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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 270x151, bonappetit_from-the-test-kitchen-chris-makes-donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12500587 No.12500587 [Reply] [Original]

General discussion thread of the new BA video, Chris Makes Doughnuts.
I feel like Claire and Molly get all the love and attention here. So fellow food fags let's discuss how great it would be to cream Chris's tight little doughnut hole and have him fart those delicious cum bubbles back into your mouth.

>> No.12500590

I fucking hate these threads.

>> No.12500596

Stop shilling this shit.

>> No.12500599

I post these because I love BA, if I could be paid by them too that would be a dream cum true

>> No.12500681

You're right, let's just endlessly post rehashed shitposts about le egg fort man and mc chickens.
Neck yourselves, niggers.

>> No.12500685


>> No.12500725
File: 66 KB, 566x567, DvP56A8VAAAMXSU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give Ruby those donuts you God damned faggot!

>> No.12500731

Your strangely homosex descriptions aside, are yoghurt donuts really good or are they a kike trick

>> No.12500732

I miss 'vark and 'go'za threads desu

>> No.12500767

They good. My go to doughnuts are either yogurt or potato. Don't even get me started on sweet potato doughnuts.

>> No.12500768

Reminder that Chris is somehow straight

>> No.12500775

I don't think so.

>> No.12501126
File: 474 KB, 250x142, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added it to watch later, going to watch it on my commute tomorrow.

>> No.12501132

CWC? Pretty sure she's a dyke now.

>> No.12501146
File: 50 KB, 640x384, IMAG0812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make fucking better doughnuts than that. Where's my fucking Conde Naste sponsored test kitchen and channel, you fucks.

>> No.12501149

How cute are you? No uggos pls

>> No.12501154

I think it's funny that whenever you see the rest of the staff they're exactly as effeminate and soy as the memes say they are. What the fuck happened to the country? Jesus Christ, it's embarrassing.

>> No.12501158

>terrible posts are ok because of other terrible posts

>> No.12501161

Fuck off, people like BA. Hide the thread if it irritates your clam so much.

>> No.12501169

>implying I'd actually post a pic on a nepalese basket weaving forum
Cute enough to work for Bon Appetit, if those other people are any indication.

>> No.12501170

they were never funny you fat fucking boomer

>> No.12501204

He has two kids and a wife

>> No.12501214

Sure, Chad.

>> No.12501216

Do you really think those people on BA aren't just average looking? Seriously, how ugly are you and the people around you?

>> No.12501237

Actually never watched a single video so I don't know what they look like. Just assumed they were all cute chadtwinks because of the incessant BA spamming and the rampant homosexuality of this board.

>> No.12501324

They're very average.

>> No.12501358



>> No.12501361

Claire a cute

>> No.12501369

I'm specifically talking men. Are you?

>> No.12501373

Based shill

>> No.12501460

andy is very good looking, objectively although i personally find him extremely annoying

>> No.12501511


>> No.12501522

Could someone please translate what they're saying for me?

>> No.12501581

its just gibberish

>> No.12501590

Yes, both the men and the women are just average looking. Nothing wrong with that, just saying.

>> No.12501597

How do they compare to the Buzzfeed Try Guys? I think they're very average desu but people seem to think they're sexy asf

>> No.12501621

Ehhh, they're average too. I mean, most people are of average looks, so it's not an insult. And average doesn't mean ugly. An average looking person can become more attractive if they have good personality traits, like humor, or the the ability to tell stories, or have skills that other find attractive, etc. That's probably why people think the Bon Appetit people or the Try Guys are sexy, it's because something about their personality appeals to them, besides just their looks.

>> No.12501635

Totally agree but the way fags fawn over them here makes them seem like Gosling type dream boats.

>> No.12501647

Yeah, it's kind of weird, frankly. I mean, I watch some of Brad's BA videos sometimes because he makes some interesting condiments and fermented stuff, but that's it. He's just an average goof who makes some neat stuff. None of them (or the Buzzfeed people) are "hot" or "sexy" imo. They're just regular people. And some of them are downright fucking annoying (to me, anyway).

>> No.12502134

I like the Indian girl. She's really pretty. She makes interesting stuff too.

>> No.12502284


>> No.12503274

Did you see the amount of Joos in the video?
I mean, all the seniors and most writers are jews. The fag boss, the degenerate pusher Carla, two perfect jewesses in this vid, unfortunately the chubby cutie Claire. I wouldn't be too surprised if Chris was a jew too.
What do? I can't watch it anymore but it's pretty kino.

>> No.12504492

You're thinking of brad. Chris is a flaming homosexual

>> No.12504899

Chris is a Boston plastic paddy

>> No.12505094

Morocco doesn't sound irish

>> No.12505155
File: 3.33 MB, 640x360, 5C898999-D882-4866-939A-1291C632A51D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s celebrate with best girl.

>> No.12505601
File: 166 KB, 476x482, OpieOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm... donuts

>> No.12505608

So happy that 90% of the Burger Show youtube comments are about Alvin needing to stop with the burgers and get his health in order.

>> No.12505627

They should just give the show to that guy with the giant sideburns who looks like he jumped out of a TV show from the 50's.
He knows more about burgers and is also a lot more charismatic. Alvin is awkward as fuck.

>> No.12505661

George Motz is a fucking great guy.

>> No.12506355

Nah, there was an episode where he mentioned them.
Exactly, seems like a random fake name, like this denegerate pushers name - Music.
Also, forgot about Amiel Stanek, looked like a raging homojew but I googled him and he is only a raging jew with a jew wife.

It's pretty uncommon for a channel with this amount of degens and progressive drones would be that watchable.

>> No.12507082

I’m surprised Chris made them instead of Mommy Claire.

>> No.12507119

He was working on them in the background of one of her videos and apparently having a bitch of a time with it

>> No.12507154

How old are you?

>> No.12507172
File: 45 KB, 871x651, 1405226445928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majority of the thread is just talking about how attractive the men are

No surprise that the target audience for this is homos who can't cook.

>> No.12507400

Morocco sounds like a Sephardic name

>> No.12508243

Because he's autistically dedicated to perfection

>> No.12508602

Old enough to not care about being shamed into submission when asking about cultural, behavioral and political patterns of non-Western people and if we're sure they're sincere and compatible with the general Western culture.
For that matter I don't think Britbongs are compatible, the most facade, fake and self-deceiving culture which decent into a contemporary totalitarian police state is a natural consequence of their own behavioral patterns.

I thought about it too but it is really uncommon for a jew to have a westernized name after a place where they formerly lived.

>> No.12509084

its a meme you dip