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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12346539 No.12346539 [Reply] [Original]

How come women aren’t good cooks?

>> No.12346544

Because society stopped holding them up to a higher standard

>> No.12346862
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Because Feminism told them that domestic skills were societally-enforced slavery.
Meanwhile I cook better than any woman I've ever known, except for my Tradwife Aunt, who's in her 80's and didn't much care for Feminism.

>> No.12346888

They realized they don't have to be. It turns out just a vagina works, even the tease or temptation of one.

>> No.12346918

fuck you my grandma makes great food

>> No.12346937


Oh wow, a shitty Norwegian murderer of people and music said it, it must be true!

>> No.12346939

but i am a good cook

>> No.12346942

He said things I want to believe so it's probably correct. Stop being an asshole.

>> No.12346950

Eh my mom is a decent cook but she’s a much better baker.

>> No.12346962
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>> No.12346966
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>> No.12346970

That only proves that idiots like you have been clinging to the same moronic anxieties for millennia.

>> No.12346973
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Calm down, vaginal Jew.

>> No.12347148

I don't agree with this statement unless we are just talking about current gen women.

Obviously all of us had moms and grandma's who could cook and probably cooked well.
Even the most boomer, flyover mom probably had a couple mean recipes under her belt.

I only know of 2 or 3 women who know how to cook. Meanwhile I only know a few men who can't. Most of them still bake though. It's kind of odd that women have just kind of quit on the more useful culinary practices that just everyone should know

>> No.12347151

Most people in general aren't good cooks, but I suppose women are less incentivized to learn since they can always b8 tinder dates for free dinner or whatever or date someone who can cook. But I'm not even sure if that applies since even the poor people I know will blow most of their money eating out rather than cook.

>> No.12347169

Define good. Most women who cook regularly are good at it. The best, most famous chefs are men, but you don't need to be Gordon Ramsy to cook a good meal.

>> No.12347173

Women are good home cooks.
Men are good pros. Just stating the obvious.

>> No.12347197
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>this thread
Found the incels.

>> No.12347205

>what is the fallacy of origin

>> No.12347219

>I’ll call them names, that’ll disprove their points!

>> No.12347224

Because women got greedy and decided they were entitled to careers of their own.

>> No.12347231

now i make more money AND cook better than u

>> No.12347246
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No, it's more like women caused everyone to make less money by doubling the supply of workers while at the same time destroying families and creating the dystopian future we now inhabit.

>> No.12347251

it's not my fault you're poor and fat and shop at walmart, common

>> No.12347257

you poo head

>> No.12347263

You seem weirdly focused on irrelevant one-off cases like the made up one you're claiming as your own. One person out of seven and a half billion even if non-fictional would still say nothing about what's going on overall for the planet.

>> No.12347268

yet here you are blaming women for the state of the planet on an ethiopian mud baking forum

>> No.12347288

Yes, because women constitute 50% of the population, not 0.000000013% of it. What are you even trying to think here?

>> No.12347300

i think that you should better yourself and stop blaming the world for your failures

>> No.12347306

I didn't say anything about myself. Not sure why you keep on trying to make everything an irrelevant personal topic. Are you incapable of handling content that extends beyond the scope of one person?

>> No.12347316

it's because i choose not to argue with angry retards on the internet

>> No.12347322

>even more personalizing attempts
What's the appeal to personal focus? That's like looking at one point along a bell curve and wanting to talk to the person it represents about their failings instead of actually noticing "neat, it's a bell curve."

>> No.12347338

What‘s the appeal of being a pathetic loser?

>> No.12347348

Women fucking hate being judged and will do everything they can to avoid it. Society is currently this echo chamber of you are perfect, you deserve this, you've earned this, your time is too important, treat yourself. First off you've got to want to say to this "no I've not earned this, my time isn't too important" which is hard enough. Cooking requires you to put in effort, suffer through a period of being shit, bring forth effort into the wider world, take feedback and be honest with yourself. Good look getting most modern women to put up with that for long enough to develop ability alongside the final nail in the coffin that cooking was traditionally considered insulting 'women work'. It wasn't even supposed to be insulting. More than men were physically stronger to do brutal physical labor and expendable enough to risk injury and death. Of course you prepare the food, you've got to do something with your time and this is something physically suitable.

>> No.12347352

the "appeal to personal focus" is your irrational and obvious anger
that's more interesting to me than your stupid argument that i'm choosing not to engage in

>> No.12347364
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You could be exchanging posts with a chatbot for all you know. Everyone else now knows you're upset though. Not a very interesting topic to focus on, but there you go.

>> No.12347372


>> No.12348792
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hail burzum

>> No.12348843

Actually my mother is, and I'm still a stereotypical /pol/ misogynist.

>> No.12348865

OK, nigger

>> No.12349065

then what was the argument then. it's just an observation which is only as good as it's source.

>> No.12349066
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>> No.12349167

women are good cooks
women are terrible chefs

they are able to make one meal decently good in a laid back atmosphere where everybody has to kiss their ass about how great their food is.

in a high stakes, high stress environment where they actually get criticism, they fall apart.

>> No.12349262

based and redpilled

>> No.12349304


>> No.12349329
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>When someone is mean 2 a girl