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File: 38 KB, 470x500, DQ.com_Product_Blizzard_Sour-Patch-Kids_470x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12593894 No.12593894 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else in burgerland try DQ's new Sour Patch Kids Blizzard? Looks cool, going to get one this afternoon, will review after I try it.

>> No.12593899

be sure to tell everyone in homeroom next semester too

>> No.12593901

I can feel my teeth aching just looking at the image

>> No.12593903
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1553671561977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just stuffed my oversized belly full with leftover BBQ from the 4th, I wish I was still young enough for school. Maybe when I die of beetus/heart explosion I get a redo like in those shitty korean manga?

Definitely has through the roof sugar levels, but I'll go easy and just get a medium.

>> No.12594507
File: 3.89 MB, 4288x3216, 100_0047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Here: I got my freezy treat, time for me to dig in!

>> No.12594512

Sounds awful

>> No.12594514

I work at DQ. These take way too much time and effort to make. Please don't.

>> No.12594516

>citric acid
Enjoy your putrid curds

>> No.12594522

Isn't your job to make them?

>> No.12594527

What do they have to do to make them? Looks like any other blizzard where they just mix sour patch kids into soft serve

>> No.12594530

Seriously, shut the fuck up. You have 10 tasks. Quit acting like having to make 1 unique shake a day is breaking your fucking back, faggot. That’s why you make $7 an hour and will eventually get replaced by robots who don’t complain about actually working for a living.

>> No.12594540

We're in the middle of a heat wave. When the line is out the door, we can't be spending time mixing the ice cream, getting the candy out, etc. #1 way to piss off not only the manager but (already pissed off) customers.

>> No.12594548

Work faster then. Stop dragging your ass. Every other country besides America that I’ve visited has been able to complete tasks without complaining like a fucking toddler. Fast food work ethics in the US are absolutely garbage and probably why the boomers think all millennials are incapable.

>> No.12594597
File: 3.75 MB, 4288x3216, 100_0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The consistency is not very thick and melts off the spoon, might have been the short drive though. The candy pieces look to be very small as well.

I was a wagie at one time as well, you just have to deal with it. I remember I had to do some origami level shit with kids boxes that held popcorn and a toy (large lines of angry customers wanting to see their movies). I hated it, but every time I saw the kid light up with excitement made it better. For you, just imagine the fat fucker excitement as he digs into his frozen treat and posts online about it.

First impressions after tasting it, it is very sweet and not very sour at all. Has an overwhelming sweet cherry taste to it, not bad, but not amazing as well (some might even say it tastes like a sweet cherry cough syrup blizzard). I like it, though I don't think it got properly blended.

>> No.12594605

Pretty sure DQ exists entirely to feed drunk and/or hungover college students and provide heroin addicts with bathrooms to shoot up in.

>> No.12594623

>Fast food work ethics
Imagine taking pride in something so meaningless. Not even useful like garbage men or sewage cleaning.

>> No.12594654

I empathize with you, but if you can't handle working in those conditions you should quit. That or find a way to deal with it so you can move on with the rest of your life. Instead of being upset that a new blizzard item is disrupting your work flow. I'm sure you'll figure it out, good luck and stay frosty out there!

>> No.12594679
File: 1.96 MB, 4288x3216, 100_0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I scoffed it down. The candies add a sour note to it, and once blended with the sweetness in the mouth, it makes an exquisite balance of sweet and sour. Unfortunately the mouth feel takes a hit as the candies stick to my teeth like no other, so I constantly had to use the spoon to dislodge them. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10 - worth getting if you want something different but don't expect to be blown away by it.

>> No.12594704

I ate some steak fingers at DQ!

>> No.12594727

I appreciate necessary/useful jobs too anon, but this stance is poison if you want people to be their most productive selves. Sounds like you're just trying to diminish their self worth for no constructive reason.

>> No.12594740

i am certainly not an elitist; i dont view various demographics as inherently superior or inferior, but the idea of stepping into a Dairy Queen makes me nauseous. the people you encounter in a dairy queen are monkeys at best.

>> No.12594745

>giving a shit about your muh productivity
You're destined to end up a welfare leech once automation "steals" your job anyway. Anything I can say that gets you closer to killing yourself is a good thing for state and society. Bet you're brown too.

>> No.12594746
File: 12 KB, 420x420, 1554332365961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you compare them to their chicken tendies? Better or worse?