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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12447295 No.12447295 [Reply] [Original]

What do they eat?

>> No.12447310
File: 200 KB, 1500x1125, indy tendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Indy bros at?
I know there's at least 4 of you on this board.

>> No.12447314

Ur moms unwashed box

>> No.12447319


>> No.12447376

Weird donuts and square cut pizza. Only been thru like twice tho.

>> No.12447380

stop appropriating Iowan food.

>> No.12447392


Are you really that desperate for a hetalia sequel?

>> No.12447424
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Right here bud

>> No.12447430


>> No.12447454

Glad to see the place is doing well after the fire

>> No.12447456

Corn, plastic cheese, and hot sauce.

>> No.12447482

That state scares me for some reason. Ever since I learned it existed as a kid. I thought "a state shouldn't be named indiana" despite it being a perfectly normal name. I had a weird sense about things as a kid. But yeah, probably a bad place to live in

>> No.12447524

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12447532

You're surprisingly right. Weird how intuition works.

>> No.12447547

For any non-Americans, this where we keep the worst of the worst degenerates.


>> No.12447549


That shit looks good. Got me hungry, shit.

>> No.12447585

That town also has an elite bio engineering school. I bet they do weird shit to the prisoners.

>> No.12447715

Cicero reporting in. Might grab a pork tendy tonight

>> No.12447745

Ducks, rabbits, chickens, pigs and limbs I raise on my 9 acres. Also squirrels and deer I hunt. Rabbit is my favorite kind of meat, I eat a big hearty rabbit pot pie with fresh garden potatoes about once a week. 1 buck and 2 does will give you about 200 pounds of rabbit meat a year, plus my kids get to play with little baby bunnies all the time. Taking the rural pill unironically bettered my life and health in ways I would have never imagined. Plus my property tax on a 9 acre farm, 40’x60’ barn and 4500 sq ft house is 2,400 a year.

>> No.12447809

Only amerisharts would think they need 4500 sq ft Jesus I bet you need extra large door frames just to squeeze into different rooms.

>> No.12447824

Gubmint cheese, fast food, freaky off brand potato chips, cheap awful candy, and microwave dinners

>> No.12447830

Child you was right.

>> No.12447940

Tipton's pork festival is the best

>> No.12447949
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Stay mad europoor

>> No.12447969

Sounds sick bro

>> No.12448186

When is?

>> No.12448214

who cares? that state needs to be walled off and burned to the ground. They're all meth addicts and useless humans.

>> No.12448331

Today I made an omelette with onions, mushrooms, green peppers, and cheese. Paired it with roasted potatoes. Was flame

>> No.12448342

I even live here and you’re unironically correct

>> No.12448648

I live there and I eat a lot of Taco Bell

>> No.12448829

Fort Fun has pretty much everything, but at different times. We're one of the fattest and cheapest cities to live in, so there's restaurants and almost only restaurants all over the damn place. To appear less like the little fatties we are, they stopped calling the Three Rivers Fair "Junk Food Alley", but that never changed what was available.

>> No.12448881

The Steer In on the east side of Indy has the best Pork Tenderloin sandwich in the state, ergo the country, ergo the world.

>> No.12448992

Every time I’ve driven into Indiana from the Ohio border I’ve noticed that all the trees turn black and foreboding.

>> No.12449105

Unironically yes.

>> No.12449109


>> No.12449114


>> No.12449117


>> No.12449138

Indy smells like urine. College avenue is the worst, and Broad Ripple is just as smelly. So cool! How artistic!

>> No.12449244

Imagine being a fly over fag lmao. Enjoy your ham and mayo sandwhich Cletus

>> No.12449267
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Where my B-Town bros at?

>> No.12449299

You eurofags make me sick

>> No.12449703

I live in Indiana but I live up in Hammond.

>> No.12449829
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>> No.12449833

Chemtrails, mostly.

>> No.12450174

Why the fucking tomato juice? Its almost a meme.

>> No.12450181


>> No.12450245

I don’t know, I always get the based and redpilled navy bean soup instead

>> No.12450358

how melanin enriched is indiana?

>> No.12450375

Pork Tenderloin is Iowa's creation, not Shittyanda

>> No.12450380


not enough for you fucking scum. can't even stomach the idea of you garbage people. If I could baseball bat you in the head I would in an instant.

>> No.12450386


So dry pork.Thanks, asshole.

>> No.12450396


>> No.12450408

its okay to be wrong, friend

>> No.12450438
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I eat some Skyline.

>> No.12450516
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he figured out how to sell animal feed to humans.

>> No.12450534

Indiana is the land of chain restaurants. A lot of home cooking is country food--stuff you would find at Cracker Barrel.

>> No.12450859

Yes I was there in college, but years ago

>> No.12450918

Indy here
Broad Ripple and pretty much every restaurant there can go fuck itself
Who here has been to Axum?

>> No.12450929

Grew up there, never moving back. Everyone who thinks it is the shit and had sO mUcH InTeRnAtIonAlL food are either college students or giga-flyovers. It is on par with any other midwestern college town.

>> No.12451467

fuck all those bullshit cultural districts, fuck the red line, fuck the entire south side, and why does the state fair NEVER have any of the meme foods the food network keeps telling me they serve at fairs. Amish donuts??? come the fuck on

>> No.12451472

High fructose corn syrup

>> No.12451551


>> No.12452604

My town has very little, we have an area called ‘nigger hill’ that they all live at the bottom of.

>> No.12452747

t. europoor who lives in a 200 square foot apartment with 10 other people

>> No.12452752

Grew up in Indiana. Never met a single meth addict.

>> No.12452754

sw side reporting in. blueberry beer at black swan soon.

>> No.12452756

German settlers brought it, dumb fuck

>> No.12454103
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>tfw nobody showed up to play pinball with me at Tappers after posting in the last thread.

I'm up in La Porte for work this summer, is there anyone up north who knows where to eat besides Chicago?

>> No.12454111

I like Brugge in Broad Ripple. They have some of the best mussels I've ever had and I like that they come in a pot.

>> No.12454119

no one cares about garbage people. Anyone in the midwest could just drop dead and no one would notice.

>> No.12454125

lmao 10/10 thread

>> No.12454139

The worst part is the hilly southern region, where bands of unevolved proto-humans lurk in the hollers amongst rooting razorback hogs. Trolls are rumored.

>> No.12454142
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Want to be friends?

>> No.12454890

I didnt know they had skyline in Indy. Shit I was just there...

>> No.12455422


>> No.12455444

Who lives at the top of the hill?

>> No.12455448

no the worst part is always the urban areas where the colored fellas live. at least hilljacks fuck off to areas no one cares about or sees

>> No.12455453


>> No.12455701

>racist logic: name a hill for what’s not on it

>> No.12455714

SW Indy on 465 reporting in, I'm hungry now

>> No.12456400
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There’s a subdivision, town school and the hospital use to be up there.

>> No.12457074
File: 74 KB, 494x501, blackhills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My town has that
Yes it's a ghetto
Not Indiana though.

>> No.12457168

Fort Wayne has a decent Vietnamese scene. Got some really good pho the last time I was there. Indy has good shit too. Beyond that it probably standard Midwest restaurants. Chains.

>> No.12457318
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>> No.12457324

>Indianapolis restaurants
whatever was trendy on the coasts half a decade ago
>college towns (lafayette, bloomington, etc.)
whatever was trendy on the coasts 2 years ago
>everywhere else
chains. and unremarkable local spots.

Indianapolis is also really proud of their craft beer "scene" even though it's literally one brewery (sun king) making all the moves.

>> No.12457446

What is their tax policy?

>> No.12457709

Are you by chance bald with a large beard?

>> No.12458591

No lie, I really planned on going, and then my workplace situation imploded and I've been pulling 55 hour weeks. No Friday nights off for me.

Sounds like you don't know much about Indy's breweries.

>> No.12458608


>> No.12459595

lol are we subjects to research? food? corn casserole? various other corn based foods? idk of many specific indiana foods
accurate my tastee freeze growing up had these
>only been thru twice
yeah and it shows. never heard of no weird donuts and square cut pizza is from stl. some odd square cut places here and there though
lol rose hulman? just an engi school. amd me mum used to work at the penitentiary had to learn how to handle firearms and everything. funny to see what outsiders think of that place. we call it terrible haute on account of the smell and locals ie hautians

>> No.12459604
File: 1 KB, 94x80, brad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloomington sucks and so does IU. Why you would even want to associate with such a shit school boggles my mind.

>> No.12459661

Born and raised in Terre Haute for 30 years. AMA

>> No.12459694

t. bluepilled Ohio State tranny

>> No.12459874

>square cut pizza is from stl. some odd square cut places here and there though
Square cut pizza is literally everywhere in Northwest Indiana but it's based on Chicago style thin crust.

>> No.12459971
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nah just went to best school.

>> No.12460010

>cutlet on hamburger bun from a bag and iceberg lettuce is the culinary pride of the midwest
Literal gas station food everywhere that is relevant.

>> No.12460023

I visited for PopCon and ate food out of your scummy mall all weekend. Dos Hermanos Tacos was great.

>> No.12460184
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No I'm clean shaven with a normal head of hair.
