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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12283531 No.12283531 [Reply] [Original]

Inviromental friendly

but ultimately: Impossible

>> No.12283543

I tried this and it tasted just like meat. if companies started replacing all meat with the impossible meat substitute, I wouldn't even complain and we'd be a lot better off.

>> No.12283552
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Sorry, but men like me eat meat!

>> No.12283562

Extremely based
Extremely redpilled

>> No.12283566

>replacing all meat with the impossible meat substitute
Let's not get carried away. The burgers I will agree are good but I'm still waiting on the impossible steak.
Ain't nobody taking away my delicious steak dinners.

>> No.12283575

Mmm, ground insects and soy! My favorite, yum yum!

>> No.12283585
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Why are there so, so many reasons to post this picture on /ck/? I would LOVE to see pictures of some of you people.

>> No.12283597

check out your Mom's fap folder

>> No.12283610 [DELETED] 

No, I'm White, so my mom is still happily married and attracted to my birth father. She's not brown, or even half brown, so our family is good and wholesome, not broken and dirty.

>> No.12283613

it's impossible to replace meat until it's cheaper than beef, otherwise it'll remain a novelty

>> No.12283657

No insects there, homie, sorry to ruin your fantasy of sticking meat in your mouth.

Its now as expensive as premium ground beef, restaurants marking up is a different story

>> No.12283661

it's gonna have to get cheaper than premium beef, cheaper than cheap beef

>> No.12283680

Obviously not

>> No.12283686

Mmm, soy protein isolate! At least there's no bugs in it, yet! My gynecomastia is progressing nicely, I won't even need implants when I transition!

>> No.12283696
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The weeping incel. My favorite.

>> No.12283712

coconut oil ain't healthy.
it's like eating movie popcorn.

>> No.12283719

It doesn't taste as good as beef so why pay more for less beyond muh feels? Also vegetarians and vegans are more health conscious than the general population, that doesn't mean fake meat is healthier. Correlation is not causation.

>> No.12283720
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All aboard, everyone! The Fake Liberal Science train is departing station! Next stop, changing your chromosomes from XX to XY! After that, Why Homosexuality Is Actually Better For A Species! Alllllll ABOARD!

>> No.12283721

Burgers aren’t healthy. Astonishing.

>> No.12283729

Because people are willing to for what they believe to be a better product for society. Its obvious extended beyond novelty at this point so im not sure what you’re even arguing

>Also vegetarians and vegans are more health conscious than the general population, that doesn't mean fake meat is healthier. Correlation is not causation.
Okay? Was that on your chest or something? Because that was a complete non-sequitir

>> No.12283736
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Facts dont care about your sex deprived feelings.

>> No.12283744

An unlabeled chart from an undefined source! Oh, Fake Liberal Science Train, I don't want this ride to ever end!

>> No.12283753

You posted an infograpic comparing the effects of soy to milk, highlighting benefits of soy. I think if someone is lapsing in logic it is yourself.

Again, until they are cheaper than beef, soy based imitation meats will remain a novelty geared towards a niche market willing to pay a premium for a lesser product based on muh feels. If the fake meat is cheaper than real meat, it may see widespread adoption based on legitimate utility.

>> No.12283755
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>> No.12283757

You could try NOT voting for someone with tertiary syphilis next time. I'm just saying.

>> No.12283759
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Can you make your bitchtits clap for me?

>> No.12283764
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>n-no! Soy is actually really GOOD for you goy! Eat more soy! More! More! More!

>> No.12283771

>if you workout and consume soy, soy isn't bad
wow still doesn't make it worth paying a premium when real beef is cheaper

>> No.12283789

That has nothing to do with the burger in itself. I didn’t say the burger was healthy or anything, do you think people buy burgers with sincere health consciousness anyways?

>until they are cheaper than beef
We went over this, its as cheap as premium, you backpedaled to “cheapest of cheap” as if premium ground beef is a niche and that the Impossible Burger or anything like it is niche. Im not exactly sure what you consider widespread considering this is nationwide and clearly only growing. You seem to be wishfully thinking than making an actual point

>> No.12283801
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As I suspected you have no real argument just sperging out like this loser >>12283764

>soy is death it made me like peepee but its totally good if you also workout!!
What an odd cognitive dissonance

>> No.12283803

I'm not backpedaling, you're the one who cherry picked premium beef and is sharing unrelated studies.
Until it's cheaper than beef it's a novelty. Cheap beef is beef, and of course most hamburgers are not premium beef.

>> No.12283804
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>> No.12283822

You are backpedaling. Its as cheap as this ground beef that is widely popular. You’re cherrypicking cheaper beef.

>sharing unrelated studies
They have nothing to do with our discussion. Unless of course you’re saying that you’re also this drumpfy here too? >>12283764

>its a novelty if i keep clicking my heels and say so
Yeah good luck with that

>> No.12283823
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>> No.12283825

>its totally good if you also workout!!
That isn't what your cited study concluded, simply that it didn't have significant negative impacts on select markers. Certainly not an argument for why someone should pay a premium for soy burgers while real meat is cheaper.

>> No.12283828

>iphone poster
Die, teen.

>> No.12283849

>That isn't what your cited study concluded
Obviously not, that’s what YOU concluded, dumbass.

>Certainly not an argument for why someone should pay a premium for soy burgers while real meat is cheaper.
An argument I never made you fucking retard. How fucked is your brain, homie?

>> No.12283859
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>> No.12283864

Holy shit, talk about trying too hard.

>> No.12283867
File: 9 KB, 199x253, 6EC06E0F-F9A4-4E1C-8DFA-4E558A7107DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit, talk about trying too hard.

>> No.12283877

You haven't made any argument to explain how this fake meat is anything more than a novelty based on muh feels despite costing more than a real beef patty.

>> No.12283880

Jesus fucking christ, do all of you idiots really think you sound cool and witty?

>> No.12283895
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>> No.12283904

Sir, are you well? You're not making any sense.

>> No.12283916
File: 287 KB, 580x788, 1515886043491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow! A flavored soy patty!
Aside from cringey millenial marketing how is this any different from the hundreds of veggie burgers that have been in existence since the 70s?

>> No.12283927
File: 103 KB, 484x580, 136B8109-945C-4EB5-B8A1-99AD8AC6BFE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is a burger with qualities mimicking the “bleed” of a burger different from a bean patty

>> No.12283942

>it's not a novelty it actually bleeds!

>> No.12283944
File: 254 KB, 750x746, 1554666259130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's literally exactly the same. Only people triggered by vegans on 4chan would disagree. I welcome the healthy, more environmentally friendly plant meat revolution.

>> No.12283964

the secret is heme
they use genetically modified yeast to produce it.

>> No.12283977
File: 81 KB, 1000x667, 58561229-A6D1-49E1-8731-C9F0226CEE5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still this obsessed and asshurt

>> No.12283979

Whoever in marketing made that image should be fired.
That shit looks revolting even if it was an actual beef burger.

>> No.12283985

it bleeds
you seethe

>> No.12283988

>hear it hyped up how it tastes, looks, and feels just like real meat!
>decide to try it
>doesn't taste, look, feel, or smell like real meat
I'm not mad or surprised, just disappointed in myself.
Call me when vatgrown meat is a commercially viable thing. You fucking vegetarians aren't fooling me again with this sham.

>> No.12283993

Can you please answer the question without acting like a retard?

>> No.12283996 [DELETED] 

Your bulls dick isn’t what meat is usually like

>> No.12283997

There's no blood in cooked meat, you dumb veganigger.

>> No.12284000

The fact you’re asking this just proves the validity of the macro I posted. Maybe I’ll give you a more straightforward answer once you stop BEING retarded.

>> No.12284003

Thanks for posting this. I'll buy a couple extra pounds of beef this weekend. To make up for your globohomo wickedness.

>> No.12284006
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Lol. It’s uncanny. It’s almost Impossible!

>> No.12284007

So the answer is no. Got it.

>> No.12284012

Just let me know when you’re done being retarded, schnookums. Then I’ll be able to satisfy a request that couldve been solved by a humble Bing search in twenty seconds.

>> No.12284030

Be honest, tubby. You were shoving pounds of meat in your holes regardless of any drumpf inspired counter signaling crusade

>> No.12284035
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>> No.12284038
File: 97 KB, 326x286, 1547279437150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>veganigger starts a shill threads
>gets called out
>starts 'sperging like a motherfucker

>> No.12284040

Cute selfie ;)

>> No.12284045 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, who coined the term "Fake News" again? Republicans? Or libs?

>> No.12284046
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>> No.12284048
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>> No.12284055


>> No.12284059

Did you need anything else, honey? Perhaps some advice like taking a shower?

>> No.12284065
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>sweety posting

>> No.12284074
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If it's impossible how does it exist?

>> No.12284103

okay, sweaty

>> No.12285414
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