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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 1155x648, what-is-tofu-1296x728-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12345427 No.12345427 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12345430


>> No.12345438
File: 290 KB, 600x899, 1508_Mapo-Tofu_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mapo dofu, of course

>> No.12345440

as a side with some dick, faggot

>> No.12345562

Steak, bacon, ham, pork, buffalo, buffalo chicken, buffalo chicken steak, buffalo chicken steak covered in bacon, and rutabegas.

>> No.12345578

>eating soy
It's like you want to grow boobs

>> No.12345603

op is either a vegan nu male or a street shitter

>> No.12345617

What the West doesn't know is that medium firm tofu soaks up flavor really well and is perfect in meaty stews and soups. Most non-Buddist Asian dishes combine different meats and different tofus for maximum synergy of texture and taste.

>> No.12345642

sundubujiggae is amazing during the winter; I use tofu mostly in thai curries cause they soak that good good up

>> No.12345650

roast a large tray of broccoli, tofu, onions, bell peppers, garlic for about 30-45 min at 400F. stir every 10 min, adding in whatever sauce you want (teriyaki, etc) for the last 10 min. serve with rice or couscous. this also works great as a stir fry.

>> No.12345746

Goes great raw with pidan, scallions, ginger, and slightly sweet soy sauce.

>> No.12346869
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Tofu masters please advise. Is it worth it to make your own tofu? Will the flavor of tofu made today be noticeably better than a storebought block? When it comes to something like bread, a mediocre bread fresh from the oven is better than an excellent bread baked two days ago. Is the same true for tofu to any extent, or will I just waste my time trying to make my own?

>> No.12346879

>buy firm tofu
>press between paper towels with something heavy like decent books or cans of beans to drain
>salt and pepper

>> No.12346935

Tofu satay

>> No.12346936

Nah. You'll be starting out with dried soybeans anyway. I've never seen fresh soybeans for sale.

>> No.12346941 [DELETED] 


Found the leftist gloryhole.

>> No.12346963

cover the tofu in beaten egg before frying, it makes it have a golden crispy layer. you could also put flour on the outside, i guess. frying it this way and then pouring on a little bit of light soy sauce at the end, garnish with a bit of spring onion if you're being gay. pretty nice.

>> No.12346969

The best tofu I've ever had was deep fried and covered in apricot jam (probably the opposite order).

>> No.12346983
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you'd better wait with that question till the next elections, when /pol/ has something to do on their own board again.

>> No.12346984 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, discord tranny.

>> No.12347121
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>t. /trash/eddit

>> No.12347122 [DELETED] 

t. triggered tranny

>> No.12347126

Feces and piss go well with it. Many vegans already tried.

>> No.12347129 [DELETED] 

Go dilate.

>> No.12347331

I've made my own tofu before. It's a huge hassle but you get to control the texture to get it exactly how you want it, you can make good doufu hua and doufu nao which is rarely sold outside of Asia because it's not shelf stable. You also get the leftover bean grinds which is also not often sold and can use it to make other tasty poverty dishes like stews and fried patties.

I wouldn't recommended making your own unless you're Asian and know how to make the best use of homemade tofu. Store bought tofu tastes fine. The ones in the refrigerator packed in liquid are pretty fresh anyway.

>> No.12347342

You don't make tofu or soymilk with fresh beans dummy.

>> No.12347552


>> No.12347578

>talking about food and cooking
You're lost, this is now trannies, cucks, dilation, and what might I find in stranger's pants: the board

>> No.12347601

everytime i cook tofu it turns into mush even if i get extra firm tofu. how do you make it keep its shape?

>> No.12347988

Why not castrate yourself and eat your own manhood?

>> No.12348005

>t. antiscience cousinfucking Spam breather

>> No.12348012
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>> No.12348051

>..and it all just took 3 hours plus a night in the freezer.
You gotta be fucking kidding. If dried tofu is so fucking great why is no one selling it?

>> No.12348244

You might not be draining it correctly (let it drain on a rack or in a strainer for 20+ minutes) or you might be retarded

>> No.12348278

I unironically love that good honest god-fearing American farmers in the heartland are going bankrupt because a major political party's platform now consists entirely of reddit memes.

>> No.12348432

Silky tofu with minced pork and chilli.

>> No.12348442

Is that what you did?

>> No.12348668 [DELETED] 

dilate and have sex

>> No.12348675

How can people stand the texture of tofu?

>> No.12348682

You are supposed to eat tofu raw.

>> No.12348772

Miso soup

>> No.12348871
File: 71 KB, 384x313, 1330785754892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by not having autism

>> No.12348940

One of the brothers green froze it twice to get an even better texture. Apparently he got it from this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhJHnXgS6TU
Seems interesting.
t. not vegan, but trying to cut down

>> No.12348973

ive only ever bought firm tofu and it falls apart every time i take it out of the container, how the fuck do you do all this shit without it disintegrating

>> No.12348990

Try an Asian grocer or Target

>> No.12349001

Press your tofu and get an air fryer. If you're eating tofu on a regular basis get an air fryer seriously

>> No.12349033
File: 76 KB, 500x333, 1356173458555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, for future posts: will you please add a soy trigger warning? There are some very fragile souls on this board that suffer from severe soy PTSD.

>> No.12349146

mapo tofu is the real answer, though this one is kinda awful. looks like white people mapo. (yes i'm saying white people to bait you tards)

>> No.12349417


>> No.12349494
File: 37 KB, 520x300, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try cyanide.
Every vegetarian should use that combo at least once.

>> No.12349507

Deep fried tofu is good with some curry sauce. The 'skin' of the tofu is also good in pork bone soup.

>> No.12349514

Imagine thinking everyone who eats tofu is a vegetarian/vegan
Imagine being this offended by someone eating a plant
Just imagine

>> No.12349520


>> No.12349524

Hard to go wrong with Pad Thai

>> No.12349538

Willing to bet his actual source of anger is entirely unrelated.

>> No.12349610
File: 5 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not actually angry.

I just hate tasteless tofu and wanted to share some humor.

Tofu would be great if the taste would be good.

>> No.12349885

Oof madone, that looks terrible. Good thing I always use original Chinese recipes when I cook Chinese. On a side note, I always skip the pre-cooking in salt water part, I fail to notice a difference.

>> No.12350496
File: 440 KB, 850x639, mabo_dofu10_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good mapo tofu used very soft, silky tofu. That tofu is keeping its shape so it's probably too firm. There is also too much tofu and not enough sauce.

>> No.12351037
File: 33 KB, 600x600, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think eating soy will grow boob out. please consider your genetic a failure

>> No.12351042

I wanna slurp that shit in my mouth

>> No.12352020

Put it on a bowl of rice first.

>> No.12352166

stav ?

>> No.12352481

Isn't air frying just roasting?

>> No.12354510

I usually just make some sort of tofu curry with lots of veggies. Lee Kum Kee and Patak have some amazing sauces/spice mixes.

>> No.12356173

Tofu is great. You can stir fry it and make them nice and crispy, and they are like sponges so they soak up sauce.

>> No.12357351

Bug person here, this is completely fine. The silky shit is overrated. Mala is overrated too, mapo tofu flavors that cater towards the western palate exists for a reason, because they'll like it better. It also handles beef/pork in it better than the autistically authentic mala stuff.