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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12299675 No.12299675 [Reply] [Original]

is it just me or does /ck/ seem to be getting more popular? feels like threads are moving faster desu

>> No.12299679

Many /v/ermin seem to shit up the place.

>> No.12299680

It's been that way for a good bit

I remember when a thread could last days without any replies

It's ok

>> No.12299687

I share the funny memes you guys make here on reddit and /tv/ so you might be seeing a little tourism from that.

>> No.12299688

No. There are a few dedicated shitposters who usually rotate but when they're all on at once it only seems like /ck/ is getting more traffic.

>> No.12299828

its the jollibee pump

>> No.12299827

Cooking related threads seem about the same to me. We're definitely churning through pizza, jollibee viral marketing, and whipepo shit faster though. Faggot jannies need to start deleting and banning that shit before we become a /bant/ tier shithole.

>> No.12299851

It's because /ck/ is actually funny and a safehaven from political shit-flinging

>> No.12299853

I wish you were dead

>> No.12299862

Yeah, it's all the dumb frog posters.

>> No.12299868

I thought it might've been due to Shoenice talking about how he lurks this board, but his views are pretty low so I don't get it

>> No.12299877

im pretty sure it changed when a moble 4chan app put /ck/ as the default landing board.

>> No.12299922


>> No.12300165

Default board on Clover, so mobile shitposters see /ck/ first before anything. Seems like the same thing happened with /g/ and /an/ when they were the default boards on Clover as well.

>> No.12300172

That was like 2 years ago. Even ifags have TC. It's more just T_D losers migrating here via /pol/ after the 2016 election.

>> No.12300177

Butter lamb 2nd shit poster here. Thanks for reminding me

>> No.12300244

die conspiracy theorist

>> No.12300253

there are more political arguments breaking out and the alt-right guys are always starting them

seems reasonable

>> No.12300259

I'm only here right now because of the Impossible Burger spam everywhere, I wanted to see if I could find /ck/'s opinion on how they compare to the real thing. Usually I'd be on /a/ or /his/

>> No.12300260

fuck off discord tranny

>> No.12300263

They're not bad surprisingly

>> No.12300269

fuck off faggot, get off /ck/

>> No.12300271
File: 238 KB, 720x720, 4233762A-DBCC-4308-9700-4D0FD26DC40F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you try the new Impossible McChicken yet? It’s fucking amazing.

>> No.12300274

That's exactly what it is. Before I used Clover I didn't really go on /ck/, but its now become my home board. Too bad it seems like the place has been shit up by others using the app as well.

>> No.12300275

did you just call him the f-word you fucking bigot????? uhhh i think the fuck not sweety

>> No.12300286
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>> No.12300301

pretty much all of 4chan in general