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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 510 KB, 626x709, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12367529 No.12367529 [Reply] [Original]

Let me share with you my ecologically sustainable breakfast:
6 liters of bananas/papayas/coconuts/mangos/coconuts blended down, lol.

>> No.12367546

If it's anything but some poison to commit suicide, it being "ecologically sustainable" is a literal lie.

>> No.12367553

hey fruitbats, today i want to express the dangers of consuming a milligram of salt and encourage you all to free your bodies by moving to the amazon and licking the dirt off homegrown potatoes

>> No.12367554
File: 328 KB, 677x587, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For breakfast I'll have 6 liters of potatoes and tomatoes blended, because that is the E P I T O M E of an ecologically sustainable diet.

>> No.12367555

I’m on board with the bananas but everything else is not only expensive but a pain the ass.

>> No.12367562
File: 45 KB, 657x527, whither.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another carni-triggering thread

>> No.12367570
File: 693 KB, 1155x629, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, just Blend'em™ together! Raw tomatoes and cooked potatoes! What could go wrong! When you are on an Ecologically Sustainable™ diet literally nothing could go wrong!

>> No.12367582
File: 532 KB, 1188x507, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was just lunch, btw. Here's my dinner for the day. Absolutely sustainable. If only everyone would adopt this diet, we'd save the planet right now!

>> No.12367599

imagine the shits and gas she gets from eating 5000 calories of fruit per day

>> No.12367605

Only hunter gathering is ecologically sustainable.

>> No.12367622
File: 205 KB, 658x346, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In total: 18 liters of food / day. Mostly exotic fruits and vegetables blended down. This, my friends, is sustainability itself. If only everyone adopted my diet, we'd be in a better world.

But sadly some psychopaths insist on eating animal protein. Disgusting. Look at me, I'm healthy, for crying out loud, without eating an ounce of A N I M A L C O R P S E a day!

>> No.12367639

What is an actual sustainable diet? 2,000 calories of insect protein and millet with a multivitamin?

>> No.12367655
File: 941 KB, 1118x773, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, on a keto diet this is your daily intake.

>> No.12367701

imagine the smell

>> No.12367773

This woman is thin because she shits 6 times a day.

>> No.12367777

I'm a completely healthy human being as a vegan, you shithead. I shit like six times a day!


>> No.12367808

I bet she only has one or two periods a year. Healthy fertile women don’t look like they holiday at Buchenwald.

>> No.12367828

literally suicide.

We fuck shit up no matter what direction we go. The only thing is some things fuck shit up a little slower than other shit. Sustainability is a marketing lie that has no ecological foundation. The trick we've landed on is coming up with some new tech before things get too bad.

>> No.12367883

These retards say how much better this shit is for the world and stuff but the only fucking reason they are able to eat this way is due to mass farming methods. These idiots would starve if there weren't grocery stores because there's no where in fucking America where you can grow everything you'd need for a balanced diet.

>> No.12367887

60 grams of animal fat
20 grams of animal protein
10 grams of veggies

>> No.12367890

i need her to squat on my face

>> No.12367892

>shoulders substantially wider than hips

>> No.12367908

>These idiots would starve if there weren't grocery stores because there's no where in fucking America where you can grow everything you'd need for a balanced diet.

You realize there were uncivilized savages living here for thousands of years right? They ate just fine.

>> No.12367914

a plant based diet is always going to be more eco as long as the second law of thermodynamics exists

>> No.12367919

Those savages werent VEGAN you fucking moron

>> No.12367923

most eco diet would be to kill a person and eat whatever plants or mushrooms grew on their corpse

>> No.12367963

i'd fuck the shit out of her bros, i'd use that bitch like a trampoline.

>> No.12367968

i never said they were vegan.
you said they couldn't grow everything needed for a proper balanced diet, I simply wanted to point out that's not accurate.

>> No.12367980

Bros, these girls might look tight and /fit/, but their ass is always funky (not even braps); diarrhea ridden disasters.

t.Santa Monicafag

>> No.12367985

solution: don't eat ass like a faggot and you won't have to worry about it

>> No.12368003

>t. missionary, vanillafag

>> No.12368306

Based, thanks for the info Chad

>> No.12369994

you are one dumb motherfucker with 0 reading comprehension. wouldn't surprise me if you were a vegan yourself. I said vegans wouldnt be able to live without grocery stores and you start mentioning cavemen who foraged berries, plants, and hunted for MEAT. A single vegan would never be able to procure everything they need to not die of malnutrition without grocery stores.

>> No.12370037

What's that stuff on the left? Potatoes? Butter circles?

>> No.12370057

I can imagine she has had at least 2-3 abortions

>> No.12370390

She boasts about the one abortion she had, seconds after weeping and sobbing about some animal somewhere....


>> No.12370402

what's wrong with that??

>> No.12370483
File: 713 KB, 1280x1100, Please do Not go Vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried making some FREELEE memes for better or worse....

>> No.12370484
File: 752 KB, 2680x800, FREELEE Rapid Decline on Veganism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12370497

Every time I look at one of these clean eating fags (male or female) my first fucking thought is how much they shit. I can't have a conversation with them without constantly imagining them sitting on the toilet pouring out gallons of the most vile liquid lava.

>> No.12370514

Don't watch this over lunch, but it's fucking hilarious.


>> No.12370524

Why are vegans such subhumans bros?

>> No.12370735

Dangerously based and redpilled.

>> No.12370744

I wonder if her husband agreed to killing their baby

>> No.12371541

>But sadly some psychopaths insist on eating animal protein.
I would unironically eat human if I had the choice. No manflesh though because that's gay.

>> No.12372370
File: 97 KB, 743x708, 1539582027177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feds please get in here!

>> No.12372483

Shortening supply chains and improving agricultural practices would put a massive dent in it. Extensive local farming operations would reduce direct agricultural emissions, topsoil erosion, and transportation emissions, while maintaining standard omnivorous diets. With the internet, it won't be the same as regressing to more primitive lifestyles. Access to information and technology means producing the huge variety of foods we have now, but locally. Only foods that require certain climates to grow would need to be shipped. We need about 80-90% reduction in emissions, not a total cessation, so it's feasible with the right changes. A carbon fuel tax to discourage shipping of goods for economy of scale advantage is unironically a great idea.

>> No.12372489

it's not a proper breakfast without a few slices of butter chicken pizza

>> No.12372491

i would like to lob a glob on that tum tum if you know what I mean

>> No.12372516

After drinking down all that sugar the enamel in her teeth is wearing down pretty thin.
Have you ever really looked at the teeth of a vegan? And I mean a vegan that's be eating fruits and drinking these juice for years?
It's really gross.

>> No.12372850

They literally start turning into zombies within 8 months of a pure vegan diet. They are dying.

>> No.12372864

Unironically, if you don't shit out a hefty "black cock" looking shit, you might have problems.

>> No.12372885

>a ton of imported fruit

>meanwhile boats and trucks were used to transport this food for hundreds of miles

>> No.12372896


>> No.12372906


>> No.12372907

This woman has a freakishly long torso

>> No.12372915
File: 53 KB, 724x596, nvr_trust_a_skin_cook_w_head_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a meme, this is a fact of life.

>> No.12372979

>i'm a conservitard and care about the environment
Sure you do, little buddy. You summerfags are darlings.

>> No.12373573

>ecologically sustainable
i don't think she understands what either of those words mean

>> No.12373776

>you have to be a conservative to see veganism as a harmful cult

>> No.12373828

You mean percent, right? And you still have 10% left.

>> No.12373843

In America we use grams to mean as percent. The rest of the 10% left is for air. We usually don't include it on our lists

>> No.12373999

Trump is a 100 grams of obese

>> No.12374045

you didn't leave at least 10 grams for air

>> No.12374053
File: 365 KB, 1200x1012, _20190506_195957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively the best.

>> No.12374063

Me on the right.

>> No.12374089

She needs more JOLLIBEE.

>> No.12374735
File: 56 KB, 640x960, 603839_10202381518537908_4805734064100006132_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12375114
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x800, Hench Rotten Vegan Teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FREELEE's teeth are actually pretty healthy, just a bit crooked. DurianRider has had a full set of veneers or false teeth put in, his original teeth were becoming a joke from the silly fruit and sugar he eats.

Hench Herbivore and Veggie Rinse (Vince) two vegans with major tooth issues, Vince a full set of false teeth which Meat of the Matter called him out on, and Hench has complete rotten teeth disaster behind his front row (which are probably all false teeth too)

>> No.12375135

Only 6? Try 10 and that's not including the anal seepage the rest of the time.

>> No.12375143


>> No.12375156

this isnt peepee the banana bitch is it? that diet is going well by the looks of it

>> No.12375162


what a waste

>> No.12375187
File: 306 KB, 1280x800, Beautiful Female Vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, when she was younger and arguably hot, she was bubbly and "oh look at me I'm so sexy and thin go vegan!!"

Now her looks are shot, before 40, and she still wants to be relevant, so now she's "angry passionate animal rights advocate" raging against meat eaters, she never mentioned animals when she was 'sexy young vegan' before.


>> No.12375197

Apparently Americans think it's better to be overweight than normal weight. Color me surprised.

(and yes, if you know anything about what being overweight looks like, she is clearly clinically overweight in the before images. The fact that you cannot identify this is due to the prevalence and normality of overweight people. You're probably surrounded by fellow overweight ketards who've convinced themselves that BMI isn't a meaningful measure just as their high cholesterol levels are actually predictive of longevity, and carbs somehow make you fat while high-carb vegans are also all underweight)

>> No.12375210
File: 804 KB, 2680x800, FREELEE Collapsing on Veganism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post highlights the key issue in the argument between vegans and normals. Vegans literally see an emaciated wreck of a person, and subscribe to them on youtube and praise them and follow them.

I see the before FREELEE and see a strong healthy fertile woman at the upper end of the attractive scale.

There is no sense arguing, we just disagree. In my opinion, FREELEE destroyed herself and especially her looks on veganism, i'm sure you disagree.

>> No.12375246


I love when right wingers try to criticize plant based diets as if their diet of mcdonalds and bullshit is any better.

This is what losers do. They shit on everything else but don't make anything. Pathetic nihilists.

>> No.12375260

I'm making a statement about the objective fact that she was obviously clinically overweight (BMI above 25). Being clinically overweight reduces fertility and fetal health in women, and whether you think overweight women are more attractive is of no relevance. You grew up surrounded by overweight people, as we all do, and have internalized the notion that people who are less than overweight are somehow dangerously skinny. This is pretty normal and unrelated to veganism, most people are unable to correctly discern between normal weight and overweight status.

>> No.12375342

It's not as much a matter of whether or not she was overweight in the before pics, as it is about comparison between what we see. In the before pic in >>12370483 she clearly needs to lose some weight and in >>12370484 she looks a little overweight but carries it well and is overall very attractive. In both cases however, whilst she could stand to lose a little weight, she definitely looks extremely unhealthy and unnaturally aged in the after pics. Sure she isn't overweight anymore but she's now emaciated and looks extremely unattractive by comparison.

>> No.12375403

Unless she grows that shit herself it's not sustainable.

>> No.12375504

60g fat * 9 kcal/g
20g protein * 4 kcal/g
10g veggies which i'll call carbs even though there's mostly fiber in there which doesn't contribute to daily intake * 4kcal/g

= 540 + 80 + 40 = 660 kcal/day

you are either the smallest woman on the planet or an absolute fucking retard (or both)

>> No.12375546
File: 206 KB, 682x821, 5d19022d49d3dbff360ffb3212bee806--vegetarian-diets-nigella-lawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overweight in the before pics, as it is about comparison between what we see. In the before pic in >>12370483 # she clearly needs to lose some weigh

Are you the same vegan who called me a bloated amerilard and a keto freak? Because this post is much more subdued. And instead of saying the early FREELEE "clearly" needed to lose some weight, you should have said "{needed to lose some weight} IN MY OPINION."

You must not be vegan, because you think the modern FREELEE is an emaciated wreck, where vegans see her as a stunning and brave, strong empowered woman.

>> No.12375557

>ecologically sustainable

Mexico's avocado boom causing deforestation and illnesses in local population

Liliana Carmona misses the lush pine forest on the hills overlooking her village in western Mexico. She now stares at vast avocado orchards that feed a massive foreign appetite for the green fruit.

Growers have been cutting down swaths of forest to make room for more fruit trees in the state of Michoacan, the world's avocado capital.

Experts are now concerned that chemicals used in the orchards could be behind illnesses afflicting the local population.

>> No.12375570

t. no understanding of the production costs of meat

>> No.12375571

>Liliana Carmona misses the lush pine forest on the hills overlooking her village in western Mexico. She now stares at vast avocado orchards that feed a massive foreign appetite for the green fruit.


>> No.12375577

>Growers have been cutting down swaths of forest to make room for more fruit trees in the state of Michoacan, the world's avocado capital.

About 40 percent of the world's avocados are grown in Mexico, and most of those come from the area around Jujucato and Lake Zirahuen.

Avocados occupy some 137,000 hectares (340,000 acres) of land in Michoacan, according to state government figures.

Half of those orchards were planted in forests after the land was bought through dubious legal means, according to Jaime Navia, head of a rural technology NGO called Gira.

>> No.12375579

gosh daaamn, that's a lot of sugar you're chugging down

>> No.12375585

>Experts are now concerned that chemicals used in the orchards could be behind illnesses afflicting the local population.


Forests Falling Fast to Make Way for Mexican Avocado

In 2016, the expansion of agricultural frontiers accounted for 98 percent of deforestation in Mexico. While the booming production of avocado (often referred to as Mexico’s “green-gold”) has contributed to the country’s economic growth, it has also caused deforestation and degradation in central and southern Mexican forests.

A popular “superfood,” U.S. per-capita consumption has increased by 440 percent in the last 20 years, driving much of this demand. The U.S. has become the largest importer of Mexican avocados, with 83 to 93 percent of its fresh avocado imports coming from Mexico. Michoacan, the only Mexican state that exports avocados to the U.S., has felt particular pressure from the increased demand, with between 14,800 and 19,800 acres of deforestation driven by avocado orchards each year.

Michoacan is also home to some of the most biologically important forests in Mexico. Each year, the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (RBMM) plays host to one of the largest migratory events in the world: the arrival of millions of monarch butterflies that have traveled more than 3,000 miles from Canada to the forests of central Mexico.

>> No.12375589


Avocado production also impacts hydrology and carbon sequestration. Avocado trees consume four to five times more water than the native fir and pine trees, jeopardizing water availability for humans in communities nearby.

>> No.12375595


While many companies have pledged to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains, these commitments are mostly linked to commodities such as palm, soy, timber, pulp and cattle. So far there are no commitments of this scale for avocados. NGOs like Rainforest Alliance are working alongside government agencies to encourage a sustainable production strategy for Mexican avocados, but the support of key market participants, like U.S. retailers, investors and consumers, is critical to accomplishing zero-deforestation goals.

Incentives from retailers and consumers are essential for inducing producers to comply with the legal use of forest land and avoid deforestation.

>> No.12375599


Why do american avocado loving liberal hipsters hate the rain forest so much? And why do they keep encouraging the destruction of these poor Mexicans land & environment?

>> No.12375603


Will people like AOC admit that she's a part of the problem of spoiled Americans destroying foreign forests & ecosystems for their own personal enjoyment & benefit?

>> No.12375670

>Avocado production also impacts hydrology and carbon sequestration. Avocado trees consume four to five times more water than the native fir and pine trees, jeopardizing water availability for humans in communities nearby.
Fuck those dirty Mexicans. Humans are bad for the environment anyways. I need my $16 avocado toast followed by an avocado shake & then an avocado facial scrub!

>> No.12375671

Your post is true.
Vegans don't give the slightest fuck about animals or the environment, they are Winning the propaganda war anyway, because our side is not allowed to speak, pro meat diet movies are not promoted. Vegans can destroy forests in Mexico, (
(For their growing avocado addictions)
at the same time they feel so smug about their passionately "saving the environment"

(Searched for the avocado documentary which proved this, can't even find it, Jewgle is hiding it)


>> No.12375679
File: 232 KB, 1300x866, 94888671-cows-grazing-on-green-pasture-in-dolomites-mountains-italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Release cows onto their God-made habitat the grasslands.

Wow that's fucking staggering, imagine how much that costs!

Recognize vegan lies.

>> No.12375703
File: 721 KB, 1336x1816, 1558179233412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the lies of the vegan agenda, leftist vegans can destroy rainforests, and feel immense satisfaction for "saving the environment" at the same time, as long as they believe the vegan agenda lies from such sources as Earthling Ed, Cowspiracy and What the Health, etc.

The truth is not able to penetrate the mind of a leftist at any time. The environment will suffer from this, but at least vegans destroy their own health as well, from believing the vegan agenda lies (like "veganism is extremely healthy")

>> No.12375718

Innuits lived for millenia on seal blubber and fish you tard

>> No.12375764

Never listen to health or food or exercise or life advice from white women

>> No.12375770

shits what?all she eats is liquid

liquid potatoes and tomatoes what the fuck

>> No.12375775


Her asshole would just be greasy shit all the time. Imagine trying to fuck that anus.

>> No.12375792

There's nothing wrong with eating vegan, but they should also eat meat.

>> No.12375798


parents killed their child with vegan food in canada. I fucking hate vegans with a murderous vigor.

>> No.12375802

Don't vegans eat a lot of fibers though?
Shit would come out with no trace on her cornhole

>> No.12375805
File: 11 KB, 275x183, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greasy anus

>> No.12375809

I read that almost happened in sweden too but they got to them before the kid died. In Italy they want to make it illegal to put a kid on a vegan diet.

>> No.12375818


A kid needs fucking protein. I hate vegan assholes that won't feed their kids properly. Their brains fucking die in their skulls without protein.

>> No.12375820

That’s because you’re an impotent schizophrenic loser with no actual identity

>> No.12375828
File: 378 KB, 750x750, 3AB33D97-C04E-47C1-A76B-AFA5BD684786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What essential protein doesn’t exist in vegetables?

>> No.12375829


dude, read your post.

>> No.12375834

dude, lose some weight and take some lithium.

>> No.12375835

It was pretty awful shit. They put both parents in jail.

>The 18-month-old is said to have been fed a restricted diet primarily of breast milk, brown rice and potatoes, Gothenburg District Court heard. The child was reportedly undernourished and just “hours from dying” when she was rushed to hospital in an unresponsive state in February, The Local reports. Judge Per Nordén said that while the parents “did not intentionally harm their daughter”, doctors found her condition was caused by “prolonged starvation”. One doctor described the girl’s condition as “worse than anything we have seen at the hospital before”.

>The child is now being cared for by a foster parent, who said she is recovering well. A statement from the court, obtained by The Local, said that the girl’s birth had not been registered. It read: “According to their ideological belief that the daughter was a citizen of the world, her parents did not even report the birth to any authority, have her checked at a paediatric centre, or even weigh or measure her growth.”

>> No.12375836


they need protein, nutrients and micronutrients that exist in animal protein. Don't you fucking know this?

>> No.12375868
File: 50 KB, 795x454, 1548684642943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What essential protein doesn't exist in vegetables??
>Every vegan forever

>> No.12375874


anal sex is homosexual

>> No.12375878

I've been vegan for years and I've never had issues with my health due to a lack of Vitamin A or D.

>> No.12375882

I think you get plenty of D in your A

>> No.12375885


anal sex is something normal people do any you don't. You don't have sex.

>> No.12375886

>say vegans wouldnt make it without grocery store
>dumb retards keep bringing up cavemen and eskimos eating meat

>> No.12375888

Kek, true dat brother

>> No.12375891


don't kill your kids or make them retarded. other than that, no one cares what you do.

>> No.12375898

>These idiots would starve if there weren't grocery stores
I literally live in farming land and one of the things they teach us at school when we were growing up were what foods in the region are native and edible.
Also, I grow my own food but god damn those delicious ecuadorian red bananas. Can't make them in the backyard even though I have yellow bananas but they never fruit.

>> No.12375906

>your brain on veganism

>> No.12375909

Looks like cauliflower mashed together with some parsley

>> No.12375915


idiot, I'm against veganism. You're just some shitposting asshole right?

>> No.12375923

he has the under armor aesthetic going on with his mouf

>> No.12375928


normal people aren't homosexual. anal sex is not normal. putting your penis into poop isn't normal, it's mentally ill. also, i do have sex. but it wouldn't matter if i didn't, because you shouldn't have sex unless you're married anyways, and even then, it should only be in order to make another human.

>> No.12375932

>vitamin A
>not found in vegetables
You canNOT be fucking serious.

>> No.12375991

And yet you couldn’t name it. Don’t you fucking know this? You just also shifted from essential proteins to nutrients in general

>> No.12376014

Is that your excuse for being an incel?

>> No.12376019
File: 17 KB, 590x473, A9F9C2B1-F323-4A2E-9B7E-92AF6D2924A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-vegans are low IQ rural retard drumpf voters

>> No.12376030

Ironic to suddenly see the conservitards fretting and twisting their panties about the environment when they're currently eliminating EPA oversight and regulating of corporations hellbent on destroying the air, water, soil and forests as well as repealing the Clean Air and Water Act.

>> No.12376032
File: 294 KB, 728x944, vTNLHJc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


incel is not an insult! it's actually a good thing that one should be proud of. having sex and masturbating are extremely harmful and dangerous outside of their proper place. the only thing that seperates man from the animals is rules, and the more powerful the force we can control with rules, the more human we will be.

i have complete scorn and disdain for people that have casual sex for entertainment and some sort of emotional amelioration of their neurosis.

fornication should carry penalties as severe as attempted murder, at least. because wrongfully creating life is more heinous than wrongfully taking life, and so carelessly risking creating life wrongfully should be as legally serious as carelessly risking taking someones life.

sex, as it turns out, is not the greatest value, nor a measure of ones worth, nor the solution to your problems. it's another distraction from living a proper life as a human being.

>> No.12376039
File: 186 KB, 393x352, 13234323423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal is suddenly "thicc"

>> No.12376087

Yep. Obese incel confirmed

>> No.12376105

What special mental impairment do you have where you thought this was unironically or ironically good

Are you an actual boomer?

>> No.12376126

I'd put 6 liters of bananas in her, if you know what I mean

>> No.12376165

>only right wingers criticize my cult

>> No.12376181

About 95%, they use the term cult because theyre religious retards that cant comprehend secular ethics mostly because they’re mentally, emotionally, intellectually handicapped and require a skyjew to keep them in check