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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12223595 No.12223595 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here bloat like nobody's business when eating food? I fucking do, and none of the "solutions" work. I literally bloat even harder after my workout at the gym.

This is ridiculous I will eat 4 onion rings and 4 mozzarella sticks for the day, along with water and a small serving of meat, and then all of a sudden my stomach and body are destroyed for the entirety of the week. It looks like I went from twig to BIG and then after fasting for a few days I look like a fucking skeleton. However, if I eat straight carbs like chips, pretzels and donuts, I'll just rapidly lose weight and don't experience ANY bloat. (I weight 48kgs)

What the fuck, why does food do this?

>> No.12223707

May I sniffy your farties :c?

>> No.12223724
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>> No.12223876

i think its actually a sign of healthy gut biome, try binge drinking for a few months to cures your health
t. worked for me

>> No.12223892

Possible eating disorder/body dysmorphia?

>> No.12223900

Go get some psychological help friend :)
They make pills to cure people like you

>> No.12223913

drink apple cider vinegar with ginger, cinnamon and tumeric. dilute it with hot water and add lemon and honey and a black tea bag.

>> No.12224178
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wtf is a healthy gut biome

>> No.12224218

OP, assuming you're not hallucinating, this happens to me too. I've got to believe it's some kind of intolerance to a common food item, but I'm not going to live my life as a person who can't eat onions. I'd rather deal with mild discomfort. Maybe one day I'll find out I've had crohns for decades or some shit.

>> No.12224488

count me among the bloated too. I only discovered I could have a flat stomach when I started intermittent fasting - a shit nutricionist told me I should eat every two hours when I was a kid and I foolishly believed her.
Things that helped me: IF, as extended as I can handle; apple cider vinegar diluted in water before eating, reducing carbs and vegetables to a minimum, and digestive tea. Still when I eat out I balloon like mad. Pizza sadly is only for very special ocations.

>> No.12224570

I feel ya on this. I love vegetables, but even eating pickles makes me feel horrible. I'm glad I can still eat tons of carbs. French fries don't effect me.

>> No.12224622
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Have a Napoleon after that as a dessert.

>> No.12224627

I like topping my pizza with tater tots to get my healthy serving of vegetables.

>> No.12224733

Why not eat them separately

>> No.12224735

That's because fried foods, sugar, and grains are inflammatory foods.

>> No.12225067

>eating 8 pieces of fried food bloats you for an entire weak making you look like you've gained 5 lbs
>eating donuts every day does absolutely nothing
at least pretend to read the post

>> No.12225232

Lactose or gluten intolerance maybe

>> No.12225237

You got a paracite

>> No.12225433
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, e0cd5c6d41df4adf7106866f8fe743c61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realize your power.

>> No.12225603

don't carbs have gluten in them?

i most certaintly do not

>> No.12225614

>isn't protein a carb?

>> No.12225624

I don't understand, speak plainly

>> No.12225780

something about this guys blank face he makes makes me hate him for some reason. He may be big but alls I would need is to sneak up with a baseball bat wrapped with poison tipped/HIV/Ebola tipped razor wire and lay into that fucking dunn of his as hard as I could! Then I step back and riippppppppe the bat out of his swollen belly and watch it tear his skin open and his intestines spill out making wet slapping sounds as they collapse onto the concrete

>> No.12225781

>Then I step back and riippppppppe the bat

>> No.12225784

>What the fuck, why does food do this?

How should we know? This is /ck/, not a fucking nutritionists office. Go ask a doctor.

>> No.12225869

on a technical note
you wouldn't get through the abdominal wall
probably damage the skin, but that's about all - with your spiky bat
on a broader note
get help

>> No.12225896

Just fucking shoot him, you dummkopf.

>> No.12226009

Check out FODMAP for additional information. May be the cause of your bloating

>> No.12226038

What is onion allergies

>> No.12226844


where can I get one

>> No.12226903

serious answer here, seek help from a nutrition specialist. you might have lactose/casein/gluten/etc intolerance or you might have IBS. don't risk your health by seeking advice from a tibetan cartoon image board.

>> No.12228209

i hate doctors, i dont trust them if they aren't my old jewish doctors. i also love chips

>> No.12228237

>see FODMAP list
>every delicious food is removed from your diet
what the heck

>> No.12228272
File: 115 KB, 864x753, cole_frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not bait, then fast

>> No.12228284

>didn't read the op
>calling bloating a meme
you must live in a fantasy world, reddit is that way

>> No.12228717

An Italian restaurant or bakery.

>> No.12228817

Yeah, it sucks. There aren't many foods I can eat that don't make me feel horrible afterwards. The GI tract is easily the most poorly put together part of the human body. No evidence of intelligent design there.

>> No.12228839

>you must live in a fantasy world, reddit is that way
Since when is not reading or living in a fantasy world a reddit thing? Did you get told to go to reddit and now you're trying to get in on the action by calling random other posts reddit?