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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 465 KB, 1000x1002, sunflowerseedsforbirds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12207979 No.12207979 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think I will get sick if I eat sunflower seeds that are meant for birds? the sunflower seeds meant for birds are so much cheaper than in the supermarket.

>> No.12207992

probably not, but birds eat dirt and puke in each others mouth, so they handle bacteria differently.
personally i wouldn't risk it

>> No.12207998

You probably just need to roast and salt them yourself

>> No.12208004

this is smart, the salt and roasting kills any bacteria harmful for humans

>> No.12208006

how could literal sunflower seeds be dangerous?

>> No.12208024

They're not, OP is a dumb ponyfag who makes "subtle" references to MLP for kicks. There's an episode of Equestria Girls where Fluttershy gets sick after eating her pet birds sunflower seeds.

>> No.12208027

I would imagine that the health standards are much lower when processing pet food. The seeds themselves are the same but the manufacturing standards are different. You would most likely get sick from cross contamination in the factory.

>> No.12208045

>I would imagine that the health standards are much lower when processing pet food.

This seems to be the prevailing concern and potential for contamination with aflatoxin. but surely most of the concern for bacteria / cleanliness could be eliminated by boiling them for a few minutes and allowing to dry, that would sterilize them.

>> No.12208056

but humans are animals too at the end of the day, we didn't get to where we are now by eating perfectly sterilized food, i mean the vegetables you eat come out of soil, yes they're cleaned but it wasn't always that way. humans are just a resilient as any other animal.

>> No.12208059

i died from eating these

>> No.12208063

Aflatoxin and storage conditions. although I don't know how bad either of those would be. and I have done some searching online and apparently there are people who purchase sunflower seeds from pet stores and eat them and they report no problems at all.

>> No.12208065

People used to die at 35 anon...

>> No.12208067

not from eating dubious sunflower seeds or vegetables.

>> No.12208068

>Do you think I will get sick
you probably won't get sick of you pasturize/roast them before eating them.

I'd wash and roast them for a couple minutes. they are probably covered in feces.

>> No.12208074

You're not supposed to eat the shell.
Someone ate lots of sunflower seeds with shell and had to have surgery

>> No.12208075

Why go out of your way to buy sunflower seeds from the pet store when you can get them from the grocery store anyway? It's not like they're a rare fucking commodity.

>b-but they're less expensive though!
By what? 10 cents? Sunflower seeds are already dirt cheap to begin with you insufferable faggots.

>> No.12208077

I wasn't planning on eating the shell. but you crack them open with your teeth which entails putting the shell in your mouth

>> No.12208080
File: 96 KB, 633x758, 1491056822743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People used to die at 35
this is not true, the reason that figure is floated around (keep in mind some countries still have a similar one to this day) is:
>infant mortality

Even before modern medicine (antibiotics specifically) the average lifespan past 21 (meaning excluding infant and pubescent mortality) was similar to our own, circa 60 for a peasant, even more for a wealthy individual

We have late medieval censuses that shows us that (England et alia)

>> No.12208081

no. they are a lot cheaper.

bird sunflower seeds 1kg = £1.50

supermarket sunflower seeds 150g = £0.90

I can get 3 x the amount for the same price if I buy the one meant for birds.

>> No.12208089


>not from eating dubious sunflower seeds or vegetables.

More people died from lettuce then illegals last year

>> No.12208091

>calling OP a dumb ponyfag
>anon proceeds to lay out a full episode of mlp
Kek, faggot.

>> No.12208093

we're way more resilient than other animals if you think about it
a broken limb is a death sentence for most animals
does that mean a person should eat animal food? not for me to say, i'm just a dude on the internet

>> No.12208096

i don't even know what mlp is.

>> No.12208097

That's because illegals spread their disease on the crops they're picking heh.

>> No.12208110

We are the only animal that cooks. If we were ever able to handle that level of bacteria we have since lost it.

>> No.12208112

i heard it's a show about gay people.

>> No.12208123

but sunflower seeds are both animal and human food. I'm sure that the labeling "not for human consumption" is just for legal purposes so if you do get sick you can't sue them. if a bird can eat it and not perish i'm almost certain a human could, yes there are things other animals can eat that we cannot and vise versa but it's a sunflower seed, it's non toxic to humans, the only thing that could be bad is if it was contaminated with bacteria which could be rectified by roasting / boiling. I don't see any other way that they wouldn't be edible.

>> No.12208130

that's why I suggested to boil the seeds for a few minutes to sterilize them. or to spread them on a baking tray and roast them for a while. or boil them then roast them.

>> No.12208136
File: 94 KB, 1056x812, 1544898346460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if a bird can eat it and not perish i'm almost certain a human could
let me know how that works out for you

>> No.12208156

if i die its your fault for being unhelpful

>> No.12208193

You must engage with the show if you even know what that is.

>> No.12208195


>> No.12208227
File: 114 KB, 680x830, 1539812685031-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12208232

Samefag, also this is some weird humor and I appreciate it, although I'm not sure what the point is

>> No.12208242

I like this evolution of barneyfag, much more subtle and less likely to stir up the whole crowd.

>> No.12208873

Bird little tongue. Not many taste bud. Sunflower seed probably rancid. Also, harvesting machine probably very dirty, many chemicals.
It is lottery, maybe you get good bag, not many rancid.Good lucvk

>> No.12208978

>unironically watching EqG
Sad desu. It doesn't even have cute fillies.

>> No.12209049

Hey, guess what idiots? That post was a prank and I made that episode up! Go ahead, look it up, it's not real! I just got all of you! Pranked so hard LMAO!

>> No.12209064

OP here.

Kys nigger

>> No.12209071

kys newfag

>> No.12209113

Did you makeup Fluttershy too?

>> No.12209145

Yes, Lauren Faust approached me when Friendship is Magic was still just a concept being pitched to execs of numerous children's tv networks. She asked me to make up a character that was really cute and could objectively be called the best pony out of the entire cast. After weeks of rigorous effort I came up with the concept of Fluttershy. TV execs loved her. Lauren loved her. Test audiences loved her. So really it was my genius character design that saved the show and I'm proud to have been a part of the creative process for FiM.