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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12415239 No.12415239 [Reply] [Original]

I have never baked an egg and want to cook something nice for an ex-gf. What are some easy recipes that will taste good and secure me sex?

>> No.12415243

That isn't your ex, also you have never kissed a girl before

>> No.12415244

Whatever she wants to serve at the reception for your wedding. Do not try to have sex with her before then. It spoils everything.

>> No.12415257

black sausage

>> No.12415403

Be careful, when you cook an egg it gains 30 calories.

>> No.12415461

If she's coming over she already wants sex. Stop being a desperate little cunt. Cook something simple and fuck her halfway through making it. If you still feel like eating then order a pizza. She's your ex because she thought you're a boring little cunt, and this thread proves it.

>> No.12415465

Normal size people don't care. Kys fatty.

>> No.12415466

why the fuck would you ever do something nice for an ex gf or even interact with them in anyway

>> No.12415473

Very American assumption. Some people have actual morals. They visit their partner's home in order to see how they live. It doesn't mean they want to fuck, because base physical pleasure isn't their goal. Many people just want to understand their partners fully before deciding to commit to marriage.

>> No.12415483


t. beta cuck

>> No.12415487

And I'm Irish, so kys with your own little assumption.

>> No.12415489

Getting dumped every 18 months isn't alpha behavior.

>> No.12415493


Wat. Where did that come from

>> No.12415543
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Roofie Smoothie

>> No.12415592

t. cumbrained retard

>> No.12415602

If a woman comes over to your shitty apartment and sees you live like a slob you ain't getting any children. Alphas have kids families build a life with a partner and dont go around like a degenerate sperm bank blowing loads into women while they destroy your potential offspring with contraception.

>> No.12415606

people having casual sex is why we need muslim extremists to kill everyone

>> No.12415609


>> No.12415612

>incelposting on /ck/

:( why has this board gone to such shit lately

>> No.12415614

>implying everyone who has morals is a fucking incel
why aren't retards euthanized

>> No.12415717

I have morals. You just have the wrong morals that limit people’s right to fuck whoever they want to fuck who also wants to fuck them. Your morals are bullshit patriarchal crap that supports the limitations of people’s personal freedoms because of some made-up god from a book of myths.

>> No.12415723

t. retarded cumbrained roastie who is salty about having a hallway for a vagoo

>> No.12415732

If my personal freedoms weren't limited, I'd string up you and every one of your kind, have a bumper crop of strange fruit if you know what I mean. You better thank fucking god that straight white men created such a safe society that protects your life. But yeah, keep whining about personal freedoms you dumb bitch.

>> No.12415740

Fuck off. Your kind should never be allowed into positions of authority so you can never enforce your backwards savagery on good people. And by the way, I’m a man. Twice the man you’ll ever be.

>> No.12415746

So much for the tolerant left

>> No.12415747

Imagine being this guy. How shitty must life be living with such seething hate.

>> No.12415760

I will never tolerate intolerance and oppression fuckface.

>> No.12415762

imagine being this much of a fucking cumbrain

>> No.12415769

Definitely do eat the meal first, have something chocolatey for dessert. Chicks dig chocolate usually. Maybe have some wine, but not too much or you'll both fall asleep.

>> No.12415791

Don't get back together anon. There were some fundamental issues that caused u to break up. If you diddley-I-do the deed then keep it at that.

Anyways, ladies tend to like super fancy and decorated starters and simple and sweeeeeet desserts so if you stick to that and make a something decent for a main (not ribs) then you'll do fine. Get a bottle of tawny as a digestif as well, should help a little as social lubricant. Good luck!

Also, I feel I need to say this since this is a special place, for the love of god, prepare things in good time! Don't rush shit. Cook mise en place and plan your cooking. Also, groom! Get your beard, hair , sweat and bodily smell in order. Don't show butt crack, don't touch a fedora - just don't.

>> No.12415800

It's not our fault that you have a disorder, the system was built around the premise that the citizenry would be human.

>> No.12415803

You've completely overlooked that she's an ex. They already know each other

>> No.12415821

>not ribs
This is a special torture, because she would normally destroy a half rack but can't without looking messy. Ribs are a late game date food.

>> No.12415822

Starter/soup: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UUJRKDln9cg&t=601s

Main: tuna, onion, fennel, capers, a squeeze of lemon and pasta.

Dessert: Brownie and ice cream or just some sorbet and bubbly wine.

What's your budget btw?

>> No.12415840

Have sex.

>> No.12415862

>claims to have morals
>walks around with an asshole full of cum instead of contributing to society

>> No.12415866

Imagine being incapable of speaking in anything but memes.

>> No.12415872

i can't believe people like you think you're qualified to give relationship advice
you're not even married, faggot, you honestly think your shitty hook-ups are fulfilling? enjoy chlamydia, faggot

>> No.12415915

>cooking for an ex-gf

>> No.12415946

>cooking for an ex

>> No.12415978

>"you probably shouldnt be a stupid chimp"
>backwards savagery

>> No.12415996

So either it's your own, particular morals or none that are transcendent and actually good for people? Interdasting

>> No.12416048
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OK, this is some prime soy right here

>> No.12416248


>> No.12416837

How to make your ex-gf into an eggs-gf

>> No.12417258

I'm married with 3 kids you dope

>> No.12417271
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Why do sex crazed whores use the fastfood subreddit

>> No.12417335

Fucking Muslims. One wife at a time and adults only, you heathen piece of shit.

>> No.12417397
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>my gf just fucks whoever she wants like a dog in heat, unlike you ass backwards christians with your monogomy and family oriented lifestyles
>fucking savages

>> No.12417405
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>sincerely retorting an obvious troll post

>> No.12417415
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Have sex

>> No.12418716

OP here rec me some dishes guys

>> No.12418835

Eggs, nigger.

>> No.12418993
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Bjdelivered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh gf is muh sister so we's keepin' pure accordin' to duh bible teachins 'n such dat preacher Billy Bob Graham Cracker said, ok? We's done been blest!

>> No.12420936


>> No.12420939

Thank goodness you saved this thread, there isn't enough off topic garbage on this board right now

>> No.12420967

if you cant cook an egg or atleast improvise your fuckin retarded

>> No.12420994

that's a man right?

>> No.12421019

How does she look like a man to you? Are you blind?

>> No.12421078
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facial features look a bit manly to me and traps are getting better and better

>> No.12421192

Just fuck her. She already dumped you once. Don't be a fucking spineless bitch.
By the way spaghetti with a nut would be a good choice for your significant other.

>> No.12421216

Just bring a black guy with you and she will love you again.

>> No.12421336

Lads can't we just talk about food?

>> No.12421660


>> No.12421680

no it doesn't.

Stop spreading bullshit.

>> No.12421712

I agree with you on the part, that people should be thankful white men build a safe society in which every mongrel in this thread is living. I personally really doubt any other "race" could or would have done it.

>Your kind should never be allowed into positions of authority so you can never enforce your backwards savagery on good people

Fucking lel. Who should rather be in authority? Niglets from niglet land? You wouldn't even be here if this were true.

But stop being a faggot and keep that thought to you. Actually speaking things like this out loud makes you very unattractive.

>> No.12421724

I also don't believe in race or superiority in any race. I just accept the fact, that it's because of the whites we live in a world like that.

Oh and that last sentence was meant for >>12415732

>> No.12422930

/pol/tards think any woman who isn’t a “10/10” according to their Nazi-barbie-doll-with-sculpted-Greek-goddess-features standards is a trans woman.

>> No.12424511

>You just have the wrong morals.
>My way of living is the best because I say so.
Lol get a load of this nog.

>> No.12424528

We've been doing this since before pol existed. It is one of our oldest and most cherished memes. Do not try to make it pol.

>> No.12424611

>build a safe society
>a world crumbling due to environmental destruction
>b-but you need to have kids to keep supporting our carbon dumping destruction of the only known habitable planet
>it's colder than normal in my backyard so it's fake, ok?
The guilt in any court of justice would fall harshly on spicelets.

>> No.12424634
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