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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 166 KB, 680x456, B7E746C5-358D-424F-8AF6-AF0AE8671AB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12212184 No.12212184 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guya order from here?

>> No.12212200

I order everyone inside to remain still as I call immigration to come check their legal status.

>> No.12212204 [DELETED] 


>> No.12212211

what is the especial goku?

>> No.12212217

carnitas de vegita la trabajadora

>> No.12212230
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>> No.12212251

Sounds like a great plan to get beat up then arrested yourself

>> No.12212290 [DELETED] 
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>arrested for trying to uphold the law

>> No.12212323

Isnt that fucking kebab meat

>> No.12212328

>hand is backwards

>> No.12212340
File: 63 KB, 700x375, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says taco al pastor right in the image ya dingus

>> No.12212345

>uphold the law
>racial profiling
That's gonna be a yikes from me.

>> No.12212376 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 474x742, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racial profile
last (you) from me fren.
have a happy easter and remember to brush your teeth later on.

>> No.12212377

t. bootlicker

>> No.12212418

>I have no rebuttal so I'll just passive aggressively wish you a happy easter and dry my eyes

>> No.12212475
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Hell yeah

>> No.12212743

A C&D.

>> No.12212763

do they sell mussels?

>> No.12212789

This thread is on /v/ my dude

>> No.12212795

Or, was

>> No.12212801


>> No.12212820

Why are Mexicans so into DB? I don't get it. Every Mexican guy I know are really into DB even if they're not into other weebshit, por qué¿

>> No.12212828
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Is it the weird muscle definition? Is it the pokiman of Mexico or something? Please someone explain to me

>> No.12212855

It was on TV when we where kids. We grew up with a lot of anime, unlike gringordos that always had their "American Patriot goes to war" shows.

>> No.12212875

the goku special of course

>> No.12213103

Sounds like you got btfo bud

>> No.12213112

Unless one of the chefs has super saiyan hair, i ain't ordering anything from a bunch of posers


>> No.12213153

Ranma 1/2 too. Mexicans love Ranma
Ding ding ding

>> No.12213154

Tacos al pastor, a product of Lebanese immigration to Mexico and South/Central America. The meat is roasted on a spinning skewer similar to how doner kebab is made and is then topped with pineapple or the standard cilantro/onion/lime combination.

>> No.12213167

It's not a secret that restaurants of every genre are staffed by underpaid migrants who steal social security numbers to get hired

Your pizza, your ramen, your steak, and your tacos are all made by Jose and Wang

>> No.12213174

I most certainly did not. If anyone got BTFO it was him.

>> No.12213177

This place is in Oaxaca retard

>> No.12213182

Owax what? This is America, we speak English here.

>> No.12213335
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>> No.12213337

Uno Goku Special por flavor.

>> No.12213361

>ITIN's aren't obtained legally and used by undocumented workers
You need a detox from F(au)x News and breitbart there magatard.


>> No.12213649

Over 9000 tacos.

>> No.12213665

so weird

>> No.12213674

taco made with real dragon testicles

>> No.12213924

Why are you being pc

>> No.12213942
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Virtue signeling. The libtards dont want u to know tacos were a social experiment by al qaeda to make a super immigrant anchor baby sanctuary food by pandering to impressionable children

>> No.12213984
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>> No.12214000

when I see a truck like that I just assume they're selling drugs

>> No.12214087

Anon, Taqueria Goku is in fucking Oaxaca, Mexico. I don't know who you think you're gonna be screwing with except maybe yourself.

>> No.12214185
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StopPLAYING with me Smokey...

>> No.12214197

I can wait all day for ICE to come send these illegals back where they came from.

>> No.12214260

El Pastor is kabob meat if it was actually good

>> No.12214451

Pastor because it's the only thing I know on that list

>> No.12214499


>> No.12214561

5 tacos al pastor and 1 coca cola

>> No.12214666

Learn English before posting here, fucking wetback spicaroo.

>> No.12214936

probably the tacos al pastor or the alambres considering they put meat on the side of the place like that
you can either be right OR you can not get your ass beat by a half-dozen mexicans. your choice

>> No.12215332

>Calling immigration on a place literally in the smack dab of Mexico

The absolute state of flyover IQ.

>> No.12215513

beaner cope

>> No.12215518

he has two right hands

>> No.12215526

Mexicans don't deserve to live anywhere.

>> No.12215531

Whatever makes me sound like I am powering up on the toilet.

>> No.12215539

Because they're manlets and unlike Jojo, DBZ has characters that has the physiques similar and achievable to manlets.

>> No.12217711

nothing wrong with being a beaner

>> No.12217717

I think it played nationally in the 90s, after school or something. All Mexican kids watched it. The real mystery is why they love Morrissey so much.

>> No.12217805
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I'll order two of everything. After all, their prices are lower than Yamchas powerlevel.

>> No.12217843

Based and cute pilled

>> No.12217859

This is clearly copyright infringement, they should be reported to akira toriyama the cartoonist

>> No.12217929

The melancholic, almost telenovela-like nature of his lyrics. And maybe some like him for being an immigrant as well

t. mexican

>> No.12218293
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>> No.12218511
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>> No.12218862

lol do you hold them at gunpoint? Good luck not getting shot by a legal citizen or getting charged with kidnapping.

>> No.12218867

something with extra mild sauce for white people

>> No.12219204

Good for you. Some SOF wannabee magatard miltia fagfuck was recently arrested by the FBI for doing just that. Enjoy sharing a cell designed for 2 with Jose, Tyrone, Jamal and Paco, lol!

>> No.12219296

let me get the dragon balls

>> No.12219324

Why are chicanos such easily triggered faggots?

Watch: “Mexican food is nothing but beans, rice, and mystery meat rearranged a couple dozen times.”

>> No.12219350

¡Ustedes puta! No tiene cajones!

>> No.12219370

Because Chicanos are Americans, and Americans are pussies by definition. Real Mexicans born and raised in México take the bant and reply back with something more creative.

>> No.12219383
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>> No.12219388
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>bean shonenshit restaurant
No fucking thanks.

>> No.12219418

americanization, same reason americans get butthurt the moment you stop sucking their cock

>> No.12219625
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t. anime expert

>> No.12220008

cant unsee it now

>> No.12220018

the super sayan french fry hair is clever

>> No.12220144

Why is his left shoulder a basketball and his left hand is a right hand?

>> No.12220345

Just yell "LA MIGRA" and they'll scatter like cockroaches.

>> No.12220730
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>> No.12221423

Don't you also have telenovelas?

A Brasilian girlfriend had me record those for her while we were going out, personally I can't watch them but it made her happy and she made me happy if you know what I mean.

I just programmed my VCR at the time to record stuff on timer and I forget which but it was either telemundo or univision.

They love that stuff in Brasil, why? I have no idea.

>> No.12221807


>> No.12222058


>> No.12223571

Just how WIDE are their servings?

>> No.12224463

My whole fucking life is a story of butthurt.

>> No.12224481

Super Sopapilla
Broccoli Maximum

>> No.12224549

Surely Shirley shall sell Sheila's seashells by the seashore.

>> No.12224554
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>> No.12224580

My name is Broccolius Maximus, I'm a general for the one true Emperor and not his upstart little brat assassin son who sank so low as to kill his own father.

>> No.12224613
File: 57 KB, 720x481, simpsons graffiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this