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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 283 KB, 422x313, plutonium9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12487658 No.12487658 [Reply] [Original]

What's the hottest hot sauce in your collection? Pic related is me putting Plutonium Mad Dog Plutonium Mag Dog 9 in my pasta because I'm a true chilihead.

>> No.12487665

You paid $60 for a disgusting oleoresin?

>> No.12487680
File: 76 KB, 266x450, Kill All Niggers Spics AND TRANNIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish it was that cheap, poorfag.

>> No.12487727
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, 1559727215408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for pepper extract
>especially $100 worth
Your a special type of stupid.

>> No.12487735
File: 204 KB, 422x313, SoyHot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12487780

Must suck living in a country with such a shit economy.

>> No.12487788
File: 173 KB, 315x598, Ankha_NewLeaf_Official.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's American dollars, wagie NEET.

>> No.12487796


>> No.12487803

I guess you didn't understand the part where I said SHIT ECONOMY.

>> No.12487818

Based. Are you a lone /ck/ s o y Photoshopper or is it a bunch of you?

>> No.12487829

Having a collection of hot sauces doesn't make you quirky or interesting, it makes you out to be compensating for a personality.

>> No.12487840

I guess you're a neet shut-in. I always found it fun to take my hottest sauce (Mad Dog 357: 20th Anniversary Gold Edition) to work, and have all the so-called chili-heads try some. One of them even commented after I left, saying "You know it's bad when it feels like your ears are running..."

>> No.12487935

OP is a very shit troll

>> No.12488416

>Literally the richest country on earth
Yeah suck my shitty economic balls

>> No.12488480

>not just using a hot sauce with good flavors

I will never understand Scoville-fags.

>> No.12488488

The sadder one

>> No.12488509

>Literally the richest country on earth
per capita?

>> No.12488550

>not just using peppers which aren't so fucking hot so you can enjoy food with your normie friends

If you are going on the heat threadmill you might as well go straight to the final destination. Pretending it's still about flavour is the greater faggotry.

Normie heat or go big.

>> No.12488598

>what is nuance
>are there more peppers than just *insert hottest pepper here*
>what is acid

Do you realize how dumb your statements are, on a food and cooking board?

>> No.12488700

I don't know the heat ratings, but Tapatio and Franks Red Hot Buffalo are what I got.

>> No.12488720

You're doing god's work anon.

>> No.12488733

soy isn't filtered on /ck/ you fucking retard

>> No.12488776

VolimLjuto's Brutalero Raspberry Death

>> No.12489217

Spotted the spicelet. No ones trying to be quirky or interesting, they just enjoy hot sauces. Fucking PUSSY. Now go back to your sriracha, BITCH.

>> No.12489237

Habanero Tabasco is the hottest sauce I have. It's aleardy pretty spicy. What's the next sauce I should get ?

>> No.12489277
File: 29 KB, 450x450, 8bfdcdf9-d5e0-441a-b840-3e9781ba1b5b_1.97b5544bb11e9ea19498f738f4b65133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else try these yet? Pretty damn good for ultra cheap snacking

>> No.12489300

I make my own with curry garlic and pepper

store bought sauces are full of artificial shit

>> No.12489308

I have a habanero puree and a madame jeanette sambal that are somewhat equal in heat. The heat is real, but still quite managable, more pleasure than pain.

>> No.12489323

I never understood people who are obsessed with heat more than good flavour desu

>> No.12489363

>Pic related is me
I didn't realize that the beast himself posted here

>> No.12489367
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1558315696334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did somebody say hot sauce collection?

>> No.12489392

I don’t really have a collection of hot sauces, but my spiciest got sauce right now is just original Tabasco. I have a nice Mexican soup recipe that calls for el yuteco green, so I usually have that on hand, but I don’t make soup too often in the summer. I don’t really care much about hot sauces, I find most foods don’t need it.. but if anyone is looking for a good store bought salsa, check out Ms. renfros. It’s the best available, with many different varieties.

>> No.12490032

No one cares what you do, at all.

>> No.12490106


Oh that's weird, I didn't realize you were the LA Beast.

>> No.12490122
File: 58 KB, 865x1390, 3B2A6310-02D1-41E9-AD3B-AAE3FDFD3CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12490130

Reminder that the hot sauce = soy meme is a psyop to further emasculate Western man.

>> No.12490756

No, it's just one shitposter, probably from /tv/, who just figured out photoshop and is slapping the soy guy on literally god damn everything.

>> No.12490765

I have a can of mace by my bedroom door. I guess if I put that on my food I'd probably suffer pretty bad.

>> No.12490779

I've got Nippleplastic Neonheat Homochiclets Capsaisin pills.

You fucking people need to grow the fuck up and find a good hot sauce, not a HOT hot sauce. Shitheads. You're like those assholes in pickup trucks.

>> No.12490787

Sorry, you just sound so fucking stupid talking about hot sauce.

>> No.12490794
File: 15 KB, 294x313, 1396235855704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people out there who collect hot sauces
jesus christ

>> No.12491747

I like my theory better.

>> No.12492276

>soy isn't filtered on /ck/ you fucking retard
Lol he mad

>> No.12492333

If you eat something specific you tend to buy multiple things of it, multiple units of the same thing is a "collection"
People aren't collecting hot sauce like pokemon cards.

>> No.12492354

I have 3 am reserve I bought impulsively one time, but I ended up never using it after realizing that'd be a dumb idea. I've held onto it, but never hit a point to try eating it.
Other than that, I have Dave's Ghost pepper I mix in with weaker hot sauces for my food. I've hit a point where any one hot sauce by itself tastes like garbage -- specifically of the ones I've used and found. I need to mix specific ones together to get something that isn't too sweet/salty or too much burn to enjoy the food. Probably comfortably eat somewhere in the 300k-900k scoville unit range. Anything over that and I tend to be downing milk like a bitch.

>> No.12492361


>> No.12492441

The Last Dab because I like heat that actually has flavor. Fuck extracts.

>> No.12492448

People collect Pokemon cards to construct a good deck. People collect hot sauce to construct a good meal. It's actually exactly the same.

>> No.12492452

Pokemon cards are spicier than hot sauce so it's actually not the same.

>> No.12492705

Jeez anon I just want a little extra kick in my food, I don’t wanna burn my mouth every time.

>> No.12492873


>> No.12492909

>hot sauce collection

what a fag

>> No.12492921
File: 18 KB, 343x306, nick_pagans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pepper Extract

>> No.12492927

You had to wait almost 24 hours since OP posted that to reply? Are you scared of Mad Dog bros or something?

>> No.12493072

/ck/ is a slow board. Fuck off back to redit, retard.

>> No.12493081

I'm not the bitch who waited 26 hours to reply to a thread, you are. Maybe it's time that you fuck off back to your beloved reddit.

>> No.12493117

I’m not the guy who you were replying to though. Unlucky retard.

>> No.12493167

Oh no, I' m so unlucky that I ran into the 30 hour sleeper.

>> No.12493213

This is correct. The “no it’s one poster lol” claim is bullshit because it’s on every fucking board in one way shape or form

>> No.12493215


>> No.12493239

dude, so much fucking THIS

>> No.12493602

Cringe. Go back to /r/cooking retard

>> No.12495391

For me, it's Tabasco, or some no brand umami stuff I found in the international section

>> No.12495448

How many years has it been since I had last seen that pic? Fuck