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File: 52 KB, 720x960, 16ACAD8F-A150-4CC9-8FED-5240F04183B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12449107 No.12449107 [Reply] [Original]

How can they possibly do this?

>> No.12449110

Fucking gross

>> No.12449112

What the fuck is a vers?

>> No.12449116
File: 170 KB, 1000x1002, disgust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12449118

I don't know. Sex has long been used in advertising, but that's certainly far more explicit than any hetero sexual reference I've ever seen. Maybe homosexuality is fringe enough that those terms can still be considered euphemistic on some level.

>> No.12449121

Money, dear anon. Money. It's fashionable to cater to the small percentage of the world with alternate sexualities these days.

Though I want the TQ crowd the fuck off of my rainbow, I can see why corporations do this shit.

>> No.12449127

Gay men that enjoy getting fucked in the ass as well as fucking asses. Tops only like fucking and bottoms only like getting fucked. Just what I want to think about when it comes to food. Never buying Dr Pepper again

>> No.12449134

Those 10% who got a lot of $

>> No.12449135


>> No.12449152


>> No.12449153

>bestiality is heterosexual
If you say so.

>> No.12449180

I didn't say anything. I just posted a video. But if you think that wasn't made to appeal to heteros, you're crazy.

>> No.12449459
File: 358 KB, 900x1200, drpepper free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12449466

I bet both of the males have a crush on the female, and she thinks her relationship with both is entirely platonic.

>> No.12449507
File: 515 KB, 1200x913, Doctors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other Doctors have diagnosed you of being a flaming faggot.

>> No.12449582


Shit like this bums me out as one of the fly-under-the-radar fags. How the fuck did gay become an identity?

>> No.12449592
File: 303 KB, 750x809, IMG_7379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> as one of fly-under-the-radar fags
thank you

>> No.12449598

You're betraying your community by not standing alongside them in their fight for equal rights.

>> No.12449602

This is why I roll with BASED Mr. Pibb

>> No.12449609
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>a queer drink
indeed, it is quite queer why a brand would use sexual references to sell carbonated syrup water

>> No.12449611

I've become convinced there are people who are homosexual naturally, and people who are homosexual due to trauma or other mental illness.

The LGBTMLGNWTFBBQ community is a blight of degenerates that need therapy, not acceptance.

>> No.12449614

Its the same kids that are actively participating in polshit activities. The ones that go to meetups

In ten years they will try to forget and never look back

Occasionally in peoples lives they get a little bit too much self confidence, zero self awareness

>> No.12449618

I fucked guys in the ass, but I'm attracted to women: what does it make me?

>> No.12449624

Just a degenerate honestly

>> No.12449655

homosexuality developed a parallel counter culture due to their societal shunning

what people don't seem to realize, and what's disingenuously presented to the world, is that acting like a fag is not the same thing as being a homosexual. pride parades, drag queens, and all the nonsense we experience today are the counter culture. it's not implicit that a man who likes men has to enjoy Madonna and bondage. they just want to tell you it is because it benefits the counter culture at the expense of homosexuals.

it's becoming more obvious because now being a homosexual is normal in the west. you are a normal person who partakes in legal and morally acceptable behavior. i know multiple gay dudes who mind their own business. i have met their partners and they are normal dudes. nothing about anything is 'strange' or 'interesting'. and i think there are certain people who can't handle that, they want to be special. and so the counter culture is splintering further and further apart from its basis, homosexuals having to hide out in a certain part of town to avoid being beaten up and harassed.

>> No.12449670

Vers isn't limited to gay guys

You can prefer a chick to ride you, chicks can prefer to be tops or bottoms with each other, etc etc etc

>> No.12449693

Listen, I'm gay

>> No.12449699

Go around telling everyone at the bar you’re a bottom and see who wants to have sex with you.

>> No.12449702


>> No.12449716

It is a queer drink tho.

Texas is going to be pissed when they see this, except the gay parts that aren’t really Texas anymore...

>> No.12449728

But she will still accuse both of them of rape in the drop of a hat.

>> No.12449736

That’s what those faggots deserve for being friends with women.

>> No.12449835
File: 114 KB, 559x546, 6867856123299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i fucking hate that word
I'm gay. not fucking "queer"

>> No.12449872

Really? Weird that so many legitimate rape cases go totally unreported when women are so willing to report rape when rape never happened. How many woman are in your life? Unless you're a complete recluse without family I guarantee at least one woman you care about has been raped or molested. And she never saw redress because of the attitude of people like you. She carries it inside herself eternally, and the piece of shit responsible for it walks free to do it whenever he feels like it.

>> No.12449886


>> No.12449910

Perhaps you misunderstand, we're talking about the developed world here, not places like Zimbabwe or London.

>> No.12450155 [DELETED] 

i find it hilarious they identify with this word, they fucking played themselves, might aswell start calling themselves fags

>> No.12450169

So am I. In Zimbabwe you'd be lucky to know one woman who hasn't been assaulted.

>> No.12450509


>> No.12450523

google dr peper shake
was decent but i wouldnt get it again

>> No.12450533

If a woman is unwilling to report a violent sexual assault to authorities chances are highly likely it's not in any way legitimate, more likely a time she changed her mind the next morning or didn't get a call back and labels the sex rape from then on to save face of her sluttiness

>> No.12450613


>> No.12450619

Oh no no no no no no
Dr. Pepper finally came out as gay? Fuck that. I don't want to look like a gay when I drink Dr. Pepper.

>> No.12450625

Shut up queer

>> No.12450631

I thought that was called a switch?

>> No.12450640
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1F2597C7-11AD-4A4B-A060-3EB1A2267288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you people like this?
If a woman reports immediately she’s lying, is she reports years after she’s lying. No matter what she does she’s lying and is trying to cover her sluttiness up. This is probably why you can’t get a girlfriend

>> No.12450652

>She carries it inside herself eternally
Oh, shut the fuck up, feminist "ally". It's a few minutes of pain and humiliation. I went through worse in basic.

>> No.12450669

Tell that to your mother, sister/s, grandmother, and aunts. Go ahead and tell them what you think about this.

>> No.12450670

Protip: to argue that there are more rapists than false rape accusers is fundamentally to argue that men are much more likely to be bad people than women.

This is pure childishness.

>> No.12450674
File: 13 KB, 322x322, 4A160BE6-F370-48CC-9F1F-82C1A1168DC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you’re unaware of the mental trauma that remains after rape or other forms of abuse that people go through.
Just cause you went through worse doesn’t make your pain any less. It doesn’t make their pain less either. Why can’t you have any compassion for victims of sexual violence? Or compassion for people suffering trauma in the past?

>> No.12450677

Oh to be young and dumb in college again...

>> No.12450676

It actually isn't. One man can rap multiple times.

>> No.12450694

Have you ever considered that you are worsening their trauma by telling them they should be traumatized?

Are you implying that a woman cannot falsely accuse multiple men?

Nevermind the fact that women face zero risk with a false accusation, whereas even being ACCUSED of rape can ruin your life.

>> No.12450697

there was a porn vid I watched recently where a MILF is fucking a dude in his 20s. He blows a load on her boobs and sticks it right back in. She chuckles to herself and says "oh to be young". It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

>> No.12450699

Fuck lot lizards. They deserve to be thrown off the highest of rooftops

>> No.12450712

>Why can’t you have any compassion for victims of sexual violence? Or compassion for people suffering trauma in the past?
Because I don't trust them. I don't trust them because they have been caught blatantly lying on several occasions and never face punishment. Because I've been through worse, and it didn't break me.

>> No.12450714

That’s if they share their trauma with you to begin with. If they trust you enough to tell you what happened to them and to ask you not to do x, y, and z that can trigger them.
I have my own trauma, but I never tell anyone about it. So I don’t have people telling me how I should or shouldn’t feel. If I did share it with someone, I would simply ask them to be more sensitive about the topic and to not bring it up. I don’t know if bringing up traumatic events will worsen the trauma for every victim, but it might for some. It would be best to take it up with them in the end to avoid worsening their mental health I think. Support groups could probably help them out.

>> No.12450729

>That’s if they share their trauma with you to begin with.
No, its not.
Its the social expectation (created by white knights like you) that a woman SHOULD be traumatized by rape which causes the trauma.

Otherwise, there is no reason at all that an adult being raped would be any more traumatic than any other kind of assault.
YOU ARE CAUSING HARM via your cloying, pseudo-clinical sympathy.

>> No.12450730

2% of the population, yet 33% of pedophiles...

>> No.12450750

Congratulations? I mean it’s great that you’re so strong that you can handle traumatic situations and still come out “fine,” but not everyone has the same mental fortitude that you do.
And how do you know if they’re lying? Most cases taken to court usually result in the accused walking free since they weren’t proven without a reasonable doubt. I don’t see why you're so upset. We’re you accused of rape? Did someone lie to you about their trauma? Why can’t you trust them? What happened to you that made you incapable of trusting trauma victims (abuse sexually, physically, ptsd, etc.)?
And the ones who did lie, were caught lying, and had the innocent that was accused unjustly punished freed isn’t enough? Well, what do you want?

>> No.12450763

>And how do you know if they’re lying?
Different anon, but you don't. That's why you give the accused the benefit of the doubt.

Fundamentally, all you can say for sure from a rape accusation is, "One of these two people is an asshole", and there is NO RATIONAL BASIS for picking a side without additional evidence.

Women are in the progressive stack, however, meaning that leftists do the irrational thing because politics.

>> No.12450770

What you're clearly missing is the concept of presumption of innocence. Claiming to be a victim doesn't make you a victim, being victimized makes you a victim. This is the same mental hangup you lot have that makes you mistake "accused rapist" and "rapist". You are incapable of conceiving of a man who is not a rapist.

>And the ones who did lie, were caught lying, and had the innocent that was accused unjustly punished freed isn’t enough? Well, what do you want?
Oh, they only had their life irreparably ruined, but at least they only imprisoned unjustly for some time, not until they died/were murdered.

The answer to your question is really quite simple: consequences. False accusations should carry with them the same consequences of the actual crime that was accused.

>> No.12450772

I suppose not all rape victims are traumatized by it. But I don’t really know anyone who wasn’t traumatized by rape or sexual abuse. Besides, how would you have known they were raped to begin with unless they tell you? I’m not even comparing rape with other traumas or putting them in a scale of most traumatic to least traumatic. I’m just saying that you’ll probably be traumatized and need therapy or other forms of help to handle trauma of any kind. What are you so upset about?

>> No.12450800

Almost all rape accusations are lies, at least in the military. Every weekend, like clockwork, everyone goes out, gets drunk, fucks, and is hung over for their duty shifts come monday morning. And like clockwork, the rape accusations come pouring in by every female who is late to her shift or who gets reprimanded for being a hung over mess. The military police have to thoroughly investigate these claims. Real rapes are a mess for military PR, future recruiting, morale, and generally no one wants their own to be getting raped. So it's not just like these accusations are swept under the rug without serious consideration and investigation. The lies and inconsistencies are very easy to pick apart from the real deal.

>> No.12450801

We have people in this society who go around claiming that being rape is worse than being murdered.
Regardless of a person's personal disclosures about their victimization, this creates a meme that shapes how they view being raped.

Consider, for example, a woman who isn't traumatized by rape, and just thinks, "Well, I'm not gonna be alone with that asshole ever again" and moves on with her life.
But then she's surrounded by a society telling her that she SHOULD be traumatized, leading to a situation where a mentally risilient woman is suddenly doubting the value of her own STRENGTH, and thinking, "What is wrong with me that I'm not hung up on this?"

If rape is wrong because of the trauma it can cause, then wouldn't that mean that these social expectations are as bad as rape?

>> No.12450802

I dont want to associate shitdick or pussyfuck with my soda. Stop, this shit is obnoxious and inappropriate.

>> No.12450809

I never said every man is a rapist. And punishing the accused is just going to make it more difficult to lock up actual rapists.
I am, mind you, in favor of innocent until guilty. And that the accused is proven without a reasonable doubt that they did commit the crime they are accused of.
Crimes like this are difficult to handle and are usually more complicated to handle. It’s going to leave someone upset no matter what, as justice leaves no one unscathed. So again, I ask, what are you so upset about? The justice system is doing what it can with its limited power. There’s not much else for it to do. Maybe you should calm down a bit before posting?

>> No.12450818

I will agree that women usually have a better chance in court then men. They usually serve lighter sentences or only pay/do community service if the judge thinks it’s enough. They can get scot free from something a man would likely serve time for. That’s wholly unfair.

>> No.12450820

My mother was raped. I believe that there is a crisis of false rape accusations circulating, false claims that hurt real claims. This is a real issue, and not addressing it will have the inverse effect.

>> No.12450832

Oh there’s a lot of societal expectations that aren’t right. And rape victims who survive their attack and don’t see themselves traumatized/a victim are strong. I don’t know anyway, but good for them that they don’t let this define them as a person. But you’re right, that them not seeing it as a trauma can make them doubt themselves. It’s two sides of the same coin in my opinion. Whether or not they see themselves as a victim of rape, they are likely going to be taking it negatively because of society’s expectations or because it mentally broke them.

>> No.12450835

>So again, I ask, what are you so upset about?
Not that anon, but how about the social presumption of guilt?
Or how about the title IX cases being used to get men expelled from college over accusations (sometimes even after they're proven false).

Regardless of the actual legal practices, feminists have infected society with their filthy memes, resulting in plenty to be pissed off about.

I would argue that this vast difference in risk levels is why false accusations are likely to be a fairly high percentage of rape accusations.

Because again, women MIGHT (barring prosecutorial discretion) be charged with "filing a false police report" if they are PROVEN to be lying.
On the other hand, a man suffers tangible harm to his life from a mere ACCUSATION, whether true or false.

The goal of a false accuser is not to land her victim in jail, but rather to ruin him with insinuation.

>> No.12450838

>I never said every man is a rapist.
No, but your words imply this. Prior to my post, you spoke of both rapists and accused rapists as just "rapists", as though it were impossible that a man accused of rape could be not a rapist.

>And punishing the accused is just going to make it more difficult to lock up actual rapists.
I'm going to assume you meant the accuser, but even then, that's nonsense. My suggestion is not "not guilty verdict -> accuser goes to jail" but "accuser shown to be/confesses to lying -> accuser goes to jail". Same standards of presumption of innocence hold.

>The justice system is doing what it can with its limited power.
The justice system doesn't really factor into it. The fact is that you lot will assume a man is a rapist simply because he is accused, and will attempt to circumvent the justice system using the court of public opinion, and have them fired from their job, banned from public speaking, demand that anyone who associates with them denounce them or risk being tarred with the same brush, and worst of all, when anyone asks for even the flimsiest shred of evidence, you accuse them of being victim blaming, or any number of unreasonable accusations.

So if you want to know what I want, I want you and the rest of your kind to shut the hell up, and let the grown-ups sort this out.

>> No.12450849

I mean...do you have any evidence to support that? Most rapes go unreported. And the ones that are reported only about ~7% are false. https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/Publications_NSVRC_Overview_False-Reporting.pdf

>> No.12450850

>Texas is going to be pissed when they see this, except the gay parts that aren’t really Texas anymore..
LOL, Texas has always been full of gay people, whether you knew it or not, even in small towns. I remember when, growing up in the nineties, there was a whole rash of men getting divorced from their wives because they either came out or got caught being gay. And that was in a town of less than 8000. And then, when I was in college, before I turned twenty one, I used to go to gay bars in whatever city (small or large) I went to, because they wouldn't card us. One of the most fun times at a bar I ever had was at a gay bar in Lubbock. We showed up there and it was Drag Night, and I got to watch a male spectator jump up on stage and start a fight with his drag boyfriend because he cheated on him, and it turned into a massive bar fight. Good times.

>> No.12450855

This. Fucking this.

>> No.12450864

How about when a woman reports a violent sexual assault, and the cops ask her what she did to cause it? Because yes, that happens. I saw it with my own eyes when I took my friend to the police after she was raped. That was the day I began hating cops.

>> No.12450869

How exactly does one count the number of "unreported rapes" while also verifying that those rape accusations ARE legitimate?
This is important because its basically the entire basis of your argument that "People who never reported that they were raped are definitely not lying". I mean, it just seems like an insanely contradictory data-point.

Do you even consider the statistics that you're given, or do you just treat them as religious doctrine?

>> No.12450870

>drinking sugar water in the first place

>> No.12450871

>Most rapes go unreported.
>I mean...do you have any evidence to support that?

>> No.12450874

>and the cops ask her what she did to cause it?
Yeah, I'd call that a micro-aggression.

Y'know, as opposed to something relevant.

>> No.12450881

>Most cases taken to court usually result in the accused walking free since they weren’t proven without a reasonable doubt.
And that is a GOOD thing, you stupid mongoloid.

It [is] more beneficial, that many guilty persons should escape unpunished, than one innocent person should suffer. The reason is, because it is of more importance to the community, that innocence should be protected, than it is, that guilt should be punished; for guilt and crimes are so frequent in the world, that all of them cannot be punished; and many times they happen in such a manner, that it is not of much consequence to the public, whether they are punished or not. But when innocence itself, is brought to the bar and condemned, especially to die, the subject will exclaim, it is immaterial to me whether I behave well or ill, for virtue itself is no security. And if such a sentiment as this should take place in the mind of the subject, there would be an end to all security whatsoever.
— John Adams

>> No.12450882

I guess you didn't hear about the girl who just died by assisted suicide (in Europe) because she was so traumatized from being sexually assaulted at 14 and raped at 16, so she just decided to die at 19 (I think). Yeah, not traumatizing at all.

>> No.12450884

Asking "what were you doing at the time" is the police attempting to understand the situation, not blaming them for it. Just because they don't immediately take her word for it, bash down the poor fuck's door, and put him in cuffs does not mean they are "victim blaming" her.

>> No.12450890

I wasn’t the anon that said that dipshit. Don’t assume that your talking to the same anon to begin with. I wasn’t the one that said all men are rapists. I’m well aware women can rape too, and they usually don’t face any repercussions from their actions. I also know that every person accused of rape isn’t a fucking rapist. How many times do I have to repeat myself? Unless they’re proven without a reasonable doubt then they aren’t a rapist. Simply as that.
And again, why do you want the person accusing someone as a rapist to suffer for lying? That they face jail time? Pay a fee? Be taken to court for trying to ruin someone’s reputation? Well what is it?
It’s no ones fault that business would rather look as clean as possible to the public, so anyone accused of being a rapist loses their job.
And again, you’re putting words into my mouth. Did I say anyone questioning the victim should be guilty? Did I ever say that people should join the mob mentality and attack anyone that doesn’t agree with the victim? I never said that. I said, unless it’s proven without a reasonable doubt that the accused is a rapist, they shouldn’t face any charges. The societal part that comes into play with their reputation being tarnished is out of everyone’s hands. However their community handles that is up to them. Once no one is paying attention to the case (if it actually becomes newsworthy), the accused and accuser have to handle the aftermath on their own. That’s just how it goes.

>> No.12450892

Fuck Dr. Pepper. 23 flavors and they all taste like shit. Probably from all the anal.

>> No.12450898

>by assisted suicide
Who the fuck agreed to help with this one? Was it a massive gangbang? Did someone find something fun to attach to a power tool for the sexual assault? Was it shown in front of her family and friends? Get the girl therapy.

>> No.12450899

I'd kill myself too if I had to listen to a bunch of Scandinavian cucks tell me how awful my life is all day.

>> No.12450903

>why do you want the person accusing someone as a rapist to suffer for lying?
Why do you want rapists to suffer for raping? Could it be that you want there to be a deterrent for rape? Could we possibly have a deterrent for doing something equally traumatizing and damaging? No, of course not, because that would imply men are people, an idea which isn't part of your little world.

>so anyone accused of being a rapist loses their job
Because people like you demand it. Because people like you promise boycotts if they don't.

>> No.12450908

Did I ever say it was a bad thing you ass?

>> No.12450912

She didn’t die by assisted suicide. They denied her it, so she just starved herself to death.

>> No.12450917

They didn't ask her "what she was doing at the time", you dumbfuck. They asked her "what did you do to cause it?" That is fucking wrong on so many levels. You're a rapist apologist, which makes you a piece of shit.

>> No.12450920

Did I say, explicitly that I want accused rapists to lose their jobs? No. If they were accused and weren’t convicted then good for them. I’m not going to suddenly go outside like a retard and hold a sign saying they should lose their job just because they were accused. If they weren’t convicted then they didn’t do it. Simple as that.

>> No.12450923

No, she was starving herself to death anyway, so the doctor and her mother agreed to to it.

>> No.12450927
File: 51 KB, 574x548, 219AC293-6373-4327-9B7F-6BF0EC480428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m losing more brain cells the longer I look at this thread. Someone archive it, it’s got nothing to do with /ck/ and more to do with /pol/

>> No.12450930

>How the fuck did gay become an identity?

The reason why this is happening is because identity is being stripped away from humanity as we are being socially and genetically engineered into being perfect consumerist bugmen. This is just a misplaced lashing out against the system, which of course perpetuates the system by legitimizing their lack of identity.

Basically, complex aspects of individuality and humanity are being replaced with superficial labels such as sex, sexuality, and race. It’s all one big farce. If you chiefly define yourself by something this petty, you are a piece of shit.

>> No.12450934

No they agreed to not force feed her in order to keep her alive, not to give her assisted suicide.
Although it honestly sounds pretty much the same.

>> No.12450938

What a couple of pieces of shit. "Oh, my kid's feeling bad about something that millions of other people throughout history have handled fine and moved on from! Better help her kill herself instead of addressing the problem!"

>> No.12450995
File: 273 KB, 938x938, 1309977608745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hououin Kyouma used to drink this "product"
Come on Kyouma, you GOTTA save us from this timeline. PLEEAASE.

>> No.12451012

Since when have corporations been the moral compass for liberals?

>> No.12451024 [DELETED] 

>she thinks
all bitches know

>> No.12451026

Dr pepper was always the tranny soda.

>> No.12451055
File: 30 KB, 350x237, dr-pepper-ten-350[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it was the next obvious step, ban women from Dr. Pepper and then turn gay due to lack of women

>> No.12451134

>you people

>> No.12451275
File: 458 KB, 640x484, 1533798585814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12451420

Like Dr Dre?

>> No.12451433


>> No.12451461

I actually hate faggots now. I didn't really hate them before but now I do.

>> No.12451478

>I didn't really hate them before but now I do.

>> No.12451688

wow what the fuck I'm never buying dr pepper again. for me it's bangs only now.

>> No.12451713

>no Dr. Topper
fuck this image

>> No.12451726

remember when bangs used to give away temporary tattoos when you bought a can

>> No.12451733

For fucks sake
I just bought a full dozen of it

>> No.12451817

beat it, queermo.

>> No.12451959

based taste barabro

>> No.12451967

This anon is mostly correct, but it's worth pointing out that even the premise is usually wrong here. Most of the studies that claim a high percentage of rape goes unreported are just people straining the definition of rape to include things like drunk sex, or sex that was somewhat uncomfortable, or sex after a guy lied about his status or such.

>> No.12451973

Samefag or bait.

>> No.12451974

You have no idea what you're talking about, disgusting cretin.

>> No.12451987 [DELETED] 

Your thesis falls apart at the seems once it is taken into account that many legitimate victims suppress their trauma or feel guilty. What you are seeing now, this shitshow of rape claims being flinged around college campuses, these are largely disingenuous and politically motivated. A false accusation is character assassination and worst of all a betrayal to the real victims of this depraved act.

>> No.12451989

not a female but I was raped by my ucle and my brother when i was about 7. what was I to do I was scared. No one knows it happend but me and them and now you. it happens a lot its just something people want to forget happened. Its especially hard when youre that young.

>> No.12451991

One time when I was a child, my mother was having some all night conversation a guy she had started dating, they were in the kitchen and I was on couch unable to sleep, so I basically listened through the entire thing. I heard her at one point talk about how my father had been raping her violently, she talked about this with him for quite a while, but she was specific enough in her claims that I knew literally none of what she was saying was true. She lied about when we lived with him, she lied about being locked in his room, she lied about being bruised and bloodied from assault and claiming that he threatened me while all of this happened, and how I had to watch. She even cried very choked-up voice-breaking tears while she was making all of this up to this guy. Maybe she was able to convince herself of this somehow while she was saying it, people are very weird like that.

>> No.12451995 [DELETED] 

I mean, in contemporary culture. In past decades rape was under investigated and fleetingly prosecuted. This day and age is the bizzaro world of then. I highly implore real victims to step forward and name their attacker.

>> No.12452010

Anyone else feel like people who make false rape accusations should get the real thing in the name of justice? I just read up on this person who was jailed for 27 years over a fake police report,and I'm upset that the system focused its power and punishment on an innocent person rather than a monster. People who lie need to be doxxed.

>> No.12452013

On the most simple level, people shitting on them made them think they were special.
I guess that works as something to base your entire identity around if you have literally nothing else going for you.

>> No.12452018

I can tell this post was written by a female because females usually spit venom whenever they type out male pronouns.

>> No.12452034

everybody hates lgbt pandering. right-wingers screech about some degeneracy, for left wingers it's just rainbow capitalism and also disingenuous as fuck.

corporations don't care about gays, they're just trying to stir the pot to get people talking about them. queer liberation, not rainbow capitalism!

>> No.12452055
File: 40 KB, 720x960, DP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dr pepper, open one up today

>> No.12452072

What's wrong with it?

>> No.12452107

Try @ 10% of the population which is surprisingly consistent across all cultures throughout history. And no, contrary to your pedophile evangelical preacher, homosexuals aren't more likely to be pedophiles.

>> No.12452118

>carries it inside herself eternally
And now she's forced to carry the spawn from the rape for 9 months since she can't get an abortion even in the case of rape or incest. Thanks Pence!

>> No.12452173
File: 87 KB, 646x646, 1478213173852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Retards arguing with an agendapusher from /lgbt/.


>> No.12452632

>pepsi supports gay rights mid 2010s
>coke supports le benis
>dr pepper turned their can design into gay sex signalling
Looks like Mr Pibb Cherry is all that's left boys, hold down the fort

>> No.12452640

A switch is a both ways BDSM person.

>> No.12452706
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 1559673464422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then one day, for no reason, people voted Hitler into power...

>> No.12452743

Of all the times I've seen this response on this site in the past few months this has to be the absolute dumbest. Learn to argue, you massive faggot.

>> No.12452887

Either bait or you're the newest of fags. Most women deserve the rape for the sins they commit. Allah knows their crimes and sends punishments accordingly.

>> No.12452934

I guess I can't drink Dr pepper anymore.

>> No.12452945
File: 75 KB, 750x750, whocouldbebehindthispost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12453075

That's nice and all but post your tits hun.

>> No.12453080


>> No.12453133

I mean... there's a pretty significant link.

>> No.12453141

A Sprite fan.

>> No.12453150

I'd post the fag parade invite in my office (bring your kids, too!), but I'd get fired for taking a picture.

>> No.12453158

Have sex.

>> No.12453169

disgusting and disgraceful.

>> No.12453186

Tops, probably

>> No.12453204

>oh shit free dr pepper
>walk around campus slinging them at the ground so they spray sticky garbage everywhere

>> No.12453222
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>> No.12453265


>> No.12455210


>> No.12456566
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>> No.12456576
File: 29 KB, 383x424, 1553298556420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> spicy cola

>> No.12456589

>pride week
>every fucking burger company: "you know, I'm quite pozzed myself..."

Its all obviously a marketing ploy, but fucking why

>> No.12456607
File: 54 KB, 900x506, 1249781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that you are, by default, a fag if you're on social media looking at shit posted from a fast food corporation in the first place, or even know what, "pozzed" means.

>> No.12456616
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>> No.12456624
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>> No.12456630

Probably with a camera and Photoshop.

>> No.12456634

I don't see how this changes the drink's ingredients in any way.

>> No.12456638
File: 1.84 MB, 1355x754, my body. my soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12456645

unironically redpilled

>> No.12456665

Dr Pepper fell for MGTOW

>> No.12456966

Holy shit. I didn't think I could get this hard.

>> No.12457024

Psychologists aren't allowed to report specific cases for obvious reasons, but they can report statistics.

>> No.12457026


>> No.12457048

redditpill me on this have sex meme
i saw it somewere that someone spammed it until it catched on or something

>> No.12457079

Well "get fucked" has been a popular insult for decades, but some anon thought of a more polite way of expressing that notion.

>> No.12457094


>> No.12457109

idk about the first part but there is more pedophilia in lgbt communities

>> No.12457116

Catholics are stringently opposed to homosexuality. The Catholic church hides one of the strongest pedophile communities in the world. This is a fact you need to meditate on for a couple of days.

>> No.12457117

No, it's a way of saying "you're only angry because you're not getting laid"

>> No.12457127

Try having sex.

>> No.12457156

Did you think I'd miss this irony?

>> No.12457164

I did try, but nobody wanted me.

I don't hate gays, but I sure hate huge corporations trying to pass themselves off as virtuous. How does anyone fall for that bullshit?

>> No.12457205

Nice try faggot

>> No.12457298

Furthermore, the primary topic at this years southern baptist conference is how to deal with the rampant pedophilia among evangelical ministers.

>> No.12457456

Vers too

>> No.12457463

some guys get all the luck

>> No.12457467

>The authors note that the "total false reporting rate... would be greater than the 5% rate found here" if possible false allegations were also included alongside confirmed allegations

>> No.12457509
File: 48 KB, 400x343, 1157 - QVLxkjz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this drink

>> No.12458289

So why did you do it?

>> No.12458336



>> No.12458342

Ass sweat on top of the cans.....

>> No.12458356

>no Dr. Foots

>> No.12458373

based and, dare i say, redpilled

>> No.12458544
File: 35 KB, 400x250, tumblr_ou4upy7hbV1s7orh5o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12458613

>Lord fizz
I sound like a mario & luigi RPG boss

>> No.12458630

>father chill

i like it

>> No.12458692

>no DR B
get the fuck out
your not allowed gods given nectars anymore

>> No.12458856

Thing is, gayers are worse food police than middle class moms. They're mot likely to be drinking sodas.

>> No.12458867

It sounds like every person you have ever known has been hetero or closeted.

>> No.12458980

>If rape is wrong because of the trauma it can cause, then wouldn't that mean that these social expectations are as bad as rape?
To be clear, I'm not saying that I necessarily agree with this, but that's certainly an interesting observation that people should consider may have an impact in certain situations.

Also, what the actual fuck? I have multiple homosexual friends and family members and was raised to and still do believe that there's absolutely nothing wrong with any person's sexual preference, but that ad truly disgusts me.

>> No.12459025

So you really buy the peppy nectar?