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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 600x400, Should-You-Still-Eat-Your-Food-If-a-Fly-Lands-on-It-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12500262 No.12500262 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when a fly lands on your food? Do you send it back or do you shoo it off and still eat the food?

>> No.12500272

I rip that piece of the food off and eat the rest that wasn’t touched

>> No.12500283

Flies dont land on my food because they will never get past my watchful eye.

>> No.12500284

I shoo it away and carry on eating. imagine actually sending food back because a fly landed on it

>> No.12500286

I stop eating and throw away the food. It made me lose my appetite.

>> No.12500314

You eat the fucking food. How fragile can you people be ?

>> No.12500331

that same fly could have been outside feasting on a turd

>> No.12500338

i like turds

>> No.12500356 [DELETED] 

Strengthens your immune system, soyboy cuck-king.

>> No.12500361

I'm sorry anon but you need to take the brownpill

>> No.12500389
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Did you guys know flies vomit every time they land?

>> No.12500404

Based and immune-pilled.

>> No.12500432

>t. soyboys

Just eat the food, faggot. You won't know the difference anyway. The line cook that plated your slop probably has more turd on his hands than that fly

>> No.12500449
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Hey fuckface all I did was provide a fun factoid, you can shut the fuck up after you apologize to me

>> No.12500454
File: 38 KB, 720x526, 1560801453681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rn

>> No.12500459

I'm sorry, I'm just grumpy because my boyfriend won't cum on my food after fucking me in the ass so that I can eat all the shit and semen I want.

>> No.12500462

It happens to the best of us

>> No.12500464

Throw it away and recook the meal or leave the restaurant and tip 2.5%.

>> No.12500561

Flies are funny weird tweakers.

>> No.12500737
File: 70 KB, 684x912, Butter Flies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat the fucking fly

>> No.12500911

>a fly lands on your food for like half a second before you shoo it away
oh no better send this back like a fucking idiot

>> No.12501078

I eat the food and the fly. I know, I'm an absolute madman, even me mum says so.

>> No.12501211

Waiter, waiter! There is a fly in my soup!

>> No.12501235
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Cut the piece where it landed and offer it to someone else at the table if I think they didn't notice.

>> No.12501328

Anyone ever have saliva squirt out from under your tongue onto someone elses food and they dont notice and you dont tell them then they eat it.

>> No.12501342

I call the waitress over and beat the living hell out of her.

>> No.12501346

My mum has this mutation it's fucking gross

>> No.12501382

I cant control it, it just happens randomly when im talking sometimes.

>> No.12501558

I heard that if you swallow a fly that perhaps you'll die.

>> No.12501687

It's called geeking

>> No.12501689

Give him a shekel to be on his way.

>> No.12501755


>> No.12501801

the amount of dudes who didn't wash their hands after a three hour commute to work was a bit worrisome. also the cocaine that they snort in the cooler

>> No.12501839

>why does my stomach have hydrochloric acid?
Of course I wouldn't eat that Asian fly-infested shit those people have no sanitary sense at all.
Why are asians so dirty?

>> No.12501844

White people love us though so we're based.

>> No.12501848

I loudly say "flies get the best of this place" then laugh merrily as I continue eating.

>> No.12501874
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x1836, 20161124_091606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the correct answer, also

>> No.12501884

>flyover country, the photo

>> No.12501943
File: 122 KB, 1278x1181, 1536519735516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fly eats poop
>fly makes contact with air
>breathe in said air
>basically breathed in poop

>> No.12501993

>bought low-fat cheese
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12502003

>buying pre shredded cheese at all

>> No.12502040

I actually like it for some things and if it's cheaper per ounce, which it often is at Kroger, I'll buy it. A little bit of starch sprinkled in there to prevent clumping is no problem, actually buffs up sauces.

>> No.12502059
File: 2 KB, 205x140, 1403830793224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive me for not having cows in my back yard grazing off this wondrous earth, whilst I milk them to create my own cheese and run through my 4hp Omcan. Ya fuckin faggot, it's convenient; People who have lives and things to do other than sitting on a Nigerian silicone dildo forum critiquing other peoples taste in cheese, kinda like convenience.

>> No.12502085

nah, you just have to swallow a spider to get it

>> No.12502118

Your cheese appears to be expired by a couple years. You must not clean your fridge very often if it's been hanging out this long.

>> No.12502152

I just eat.the chefs probably had shit on their hands while making it anywas.

>> No.12502175

You snapped a picture of a bunch of shitty cheese and your gay ass gun for cool points on an anonymous Chinese piss bottle forum. You don't have a life either.

>> No.12502197
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>> No.12502278

deflecting cheese hoarder

>> No.12502640


>> No.12502724
File: 871 KB, 1014x1024, 1550490895845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat the fly

>> No.12502790

Throw it away.

Flies can carry parasites.

Don't be like the fake tough guys in this thread.

In Hawaii, tough guys like the ones in this thread end up getting Rat Lungworm Brain Eating Parasites due to a slug getting on their fruits or vegetables.

>> No.12502925

>Brain Eating
I don't think they have to worry about that one.

>> No.12503211
File: 230 KB, 640x360, 1500942792938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RMA the fuck out of it.

>> No.12503451

Into the garbage it goes. Flies can cause stomach ulcers.

>> No.12503456

>implying everybody on this thread isn't a frog poster who would rather eat flies than anything

>> No.12503459

Into the garbage it goes. Flies can cause stomach ulcers.

Ever been to a picnic? Then you've eaten fly shit.

>> No.12503487
File: 125 KB, 686x524, 1550099139276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught me

>> No.12504213

>there’s shit in my underwear
Something tells me this article might be catering mainly to amerifrens

>> No.12504216

I know THAT feel

>> No.12504223

Spiders are a gateway animal. It will lead to larger animal swallowing abuse.

>> No.12504227

This. I've seen so many videos of women attempting to swallow horses.

>> No.12504944


>> No.12504952

I throw it all away. Bitch wife can cook all over again.

>> No.12504956

I catch it in mid air between the prongs of my fork and then demand a refund because there's an insect on my cutlery

>> No.12504970

Oh bullshit

>> No.12505093

that same fly cooked your fucking meal be respectful

oh wait thats no fly that Julio! my bad Julio, hows the GED coming along?

>> No.12505141

base doggo

>> No.12505177

Shoo it away and remove the bit where it landed.

>> No.12505268


Lmao @ all the weak plebs forced into compromises due to their own weak defenses.

>> No.12506077

Shut up you faggot, I've done this multiple times, we don't all have boomer tier reflexes

>> No.12506537

I stick the fly up my peehole

>> No.12508150

I fuck my food so I don't care.