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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 276 KB, 491x503, 1537102936188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12310458 No.12310458 [Reply] [Original]

>he's STILL not using hunts

>> No.12310473

i’m not poor

>> No.12310476

Just mix tomato paste, vinegar and sugar and you have ketchup without additives.

>> No.12310528


I don't use it at all, I'm not 14 years old

>> No.12310540
File: 119 KB, 202x182, 1546201495854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whoa stacy, look at that anon eating his burger and fries without ketchup, he's so mature..and sexy

>> No.12310569

>He's eating american cancer juice, also known as ketchup

>> No.12310603

Heinz is so lousy it's not allowed to call itself ketchup in my country. A local company sued them, and the court determined it probably doesn't contain enough tomatoes to call itself ketchup or something on that line. So the label calls it tomato dip.

>> No.12310624

Post a picture and prove it.
And if your cuckold country doesn’t like Heinz Freedom Sauce then they can continue to starve because of their picky homosexual metropolitan appetites.
>Please sir, I won’t eat my gruel without any truffle oil
If Heinz Ketchup isn’t ketchup then ketchup sucks because whatever Heinz Ketchup IS is better than ketchup.

>> No.12310629

Thanks bbe now take my rod up your flange

>> No.12310808

This. French's is better for ketchup

>> No.12310857

>Heinz for ketchup
>French's for mustard
>Kraft for BBQ sauces
>Fuck Hunts

>> No.12310860

Red Gold>Hunts>Heinz

>> No.12310905

t.fatass amerilards guzzling down their red sugar paste

>> No.12310930

Heinz faggot
Hunts is for the food stamps

>> No.12311023

>Post a picture and prove it.
I don't have any Heinz. Considering price and flavor, I consume a different type of ketchup, though I'm fine with either. Just Google "Israel Heinz dip" or something.
>picky homosexual metropolitan appetites
There are food standards around the world, to prevent people from marketing urine as lemon juice just because it's a yellow color. Or to prevent artificially flavored water from being sold as freshly squeezed juice. When a food product doesn't live up to the minimum standard, it cannot call itself as such.

>> No.12311040

It all makes sense now

>> No.12311063

Predictable response. Memes aside, food standards exist in other countries. USA has its own standards. The standards are just different between different countries. As it happens to be, ketchup in Israel is required to have a higher percentage of tomatoes than elsewhere.

>> No.12311193
File: 308 KB, 840x580, canada_sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't buy a local one produced 10 minutes from his home

LMAOing @ your life

>> No.12311296

>Mustard, ketchup AND relish all labelled as "Canada Sauce"
You can't just call everything canada sauce, okay?

>> No.12311307
File: 1.95 MB, 500x228, 1536295140065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the brand, you mongoloid illiterate.

>> No.12311333

Use French's if you need sugar red mucus. It's less sweet.

>> No.12311334

>>Kraft for BBQ sauces
>Not Sweet Baby Ray's
stupid white boy

>> No.12311358


That walmart sauce tasted like brown asshole(no offence). I was embarrassed that a wannabee kraft lookalike wasn't better because kraft sucks so fucking much.

>> No.12311360

>kraft for bbq
Yikes, heinz all the way for bbq

>> No.12311480

Then where's the ™

>> No.12311502

I bought that one on special a few weeks ago, 49c (offer + coupon).
It's okay. Kotlin spicy ketchup (which isn't spicy, it's just good) tastes better to me. If you see Kotlin somewhere, try it. It's Polish.

>> No.12311547

I swear by heinz. It's thick, rich and delicious. And yes I could tell the difference.
Too bad it's so expensive. I could only afford 1 upside down bottle a month

>> No.12311562

Too many calories uwu

>> No.12311744
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 1557093746285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not in burgerland here, we don't have to put trademark on everything.

>> No.12311824

The jews suing say it isn't so. Jews so worried about ketchup but not about holocaust survivors living in Israel. Google that my jewboy friend

>> No.12312003

Strange. Since the US is now a colony of israel, why wouldn't they have the same standards for their ketchup?

>> No.12312005

sugary trash
wake me up when a decent brand like Contadina puts out a ketchup

>> No.12312016
File: 360 KB, 444x225, HAND_RUBBING_INTENSIFIES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because kike can test on the burger their new products.

>> No.12312175

t. White House situation room

>> No.12312182
File: 25 KB, 270x428, wh_Toid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating ketchup
Geez Louise, you trying to give me an ulcer?

>> No.12312599
File: 8 KB, 214x236, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ketchup is for children
This is one of the strangest forced memes about food I've seen in the past 30 years. Ketchup's an incredibly basic condiment available everywhere and consumed in greater amounts by adults than children. You might as well try to make salt or mayonnaise seem weird.

>> No.12312612

you are an idiot

>> No.12312613

Why is everyone here so terrified of sugar? Are you all diabetics?

>> No.12312617

Except he's not wrong. Maybe try reevaluating whatever warped view of reality you're falling victim to here.

>> No.12312626

Hunts is for white trash who use sliced bread as hot dog buns

>> No.12312634

Prove he's right dum dum.

>> No.12312649

Maybe try asking a real question instead of having a diabetic shit fit over a basic condiment. Trying a little too hard to fit in.

>> No.12312662

I get this imported so when I have a barbie I can say "time for some CUNTS" when I bring out the tomato sauce.

>> No.12312673

>wow, he puts dijon mustard on his burger... he's so presidential

>> No.12313137
File: 60 KB, 750x563, Mayokruetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmf. This fag thinks he can compete with the KRANCH. Lol

>> No.12313683

hunts used to can their tomatos in my now home town. you could smell it for miles around. i wish i had been there then. now its just boring tech

>> No.12313690

what the fuck is KRA?

>> No.12313695

I use hunt's organic

>> No.12313698

Nothing, they just split the coloring on kranch down the middle.

>> No.12313746
File: 26 KB, 500x323, DalfdCoVwAA_K_Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12313810

takes what, 15 minutes to make your own? why would i buy it

>> No.12314426
File: 152 KB, 1019x1622, eo63rovxcks01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this stuff, only ketchup I use. If it's anything like anything else I like it will be disconnected in short order

>> No.12314459

You're moutarded

>> No.12315091

wtf why are heinz upside down bottles that huge and sold in pairs?!?!
That gotta cost a fortune

>> No.12315120

All I know is Huntz tastes like tangy tomatoes and Heinz tastes like red koolaid.

>> No.12315128

>sweet relish instead of dill
Ultra mega hyperion faggot tier.

>> No.12315132

It's really not a meme, children will eat it above any other condiment because it's sickly sweet, at a certain age most adults realize it's disgusting and only good on rare occasions on certain things.

>> No.12316060
File: 172 KB, 700x2050, bio-organic-tomato-ketchup-kania-lidl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12316095

I prefer Trader Joe's Catsup. Very prominent Worcestershire flavor.

>> No.12316107

My dad still refuses to buy Heinz because it’s a ketchup for liberals.

>> No.12316202

Based. Knowing that John Kerry profits from all Heinz sales made me a Hunts customer too.

>> No.12316321


>> No.12316326
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>> No.12316426
File: 132 KB, 806x628, MarketingIndex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's really not a meme
No, it really is. Check the marketing index numbers on the major ketchup brands.
The three age demographics with *more* consumption than baseline are:
>Over 65
The three age demographics with *less* consumption than baseline are:
>Under 24
Notice there's an unbroken pattern of consumption increasing from younger to older.
And then look at the has kids / no kids comparison. Those two groups perform almost exactly the same, with "no kids" consuming at a slightly higher rate than "has kids." Meaning even if you make the certainly wrong assumption that every single consumer in the "has kids" demographic is buying ketchup exclusively for their kids and not for themselves, you would *still* end up with more consumption by adults than by children per the "no kids" demographic having greater consumption than the "has kids" demographic. Make it more realistic and count the "has kids" demographic as representing some nonzero amount of adult consumption of its own and the fact more ketchup is consumed by adults becomes even easier to see.

>> No.12316459

Ketchup for children meme is irrelevant flyover lore. Nobody stops business meetings to freak out over ketchup packets in their catered lunches being somehow childish.
>sickly sweet
Ketchup isn't even that sweet. It's the vinegar that does most of the work. Take out the sugar and it'd still taste mostly like ketchup. Take out the vinegar and it wouldn't taste anywhere close to ketchup.

>> No.12316734

Correct, ketchup is for children and fat fucking tastelets.

>> No.12316739

Literally the majority of the developed world is overweight now, so yeah, but you could say the same thing about almost any other food product's buyers. In any event fuck you for moving the goalposts.

>> No.12316778

>White knighting a sickly sweet hfcs tomato style product this hard
Stay fat, Fatty Mcfatfat.

>> No.12316806

>White knighting
People are trying to get ketchup to reward them with sex? Are you feeling OK, anon?

>> No.12316970
File: 29 KB, 392x317, ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat fucking tastelets
>Stay fat, Fatty Mcfatfat.
Projecting pretty hard there.

>> No.12317014

Based and tomatopilled.
Post body, fatty.

>> No.12317347

Why do you have a surgery scar running from your solar plexus to your scrotum? A fat removal surgery?

>> No.12317355

Are you looking at a scratch mark or something? No, I haven't had "fat removal surgery."

>> No.12317594

Hey, you're right in that most people are fat and I never said children eat it more than adults, and I'm not reading some bullshit study about who eats more ketchup when I already know kids prefer it. You moved the goalposts.

>> No.12317654

>I never said children eat it more than adults
What's your point then?
>kids prefer it
So adults prefer it more than kids do and ketchup consumption increases with age, but kids still like it too is your point now?

>> No.12317816

most of them have garlic/onion powder too. and salt.

>> No.12317827

Too much sugar tastes bad

>> No.12318621

Holy shit, your reading comprehension is terrible. You ask what the point is now? Apparently hfcs has ruined your brain.

>> No.12318638
File: 21 KB, 358x466, 1527729802594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antiketchup fags must be the most autistic group of retards on the planet.
Which makes sense, seeing as the retardation is focused in Chicago where the average IQ is 75.
>Ketchup ruins the pig anus with sugar!

>> No.12318647
File: 16 KB, 450x450, the_only_good_ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he STILL doesn't use pic related
never, ever gonna make it

>> No.12318658


>> No.12319204
File: 263 KB, 387x389, ewww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kraft for BBQ

>> No.12319205


>> No.12319222

Sorry about your intolerance due to old age

>> No.12319335
File: 28 KB, 450x450, e74da0c7-f745-4d11-891d-1771bd3dcef6_1.daa45a6e1acfc04a15cada210a80c446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race

>> No.12319865
File: 132 KB, 800x775, 1258615193315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes extra packets and hides them, and probably uses them on a steak. LOL

>> No.12319909

>Kids like ketchup, you realize it's disgusting when you get older.
>*Unbroken pattern of increasing consumption from younger demographics to older ones*
>*More purchases from adults without kids than adults with*
>Y-Yeah, well you're probably fat!
>*Not fat*
>Well maybe adults prefer it more than kids do and ketchup consumption increases with age, but that's not my point!
>OK, what's your point?
>What's my point? You want to know what my point is? Oh my God, you're so dumb, looks like I won the argument ;)

>> No.12319922

Malt vinegar is the superior condiment for French fries

>> No.12319943

>You're fat if you like ketchup
lol, what? A ketchup packet has like 10 calories in it.

>> No.12319945

substitute "fat" with "gay" then you'd be correct

>> No.12319973
File: 869 KB, 2787x1731, food-1930s-heinz-housewives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't try to drag wholesome Americana down with your fag culture.

>> No.12319989

For mustard, it's Plochmans.

>> No.12319990

>The US govt. declared ketchup a vegetable.
>Kids don't like vegetables.
>Ergo, kids don't like ketchup.