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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12542569 No.12542569 [Reply] [Original]

Any fellow Meat cutters/Butchers around? Whats the best cut in your opinion? Mine would probably be Pic Related, a Sirloin Flap!

>> No.12542590

You brutally murder sentient beings for a few seconds of mouth pleasure. You rot your dopamine pathways and jack up your lipid profile all while paying a premium for it. You are among the most retarded people on the face of this planet, my friend. I will pray for you tonight.

Leviticus 19:26
You shall not eat any flesh with the blood in it. You shall not interpret omens or tell fortunes.

>> No.12542591

Beef cheek. Preferably cheek of veal. There is no comparison to it.

>> No.12542595

shut up cuck

>> No.12542597

Ribeye cap or tenderloin for me.

>> No.12542611

>You shall not eat any flesh with the blood in it
good thing myoglobin isn't blood
>You shall not interpret omens or tell fortunes
I don't need a crystal ball to know you take dick in the ass every night

>> No.12542612

the chain

>> No.12542616

>I don't need a crystal ball to know you take dick in the ass every night
let's be fair
there's no way he's getting laid that much

>> No.12542629

Kek, I'm an Athiest

>> No.12542638

Op here, I also think that Teras Major is another super underrated cut as well! How long have you guys been Cutting?

>> No.12542672

*tips fedora*
Just stop. No one is going to have an actual conversation with about food here. It's just soyjacks, fast food threads and microwaved hotdogs.

>> No.12542816

>Leviticus 19:26
>You shall not eat any flesh with the blood in it. You shall not interpret omens or tell fortunes.

1. And the human knew Eve his woman and she conceived and bore Cain, and she said, "I have got me a man with the Lord."

2. And she bore as well his brother Abel, and Abel became a herder of sheep while Cain was a tiller of the soil.

3. And it happened in the course of time that Cain brought from the fruit of the soil an offering to the Lord.

4. And Abel too had brought from the choice firstlings of his flock, and the Lord regarded Abel and his offering

5. but did not regard Cain and his offering. And Cain was very incensed, and his face fell.

>> No.12542821

>meat flap
Hmm, I could make a scathing comment about your mum, but I'll bow to decorum.

I really like flank steak for korean bbq bulgogi or carne asada. For steaks, I just buy a whole cryovac'd ribeye from Sam's, break it down and vacuum pack them.

>> No.12542835

that's just about blood

Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.
Genesis 9:3-4

>> No.12542864

Based and veganpilled

>> No.12543099

>militant vegan in charge of dopamine pathways

Lel, you literally derive your satisfaction from preaching to people about their diets. Also, why is every vegan/memedieter I’ve ever met sickly looking, deteriorating, and depressed? Could it be that you’re just not getting enough protein?

>> No.12543145

>Chad Abel bringing lamb ribs
>Virgin Cain bringing biscuits and crutons

The Bible literally tells us to stay clear of vegans, vegetarians and people from agricultural cultures while encouraging the eating of meat.

>> No.12543182

Lol. Fuck vegans, christians, jammies, trannies, the left, and the right.

>> No.12543503
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1 Timothy 4 says you worship the evil one Satanist.

>> No.12543517

Flap meat is highly underrated. It's perfect for quick grilling or making a stuffed roll, and it's not overpriced. The only places I can find it are a my local carneceria, one supermarket, and one regular meat market.

>> No.12543523

>and she said, "I have got me a man with the Lord."
I didn't realize Eve was ghetto AF.

>> No.12544181

Silence Antonio, the civilised men are talking here.

>> No.12544238

That's how you know that Eden was in Africa

>> No.12545509

I like flap too great marbling, easy to cook, and cheap.

Are you actually using Scripture to condemn the killing and eating of animals? You realize Yahweh's entire cult revolved around offerings of burnt flesh right?