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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 474 KB, 800x518, coffee_vs_tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12297555 No.12297555 [Reply] [Original]

Is tea based while coffee cringe, or vice-versa?

>> No.12297565
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Not enjoying both or thinking one is better than the other is cringe.

>> No.12297567

Let's ask /pol/ :D They tell me how to feel. We divide things into "based" and "redpilled" vs. "cringe" and "bluepilled" :) The latter is for women, nonwhites, and sexually active people, former is for people like us, who hate normies and all those others

>> No.12297580

Gtfo idort, you have to choose one or the other.

Turbo cringe.

>> No.12297587

Tea tastes better IMO, so I drink tea.
Coffee is fine too.

>> No.12297597
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>> No.12297599


Coffee gives me migraines but do like it's taste too.

>> No.12297600

Puerh tea for me. Coffee doesn't give me the blinding dyke rage I need to box my gfs ears when she forgets my whole wheat burrito skins from Trader Jose's.

>> No.12297605

tea because coffee tastes bad

>> No.12297656
File: 40 KB, 475x731, 8460e13603bc0d436e0bc88c76bab23a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved coffee and explored it a lot over the past few years, thought I might give tea a try

I'm trying to get into it but the main thing I need to get used to it how much subtler the basic flavor and aroma is compared to coffee
I've only used tea bags so far, does brewing with loose leaves intensify the flavors? is tea in tea bags from store shelves almost guaranteed to be stale like pre ground coffee?

>> No.12297699

Both are based and redpilled
Turbo mega ultimate cringalicious epic fail. You sound like a tranny. And I dont even like /pol/.

>> No.12297715

>And I dont even like /pol/.
spotted the mentally ill tranny. Try the redpill, kid

>> No.12297721

tea makes me nauseous

>> No.12297741
File: 11 KB, 255x256, d534e47ddd47e7981e2a441510e72ea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe don't bring your normalfag politics cancer into everything and more people will not not like you
Just a thought

>> No.12297752

>right of center
We are the counter culture now, faggot.

>> No.12297770

The best word that describes you is "special snowflake." You aren't special for being a righty, retarded normie. Look at the failure that failed miserably at shooting a synagogue. That guys haircut screams MAJOR LOW IQ NORMIE. Now fuck off out of here and get back to le 'eddit.

>> No.12297772

>We are the counter culture now, faggot.
Maybe 3 years ago, cuck
Go worship Israel with your master

>> No.12297773

Tea bags can be good, but usually not as good as some fresh high quality loose leaf. It's not the teabag, just that most high quality tea doesn't come in teabags Try some gyokuro green tea cold brewed for 20 minutes. While it is nuanced, I wouldn't call it subtle at all.

>> No.12297780
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I didn't say anything about either side? politics is normalshit cancer in general
You have to go back

Try 4chan again when you grow out of this radical phase of yours

>> No.12297782

i like /pol/.. but i have to agree with you on this one

>> No.12297783

But I drink both

>> No.12297795

Hereby i present you all a proud newfag, who think's he's top shit for nu/pol/ vocabulary

>> No.12297819


>> No.12297866

Thank you anon
How quality is Tazo? Because that's what I'm using now, I just bought some on impulse
Also what is the accepted method for brewing loose leaf tea? Just one of those teapots with the built in basket?

>> No.12297869

tea because it doesn't rob you of vitamins and minerals like coffee

>> No.12297879

The real redpill

>> No.12297903


>> No.12297910

"There is nothing more political than food"- Anthont Bourdain

>> No.12297914

I am a 100% tea person, but there's nothing wrong with coffee if that's what you like. There's benefits to both beverages, but tea is the based beverage.

>> No.12297965

I think this quote was probably made to bring people together and empathize. Not to justify ranting about a both naive and violent ideology on an anime cooking forum.

>> No.12298010

Tazo is OK. It's not as good as a lot of other teas, but you could do worse. For brewing loose leaf I use a nesting shiboridashi set, pic related, for almost everything, but a gaiwan would work as well and would be a lot cheaper. There are some pots with the built in basket that a lot of people like. Different tea pots and brewing methods for different teas.

>> No.12298017
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>> No.12298018

Yes, loose leaf is way more flavorful, look into gong fu or even starting at a place like adagio.com is good.

>> No.12298115

cringe but redpilled

>> No.12298120
File: 9 KB, 299x168, gweentee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gween tee

>> No.12298198

If you drink tea, you're alright. Coffee is for poofters.

>> No.12298263


>> No.12298426

people who use normies instead of normalfag should be sent back to redit

>> No.12298656

They’re both good as long as they’re warm. I can only taste bitterness when drinking them cold.

>> No.12299607

What's cheaper?

>> No.12299632


>> No.12299892

really, really, really cringe. I can't believe you would even think to type something like this, even ironically.

>> No.12300076

you don't need a gongfu or pot
just get a little mesh or wire tea strainer from amazon (basket style not ball style) and put a couple teaspoons of loose leaf in there, put it in your coffee mug, and add boiling (or hot enough) water

buy some tie guan yin and have your fucking mind be blown. best tea i've ever had, maybe the best beverage i've ever had.