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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12569304 No.12569304 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to get in touch with my feminine side.
What are some foods that women/girls eat that men don't?

>> No.12569306


>> No.12569317


>> No.12569326

water with slices of cucumber in it

>> No.12569331

Red Wine
Green Goddess salad dressing
Baked chips
Blueberry Muffins

>> No.12569337

A million Muslim immigrant cocks

>> No.12569369

Frappucinos with spunk in it, and also quiche

>> No.12569460
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Soy products like tofu and edamame beans. And if you're going for soy milk, make sure it's unsweetened.
Green vegetables are good too. Like romaine lettuce or spring onions.
And for drinks, red wine and or vodka. Just remember to watch your intake and drink responsibly.

>> No.12569468
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Any chain food. Chick Filet, Burger King, Zaxby's, literally any chain place. It helps them feel more comfortable in the mindless consumer collective.

>> No.12569758

Shitty cheap chocolate,months old candy on sale from two holidays ago, and cheeze whiz on everything.

>> No.12570096


>> No.12570120

>muh soy
>muh red wine
Since this board is infested with Alabama /pol/posters, pretty much any Asian or European cuisine.

>> No.12570139

>Red Wine
Kek. Women drink white wine, pretty much exclusively. There's not even a debate.
Not sure why you would write the opposite, unless you drink white wine yourself and are still deeply locked up in your closet.

>> No.12570146


>> No.12570269

Poo poo with a side of Pee pee

>> No.12570308

>asians eats tons of soy
>small weenied manlets
you can't explain that

>> No.12570321

Cottage cheese straight.

>> No.12570334

I feel like women eat ice cream a lot more often than men, compared to other sweets like donuts, candy bars, or cookies.

>> No.12570371

Just like that your parents being siblings didn't make you the smartest person, so do genetics make Asians smaller of height.

>> No.12570374

cursed image

>> No.12570383

Asians don't have different genetics, racist. We're all human.

>> No.12570420
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>> No.12570437

Selfies go on /soc/.

>> No.12570555

It's like saying all dogs are the same, disregarding the hundreds of dog breeds and their characteristics that distinguish them from eachother, like speed, endurance, ability to learn fast, etc,etc.

Just get the fuck out

>> No.12570558



Haha. ...also true.

>> No.12570567

You aren't a female, tranny.

>> No.12570662


>> No.12570673

cookies, cakes, ice cream, cheesecake, cream puffs
meme foods for instagram like a burger on a pretzel bun, avocado lattes, anything with activated charcoal in it

>> No.12570711


Only gays and really feminine men drink it. Lowers your T levels.

>> No.12570728

women in general, not specifically your mom

>> No.12570764

Wine in general
>inb4 wine faggots defense force

>> No.12570881

Honestly, this is a terrible trap infograph that is only posted by either non traps or noobs who haven't realized it's fucking stupid yet. What trap is trying to have strong arms?

>> No.12570887

Dick in ass

>> No.12570952

Muliebrity is performative and I have studied it well.

>> No.12570960

Genetics is scientific. You should study that instead.

>> No.12570991

strawberry marshmellows and wild vines

>> No.12571129

Touché. Gender is a social construct though and no one (here) is saying my “biology” is female so you can settle down.

>> No.12571141

>Gender is a social construct
Pride month ended yesterday.

>> No.12571215

Thank fucking God, thank you for reminding me it's July now and not June. Freedom Day coming up for Burgers soon, anyone excited?

>> No.12571229

Not really. Invited to a big party on Saturday but it's more of a courtesy/pity invite and they don't seem to understand why I don't show up, but I don't fit in with them.

>> No.12571246

We shame month now

>> No.12571251

When I was a kid I thought that only girls were allowed to eat Special K, but I ate it anyway because it tasted good.

>> No.12571276
File: 1.04 MB, 418x454, A5B118EF-B48B-4A30-A4D9-04A3FC2B68C8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is chromosomal
Gender is social

A boy can “throw like a girl”
A girl can be a “tomboy”
A boy can be “girly”
A girl ...can ...have no name.

Sure, “you got me,” my chromosomal sex is male and it’s easy to throw stones anonymously on the internet. Not that looks SHOULD play a part in this but I’ve also been out for a while, on HRT for a while, and had LHR so for anyone who sees me in real life, it would just sound weird and honestly silly to say I’m a boy.

But you go ahead and do you.


>> No.12571279


The concept of gender was invented by a pedophile hack. You're either male or female.

>> No.12571298

Damn all those doctors giving kittens sex change operations? You're a delusional fuck that needs to change the dictionary to comfort yourself and help society accept your mental sickness.

>> No.12571311


shit I'm not the only one

>> No.12571320

driest white wine you can get

>> No.12571324
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>> No.12571336

Honestly, this is a terrible trap post that is only posted by either a non trap or a DYEL who hasn't realized it's fucking stupid yet. Who doesn't know what functional strength is?

>> No.12571348
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>traps in the kitchen
>not posting pictures
fuck y'all

>> No.12571414

a girl being a tomboy is based on a girl having a boys natural inclination to competition and such. a boy being girly is probably based on a boy having the submissiveness or empathy that a female is naturally inclined to.

>> No.12571427


>> No.12571431
File: 242 KB, 478x285, Skoog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS gook retard

>> No.12571437

Go back to your containment board (or better yet, r e d d i t), you vile freak

>> No.12571474

Or hermaphroditic.

>> No.12571482

Hermaphrodites can safely be considered ugly girls for all intents and purposes

>> No.12571489

I do this

I also only drink white wine. This is only because red wine is one of the two things in the world that gives me heartburn.

>> No.12571494

And yet I can tell an Asian from an African from a European in a single glance, without even trying. How can this be if there are not significant visible differences? Does this ability make me racist?

>> No.12571504

>Sex is chromosomal
>Gender is social
Sex is biological.
Gender is linguistic.

>> No.12571505

Salad with stuff like cranberries or chicken in it.

>> No.12571507

you can safely ignore the top part
the bottom part is legit for giving you a shapely butt and legs
having enough physical stamina to jog 5km wouldn't hurt either, you'll need the squats anyway if you want to last more than a few seconds doing the cowgirl position

>> No.12571509

Women are already natural inclined towards extreme competition. Tomboys just aren't as toxic about it. This is often nurture rather than nature as being raised as a working child or one of the boys results in a tomboy rather than a stereotypical girl.

By the way I consider heterosexual tomboys the ideal outcome.

>> No.12571512

Sex: Male or Female
Gender: Masculine or Feminine
Sexuality: Which sex(es) you're sexually attracted to.

>> No.12571534

so wait liking trans people is actually gay since its their sex?

>> No.12571554
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>born with male genitalia = male
>born with female genitalia = female
>born with both = freak
It's that simple.

>> No.12571565

No, don't worry. You can still suck feminine cock

>> No.12571592
File: 83 KB, 400x251, 39CF83AA-003A-45F9-BFAC-39D47F057E4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex: Male or Female - yeah, nailed it.

Gender: man, woman, or those whoms’t lieth in betwixt. (I’m not here to define anyone else’s gender identities.)

Sexuality: Bingo you also nailed it.

Masc v. Fem is determined, not by gender but, separately; by wherein you lie on the FUTCH scale. Picrel is one with Pokémon on it to help you ID where you might land on this scale. ...you kids like Pokémon right?

>> No.12571613

Blue/Red here, leave Eveee the fuck out of this.

>> No.12571626


>> No.12571645

Put your trip back on, tranny.

>> No.12571653

Whoever made this is dumb.

>> No.12571687

Phenotypical differences due to environment and guess what, diet, altering genetic promoters and gene expression does not make Asians a different race than whites.

>> No.12571692

.22 round ingested by firing

>> No.12571735
File: 113 KB, 1448x586, 1557576962099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks femininity can be acted, like a play
>acts incredibly airy and coquettish
>stereotypical gayboy's name of a feminine lady (famous female actor, ironically)
It does not get any better than this, Audrey.

>> No.12571741

Me on the right about to !!!POP!!! a transbian

>> No.12571760

TERFs out

>> No.12571817
File: 70 KB, 598x626, 1497391277803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blow it out your ass fag

>> No.12571838
File: 408 KB, 480x360, 78713CE4-5330-4D06-93F4-45B219ADFF89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Yeah, those are me but who really cares.

You’re the FIRST person the tell me to put that trip ON. So shall it be known that someone asked.

>> No.12571849
File: 33 KB, 760x1148, 0B3B0309-3092-4E24-B1C1-B1352EB41B58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s already btfo. I’m so over this conversation.


>> No.12571937
File: 122 KB, 1600x1047, Meat_Popsicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat popsicles

>> No.12571984

Different populations in different parts of the world don't only express the same genes differently. They actually evolved different genes. Asians and Europeans, for example, both evolved different genes for light skin (at about the same time, interestingly), which Africans did not.

Europeans and some Asians have up to 4% Neanderthal genes. Africans do not.

Some Asians have a little Denisovan DNA, and some Asians have a lot, as much as 6%. American Indians have some, too. Europeans and Africans don't have any.

Around the time that rice was domesticated, Asians evolved a mutated gene that protects against alcohol damage from fermented rice. This mutation only happened in Asian populations.

A brand new gene mutated just before the dawn of civilization and the invention of writing. About half of Middle Eastern and European people got it. Less than half got it in Asia. Almost nobody in sub-Saharan Africa got it. (It's not correlated to IQ, but interestingly people with the older, non-mutated gene are more likely to speak tonal languages.)

The list goes on...

>> No.12572131

There aren't any. Women are people and eat food, just like we do. You've been eating food women eat this whole time!

>> No.12572976

Can't handle the truth? kys tranny