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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 590x400, light-fluffy-scrambled-eggs-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12565659 No.12565659 [Reply] [Original]

>destroying the runny, creamy, fatty deliciousness of egg yolk by mixing it into the firm, squishy flavor and texture base of egg whites to create a gross, mushy in-between of both

Do Americans unironically, actually do this?

>> No.12565664 [DELETED] 

sage and report fucking dipshit thread

>> No.12565666


>> No.12565680

You should see Japanese abominations

>> No.12565686

Kill yourself faggit

>> No.12565700

Here's a hint, if you consider eggs to be some sort of amazing delicacy that has to be treated with special respect, it's because you come from a third world shithole that can't get eggs for 2 bucks a dozen or less.

>> No.12565704


>> No.12565714


>> No.12565717

I know, like who REPORTS things on 4chan?!

>> No.12565720

How would someone ironically scramble eggs?

>> No.12565726

The same way you'd ironically stick your pee pee in a bum bum I guess.

>> No.12565736
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>> No.12565738

Have sex, incel.

>> No.12565744

I can't--I'm an incel, dumbass :P

>> No.12565746
File: 710 KB, 483x783, Gordon Scramble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't

>> No.12565749

wew lad :^)

>> No.12565755

tfw posts like this are allowed while I got banned for 3 fucking days for telling a tranny to piss of with "they/their" pronouns.

>> No.12565765

Just ate some in a warm buttery tortilla.

>> No.12565769

you sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.12565773

Yea, the tranny mod who banned me for no reason

>> No.12565780

Have sex, incel.

>> No.12565793

Oh hey anon, just posted in your other thread, you fag.

>> No.12565803

Excuse my ignorance but is it an IP ban or something? How could you get banned here?

>> No.12565807
File: 59 KB, 1280x960, zoomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are faggots and prolly wear vans like typical faggots and also have airpods.

>> No.12565813

get the hint and stay fucked off back to your containment board, /pol/

>> No.12565826

Based retard

>> No.12565838

what are you even talking about? What other thread?

and you should stay on /lgbt/ tranny

>> No.12565864

You sound like you cook bad scrambled eggs and you are mad :(

>> No.12565866

Transgender people are your Gods so stfu

>> No.12566062

Why are all you faggots shitting up my thread?

Explain the existence of scrambled eggs and omlettes. I love eggs more than anything, but mixing the two elements makes one of the most disgusting substances I have ever tasted.

>> No.12566073

seething /pol/nigger

>> No.12566089

>claims he loves eggs
>cannot stand yolk and whites together
you are not even worth of insulting

>> No.12566106

>Claims he loves the white race
>Cannot stand blacks and whites mixed together

This is how you sound. Sometimes the things you love are best kept segregated.

>> No.12566136

what a shitty analogy

>> No.12566154
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>> No.12566239

It's a great analogy, Reddit. There's beauty in purity. When you mix things, you muddle their qualities. They still exhibit those qualities, yet much duller than in their undiluted form, acting as a mediocre compromise of both.

Scrambled eggs are the culinary equivalent of the American mutt.

>> No.12566252

>reporting an on-topic food thread
>announcing a report

Yikes and cringepilled

>> No.12566259

It's a shit analogy since the black person would be a completely different type of egg
Go back to tumblr and dilate newfag tranny

>> No.12566270

I feel very embarrassed reading ops comments

>> No.12566285
File: 18 KB, 300x192, 1522173569406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I was able to ruin the mood of this thread with my reply, dipshit thread, carry on meatbags

>> No.12566400

People like you make me think that there should be some kind of intelligence test to post here after the Captcha.

>> No.12566445 [DELETED] 

I agree. Then there would be more high quality, intelligent posts like mine.

Now fuck off back to whatever dilation discord you crawled out of

>> No.12566450

scrambled eggs are just a failed omelet in this house

>> No.12567135

What seasoning should I put on my scrambled eggs instead of just salt and pepper?

>> No.12567191

hot sauce

>> No.12567231

Ok so cayenne pepper got it.

>> No.12567239

Old bay

>> No.12567242 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 680x714, 8fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12567261

I agree

>> No.12567272

Yep, it's great with some ketchup on it.

>> No.12567300
File: 46 KB, 600x400, EEDF5013-A4B9-4E1A-AB1A-ED5FF4DF181D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I don’t hate scrambled eggs, personally I never make em at home. Never have a craving for em and a good over easy/over medium egg is like 10x betters

>> No.12567801

found the incel

>> No.12567899

I don't like the texture & taste of egg yolk on its own I I always make scrambled. I've tried it not scrambled a few times but the yolk texture always turns me away. I also don't like Avocado/Guacamole for the same reason except for Herdez Guacamole Salsa because it doesn't taste like guacamole but has an odd spicy flavor that goes well with tacos.

>> No.12568841

have sex

>> No.12568855

imagine having the palate of a child and only being to enjoy eggs one way

>> No.12569009

IDK how internet discourse has somehow fooled people into believing they/their aren't pronouns.

>> No.12569105


>> No.12570068

'Ello monsieur i'll 'ave you know taht eye am belgian