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12366340 No.12366340 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody know how to cook these to make them taste nice? I'm starting to think that they can only be cooked with wine, which I'm hoping isn't the case.

>> No.12366374

I've never cooked them before but I've had some really excellent "mussels with green sauce" at some Spanish restaurants. It's mussels w/white wine, garlic, parsely, the recipes vary. It's really good especially with some crusty bread to sop up the sauce.

>> No.12366397

Why is wine bad? If it's an alcohol thing that all burns off during the cooking.

>> No.12366407

... boils off not burns

>> No.12366602

I'm planning on making them often, so it would be a bit of hassle to use wine everytime.

>> No.12366608

Can contain nerve toxins.
Do not eat shellfish.

>> No.12366620

Mussels are served everywhere in Western Australia.


>> No.12366639


...however, bear in mind that they are the filters of the sea so if you're planning on foraging for them, make sure the waters where you live are decently unpolluted.

Now, I would recommend steaming them with some salt and white pepper and then you can pop em into almost any vegetarian dish for some nice mussel flavor. You can also try to to flour, egg, breadcrumb - butter-in-pan-fry them and eat with almost any cruciferous veggie on the side.

Ofc, there are plenty of liqeur and cream reduction sauces you can make with mussels but it sounds like not your kinda jam.

Generally, mussels do well with all flavour profiles except two (but hey everyone has a different opinion): Bitter and Super spicy.

Experiment away.

>> No.12366676
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shallow water, some butter, garlic, salt and pepper. cook them till they all pop open
all you need OP. dont listen to these pseudo cooks.
t. mussel freek

>> No.12366680

Wrong, its true.


>> No.12366691

>eating animals that literally filter shit out of water and store it within themselves

>> No.12366705

Best mussels I’ve had were cooked in a broth of tequila, fresh lime juice and cilantro

Be careful of which tequila, get a smoother tasting one, don’t buy fucking Jose Cuervo

>> No.12366740

Tell me, what is the rate of people dying because of eating shellfish versus how many people have eaten shellfish and lived?

>> No.12366763

Damage done is negligible in most cases so it isn't recorded.

>> No.12366807

>oy vey shellfish are teeeeaaarrrrable
>when i was 9 and ate them for the first time my whole body swelled up and then a got PTSD!!!!

>> No.12366841

That sounds pretty damn good.

>> No.12366870

That might be pretty good with some grilled asparagus.

>> No.12366959
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Are mussels technically vegan though? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12366995

>has been alive
literally nothing anyone eats is vegan friendly

>> No.12367000

>hot pan with oil
>toss in mussels for a minute or so
>teaspoon of minced garlic
>a few ounces of cream
>cover & cook for another couple minutes
>top with a bit of diced red onion and tomatoes
serve with bread to dab up cream sauce

>> No.12367031

Do you know the difference between sentient and something that can react?

Arsenic reacts when you put water in it.

>> No.12367073

>I'm planning on making them often, so it would be a bit of hassle to use wine everytime.
I don't see why...you just pour the remainder into wine glasses to consume with dinner. Or buy a wine stopper and vacuum pump, and save for another night.
I guess you could buy the little 4 packs of personal wine bottles, or the 4 buck Aldi wines. You can also go with a fortified wine, that has a good shelf life due to the proof; from sherry to vermouth, you find some options that last between doses to your cooking.

Mussels can be delicious with chorizo rendered, any kind of pork fat, and a bunch of garlic and wine to steam it down. Good bread.
Mussels are equally delicious in a coconut curry, especially green curry paste in there with it. You can also sub in "clam juice" in the bottle, such as with a fresh sailor's sauce (look it up).

Get some ideas from the very popular moules frites restaurant in D.C. called Granville Moores and their belgian fetish menu. There are some nontraditional ideas there, not just the usual. Check the specials as they change.
Mariniere A Classic, White Wine, Garlic, Herbs
Bleu Blue Cheese, Pork Belly, Red Onions, Spinach, White Wine, Lemon
Champignons Crimini, Oyster, Shitake & Button Mushrooms, White Wine Cream Sauce
Spicy Thai Curry Thai Basil, Lemongrass, Ginger, Coconut Milk
Italian Italian Sausage, White Wine, Tomato & Herb Sauce


>> No.12367488

If you don't like using wine, then you definitely wouldn't like Moules au Pernod, which is my absolute favorite recipe for mussels. But, you can do pretty much any recipe with mussels as you would for other bivalves.

>> No.12367544

>Moules au Pernod
Could you use any Absinthe Hitler?
I haven't seen Pernod anywhere in New Zealand, I could source it but it'd cost more.

>> No.12367568

>Absinthe Hitler
The fuck??
Anyway, you can use any brand of pastis, which isn't absinthe. Although any herbal liquor may work, idk, I always use pernod or another pastis.

>> No.12367572

Why the fuck do people pretend these taste good? I chipped a fucking tooth trying to eat one. How the fuck are you supposed to eat the shells?

>> No.12367586

You're not going to catch much with that bad bait.

>> No.12367591
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>he's a toothlet

>> No.12367681
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>Hitler dubs reference
You heard of Metaxa Ouzo?
It seems to me the only Anise liquor around

>> No.12367691

Plants are sentient.

>> No.12367707

Yeah, I've had ouzo. It's not exactly like pastis, but you could try it. I think it would work fine.

>> No.12367710

>obvious joke
How's the autism?

>> No.12367721


In Japan they offer to make risotto with the leftover juices when you finish a bucket of mussels. I always accept that offer.

>> No.12367767

Bait posters are the real baiters because they call posts out as bait but give them (you)s anyways

>> No.12367795

this, except some white wine is good in there honestly.

>> No.12367807
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You gotta shout like some dick.

>> No.12367823

Cool thanks man, I eat a lot of mussels but never tried Moules au Pernod.
I've been shoving them in my new smoker recently but I normally use;
Bottle of aromatic white wine minus a cheeky glass (normally gewürztraminer)
pinch Smoked paprika
Parsley garnish

>> No.12367835

If you wanted a bland seafood cream sauce why not just use fish sauce? You fucking ruined it with the last two steps.

>> No.12367845

Just eat them raw, all shellfish are best raw. In before some lilly livered weak gutted soymale whines about parasites or food poisoning, i've eaten raw mussels, oysters and clams that i've harvested myself right out of the puget sound and i've literally NEVER gotten sick from it.

shellfish allergy and food warnings are Jewish tricks because they're resentful that they can't enjoy the best foodsource known to man.

>> No.12367983

Tfw sucking live oysters right off rocks with your dad in a tinny while trying not to scuttle said boat on the rocks.

>> No.12367988

sounds like the good life tbqh

>> No.12368149

me too, we'd go out on weekends with a big garbage can with the bottom cut out, his shitty dinghy, a cooler with french fries, a pot and some pans, a bottle of oil and the car, we'd go fish some, go grab some mussels, go looking for clams (the can was for geoducks, you plop the can around them so they cant escape then dig down for them with your hands) and when the sun started going down we'd set up a driftwood fire and either fry or steam everything and eat it with french fries covered in johnny's seasoning salt.

these were the happiest years of my life.

>> No.12368781
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Just get a box of cooking wine, you're not going to notice that $20 bottle of Chardonnay after the alcohol boils off

>> No.12369665
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Prove it

>> No.12369794

Bake them with mozzarella, cheddar, and some bell peppers on top.

>> No.12369857

b o x e d
w i n e

>> No.12371358
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Belgian anon here
this shit is my national dish
just slice some onion and celery add some black pepper put it in a pot with mussles add water (not to much they don't need to think they are back in the ocean) let it boil for about 4/5 minutes till all mussles are open. and boom you got some classic mussles
one could have added garlic/provencal/white wine or othere ingredients to spice it up. But I prefer the classic or the maybe a little garlic version.

serve your mussles with fries and mayonaise.
and now my friend you have yourself a classic Belgian dish.

>> No.12371363

I forgot to add this you must put on the lid and shake the mussles twice during the boiling proces so all mussles are equally cooked

>> No.12371414
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All deities ate plants. The plants gave them their powers.