculpture 101 in art school. They get far more complex, but the gist of it is pliers and heavy wire to form a support skeleton for sculpting in clay and plasticine. They use a similar virtual process for 3D animation. I believe they get used in the more elaborate pastry chef constructions, and you can even hear about them over in fa/tg/guy modeling threads.

Source: was art school student

>> No.12598192

look at those magambos

>> No.12598206

I got my first kefir culture from a guy in my neighborhood I found on Craigslist. He was also doing kombucha and said if I ever needed replacement starters I could just call him and he’d hook me up. Very chill.
There is a culture culture happening around you if you look for it.

I’m here a lot which seems to really upset some people. Unfortunately for them, I am a treasure trove of information and my girlfriend gets visibly bored when I ramble about this kind of stuff so... here I am.

>> No.12598284

There is no greater privilege on earth than to be an attractive woman. It's literally living life on tutorial mode let alone easy.

>> No.12598295

Have sex

>> No.12598436

sage sage sage

>> No.12598981
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Just because you’re gloriously incorrect. ...but that’s really none of my business.

>> No.12599068
File: 13 KB, 320x180, C79E3DC0-1852-4A26-A82D-B37F8F0776D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cooking isn’t her thing. She’s a cam girl. Nothing wrong with that. Why has no one posted pictures yet?

>> No.12599098
File: 92 KB, 1440x1440, 46A67C48-17AA-4073-84C6-EFD4F635D2B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For great justice... I mean... ITT reference. This is all appropriate.

>> No.12599123
File: 117 KB, 1440x1440, CA660A48-937C-4AF1-A7DA-95A04C9D5074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m glad she’s branching out by doing cooking streams to be honest. Food and sex activate some of the same areas of the brain (*no research to support this claim) so why not mix the genres! together.

>> No.12599142
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>> No.12599200
File: 1.15 MB, 3998x2424, A067468B-AE08-4806-9279-5351627BA68C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kids and your safe spaces.

>> No.12599225

did you make that image yourself you fucking tranny? this isnt a case of safe space, it's the fact you put on a name, write stupid off-topic bullshit and only reply to stupid threads. yes I've been to all the real cooking threads and surprise surprise, your faggot ass is nowhere to be seen. if you want to enjoy this site don't post. don't post under a trip and don't post anything for a year or two worthless faggot. I hope this post ends up on your tumblr page nigger

>> No.12599260

Big tits

>> No.12599267
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>> No.12599278


>> No.12599385

Imagine how good she smells
Imagine her making you brownies in the morning
Just imagine

>> No.12599394

you will always be a nigger

>> No.12599398

what's a tranny like you even doing posting pictures of nuclear families you'll never achieve. I hope the 40% catches up to you

>> No.12599463

I watch BBQ Pit Boys

>> No.12599612

There is a market, and they filled it. Go bow down to daddy capitalism and open wide.

>> No.12599722

That’s not a picture of a nuclear family, it’s security cam footage of a transwoman that broke into that house, killed the adults, and is caging the babies together to watch them piss, shit, and starve themselves to death like a fucked up game of Sims.

>> No.12599756

That’s why I exclusively date cis women.
1. The smell.
2. The breakfast brownies.

>> No.12599785
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>> No.12599828

Are you ever worried of a hate crime happening to you because of your lifestyle? Are people able to tell your.. state/condition/lifestyle by observing you? (I think that's called passing but I've no real understanding of this phenomenon)

>> No.12599835
File: 26 KB, 300x300, IMG_2640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look! the tranny is trying to blend in!

>> No.12599844

I just watched Hobo Beef Diner and there is something super wholesome about this video that I’m actually into. I’ll be watching more.

>> No.12599847

how the fuck is this thread still up, classic /ck/ mods

>> No.12599920

Honestly yeah... like, all the time. I’ve been sexually assaulted twice and ended up at the hospital once. They couldn’t tell.
I’m very up front about it now so no one gets “surprised” and angry about getting tricked into accidentally talking to a Tran. My openness about it looks like pride but it’s really self preservation. :/

I know it’s off topic but it sounded like this came from a genuine curiosity and I don’t want to keep you hangin’.

>> No.12599938

Absolutely based.

>> No.12599949

Ok... Let’s jerk the wheel back towards the ITT.

Do we need more people cooking on YouTube or do we need to start culling streamers?

>> No.12600033

they just deleted a bunch of threads too, fuckin' a

>> No.12600219
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Kek solid banter

>> No.12600245

If I eat double and walk quadruple and laugh sextuple can I still live long? I like eating.

>> No.12600357

I don’t think that math works out.
To eat double, you’d have to walk octuple and laugh duodecuple.
...that’s a lot of walking and laughing.

>> No.12600714
File: 133 KB, 410x280, 1393096057584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude grew his own portable pocket pussy

>> No.12600924

Let me translate:

>I'm a pathetic beta male virgin who thinks that I'll finally get laid if I white knight on the internet enough. I don't actually respect women because if I did it right would treat them like people and not helpless children.

>> No.12600955

Stu Pickles looking mad he didn’t invent a pocket pussy in his basement workshop.

>> No.12600998


>> No.12601034

Someone helped me out.

>> No.12601096

Someone post a goddamn sauce for mommy cook.

>> No.12601139

Scroll up like... one post.

>> No.12601215
File: 2.00 MB, 356x400, 97BE90FA-2D27-402A-AF7E-E8E3218345E7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allyship +9k

You may, or may not, be surprised how many dudes tell me they’d be open to me pegging them after like, 2 Amstel Lights.

>> No.12601896

Dead thread

>> No.12601977

No I just cook in front of a big mirror

>> No.12602008

>People who throw the word tranny around haphazardly only do so because they probably shoot rope to the thought of getting fucked by a woman with a cock.
Futas only, kid. Not trannies.

>> No.12602273

Shoot rope sounds like an old person phrase, like a 50 year old man that actually does what he's projecting

>> No.12602418
File: 22 KB, 375x250, C2BEB46E-F917-424C-B5AB-48C957FC4499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say “shoot rope?”

>> No.12602496

What's your favorite thing to cook? Could be a material/course/regional style/whatever

>> No.12602649

I get the most enjoyment from French omelettes because they’re hard but I can knock ‘em out like a champ.
I think making pasta from scratch is relaxing.
My favorite thing though is probably drunkenly making quesadillas for everyone after a night out.