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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 235 KB, 750x559, 0D2C7DBD-417A-4AA2-8740-E1A61BBD5826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12550683 No.12550683 [Reply] [Original]

>eating breakfast at Whole Foods on their outdoor patio before work
>wagie walking around cleaning tables people are still eating at like an inconsiderate retard
>obviously knows nothing about chemical contamination because he’s a fucking moron
>he comes up with his rag and sanitizer and starts sloppily wiping down my table inches away from my food, spraying sanitizer on his rag off and on
>I say “dude, I’m still eating. that shit’s probably gonna spray in my food, so do you mind waiting till I’m done?”
>he gives me this dirty look and fucks off, cleans the other tables then stands off in the corner staring bullets in my direction
>pulls out his phone and starts complaining in Spanish to someone about me, essentially calling me a stupid white faggot assuming I can’t understand him even though I took high school Spanish for 3 years and learned all the swear words in my free time
>I complain to management just because I’m in a shit mood to begin with
>he gets dragged away by an obviously pissed off manager
>probably got written up at best or fired at worst

I almost feel bad.

>> No.12550720

None of this happened since you haven't left your house in weeks, autist. Just another /pol/ wypippo fantasy about sticking it to a minority. Please, go back to your containment board and don't come out again

>> No.12550736

he probably just got told off
they generally don't fire people for something like that unless it gets caught on tape

>> No.12550778

Are you Hispanic or something? I wouldn’t even call myself a racist but whatever.
Maybe it’s just the places I’ve worked but people get fired and written up all the time for being even slightly shitty towards customers, especially at my current job (yes I’m also a grocery store wagie who probably gets paid less than him). Whole Foods could be nicer about it, who knows. But I hope he doesn’t get fired, I always think about the possibility of people like him having kids to feed and everything, unlike me.

>> No.12550788

at the places I've worked the managers are such whipped fucking pussies trembling in fear of getting their precious bonuses taken away we couldn't get rid of problem employees in anything except the most extreme circumstances because they got bonuses for employee turnover

>> No.12550807

>similar problem
>lift plate for 5 seconds
>everyone happy

>> No.12551001

>work at grocery store
>every Wednesday something cheap is given away free to encourage people to get & register a store card
>there's always a faggot with 3 cards trying to sign up for a forth one

>customer upset because they can't read the sale tag
>customer upset because they can't read, period.

>fucking touristfags shoplifting all the fucking time when they come in for the summer. POTUS needs to build the wall and then build another one between Michigan and all you assholes south of us. Fuck you, go away and never come back.

>retard service clerk (bagger) who fucks off and disappears for 90 minutes at a time, brings in a small number of carts, and then fucks off again til break time.
>Nobody will fire him because his mom makes sure he shows up for work on time and the biggest requirement for continued employment is showing up.

>> No.12551011

except it's retarded. presumably you didn't sit at a dirty table to eat, and he's gonna have to clean it again when you're done.

>> No.12551102

>whole foods
Stopped reading right there whitey

>> No.12551205

>helping mom with her Costco shopping
>unload the cart on the belt
>on the right, some old cunt is in the way, trying to rearrange her stuff if whatever retarded old person logic
>not feeling mean so I just let her do her thing
>I just pass on the left of the cashier instead
>cashier becomes visibly distressed
>s-sir you can't do that you have to stay on the front
>ignore her and get my cart in front so I can start bagging
>cashier is still visibly distressed but is a least doing her job
>some clerk decides she's going to help bagging, asks me to move to the front in a similarly distressed voice
>ignore her and start loading up the heavy stuff because the old cunt is still in the way where do you want me to go anyway
>bagger looks upset but doesn't say anything else as she bags the small stuff
>old cunt is finally gone, I move over
>only items left are the 16L packs of orange juice
>bagger has trouble lifting one
>I go back and pick it up
>"It's fine I'll do it ;)"
>hum no I-
>mom is done paying and walks away
>I follow and say "Aight thanks, have a good day"
>hear both clerks sigh deeply

I dunno why they were so bothered about me going on the left, it's just another lane that was empty at the time.

>> No.12551278

>>customer upset because they can't read the sale tag
>>customer upset because they can't read, period.
This was easily my most hated part of working retail. I didn't care much about stealers and people who treated me poorly, but this shit always instantly got under my skin.

>working gas station 3rd shift, always alone
>been a couple of years so i have some good eyes for if someone is going to pull something
>older white guy comes in
>"this guy is gonna do something"
>hit the panic button to let our "security" (offsite) know to hopefully watch the store
>goes into walk-in cooler and out with a 30 pack of beer
>decide to cash drop most of my drawer cash into the safe since i was over the night limit
>yep, this is thief for sure
>instead of walking towards the door like all of the other 'beer runners', he walks towards the path to behind the counter
>grabs some ciggs, then approaches me
>"open the drawer"
>wonder if im going to die that night
>open it, there's like $15. he checks under the drawer too.
>takes cash and runs out
>call cops, they find him passed out next to a fence across the street with $1 bills basically trailing to him
>i ride in the back of a cop car to properly identify him
>decide to start looking for a new job
I have a few more if anyone is interested

>> No.12551295

what kind of wacky costcos have bags?

>> No.12551314

They don't she was using our bags and carboard boxes.

>> No.12551343

>chemical contamination
You're the retard for not knowing that any chemical that comes in contact with a food surface, including a table, is mandated to be a foodsafe sanitizer.
Not saying you were in the wrong for telling him to fuck off, I just want you to know that assuming you know more about someone's job than the person who works it is a super dick move and in this case you were wrong.

Likely his manager told him to wipe all the tables and he would get to leave and he was literally just waiting for you to stop eating at a grocery store like a weird twat so he could clock out and go about his day. You were both dicks.

>> No.12551362
File: 80 KB, 1024x822, 22222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, I got someone fired from Subway once
>work nights
>go in for 'lunch'
>like 2 am
>fat bitch is sitting with her friends at a table, where the cameras don't see
>ask her if she works here
>who served you your food?
>dumb bitch is wearing her visor still
>call the complaint line, go online and leave a few bad complains onto their online complaint shit
>the owner calls me up the next day
>"We've been having problems with her.. I think I should just fire her"
>"I can't tell you what to do, but she's not doing her job and losing you money"
>She doesn't work there anymore

>> No.12551395

>the owner calls me up the next day
>"We've been having problems with her.. I think I should just fire her"
Was kinda sorta believing the story until this part

>> No.12551401

I still feel bad, she fucking called up all the fake numbers I left on their complaint line until she got to my real one hahahaha

>> No.12551415

>manager disclosing store circumstances to a guest over the phone
>hourly minwage employee having access to customer information
Both are not allowed.
Your story is fake and we know it is fake because you are bad at making up details. Maybe you should work any job for a week before you start making stuff up about jobs.

>> No.12551423

believe what you want hahaha, all people need to realize is consumers have all the power in a transaction

I don't know what else to tell you man

>> No.12551432

Did you say "seething" and hang up?
Anyway she deserved it. Someone (even if it is a large corporation) is paying her for her to do work and if she was a problem, then this probably wasn't the first issue that was brought up to the manager. I say "good". Like I don't mind if someone wants to take a minute to finish something up non-work related especially late at night, but at least do other parts of job. Like I've had friends at my retail place and I didn't just chill off camera until we were done chatting especially if there was customers. All it takes is a "hold on let me take care of this dude" and in this case, even keep the conversation going after i've got all the info i need to make your sandwich.

>> No.12551459

>consumers have all the power in a transaction
Only in a low-end restaurant where volume is what enables the company to run. The kind of thing you can afford, like the Subway you're pretending to have had this confrontation at; Walmarts, corporate pizza joints, etc.

Good restaurants, who count on high ticket totals rather than guest numbers - that is, quality over quantity - invest a good amount of money and time in their staff and treat their staff as their greatest asset. All great restaurateurs write that your loyal staff members are more of a high priority than your guests, and that's because one guest is one meal once or twice a year, but one staff member is scores of meals in a day, four and five days a week.

I work at one such place. I've been permitted by my managers - and frequently even helped by them - to reprimand shitty guests, ask them to leave and not come back, and to defend myself against their slurs and cussing.

Bad guests aren't good for good guests and they aren't good for good staff or ambiance or anything else, so you can glean a lot of good ol' staff camaraderie out of telling them to fuck off.

>> No.12551467

I agree, when there's skill involved, the customer is usually wrong. But if it's a low skill job, the customer is ALWAYS RIGHT.

If she said she was on a break or someshit, I'd went somewhere else, the fact she straight up said "NO" like I was a waste of her time which set me into a rage, even hocked a fucking loogie on the only piece of shit car out in front of the store

All I know is, everytime I go in there for lunch(sparingly) she doesn't work there

>> No.12551503

>But if it's a low skill job, the customer is ALWAYS RIGHT.
It's not that the customer is actually right.
It's really, "Tell the customer he's right so he'll leave happy." Then they talk shit about you the second you leave, because they don't care about you or your $5. You're one of a hundred and fifty $5 purchases they need that day.

Being a poorfag doesn't make you more or less right, it just means no one bothers to fight with you because no one's time is worth fighting with a poorfag.

>> No.12551544

t. has never worked a service in their life lmao this is not even remotely true
even if it WAS just soap which it definitely fucking wasn't you're still a retarded subhuman cuck for wanting it in your food

>> No.12551581

I've worked in foodservice for well over a decade and it is federal law that you must use foodsafe sanitizer to clean tables, bar tops, the kitchen alley window, and anything else that food could touch which is not going to be washed afterwards. You cannot use bleach, soaps, degreasers, etc unless you fully wash and dry the table afterward, and THEN you must use foodsafe sanitizer.

You can look it up if you don't believe me, but you're factually, objectively wrong and I'd hate to eat anywhere you've worked that was so remiss in teaching you proper food handling.

>> No.12551586

Where is Subway open at 2 AM?

>> No.12551592

No, you're still wrong, because those shitcan jobs have entire corporate structures above them to come down on them. The local store management is equally powerless even compared to a DM, and corporate will immediately bend to any customer whim because of optics, any problems are just going to be blamed on the individual manager.

>> No.12551607

yeah garbo food places are SUPER big on following federal law to the letter you got me
fuck off you retarded commie poser go back to whining on xanga

>> No.12551615

Nothing you just said contradicts anything I had said.
Corporate tells you you're right so that you leave the transaction happy, and they think you're a twat just as much as the people in the store do.
Your $5 purchase doesn't matter as much to them as the idea that you might give them lots of $5 purchases. You're a number in their daily run of numbers.
Whether or not they tell you you're right, you're not "always right." The amount of ass-kissing you receive is in no way correlated to your level of correctness.

>> No.12551626

>what is EcoLab
>what is OSHA
Yeah, every place that stays open year after year is following the law because if they broke the law, they'd be closed.
What possible benefit could they get from breaking the law just to buy a different sanitizer than they're supposed to use? That's nonsensically stupid for you to suggest.
Any corporate restaurant will always follow these health-centric rules because their image is what gets them guests, not their quality.
Eat at immigrant-run mom and pop shops at your own discretion - I wouldn't.

>> No.12551633

Mines 24/7, usually worked by people that have given up on life

>> No.12551638

Now you're just willfully misinterpreting words so that you can tell yourself you're still right, which is hilarious since it's the exact same thing you're claiming doesn't happen.

If you have to retreat into a semantic argument about how "The customer is always right" should mean some kind of cosmic moral correct you shouldn't have bothered posting.

That is not what "the customer is always right" means at all, and you know that's not what it means. You know that the phrase means that the customer is to be treated as if they're always right even if they're "in the wrong", that's the entire reason it's a phrase to begin with. Stop being a retard.

>> No.12551722

Surely that's what it used to mean, but as someone who has been in foodservice over a decade, I can assure you most people use it to mean that they are quite literally right, and the fake Subway story author seemed like that kind of faggot. Is that you? You seemed like that kind of faggot.
>cosmic moral correct
Or you know, factual correctness? There is such a thing.

>> No.12551755

Factually there's no real guidelines, just whatever gets worked out. In practice what gets worked out is that people who are willing to push usually get major concessions and companies are willing to eat that because of how infrequently it happens. The concept of "right" is already a moral judgment. If something gets mismade there's no clear line what the concession should be, assigning value to different decisions in a situation like that is moral, not factual.

>> No.12551818

moar plz

>> No.12551821

>Factually there's no real guidelines
Every restaurant has very real written guidelines on how things are supposed to be done, including Guest Relations.
For instance, where I work, we either do a full discount OR a replacement plate if there's, say, a hair, or the food is not cooked right. Guests will insist that last time, they got a fresh plate AND a discount, and insist they get both again.
They are factually incorrect.

A crap company will pander for their money, stooping to any low just to look like the "good guy," including undermining their own employees and rules; a good company will stick to its guns to ensure they provide consistent service to all guests, regardless of how angry they are.

The more you talk the more I'm convinced you've never worked at nor patronized anything nicer than a Chik-Fil-A.

>> No.12551978

I was at the store two hours ago and some kid was crying on a bench while the mother and I assume his grandmother were in line not disciplining him. An old woman came to him and he stopped crying for a minute right until she left with her husband and went right back to fussing. Fuck anyone who brings their kids to a public place and not discipline them.

>> No.12552075

How would you prefer they discipline him?

>> No.12552091

Go to him and assert your dominance as the parent. If you don't do it at a young age, they'll grow up without any structure or guidance and then they'll ante up from throwing a tantrum to doing who knows what else.

>> No.12552100

By being the adults. It's too late, though. The kid acts like that because that's the way the parent acted, etc. Shit doesn't drop far from the dog.

>> No.12552111

>>I say “dude, I’m still eating. that shit’s probably gonna spray in my food, so do you mind waiting till I’m done?”
no way you said this

>>I say “dude, I’m still eating. that shit’s probably gonna spray in my food, so do you mind waiting till I’m done?”

did you unironically say this?

>>I complain to management just because I’m in a shit mood to begin with

you're such a fucking beta

>> No.12552113

Do you even have kids?
Kid can act that way with out the parent ever being like that.

>> No.12552122

>being a tourist in Michigan.

Who the fuck would be one?

>> No.12552139

>feeling bad for Mexican cleaners
They chose this life, they could have been something worthwhile in their home community but they chose to leave it all behind

>> No.12552148

I don't, but I was a kid and if I acted up, I was put in my place and disciplined accordingly by my parents or an adult figure present. I repeat, the woman that went to him serves an example of the mere presence of an adult figure. He knew he couldn't cry when she was talking to him. Kids aren't hard to figure out.

>> No.12552197

So that's your experience. No research into the subject or being a parent yourself. Your opinion is completely worthless, you should go at least look up the study done of disciplining and the effects it has on kids. Even if it is a "adult figure" around, a kid can and will lose their shit still.

>> No.12552212

The original post you replied to was about subway, not an independently owned high end restaurant. Claiming that the rules never get bent anywhere is very silly of you, but I realize why you want to adjust what you're talking about to something else since you know you're wrong on the original topic: giant lowlevel service chains will always bowl over their employees before inconveniencing a customer.

>> No.12552231

I know right, what a fucking pussy. I would have stabbed my fork right in his throat if someone dared to clean the table I was still eating at.

>> No.12552240

>Kid can act that way with out the parent ever being like that.
That's true. But if the parent allows it without correction, that's a behavioral deficiency in the parent.

>> No.12552250

you should've ICE'd him

>> No.12552251

Neck yourself polfag, only faggots shop at whole foods.

>> No.12552529


customer service here, this guy is exactly right and anon is a fucking idiot.

>> No.12552606

>>Nobody will fire him because his mom makes sure he shows up for work on time and the biggest requirement for continued employment is showing up.
Literally like this in the professional/business world. I've been forced countless times over the past 10 years to fire my best developers and analyst because they occasionally are an hour late. Meanwhile, the worst developers and analysts are non-fireable because they sit in their chair from 8am-5pm...but don't do a fucking thing


>> No.12552629

>rules that are literally only followed when the health inspector is in the store

>> No.12552646

What the fuck was the /pol/ part of OP's post? Just because some worker cussed him out in Spanish and he complained doesn't make it a race issue, it's a language issue you fucking moron. What a huge baby little pussy.

>> No.12552736
File: 8 KB, 160x144, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stocking shelves in high school
>huge fat retard comes into the store all the time
>straight up molests people, just grabs them
>makes this high pitched retard noise while he does it
>store owners and everyone working there acts like it's normal
Shit was fuuuuuuuuuucked. They called him Airplane Eddie because of his weird noises.

>> No.12552759

lmao no one called the cops?

>> No.12552796

Nope. There was also a fat googly eyed crazy lady named April who would come in and cry at the register when she didn't have money. One time she burst into the store screaming her head off about having scabies. That place was sooo fucked up. Years after I left I heard one of the longtime employees got busted for embezzling a huge amount of money from them somehow.

>> No.12552805
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1478187010855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I just remembered! There was also an enormous hillbilly working there who would (mind you this means more than once) PULL HIS OWN FUCKING TEETH IN THE BATHROOM. And, clean the slicer by turning it on and grinding his disgusting fingernails against the inside ridge thingy. Customers actually did complain about that a few times.

>> No.12552826

the ones in the pilot truck stop

>> No.12552838

put it in a headlock and knee to the face

>> No.12552867

Flyovers literally aren't human.

>> No.12552905

Holy lmao, got anymore stories? also what state did this take place in?

>> No.12552987

Small town upstate NY, Broome/Tioga. Something about that area seems to turn people into obese zombies. The owner, his wife, the butcher and a few other guys were insane alcoholics, too.

>> No.12553057


I've run into the same shit Cuntco employees. I'm like, you have a decent wage and benefits for somebody doing whats essentially entry level work, and I gotta pay to be a "member" just to fucking spend money. I've told a few to just fucking chill and everything will work out fine.

>> No.12553629

>working at a gas station last year
>first time ever dealing with a cash register
>fat black guy blows in like tumbleweed wearing his sideways shit hat and sagging pants
>mumbles something about a pack of cigarettes
>"which would you like?"
>gimme duh Newport rəDž
>.."I'm sorry i didn't understand you"
>these ones?
>nah man...
>oh, these ones
>i finally fucking find them behind a shelf after my coworker tells me they special order them for him
>can i see your ID?
>practically throws it at me
>tell him the price
>pulls out his wallet and hands me a nearly ripped in half 10 dollar bill and just walks out

>> No.12553779

That's pretty neat, I work in whole body. ask me anything.

>> No.12553794
File: 117 KB, 200x200, bigsmiley_04_200x200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on vacation to family living in canada in december( in Calgary that time)
>they went ahead to costco
>go inside
>"s-sir, can i see your member card"
>don't have one ofcourse lmao
>wait 30 mins next to salvation army singing songs
>about 50%+ gave them money
>noticed return line is 1 hour long

>> No.12554820

The employee was still in the wrong though, you really aren't supposed to use chemical cleaners on tables that people are at or near in proximity to, basic health hazard training aside it's simply rude and a bother to the clientele.

>> No.12555412

i dont throw the word "cuck" out there too often but...

>> No.12555449

its not about discipline. Why was he crying in the first place? My kid loved being out at restaurants at a very young age. More than likely the child was being ignored. Most parents are lazy cunts who would rather have their kids crying and causing problems than take a moment here and there to make their child feel engaged and part of the event.
Imagine being a new person who doesn't know what the fuck is going on gets stuck in a loud confusing place and gets completely ignored by their caregivers and then those caregivers blame and punish you for their mistake.
Its like when your incompetent boss fucks up and blames you. Its fucked up man.

>> No.12555456

>things that never happened
you forgot the part where you had sex and had friends and weren't a humongous turbofagatron homosexazoid 9000

>> No.12555528

>being a tourist in Michigan.
if you don't like camping, it's not for you

>> No.12555568

Well, there's Macinac Island and the UP for snowboarding. Or I can just stay in WI.

>> No.12555595


>> No.12555615


>just a general cock because i'm leaving the state soon
>manager so people have to go out of their way if they want to complain about my behavior
>my store's sales are essentially double what they were last year
>nothing happens
I mean I wasn't always like this. Stop buying shit from the guy who's treating you poorly and maybe I'll actually get fired or at the least a warning

>> No.12555619


>> No.12555642


>> No.12556071

britfag here and Subawys are always open at that time for kicking out of nightclubs (never understood why people want a shit sandwich instead of fried chicken or a kebab though). I was also working nights in Brighton and the Subway there was 24/7 and a homeless woman stole a cookie so the guy called security for the area to get her removed

>> No.12556398

He's right, you're wrong. You let the customer be a shitty child, nod and agree with them, give em some cheap free bs and get on with your day. That's corporates' instruction. Shitty employees exist, but shitty customers are even more common.

>> No.12556489

Fuck both of you, you are the parent, you call the shots. Letting your kid cry for the sake of it is bad parenting. If he was in pain, yeah but it was a fucking tantrum. You two were probably raised by parents who put you on timeout or took your tablets and phones away and was spared the belt.

>> No.12556528

If anything, you were the retard here anon

>> No.12556532

Why do people without kids think they know jack shit about parenting?

>> No.12556544

Lol this is pretty accurate. If a kid is crying because of physical pain, there’s not much you can do about it besides fix the problem and tell them to shut up because they aren’t dying and everything is okay.

If a kid is crying for any other reason, it’s basically for one of the seven deadly sins. Teach them to stop being a little bitch about it or they’re going to have that sin for the rest of their life.

>> No.12556696

No, the phrase began from the customers choices onwhat products to purchase dictates the market. You don't even know the source of the phrase.

>> No.12556708

When you disturb someone's rhythm it trips them up, especially at a repetitive job. Big surprise. Kinda seems like you're power tripping over people trying to just make a living.

>> No.12556860

i was simply pointing out that the parents are failing if the child is crying at all in the first place. I never said it was ok to have kids crying in restaurants.

>> No.12556923

Costco is a wholesaler. They don't make a profit of of the commodity you purchase.

>> No.12557622

>ineffectiveness of the regulation product
>retard purchaser/manager bought "whatever" product because they don't know the tome of OSHA and personnel rules

what's it like to be 12 and not understand literally anything

>inb4 inspections

they don't catch anything nor does that mean the remediation is sustainable

>> No.12557707
File: 368 KB, 1600x1200, carne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some carne asada now calm the fuck down you stupid beaner

>> No.12557709

whoops I meant that for >>12552251

>yeah anyways fuck you

>> No.12557765
File: 47 KB, 1024x559, 4832CA7D-311A-4AA0-9012-B3AA87808D87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should let him eat your food and give him a tip for his service while you’re at it

>> No.12557824

Great swathes of Mexico are under firm control of drug cartels. Try to stay and do something worthwhile and you'll be killed if you're adult, kidnapped and re-educated if you're a child, or raped if you're female.