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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.63 MB, 2094x1242, D6B8EDB1-B53F-4540-B344-438618CF611B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12417022 No.12417022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be american
>eat an exorbitant amount of food
>wonder why they're obese
why do americans do this?

>> No.12417027
File: 557 KB, 729x843, 1559254069827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember everyone, it's always a coping bong.

>> No.12417030
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>> No.12417033
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>> No.12417038

coping amerifat

>> No.12417039

Mutt cope strong itt

>> No.12417040
File: 1.54 MB, 3112x2338, American feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat an exorbitant amount of food
>why do americans do this?

1. because it's pleasurable
2. because we can afford it

Food is ridiculously cheap when you don't live on an island

>> No.12417041

Imagine being so obese and mad that you've saved all these pictures

>> No.12417042

What's up with that guy's fake eyelashes?

>> No.12417050
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>> No.12417052
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>> No.12417055

As an American, I have absolutely no idea how people can finish plates that big

>> No.12417058
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>> No.12417063
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>> No.12417066
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>> No.12417069
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>> No.12417070
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>1. because it's pleasurable
>2. because we can afford it

>Food is ridiculously cheap when you don't live on an island

>> No.12417073

Throwing milkshakes is okay though.

>> No.12417075

Going to the US to go bass fishing and to pig out on bbq is on my bucket list.

>> No.12417077
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>> No.12417083

I wish that would take off here in fatlandia.

>> No.12417082
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>> No.12417087
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>> No.12417088

Try again

>> No.12417089
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>> No.12417091
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>> No.12417095
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>> No.12417099
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>> No.12417100

Enjoy a fat lip.

>> No.12417104
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>> No.12417108
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>> No.12417109
File: 624 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are on a mission to overtake the 11 other shitskin nations which outrank us in our 12th most obese nation status. We even elected a president who is proudly obese to lead us to number 1 status! MAFA (Make America Fattest Again)

>> No.12417110

>banter american
>brits get blamed
britain is not the only country in europe you know

>> No.12417111
File: 77 KB, 960x578, 1509572316411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12417114

Brits are the only one so ass blasted that they have to project so badly. The rest of Europe is fine.

>> No.12417116
File: 337 KB, 821x912, 1450891774992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12417117

americans dont study geography in school

>> No.12417121

the rest of yurop doesnt live in a rainy depressing shithole full of muzzies

>> No.12417123

>be Euro
>Virtue signal to Americans, because they want to be us, by opening borders.
>Wonder why all their women are raped
>Wonder why they're covered in acid
>Wonder why knoives and sporks are gone.
>Wonder why cops turned out to be pussies
>Wonder why
>Wonder why
>Wonder why
Eurocope, pure and simple. You people are just as fucked as we are.

>> No.12417125
File: 116 KB, 1024x959, 1527121230855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only study about countries that matter.

>> No.12417127
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>> No.12417135

Fair point

>> No.12417136
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>> No.12417137

>coping amerifat
A simple argument, often used when the Europoor has no other avenue of insult, especially after being made aware, through images, they are especially cucked.

>> No.12417154

so much amerifats coping in this ITT

>> No.12417164

I wanted to counter your post with a news story of an American cop being raped. I'm sure such stories exist.
But searching for "cop raped" just yielded a lot of stories about your cops raping citizens.
Is that any better?

>> No.12417168
File: 99 KB, 615x824, Euro Beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being so cucked your only outlet is an anime image board.
One cannot simply lash out at the Euro, without first understanding why they are angry.

>> No.12417172
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>> No.12417179
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>> No.12417180

Is this Game of Thrones?

>> No.12417184
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>> No.12417185

the cops here are scumbags but they keep the shitskins in check, meanwhile yours get literally raped by them and then tell the citizens to check their privilege

>> No.12417186
File: 71 KB, 896x716, F5D0F4CE-1CBF-4787-8335-0B064097ECAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being so fat your only outlet is an anime cooking board

>> No.12417188

I didn't know UK was such a dump. I always wondered why they were so sensitive.

>> No.12417189

Living there must be pathetic. Having no rights and seeing your mom get raped by Somalians with cirrhosis.

>> No.12417192

Stay obsessed turd

>> No.12417193

Stay fat mutt

>> No.12417194

It's okay, angry cuck. If my morbid obesity can provide you with a moments release, from your being a Euroshit, then have at me. It's okay, it's all gonna be okay.

>> No.12417195

Which is why bongs project so much. They are practicing "misery loves company". They were cowards and lost their country, now they want to project on to others.

>> No.12417200
File: 7 KB, 200x150, 1529546508755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to remember that all non-Americans have an inferiority complex. They have a psychological need to be butthurt over America as a defense mechanism against their insecurities. Every moment of their lives revolve around America and every single one of them is desperately in love with America despite all the shit they talk. Consider how they willingly spend all their time hanging around Americans on American websites like 4chan. What they really want is for Americans to recognize their existence and validate them, and when we don't appeal to their insecure needy satisfaction they get asspained and lash out. They are getting angry reading this and the overt declaration of the truths in this post, but none of them will leave 4chan despite the painfully illogical act of spending all your time hanging around Americans if you actually hate them. Their actions speak for themselves, non-Americans are like insecure girls desperately looking to be noticed from the alpha male and trash talking as a means to make themselves feel better when they don't get the attention they crave.

>> No.12417202

Youre the only one thats mad, cuck.
put down burger

>> No.12417206

>Youre the only one thats mad
Am I?
Pot kettle
>put down burger
Absolutely not

>> No.12417218

the fuck..

>> No.12417220

This, but unironically.

>> No.12417221

considering you spammed this thread with political and off topic imagery

yes you are indeed mad
die of betes already

>> No.12417236

God damned, that's what I thought too.
But to be honest, it was mostly because of the dwarf. Not sure where to link the first thing to. A crossdressing joffrey maybe.

>> No.12417246

I posted one thing. I guess that Euros are so sensitive, that speaking up once, constitutes being a spamshit. Oh well, I guess there's no arguing a Euro, you're all so superior, and whatnot. Oh, and die in a somali or middle eastern...whatever.

>> No.12417253
File: 45 KB, 389x259, 1440468629405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, I'm getting a bit tired of these fags with their "hurr durr do americans" stuff too, but man, if you reply like this you're kinda asking for it.

>> No.12417267

i dont get it
what are those boxes?

>> No.12417281
File: 61 KB, 620x465, D7EB041E-C044-4848-9DDE-3C51AE65BD09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad
america is fattest nation

>> No.12417291

Prevents sandniggers from allahu-akbaring pedestrians with motor vehicles

>> No.12417303

>be American
>eat beef, pork, or chicken for literally every single meal
>be fat as fuck
>become enraged at the idea that perhaps some small part of taxes should go to making healthcare or education free for all citizens
>hoard tons of money to continue feeding self way more food than any one human needs

>> No.12417305

except its spic gremlins, and the border hopping she-goblins that balloon up in the US

latin*s, not even once

>> No.12417308

Calm down Antifa, I'm sure we'll be socialist in a generation or two. Question is, which one of you is going to defend us, so that we can be socialist?

>> No.12417317

over half our taxes go to welfare you inbred island-goblin

>> No.12417322

See how greed tries to come up with excuses for its own gluttony and extravagance?

>> No.12417333
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>> No.12417336
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>> No.12417337
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>> No.12417340

why is there a knife label on a whisk?

>> No.12417341
File: 457 KB, 643x700, 1557483719751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12417342

based fat americans should be put in forced labor camps

>> No.12417343

To be fair you need to be 18+ to buy spray paint in the US

>> No.12417344
File: 376 KB, 639x1006, 1452374112628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12417349

Has not every successful civilization experienced such things? We are just in our European phase atm, migrant invasion and all.

>> No.12417358

british comedy is the best

>> No.12417363

In some states but no not as a whole.

>> No.12417384

gay and bluepilled af

>> No.12417398

I'm going to need another hard drive just for UK material.
Oh jesus, I did not know this.

>> No.12417430

>be not american
>want to eat "exorbitant" amounts
>can't because my people fat shame like mad

>> No.12417440

When bongland was getting its ass beat by Hitler, we should've shrugged our shoulders and said "cope"

>> No.12417446

Jesus, what the fuck is happening in the UK

>> No.12417463

UK is the future of diversity
an invasion of modern times
one where no gunpowder is needed

>> No.12417480

It's all so tiresome

>> No.12417492

>I'm putting together a team

>> No.12417501

they surely love the bbc

>> No.12417507

thats cause you can huff it dumbass

>> No.12417525
File: 209 KB, 1798x1077, 1555640506956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this thread it is actually nice to live in eastern Europe

>> No.12417528

australia is an island and food is cheap as fuck, its just a pom thing

>> No.12417540

a woman was stabbed around the corner to where I was staying when I visited the UK
besides the street being filled with muslims and muslims beggars it was nice
beer was nice, burger and lobsters was also quite nice
taxi was expensive though

>> No.12417552
File: 1.42 MB, 800x720, UK lol 20.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so used to being subservient and carrying on, they think it's for the best. There won't be a Britain soon as their people don't know how to fight back unless someone tells them to.

>> No.12417563

Australia is a continent buddy

>> No.12417570

Please, the bongs are not euros, do not associate them with us. They're closer to the US if anything.

>> No.12417574

Nikocado Avocado knows exactly what he's doing and that's why his last husband left him. Protip: don't look at his recent thumbnails that feature alfredo sauce

>> No.12417587
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 1523726939985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof, imagine being this ignorant.

>> No.12417597

I dream about this exact scenario everyday. The UK is the only country in Europe I hate.

>> No.12417609

Lmfao! Imagine being a retarded bong and thinking your definition of continent now supersedes the years of it not being a continent but part of Oceania.

>> No.12417610

Jesus Christ I'm so glad our police just focus on killing blacks and harrasing poor people. How embarrassing are the UK police? Or in faggot speak "bobbies"

>> No.12417642
File: 3.99 MB, 400x224, UK Police.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embarrassing enough that a single man with a small weapon can emulate a side-scrolling 80's Sega game.

I want to see a full video of this, but in 16-bit.

>> No.12417656


>> No.12417662
File: 551 KB, 762x706, 1511316236320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 police officers running away from 1 dindu.
Fucking kek!

>> No.12417683

why the fuck they don't have guns