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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12499942 No.12499942 [Reply] [Original]

Cool and crisp thread for discussion and appreciation of the GOAT beverage.
Still, or Sparkling? Tap, or bottled? French, or Italian? Low pH, or high? Wet, or dry? All tastes are welcome here in /water/.

>> No.12499972

Tell me about dry water.

>> No.12499973
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>> No.12499979

Sparkling water has a low pH and is worse for you than uncarbonated soda. Carbon dioxide is a literal toxin.

>> No.12499989

Wrong, most sparkling waters are around 7.5, with the exception of some like Perrier, which is around 5.5, and Badoit is a 6.5.
Natural mineral water, still or sparkling, has numerous health benefits over tap water.

>> No.12499994

Carbon dioxide becomes carbonic acid. You are wrong.

>> No.12500014

some old studies suggested this could increase tooth erosion, but they have long since been disproven.
sparkling water is no worse for teeth than plain water.

>> No.12500022

Will alkaline water change my blood ph? Trying to follow Dr. Sebi's alkaline diet and not clear on this.

>> No.12500042

no idea. San Pellegrino is a good alkaline water though. personally I prefer the more acidic waters.

>> No.12500126

redpill me on heavy water

>> No.12500141
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For me, it's Talisker 10

>> No.12500152

If you drink it you will die

>> No.12500169

no you won't. why is everyone so scientifically illiterate?

>> No.12500171

It is poison. You also can't float in it.

>> No.12500855

you can drink some heavy water from time to time without ill effects.
but if you drank only heavy water, it's probably bad, but nobody has ever done it.

>> No.12501560
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For me, Badoit.

>> No.12501694

It's not radioactive

>> No.12501701
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I got a can of this fancy shit from Grocery Outlet, haven't tried it yet

>> No.12501738

groshoutlet is bretty baste for deals

>> No.12501741

who here /r/waterniggas

>> No.12501861

I bought lacroix coconut it's okay. So was Waterloo grape. I also tried a gin and tonic. It was bretty good.
Best water is still normal water desu.

>> No.12501937
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Fucking pleb.

>> No.12502226
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Could someone recommend me a good sparkling mineral water? I drink a lot of pic related and Perrier at the moment but I'm looking to broaden my horizons. Not looking for flavored stuff like La Croix.

>> No.12502667
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Aaaah drinka de ramlosa

>> No.12503093
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Carbonated water makes me bloated

>> No.12503112
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for me, it's loka

>> No.12503120

just replaced my dual stage carbon filter with 5 micron and 0.5 micron filters, and the water tastes absolutely pure

>> No.12503145

>you also can't float in it
on the contrary, its easier to float in heavy water than in regular water

>> No.12505036


>> No.12505574


>> No.12505579

Dumb fuckman. A person drops like a stone in heavy water. Didn't you play MGS2? Remember the Vamp fight in heavy water?

>> No.12505592
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These things are a lifesaver

>> No.12505602
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Water is pretty much all I ever drink these days. Used to be a soda fiend back in high school. Weened myself off of them by switching over to lighter sodas like sprite and then eventually downgrading to sparkling water and after that, it was easy to just switch fully over to water. I rotate a few jugs in the fridge so that I can keep my personal water bottle that I carry with me everywhere full of ice cold goodness. I swear to god that nothing hits you better than that first big gulp at 3 in the morning when you wake up with a dry mouth.

>> No.12505610

based and hydrationpilled

>> No.12505617
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dat logo design tho

>> No.12506250
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I drink tap water, here it's good enough that i don't even use a filter jug anymore and the law has more strict requirements for tap water on fluoride and other shit than for spring water.
Stainless steel bottle to drink outside, fuck plastic bottles.

>> No.12506906

cringe and soypilled

>> No.12508076
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Essentia FTW

>> No.12508168

>tap water
>not choosing your preferred TDS content
>not choosing your preferred PH level
>not knowing the differences in whether it's sourced from spring water, well water, deep sea water, glacial water, iceberg water, rain water, or artisan water
You just lap up whatever somebody else thinks you deserve, huh? No dignity.

>> No.12508183
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finest bubbles in the game, the Champagne of sparkling water

>> No.12508202

short answer, no....it had no bearing at all on your blood pH
long story summarized: the blood pH has a very very thin margin of safety:
pH too low, you die, pH too high, you die; your renal function (among several other factors) keeps this under tight control; on a more practical level, the acidic contents of your upper GI tract would immediately cancel any alkaline qualities out

TL:DR, you fell for the latest diet pseudoscience, and someone made money off you

>> No.12508224

Are you like living in the stone ages or absolutely retarded? If your blood ph deviates from the normal range, you die. Simple as that.

>> No.12508850

no but i am around heavy water on a daily basis and i can tell you from first hand experience that things float easier/higher in heavy water than in regular water

>> No.12508891

i drink 2 gallons of unfiltered tap water every day

>> No.12510374
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>quenches your thirst
why is it so good anons?

>> No.12510696

How gay have you become?

>> No.12510709

gib discord server OwO

>> No.12511996

drink water, not cum

>> No.12512008

I was a huge soda chugging fuck from since i could remember until I was in my twenties! I started working construction and it became necessary since i could fucking die fron dehydration.
I still drink soda but as a treat for lunch and with dinner. The rest of the time I hydrate properly and no lie my skin is better and i feel less like a fat piece of shit. I have energy and shit now so thanks water for being...everywhere and shit!

>> No.12512139

You guys should make your own. If you have a homebrew setup (and you should) it's super easy.

For 5 gallons:

5 gallons - Distilled Water
2.2 grams - Kosher (non-iodized) salt
0.2 grams - Potassium Chloride
10.6 grams - Epson Salt
0.57 mg - Calcium Nitrate
3.3 grams - Calcium Carbonate
9.5 grams - Gypsum
0.3 grams - Magnesium Chloride

Pour minerals into a sanitized keg and shake for a few minutes. Carb around 10-12 psi (maybe lower) to emulate the carbonation level of real San Pellegrino, or do like I do and carb around 30 psi. I like mine bubbly! By the time it's fully carbonated (force carbing is fine) the minerals will be completely dissolved. The carbonic acid helps to dissolve them. Before that it will have a chalky taste to it.

I've tasted this against the real thing. This clone is not exact, but it isveryclose.

Between three of us, we've gone through three kegs over the last three weeks. I've saved about $125 by making my own San Pellegrino.

>> No.12512151


Use this helpful guide and spreadsheet after testing your water to calculate all your dissolvable materials

>> No.12513645

really makes you think