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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12208331 No.12208331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about ice cream

>> No.12208341

Fuck ice cream and fuck white people

>> No.12208347

please for god's sake, I come here to get away from this kind of bullshit, can't you keep this on other boards

>> No.12208353

I don't know what you're talking about what's your favorite ben and jerrys ice cream flavor?

>> No.12208361

idk, I'm not big on ice cream, I like pistachio

>> No.12208367

Ever notice how most people make $$$ off illegal cannabis are not white?
And how many states have not legalized cannabis?

>> No.12208372

Haagen daaz

>> No.12208385

i'm sick and tired of the "we have to do better" phrase.
also pls no politics on the comfy cooking board i just wanna shitpost about umami

>> No.12208387

I think the logic is that if you're born white you deserve to suffer.
Who's to say they're wrong.

>> No.12208391

How are you supposed to be comfy and eat ice cream when folx like me is suffering

>> No.12208393

I don't even understand what the message here is. We should hate white people because they have the capital to run recreational marijuana store fronts or be growers? And that we shouldnt arrest black people who buy weed illegally? Also if you look at the current ceo it makes sense he is an omega soyboy

>> No.12208397

Its time to stop talking and listen

>> No.12208406


>> No.12208409

But they're not saying anything! Its just over simplified politcally charged bullshit and people slap their palms together and say "omfg woke"

>> No.12208418
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>> No.12208428

Its funny how its always jews pushing this garbage

>> No.12208431

Weird flex Jerry but no cigar, I still ain't buying your fagot ice cream.

>> No.12208434
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oh sweetie

>> No.12208458

so what keep it illegal so your friendly neighborhood crack dealer can get rich too?

>> No.12208473

zoomers and millennials are literally nothing but pure shit. kys all of you.

>> No.12208479
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>> No.12208495

Seething diabetic nigger

>> No.12208499

This but not ironically

>> No.12208500

Liberals have just spent decades bitching about how blacks are more likely to be busted for sale and possession of weed, now they’re bitching that blacks are making less off it now it’s legal?
Seems to me that this issue is more about black incompetence than systematic oppression.

>> No.12208505
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For liberals, it's this sludge

>> No.12208517

>”legalize” weed by granting special weed permits to exactly 3 millionaire white businessmen personally connected to the governor in your state
>arrest the competition and throw them in jail
Yep seems fair

>> No.12208521

>”legalize weed” by putting control in the hands of exactly 3 organized crime syndicates personally connected to Mexico and throw law abiding white people out
Yep seems fair.

>> No.12208525
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This whole planet was a mistake

>> No.12208526

I'm sure that sounds clever if you have no idea how legalization is being done in non-slave-states, cleetus

>> No.12208535
File: 39 KB, 600x579, 59FC17A5-F15E-47C0-8B7B-B80B89889DB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sure you’d do a much better job if you ran for government. Too bad your inverted chin and child-like muscle structure will make you as I likable as your ”winge and cry” until someone else fixes it campaign platform.

>> No.12208559

>weed is legal
>blacks still sling that mexican bushweed shit, cut it with glue and metal dust and get caught for illegal distribution
niggers are retarded, what else is new
what did people actually expect? Alcohol is "legal", you still have to have a licence to sell it though
you think the average african american understand what a licence is much less how to acquire one?
they won't be happy until you fucks live in a state of lawless anarchy

>> No.12208561

have sex incel

>> No.12208562

When your made up stuff about the cannabis industry is revealed for the joke that it is, just resort to ad hominem attacks. That will surely distract people!

>> No.12208567

>homeless black men are being arrested buying liquor for high school kids!
>meanwhile the WHITE liquor store owners make a fortune
We have to do better.

>> No.12208569


>> No.12208576

Liquor license: $2000 fee and a simple certification
Cannabis license: $3 million up front and proof that you will have at least $500k liquid post-licensing

Yep, seems pretty fair to me, if those dumb ghetto niggers don't have $3.5MM they should just buy more money right?

>> No.12208578

>Wahhh you’re wrong you’re being mean!
That can be your campaign slogan. Go get em tiger, be the whimper you want to see in state government. Give everyone unregulated rights to grow and distribute weed what could possibly go wrong.

>> No.12208583

>if someone should call me a retard it means they are triggered
U mad?
>nobody is allowed to criticize policy unless they are an elected official
Galaxy brain logic
>Give everyone unregulated rights to grow and distribute weed what could possibly go wrong.
Aren't conservatards supposed to be anti-regulation? Gubmint bad, right? Except when it's good? Why the sudden change of heart?

>> No.12208586

in what state?

>> No.12208587
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hes right, reddit is cancer.
you should be embarrassed for yourself and the people you associate with.

>> No.12208592
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>fuck white people
Sounds UNF
I don't eat Ben and Jerry's but my favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. Sometimes rock road but most of the time cookies and cream or vanilla.

>> No.12208596
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He obviously regretted not giving his daughter HRT good and early. If I have a son and he even so much as glances at a barbie doll I'm taking them to the doctor immediately to start treatments

>> No.12208597

in what fucking state does it cost 3m for just the licence? wait let me guess, it must be CA right?
and anyways that's besides the point plenty of dealers regardless of skin color maintain a clientele by selling decent shit for a good price reliably, so if you are talking about individuals race is not an issue, competence is
you should be complaining that the state red tape is racist instead of white people that can afford it really (because attacking white people SOLVES this problem right?), but that cool aid probably tastes too good

>> No.12208608

They were going for about $40 million each in Florida and $25 million each in New York
>you should be complaining that the state red tape is racist
But that is the complaint. I'm not sure why you're acting like YOU came up with that when that's what literally every critic of this system has been saying this whole time. Are you one of those dunning-krugers who gets his info from Joe Rogan?

>> No.12208609

>why aren’t you pidgeonhole’d into the stereotype my baseless preconception set for you
Based west coast intellectualism. Government good, except when they regulate drugs then government bad!

>> No.12208614

Youre going to be a terrible parent for even waiting.
If my child is male he's going to have a sex change in-utero. this is progressive parenting.

>> No.12208617

Wrong coast sweetie.
>Government good, except when they regulate drugs then government bad!
If I see a machine that isn't working right I look for a way to fix it. If you see a machine that isn't working right you reach for your gun because you're too much of a dimwit to think about complex topics.

>> No.12208630

Absolutely seething with no argument

>> No.12208640

These (((white))) people are out of control!

>> No.12208643

>But that is the complaint. I'm not sure why you're acting like YOU came up with that when that's what literally every critic of this system has been saying this whole time
then why the black/white racial issue has to be dragged into this? you won't be finding a party that panders more to minorities than democrats though I don't know about Florida isn't NY a blue stronghold? stop muddling the water with racial issues (and ask questions about why such a high cost is justified and where does the money go) like the stereotypical shitposter and people will take you more seriously

>> No.12208651

This is the reason I don't buy Ben & Jerrys.
Unless that's a marijuana flavored tub, keep your retard politics out of my ice cream.

>> No.12208663

>then why the black/white racial issue has to be dragged into this?
Because black people have historically been approximately 400% more likely to be arrested and end up with a criminal record when caught with illegal marijuana. Is this news to you? Are you really this uneducated?
>like the stereotypical shitposter
You're the one turning a completely non-controversial issue into some weird white genocide paranoiac fantasy. White people have benefited from uneven application of criminalized marijuana, and white people continue to benefit from uneven application of legalized marijuana. I assume you are white? Then please understand that saying you, as a white person, may have personally benefited from a racial policy, is not the same as calling you a racist. However, I am going to call you a racist for doing this "why do you niggers [sic] have to make everything into a race issue". A lot of issues are, inherently, a "race issue". A mature adult can accept this and move on. It doesn't reflect badly upon them unless they start denying incontrovertible facts because they somehow feel that facts = white genocide.

>> No.12208676
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Here is some mint chocolate I made a while back that I shipped to a friend

>> No.12208715

This has nothing to do with race. White people are benefiting from legalized weed because they own the capital necessary to start the legal weed businesses. Black people don't, for socially engineered reasons. The black/white split is designed to enforce class stratification. Notice how all these legal weed business owners graduated from "Ivy League" colleges? Which are really just upper class indicators.

>> No.12208729

Kek, this guy is 100% right and nobody can provide a response that isn't a kneejerk ad hominem

>> No.12208733

>This has nothing to do with race.
You're wrong.
>Black people don't, for socially engineered reasons
Whoa! What a crazy idea! I wonder if we could find some hot new word that could succinctly capture what you're talking about. Something about race. Like "race-ism". Or we could just shorten it to "racism". Hmm. I wonder if people might use this neologism.

>> No.12208740

Traditionally here on 4chan we just say "pls respond" when replying to our own posts (a "post" is what you call a "comment", btw). Have an upvote, it's on me.

>> No.12208741


>> No.12208758

how did the biological girl get less hot in the second picture

>> No.12208769

Because talking about "racism" masks what is really going on. Racism only exists to enforce class. The entire concepts of "white" and "black" were invented to cover up the class division. When you talk about "racism" you end up infuriating poor whites, which only benefits the upper class.

>> No.12208781

this is fucking stupid
chamomile is better to relax with than weed
fuck weed.

>> No.12208787

>what is really going on
You mean like on a molecular level? Would you care to explain "socially engineered reasons that cause black people to lack capital relative to white people" using applied chemistry?
>When you talk about "racism" you end up infuriating poor whites
They should learn to be less fragile then.

>> No.12208800

we like ice cream here

>> No.12208808

my question is does she not go shopping?

>> No.12208813

>What a crazy idea!
>Jim Crow and apartheid segregation laws from the end of the civil war through thd '60's were fake news
You're a cute one you are! Meet me on discord tranny, /pol/boi!

>> No.12208814

maybe they shouldn't break the fucking law and complain when they get arrested for breaking the law

>> No.12208820

apparently not. or maybe she's autistic and has 7 of the same shirt, one for every day of the week

>> No.12208821

When did you guys go from being obsessed with BLACKED and cucking to being obsessed with transgendered people? It seems like it just all suddenly switched one day. What precipitated this? Was there an announcement on /pol/? Did hiromoot make a new word filter?

>> No.12208828

kinda like her brother has a different gender for every day of the week

>> No.12208829

Maybe if someone gets caught with dope the punishment should be based on the amount of dope and not their skin color.

>> No.12208838

>the punishment should be based on the amount of dope and not their skin color
I'm pretty sure thats how it works

>> No.12208846

You'd be pretty wrong

>> No.12208848

OP started this thread just to see you stupid fucks argue politics on a cooking board and he succeeded. He should be banned and you retards should be ashamed of yourselves

>> No.12208852

No U

>> No.12208858
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i wanted to post ice cream
pic related is pineapple ginger.

>> No.12208860

>gender is fluid bro it's cool

>> No.12208867

these look good as fuck anon i'd love to eat your ice cream. no homo haha

>> No.12208868

The brother is draining her life force

>> No.12208869

Ben and Jerry's said, "wow people fucking hate us but how can we make people hate us more?" And then they posted this shit. I can't wait for the civil war.

>> No.12208874


>> No.12208875


>> No.12208879

pfffft, I bet you volunteered to pick up the quizzes in school faggot

>> No.12208881

vanilla bean with coconut flakes, or just coconut

>> No.12208886
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i use homogenized milk usually unless the local dairy is selling their stuff at the farmer's market

>> No.12208893

Like clockwork, jews gonna fucking Jew.

>> No.12208896

do you have a recommendation on how to make it without an ice cream machine?

>> No.12208900

You don’t

>> No.12208901

They are referencing the fact that although both whites and blacks report similar rates of usage of weed, black people are 3x more likely to get arrested for it. The war on drugs as it was conceived is actually a war on minorities

>> No.12208909

(((Ben Cohen)))
(((Jerry Greenfield)))

>> No.12208916
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>> No.12208929

You're obviously too fucking stupid to talk to, but for the benefit of everyone else:
1) Race was invented as a means to enforce a class system in a way that was visible. Before "race" a person could climb their way up and unless they told someone, you would never know that they were born lower class. A black skinned person running around in America couldn't do that.
2) Asking a group of people to be "less fragile" is pointless and deliberately provocative. That's just your way of insulting the feelings of real human beings without exposing how much of a POS you are. They only feel that way because of the system that they exist in. You have to change the systems and structures if you want to change society.

>> No.12208930
File: 1.71 MB, 1049x1228, IMG_20190107_140857 resized strawberry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry ice works. Break it into tiny tiny bits between a folded towel and a spoonful at a time you can either mix it in by hand or use a stand mixer if you've got one.

>> No.12208936

>race was invented
lol what the fuck

>> No.12208937
File: 2.51 MB, 2752x2996, IMG_20190106_175903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This strawberry was my first attempt at a new recipe. Had a great flavor but ended up too soft from too much sugar.

>> No.12208938

No U, also
1. So in other words, racism is a real thing. I don't know why you're mentioning this as though it disproves anything I'm saying
2. Asking people who have been systematically subject to "social engineering to prevent them from owning less capital on the basis of race" (or, as non-crazy people call it, "racism") to pretend racism isn't real is pointlessly and deliberately provocative. As to the rest of that, No U

>> No.12208946

before race, dark people lived in their own countries, separate from white people. classes still existed then, fucking invalid.

>> No.12208957

thanks anon. it looks tasty

>> No.12208965
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Good luck.

>> No.12208971


>> No.12209036

Ok, I'm sorry for calling you stupid. Let's start over. "Race" was invented to enforce the idea that poor people deserve to be poor. So you could, on sight, identify the people who deserved to be rich and the people who deserved to be poor. To break the structure of upward mobility. To address >>12208946
yes, but that's because class stratification hadn't been perfected yet. Once you could split people on sight, it became much easier.
My overall point is: Talking about "white" and "black" people only gives legitimacy to those concepts which only benefits the people who invented those concepts for their own gain.

>> No.12209038
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Why are African Americans so easy to manipulate?

>> No.12209047

they're as dumb as every stereotype makes them out to be. see: >>12209036

>> No.12209055

There are plenty of whites who are poor and plenty of black who are rich. Just kys, 'woke' retard.

>> No.12209056

Do you unironically believe systematic racism against blacks in america is a thing in this modern day of age? That's actually sad.

>> No.12209058

Who has it better
>A middle class white Ukrainian
>A middle class black American

>> No.12209077

You're sad for not making the slightest effort to understand the system in which you've been raised. Yeah it's designed to be subtle but that's not really an excuse when so many people are crying out to be heard and understood.

>> No.12209080

>Ever notice how most of the1% are Jewish?
How is this any different? It's just blind hatred and identity politics

>> No.12209084

Oh yeah that shuts down the argument. Try harder pls

>> No.12209091

What the fuck is going on with all the politics and race shit itt? I thought this was an ice cream thread.

>> No.12209092

>>you're cherry picking situations here fgs

>> No.12209093


>> No.12209095

Clearly some posters were failed by the educational system and they deserve better. Hence this thread

>> No.12209098
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Good point, this thread needs more traps. Also religion and nazi salutes.

>> No.12209101

Ever notice that Africans have so much more land and resources and supposedly evolved before European and yet they're still the least wealthy people on Earth despite having the population to match china?

I actually love Colbert's ben&Jerry flavor with the cones

>> No.12209102

no u

>> No.12209111

Thankfully real life isn't a game of civ, otherwise your argument might actually hold water

>> No.12209112

>can't refute the point
>but m-m-muh upward mobility is impossible for us poor black folk!
It's time for black people in America to stop making excuses, and realize they're 99% of their own problems. You're only 13% of the population, that insignificant, and we spend all this time and resources on you all acting like literal children.

>> No.12209115

>Trap holding a Bible and pulling the Nazi salute
Ironic considering the fact that based Hitler would have gassed him and based God is gonna send him to hell when he dies for being a godless degenerate

>> No.12209118

I'm glad you don't speak for all white people.

>> No.12209125

They expire fast. It's all down hill after 14.

>> No.12209124

Jesus, dude... Stop with this bullshit you've been told by your homies I'm the hood. There's endless of successful black people. The most powerful woman in America is fucking Oprah and you just had a black president. Yet you're still cooking up conspiracy theories about how youre being kept down by the white man, who its acceptable to be as racist as racist as you want against and is continuously being treated like subhuman in the mainstream.
To even keep claiming that this is a thing when blacks dont even have to reach the same merit to get a spot at a uni and or a job.

>> No.12209126

>still zero retort
you're seething because you know I'm right

>> No.12209132

Are you saying that Africans aren't intelligent enough to use resources found in their environment? How racist of you

>> No.12209135

They're literally handing them over to the Chinese so they can build roads from them

>> No.12209140

This is retard for "I don't have an argument but this word makes me sound really cool and cynical"

>> No.12209148

Hnnnghh the worst part is that you claim black oppression is a conspiracy so you substitute your own about white oppression conspiracy hnnnggghh

>> No.12209149

You haven't made up an argument in your last three posts now, Jamal. Time for you to take a lap and think about how your own community is keeping you down here.

>> No.12209150

Ernst Röhm was a homosexual, Nazi officer, and friend of Hitler.

>> No.12209155

That's... How did you get that out of what I wrote?

>> No.12209157

Wtf? Cringe Hitler. At least I know from the bible that gay sinners are doomed to eternal hellfire.

>> No.12209159

You haven't made a coherent argument for your entire life on the internet; I'd wager.

>> No.12209161

>>religious view
>>invalid on /ck/

>> No.12209163

>Let's do a pseudo-analysis of what anon said and post it so that I don't need to acknowledge his arguments and claims
>I'm so smart

>> No.12209169
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>no u

>> No.12209170


>> No.12209179
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>(((bernstein & jewy's)))

>> No.12209207

>3 different people are actually some black guy
But I'm Asian, inb4 "we kill you last". No thanks, I'm not your special pet minority.

>> No.12209223

As a man of African descent, can you stop speaking on my behalf? Especially when you're spreading conspiracies.

>> No.12209234

I’m actually impressed that ck isn’t a total echo chamber like most of this site

>> No.12209240

I have a chemist friend who uses the sublimated CO2 from dry ice to carbonate his ice cream. Was quite interesting.

>> No.12209243
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Most based post ITT

>> No.12209259

Cool now go back to r3ddit, fag

>> No.12209363

Ben & Jerry's is owned by Unilever, along with many other big label food brands. If you really want to punch them in the wallet you have to stop buying all Unilever products.

>> No.12209403
File: 50 KB, 432x582, 1540945955604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that gender is genetically locked in at birth
>Reminder that you will never be able to reproduce as your preferred sex
>Reminder that the closest you will ever come to a vagina is a permanent, festering open wound
>Reminder that HRT does not remove your Y chromosome
>Reminder that you will eventually kill yourself, just like all your tranny friends
>Reminder that gender dysphoria meets all requirements for classification as a mental disorder
>Reminder that endocrine damage from pharmaceutical and petrochemical contamination of the water supply is the reason you think you're a woman

>> No.12209412
File: 64 KB, 640x425, disgusted-face-640x425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching pedo cartoons
Sort yourself out first before obsessing over other people's genitals, freak

>> No.12209436

>it's impossible that more than one person would disagree with me

>> No.12209452


>> No.12209453

If you're trying to say the liberals want more free market then I can get behind that.

>> No.12209463

A full liquor license in Arizona can easily cost over $100,000. I don't know what state you're referring to, but it's definitely not true everywhere, not even in most places.

>> No.12209470
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>Reminder that Desmond's fag parents can only outrun child protective services for so long

>> No.12209489

I don't even know what that means. Clearly you spend a lot of time thinking about other people's genitals. Were you molested? Is that why you're a pedo now?

>> No.12209491


>> No.12209527

>oh shit someone knows more than me, I'd better insult them for it, only losers know things

>> No.12209535

Why won't any black millionaire rappers or professional athletes put up the cash? They could make bank selling legal weed with the draw of their name. Black millionaires have the same opportunities as white millionaires.

>> No.12209538

Fuck white people

>> No.12209546

finna gas some wypipo soon wit my niggas Benny n J-rock holla at us pham. hide yo wives we ice creamin 2nite lmaooo

>> No.12209553

Who /Skylargang/ here?

>> No.12209558
File: 103 KB, 1300x673, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a loser because of the pedo anime. But your obsession with trans people (as demonstrated by your advanced knowledge of terminology, acronyms, and trans internet drama) simply marks you as obsessed. Which in turn makes you a hypocrite. So I'll ask you again: were you molested? Was it a parent? Because I assume if it was a teacher or a priest you'd have said something, and gotten therapy by now.
So making one rich black guy even richer undoes the vast underclass of barely employable black felons created by uneven enforcement of cannabis laws? Why not just point to Herman Cain as an example that "racism is a librul hoax" and call it a day?

>> No.12209561
File: 264 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_6773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all their ice cream is famous for all the shitty toppings they add
Make way for actual ice cream.

>> No.12209584

Are you implying that the only difference in these cases was skin color and not conduct? Or do you maybe think some of the people might have had more of an inclination to run than others, which would result in an additional charge rather than just a possession ticket?

>> No.12209590

Black anon here (not the dude you were talking to), and the thing sources like the ACLU like to often omit is why blacks are way more likely to be arrested - it's more often than not because those communities have higher crime rates (I mean for legit shit) and the people getting arrested for weed usually have a history for possession of other drugs and/or distribution, and often have records for other things.

Also, honestly I've never heard someone non-ironically say that racism doesn't exist. It's waaay overstated, though, and is pretty much only represented as going one way which is actually insulting. Personally I notice lots of Asian racism and black racism to Asians in my area while all the whites just either act normal or are way too white guilt-y and act like they've got to appease everyone.

>> No.12209600

Very cool info-graph. I like that there are no numbers and only a bunch of bars to look at. A source might have made me look further into this situation. Good thing a source is not included so I don't have to worry about such bothersome things.
It helped me realize that white people have passed their expiration date.

>> No.12209601

Could that be because they’re three times as likely to deal or use in public and about 5000 times more likely to post photos and make boasts about it on social media?

>> No.12209604

White people developed most of the breeding programs and are responsible for weed being where it is today. Honk honk.

>> No.12209612


>> No.12209625

>Remember that although it’s supposedly not a mental illness, transgenderism is completely cured by a small daily dose of the antipsychotic medication Pimozide.

>> No.12209629
File: 150 KB, 2049x1195, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, conduct is certainly an issue. For example in my neighborhood the NYPD monitors which stations have malfunctioning metrocard readers so they can arrest black people for jumping the turnstile to avoid being late for work. Interestingly just a few blocks away where there are more whites because of the university campus, they don't do this. Really makes you think.
>no source
Are you seriously pretending you didn't see the letters "ACLU" in the corner?

>> No.12209636
File: 5 KB, 331x132, 1540868844531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so i'm being trolled. ACLU isn't a source, it's an organization, just in case you were confused.

>> No.12209641

Ok here we go. If I post a direct link to the ACLU website you'll say you want the links to the studies. If I post those you'll say you want the raw source data. If I post a torrent for the raw data you'll say it's biased and you want a "real" source. So how about you just return to Stormfront or wherever you came from and we can both save ourselves some time.

>> No.12209643

lmfao dont commit a crime if you dont want to be arrested nigga seriously

>> No.12209645

>let’s ignore behavior, culture and proclivities and leap straight to assuming that the difference in outcomes is due to racism
That graph doesn’t address WHY the 400% difference exists, which is just bad science (even for a shitty pseudoscience like sociology).
Inferring inputs from outcomes without full analysis is the sign of a lazy researcher.
News just in, 100% of people caught speeding were operating a motor vehicle at the time, police are therefore prejudiced against drivers.

>> No.12209647

The ACLU lost credibility when they started shilling for the democrats

>> No.12209648
File: 57 KB, 231x210, 1554679843710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause the blacks are still making money off it illegally

>> No.12209651
File: 45 KB, 446x400, laughhhhlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the NYPD monitors which stations have malfunctioning metrocard readers so they can arrest black people for jumping the turnstile to avoid being late for work
>black people
>avoid being late

>> No.12209652

because niggers are too stupid to know how to invest in the stock market


>> No.12209655

>stop poking holes in my conspiracy theories
how many holes I need to poke before you experience a kuhnian paradigm shift?

>> No.12209656

Guys lets stay on topic and talk about ice cream please

>> No.12209657
File: 126 KB, 800x1067, KSBHEL76ENGXLKRGEKNKFKTRTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. In the real world and not your delusional stormweenie reality distortion bubble, black people have to work instead of drinking Obamachampagne in their Obamapenthouses on West 89th Street.

>> No.12209663

>NYU professor says
into the trash

>> No.12209670

Reminds me of black panther. Oh yeah this multibillion dollar conglomerate made this movie as a cultural statement not a way to make money. And then some people were like "disney should donate a quarter of the profits to black charities" and disney was like lol no

>> No.12209674

>Faced with the decision to use the security gate or be late for work, he followed many of the other morning commuters and bypassed the turnstile.
>break the rules
>get punished
>ayo das racist

>> No.12209677

Oh fuck off. Blacks have had every opportunity to improve their station in the US.

Irish made it out. Hispanics are already ahead. African immigrants not from Somalia do just fine. What the fuck is wrong with Black America who have god Damned quotas on their side for 60 years?

>> No.12209678

Heh, you got me. You saw straight through my ruse like it was nothing. I'll concede, for now.

>> No.12209679
File: 35 KB, 250x250, polpot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump will round up all the people with glasses and I'll finally not be a loser
And you believed it
No U

>> No.12209682

FWIW, I’m an Australian Aboriginal and the majority of people I know who’ve been locked up were doing stupid shit like smoking in public, carrying weed on trains (knowing that sniffer dogs regularly patrol the network), posting photos/details online, driving while stoned (cops are just as likely to drug test as alcohol test here) or selling in the open.
I used to smoke a little when I was younger but the absolute retardation I saw in the next generation scared the shit out of me. I prefer not to have a criminal record so I’ll stay away from my cousins when they’re on the yarndi.

>> No.12209684

What's it like having schizophrenia?

>> No.12209685

"Worry not negros, I an asian shall tell of your plight for you because your tiny brains couldn't possibly do it yourself!"

>> No.12209691

Blacks are more brazen about everything they do. Could that be what's going on?


>> No.12209695

It's almost like they keep an eye on the place where the crime happens most often. Hm indeed why would they do such a thing

>> No.12209720

At the stop closest to my apartment (a “gentrified” block), the last time the machines were down, uniformed MTA employees just let us through the emergency exit.

Black people are expected to walk 15 minutes to another station or be arrested for what I get for free.

>> No.12209730

It’s like 3500 per year in a decently sized city. I dunno what you’re on about retard

>> No.12209739

Literature about systemic racism slants heavily towards anecdote and conjecture and rarely if every describes mechanisms or validating data. The closest I ever saw was in "The New Jim Crow" and while they had some data on disproportionate arrests, they also said every felon should get the right to vote back.

>> No.12209742

$3500 is much closer to $3 million than it is to $2000. I forgot the leading digit is what counts . A liberal SJW jewish professor taught me wrongthink

>> No.12209746


>> No.12209816

>What the fuck is wrong with Black America who have god Damned quotas on their side for 60 years?
Education and a lack of positive role models.