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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 800x800, 7F641452-E24B-42E7-BAE4-B9FE8AA5B065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12472286 No.12472286 [Reply] [Original]

Defend this.

>> No.12472293

keeps the goys away from nutritious meat products that can then be conserved for Gods chosen people, the Israelites.

>> No.12472294

It taste good. A little thick but else good

>> No.12472297

They stink!

>> No.12472333

Defend it from what?

>> No.12472334
File: 83 KB, 800x800, beyond-soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does something be soy free and 100% soy at the same time?

>> No.12472338

Sometimes you want a burger but don't want the allergic reaction to alpha-gal proteins because you were too stupid to use bug spray.

>> No.12472347

These are fucking awful. Taste and smell like a refuse heap.

>> No.12472349

Okay, now this is epic.

>> No.12472351

lol no

>> No.12472378

>nutritious meat
Haha get a load of this dumbass

>> No.12472393

take your supplements vegcuck

>> No.12472403

>highest valued IPO since early 2000s
Stay mad fatass

>> No.12472407
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I'll just leave this here

>> No.12472413

why are vegans so pissed off and angry all the time?

>> No.12472419

>muh water

>> No.12472425
File: 132 KB, 1241x1159, 7a33459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u mad
ah yes, the preteen rebuttle
stay classy omnivores

>> No.12472432

how to sneak food into a theatre

>> No.12472445

cattle farming takes less land than a plant farm

>> No.12472447

>Water, Pea Protein Isolate*, Expeller-Pressed Canola Oil, Refined Coconut Oil, Rice Protein, Natural Flavors, Cocoa Butter, Mung Bean Protein, Methylcellulose, Potato Starch, Apple Extract, Salt, Potassium Chloride, Vinegar, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Sunflower Lecithin, Pomegranate Fruit Powder, Beet Juice Extract (for color)

>> No.12472448

Hes right tho vegans always set off like firecrackers. They make me nervous

>> No.12472453

why do vegans always try to make imitation meat products from soy"

>> No.12472477
File: 108 KB, 750x1334, cc9281a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are meatcucks trying still using horse-drawn carriages?

>> No.12472483

t Nestle CEO
Yeah we aren't exactly at a premium for space, there's plenty of arable land both around the world and in the US.

>> No.12472497

Why can't carnists read?

>> No.12472509

it wasn't related to the pic you fucking nonce

>> No.12472516

i like both, so ill keep eating both

>> No.12472518

Where is the water going to go? What happens to it?

>> No.12472532

it doesn't exactly help farm when space is slowly being bought up by the chinese

>> No.12472618

Why would I defend it? I didn't make it. I'm not a stockholder. I don't give a fuck what you think. Also, I'm an omnivore.

>> No.12472629

>two 1/4lb patties
Vegetarians should really just knock that shit off if they want meat so badly. They're being held hostage by some sort of mental clusterfuck that denies their base desires. Like a smoker that hates the smell of smoke.

>> No.12472636

The western world is preparing for a catastrophic ecosystem failure.
Lab grown meat, meat substitutes and insect protein becoming acceptable are the outward signs of the PTB preparing to ensure a food supply for their populations without having to go full Soylent Green.

>Or its just virtue signalling.

>> No.12472639
File: 31 KB, 768x600, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pissed off I didn't buy any shares of this piece of shit. Every IPO this year has been a trainwreck but then this fucker surges up like 500%

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.12472640

>Missing from statistics: Blind taste comparison done by 1,000+ participants.

>> No.12472643

My store sells it at $5 lol

>> No.12472646

I'm mad too. I could have make a good flip off the cucks

>> No.12472659

There's a paper done this. A long ass one I don't have the link to. It breaks down the process of farming/storing/producing crops and how many living things are killed in the process. The summary is that over 300 animals (not insects) are killed and even more are displaced for every 1 cow, comparing a vegetarian to carnivore diet. Cows grazing is incredibly natural and great for the environment where as raping the land with machines and pesticides tends to irreparably damage the area and make it inhabitable. Plus protecting the plant storage areas after harvest kills a ridiculous amount of mice. The list went on and on.

>> No.12472682

I can buy 4x as many ounces of ground beef for that. But are those fake meats pre-seasoned are do they need to be prepared the same as ground beef? They might be only 3x more expensive if they come "pre-flavor-enhanced" (which would also make it immediately a no-buy for me, but w/e)

>> No.12472714

>incredibly natural to have cows grown densely populated
I'm not vegan but lets not shit ourselves that it's less impactful to have mass farming.
>Mice that would otherwise be eaten by fucking predators
>Implying the mice exist aren't because there's fucking food being grown
>Implying the fucking cows eat grass and not grain
>Implying mowing down forest for grazing lands doesn't impact the environment
I mean eat as much meat as you want but don't trick yourself into mental gymnastics that it's any good for the environment

>> No.12472723

Yeah with economies of scale it'll probably be $2 pretty soon

>> No.12472733

I'm trying to get wealthy with stocks, is being on soy the way to go?

>> No.12472735

My boyfriend and I tried a pack of these one day for science and we were pleasantly surprised that it didn't taste like shit. It's very obviously NOT meat, but the mouth feel and the flavor was nice. We haven't done it again, nor do I plan on having them any time soon, but it wasn't as terrible as I was afraid it would be. There's the bonus of being animal-friendly, which can mean something to those that care about that sort of stuff, but at the end of the day - there's nothing like a good hamburger made out of cow.

>> No.12472738

If you buy it now you're chasing and will likely just get fucked.

>> No.12472746
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Doubt it. Even with volume production Gardenburger/BOCA/Morningstar patties are more expensive than meat. That vegematics are willing to pay high prices for groceries in order to assuage their irrational guilt over the meat production industry is the driving factor for pricing.

>> No.12472765

The point was that by not eating 1 cow, you're killing 300 animals.

>> No.12472783

I can get an 8lb log of ground beef for $11 here, not on sale. I mean, fake meat should really be cheaper than that if they hope to compete on a mainstream scale. Otherwise it's just some niche product until the hype wears off and the they go bankrupt because the model isn't sustainable without the overpricing.

>> No.12472784

I had a beyond burger at carls jr. It tasted soft and spongey and nothing like normie meat

>> No.12472795

I was a vegetarian for a few years (did it for a girl) around the late 90s and always really enjoyed vegepatties. They didn't taste like beef at all, but that was the point. They weren TRYING to. They were just a tasty product to put in a bun. They did a damn good job of it, too.

After about 3 years, I found myself in a Kroger buying deli meat for my parents (this was when they just wrapped them in clear plastic instead of bags that sealed) and found myself jamming my fingers in a gap in the plastic and ripping some off and shoving it in my mouth. While still in the store. Best. Ham. Ever.

>> No.12472821

>ripping some off and shoving it in my mouth
She was probably doing it, too. Most people who say they're vegetarian/vegan can easily be ignored if they obviously lack willpower or conviction in general. Like a girl that can't turn down a splurge on clothes, or can't stick to an exercise regimen for more than a few weeks. Most are active in organizations relating to the cause or at least well educated on the subject (and not not just spouting shit you can find in a Facebook infographic). It's easy to spot the real herbivores.

>> No.12473164
File: 1.10 MB, 2368x3336, d093658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! People are eating canola oil? Potato starch? Salt?? WATER???? Is the world gone mad??

>> No.12473258

It baffles me that vegans really believe humans are herbivores. Literally every scientific fact speaks against this.

Anyway, more meat for me.

>> No.12473326

tried one the other day.

literally tastes better than real meat.
it doesn't 'oxidize' after it has been minced like real meat, so i think it honestly tastes better than normal pre minced meat you can buy from a supermarket..

when i cooked it, it looked exactly like real freshly minced meat too..

there must be some downside to this stuff (besides the price) that we aren't seeing yet..
like how they used to sell radium toothpaste and had X-ray machines at footlocker.

it's too good to be true.

>> No.12473366

Yeah, I tried raw veganism for science for about two months and enjoyed it, but by the time I was ready to end the experiment, I was starving for a slice of pizza or some chicken wings or a steak. I think balance is the key to staying happy and healthy when it comes to food restrictions.

>> No.12473481

>my parents (this was when they just wrapped them in clear plastic instead of bags that sealed)
You know, you could have just sent them to a retirement home. Jesus christ.

>> No.12474589

This is retarded. The paper is retarded.

It takes way the hell more resources to grow cattle than it takes to grow swine, which takes more resources than fowl, which takes more resources than plant products.

>> No.12474598

Attack this?

>> No.12474820

Yeah but ground beef is basically the trash of the meat industry

>> No.12474869

>their irrational guilt
It's not irrational at all. It's a targeted marketing push to sell more of the same grains to idiots at a ridiculous profit margin.

>> No.12474928

>hurr replace the native grassland with monocultures or industry or pine forest plantations
>hurr i know, just strip the land from all the ranchers, nobody will get mad

>> No.12474936

I fucking can't.
Just eat a real burger.

>> No.12474941

literally soy burger and tastes nothing like meat.

>> No.12474954
File: 175 KB, 1095x626, 92C5C34D-4C37-438D-AB1A-DA5B3C285FF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong again. Do you think pastures dont get tilled? Treated with pesticides? That cows are native species to the States? That “grass fed” cows dont finish on feedlots? That the government doesnt hunt and displace actual native wildlife in millions to protect artificial livestock? That livestock pollution doesn’t destroy the environment? You’re referencing a paper that didn’t even track animal deaths and cant even do proper math and even admits thats that 12 animals are killed for every hectare of pasture


>> No.12474959

It’s literally soy free but then again you’re a fatty fat fat retard so why am I bothering beating this dead horse?

>> No.12474962

kill yourself communist

>> No.12475012

>The mission of Animal Visuals is to provide compelling visuals and interactive media to empower animal advocates, educate the public, and expose the injustices of animal exploitation.

You are literally sourcing a vegan website, who's own 'article' uses sources that don't count smaller animals in their kill counts. Such as mice, prairie dogs, or even foxes.

Fuck off.

>> No.12475185

Canola oil (and all industrialized seed oils) are nasty and cancerous

>> No.12475208

Can someone provide the .png of the reflection of this guys face please. And he should be combined with the sad cat meme.

>> No.12475224
File: 81 KB, 1000x667, 085E168F-A58F-4B77-9FB1-F058563A6497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The source of their statistics is the USDA you fatty fat fat retard, can you actually refute anything, dumbass?

>Such as mice, prairie dogs, or even foxes.
LMAO you literally just made this up, dumbass, wtf do you think the kill count in fruits and vegetables is, retard?

>> No.12475237

t. shovels down a gallon of bacon a day

>> No.12475269

>$12/lbs for a shitty wannbe burger
>$3.50/lbs for real burger that tastes delicious

easy decision.

>> No.12475327
File: 1.72 MB, 2422x3633, WellandFull-4-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a vegan, fuck these burgers. tastes like a bad cafeteria burger. Rather eat a lean clean buddha bowl

>> No.12475336

If there were no animals left on the planet to eat, I would eat people.

>> No.12475410

so the calories in the beyond burger come from what, sugar?

>> No.12475421

it's a great replacement for HRT

>> No.12475450
File: 68 KB, 1024x553, 1997DF1D-AA3C-4128-81E0-DEE3402E58FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed, it would raise your test as opposed to the bovine hormones that would result in the bitchtits you currently have

>> No.12475462

the excess packaging

>> No.12475472

It's unironically better than that Impossible burger but even then it's not saying much. That one is literally soy.

>> No.12476295

I wish you mutts would go back to eating detergent. There is no all-vegetable diet that is healthy, but you're american so whatever the TV says must be true.

>> No.12477428
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Get a load of this "thriving vegan."

>> No.12477438
File: 158 KB, 826x2395, 1560110694362-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May have been this article....

Vegans don't care in the slightest about the animals that die for their food, but they weep and sob if one cow per year dies to feed a normal person.

>> No.12477441

Maybe this one?


Millions of animals die for every "compassionate vegan dinner" vegans laugh at their deaths, because Veganism is an ANOREXIA club, they don't care about animals at all.

>> No.12477476

Literally written by Australian cattle ranchers

>> No.12477483

kind of a stupid comment since cattle is also fed by the products of spacious plant farms.
Without this enormous meat consumption, we would actually need less plant farming.

>> No.12477487

You are what is wrong with non-4chan-users
A 4chan oldfag would have just made your edit you typed about instead of "ZUM1 PLS MAJE THIS FOR MY KEKSOY ASSHOLR PWEASE UWUUU"

>> No.12477516

>muh old 4chan
sorry to break it to you, you're just as much of a problem

>> No.12477526

Aka "Good Cunts"

>> No.12477547
File: 78 KB, 634x628, 3FC615ED00000578-4460208-image-a-132_1493556850985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i appload the ability to cherry pick in this image

>> No.12477710

Thats the whole point of the veggie burgers, to compete with real hamburger meat, as trashy as it is.
If you live near a publix, always get the market grind hamburger, it's the trimmings left from when they trim steaks and other top cuts.

>> No.12477714

That math doesn't make sense. A cow eats far more corn than its own caloric content in meat. Corn is a crop that has to be grown and processed.

>> No.12477841

Anglo women age like dogshit, fucking hell.

>> No.12477873

She still looks far superior here though. Do you have a point?

>> No.12477876
File: 196 KB, 1224x1632, P90508-164800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 60 now, but you're right

I buy Beyond Burger patties because at only $7 per Pattie, the allowance my wife gives me means I can get two!

>> No.12477908

t. Guga from Sous Vide Everything

>> No.12479518

Stem cell all you want, I don’t give a shit but I want actual meat not fake vegetable-based bullshit.

>> No.12479536
File: 121 KB, 1200x917, shallow-crankbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic is only for comment fishing, that worked so far.
The point is, different people, different genes, different aging processes. Some are lucky, some aren't. You will find also well aged vegans, but because the percentage of society being vegan is that small, it will be harder than finding a good specimen from the rest of the population.

People say vegans are malnourished and thin, even anorexic. They are not, there are only a few of those exemplaries that will of course get a lot of attention, don't we all love to point fingers at dying people?

>> No.12479549

I didn't go vegan to then try to imitate the meat products i chose not to eat anymore. I tasted the beyond meat burger once, made me gag of disgust because it reminded me too much of real meat.

>> No.12479927

Planet extinction in 30 years