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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 208 KB, 1080x1349, 1553558922143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12175123 No.12175123 [Reply] [Original]

What do you normally drink at the beach?

>> No.12175137

Vodka and lemonade

>> No.12175138

Why water of course

>> No.12175141

her piss

>> No.12175142


>> No.12175145

the water from the ocean

>> No.12175153

Water and beer. But you didn't make this thread to talk about drinks so who gives a fuck?

>> No.12175178

The ocean is the most horrific thing I've ever seen and I get anxiety just looking at it for too long. If I ever had to spend all day at it I would smash wild turkey till I was numb and passed out.

>> No.12175190

We get it anon you're gay

>> No.12175204


>> No.12175208
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Depends on what we pack. The roadtrip to the beach is over half the fun.

>> No.12175217

Bahama Mama

>> No.12175253

Do you think jazz will off herself once the fame is gone?

>> No.12175263

we can only hope

>> No.12175271
File: 652 KB, 1600x1125, fishermanswife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Is it all the weird monsters that live in it?

>> No.12175285

for me, its WATER

>> No.12175292

lmao this is hilarious. did she actually say this? and why is she so fat?

>> No.12175297

There’s something off-putting about this one. I think it’s a dude.

>> No.12175433
File: 165 KB, 1000x667, 48t18dpi6eq01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why anon? There's nothing to be afraid of

>> No.12175439

no that's Skyler

>> No.12175455

weird. Meanwhile I've never seen the ocean outside of a plane/childhood one time, and yet my entire life I've craved the ocean, beaches, living by an ocean, having a boat, dreaming of pirate adventures, fishing, submarine adventures. The big blue endless miles on end, the beautiful composition of noise made by the gulls, the waves, and any other wildlife.

>> No.12175462

Watch some tsunami videos on youtube, you'll be cured in no time

>> No.12175482

I mean yeah that shit's absolutely terrifying as fuck but doesn't change my mind, large bodies of water calm me the fuck down.

>> No.12175499


>> No.12175502
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>that girl in the grey

>> No.12175511

flyover detected

>> No.12175512

Water. Copious amounts of water. Then pee it out back into the ocean. The circle of life continues.
That's because you've never seen the ocean in real life.

>> No.12175517

i live in the midwest. it fucking sucks

>> No.12175523

You're a retard. There are flyover states that are on ocean coasts besides California and new york.

>> No.12175540

you mean himself? I think he'll die in an overdose. its pretty common for these freaks to do tons of drugs.

>> No.12175541
File: 2.84 MB, 480x270, 1549477323460.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so scary about the ocean anon?

>> No.12175542

I've seen the great lakes, which essentially is the same optics as an ocean, you can't see the other side of em unless you have like a rare weather event.

Still at peace there, waters peaceful. Mind you I've really only been to lakes but we're different people I suppose.

>> No.12175549


>> No.12175551

California and New York aren't flyover states though. Please look up what it means before flapping your faggot mouth.

>> No.12175555

is that Kosm

>> No.12175558

Tequila and grapefruit soda, or some other refreshing carbonated drink. Also, beer and plenty of water.

>> No.12175674

I said there are flyover states on ocean coasts besides california and new york. Never said california/new york were flyover states. Kys namefag.

>> No.12175685

Based and redpilled

>> No.12175687

If that manly ass mother fucker can pass for a female, I'll be damned if I can't!!

>> No.12175698

ur manly face will never pass 4 female tho and neither will all the other little details, but get urself a nice big bubblebut and you'll find some degenerate man or woman 2 fill u up every night, brush your hair out of your face with his hands and be the big spoon. They won't care because they'll love u for all those flaws. it still wont make u happy tho

>> No.12175705

It's called the thought of it, not necessarily the subject itself. You're an idiot who has unfortunately consumed way too much media- movies/shows/pictures- that romanticize it. Faggot.

>> No.12175710

my trans gf's cum

>> No.12175711

Saying that there are flyover states BESIDES CA and NY means that you're saying CA and NY are flyover states. They're not flyover states.

>> No.12175717

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up namefagging city scumhole dwelling reddit refugee

>> No.12175728
File: 111 KB, 1200x630, lake-superior-horizon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been to lakes that emulate a fucking ocean

Yeah, I sure know as fuck a Hurricane ain't gonna pop out of a fucking lake, and neither will a tsunami, but choppier waters aint gonna bug me all the same. The sound of waves crashing is pleasant to the ear. I like white noise for what its worth too. I could spend all day free of devices, whatever sitting back by the water staring out into it.

>> No.12175730

Lakes are completely different from oceans, too fucking idiot.

>> No.12175739


>> No.12175744

>he doesn’t know

>> No.12175746

Water from a bottle that has sand stuck on it from condensation, and a little gets inside no matter how hard I try to stop it

>> No.12175749

He's right, you're a faggot. The way you phrased it made cali/ny sound like flyover, you absolute piece of shit.
>hey, let's get mcdonalds
>there are hamburgers other than mcdicks

>> No.12175754

B-but I'm a female with a vagina.

>> No.12175755

Learn how to communicate properly, you frustrated sack of bile, hair and teeth.

>> No.12175757
File: 23 KB, 147x147, E2C910A3-63D2-4514-92F6-DE7B2FB454B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food analogies

>> No.12175758
File: 39 KB, 600x579, B6CB9F71-9C0B-4EB0-913E-B31A647C1CE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah bloo bloo

>> No.12175764

u gonna post about how its salt water, or fuckin a tsunami? abloobloobloo natural disasters are scurrry. I live in Kansas I've seen multiple times the firsthand account of what a fucked up Tornado can do. There's other natural disasters as well that can rival their destruction potentional too, Earthquakes. Doesn't fucking mean I'm going to be a scared bitch boy who lives in some underground bunker in the middle of the most remote place on earth where techtonic plates arent active. or are you some faggot that can't swim? Imagine being scared of a body of water.

>> No.12175765


>> No.12175766

50/50 cheap red wine and Coca-cola over ice. Shit is cash. Learned it from some French chicks years ago.

>> No.12175772

Depends on the beach and the time of the day. I try to keep it alchoholic but I don't want to be arrested as some peaceful dude on a beach. If it's at night then nobody cares unless people are being weirdos.

>> No.12175780
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Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.12175783

... almost forgot, if with a girl then you pretty much never get bothered, at least on Atlantic coast beaches.
Always remember to give a shot of the liquor into the ocean as a rememberance of all the lost souls there.

>> No.12175784


And if you're going to bodies of water without planning the weather accordingly you're some fucking faggot, and if by chance a storm does break out yeah its gonna be fucking turbulent.

Imagine being so afraid of oceans that you start calling someone else who enjoys things in life a fetishist. I understand completely the dangers behind oceans, still don't mean that I don't love them.

>> No.12175785

Water. You will become dehydrated very quickly if you're on the beach for awhile, and alcohol will only assist dehydration. Water is how you make a beach trip last all day.

>> No.12175788

Well idk about all the insane rambling but I love the ocean there’s waves that’ll thrash you until your bones break and hold you underwater until you inhale salt water. Also rip currents until you can’t see the shore (which you’ll fight until you’re exhausted) and of course, once a big shark gets you you’re donezo.

>> No.12175794

Hellgate in NYC? I used to live right by there.

>> No.12175795

Look Bruce you have no idea who you’re messing with buddy. Don’t make me hurt you. Take your ridicule like a man, remove the namefagging, and stop being such a bitch or I’ll kick your ass kid.

>> No.12175797

Aye, the ocean is like a lady, just when you think you know something about her, she strikes, but she respects those who fight.

>> No.12175817
File: 1.51 MB, 544x506, gross fat fuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok big boy, whip it out.

>> No.12175838

They Call Me Bruce a.k.a. A Fistful of Chopsticks (1982) DVDRip.XviD.MovieExtreme.avi

It's a pretty funny movie.

>> No.12176127


I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.12176142

Nuke the ocean

>> No.12176172

Narragansett lager

>> No.12176249


>> No.12176414 [DELETED] 

I want to drink her pusy juice (piss+vaginal discharge+yeast infection)

>> No.12176761
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x532, 1547107928322.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12176777


>> No.12176947

What kind?

>> No.12177054

thats a guy

>> No.12177147


>> No.12177162

Corona Extra with lime wedges, rum mixed with tropical fruit juices, mint juleps, and water to prevent hangovers.

>> No.12177220

Good taste, patrician northeasterner
Gross, headache

>> No.12177479

Two main go-to's, one simple and one complex

The simple one is a Malibu Baybreeze. It's gay as hell but fucking delicious.
>1/3 coconut rum
>1/3 pineapple juice
>1/3 cranberry juice
shake over ice. comes out pink with a little foam. if you use non-cocktail cranberry, and good pineapple juice (metal can, not plastic jug), it's really really delicious.

the other one is a Coco Loco, which is a Dominican Republic specialty thing a little more complex, i always wing the amounts
>bunch of ice
>coconut cream (the canned kind)
>light rum, dark rum, maybe some coconut rum
>a LITTLE pineapple juice
>cinnamon, nutmeg
>garnish with a little nutmeg on top
always a crowd pleaser. i feel like im forgetting an ingredient though.

of course, there's always just corona too.

>> No.12177550

I always throw some golden tequila in my locos

>> No.12177559

cheap beer with lime and water. i piss in the ocean to keep the jellyfish away. I also puff the fattest gauge Maduro cigar I have to keep the normies and boomers from getting to close to my umbrella. Pub Subs are a must as well.
Oh and a .380 in case a dog or an uppity puerto rican or african american trys some shit.

>> No.12177563

yeah I'm going to need an unobstructed anterior view before I determine whether I would or not

>> No.12177739

jazz been hitting those cheeseburgers awful hard

>> No.12177793

the guy on the left actually is pretty cute. i would let him suck me dry.

>> No.12177847

Stop posting your stupid trannies, faggot

>> No.12177942

Lmao non-coasties are such fags.

>> No.12177969

People go to beaches in the northeast? Isn’t it too cold?

>> No.12178767

Jacques Chirac was right I guess.

>> No.12178779

white wine

>> No.12178811
File: 337 KB, 689x466, picture-61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for looking at the water and listening to the sounds, not swimming. Swimming and rolling around in the sand is degenerate.

>> No.12179048


>> No.12179049

>which essentially is the same optics as an ocean
NO, it's not

>> No.12179063

Iced Tea or Lemonade

Throw some vodka into it sometimes

>> No.12179074

Ive always wanted to see the desert and a giant state forest.
But for me its either beer or some liqour straight out the bottle

>> No.12179082

How dare your share op's moms nudes. This is a work safe board

>> No.12179094


>> No.12179152
File: 89 KB, 570x380, busch-ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live at the beach and drink this all day

>> No.12179226

some asian will would eat that thing raw.

>> No.12179247

BBC cum

>> No.12179265

Here's a novel concept for you anon:
You can have both an alcoholic beverage and a water

>> No.12179827
File: 82 KB, 671x609, >frogposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12179865


based pasta poster

>> No.12179869

cheap beer, margarita, mojito, pina colada. lot of simple drinks

>> No.12179974

Nice projecting there buddy.

>> No.12179988

I've heard light can kill deep sea creatures because it's too harsh. Is this dying?

>> No.12180080

Ice cold beer

>> No.12180124

Coronas and lime or Flying Dog Sea Quench. Gotta be very slightly buzzed and hydrated at all times.

>> No.12181345

>Flying Dog Sea Quench
Is that a beer name? Why can't they call it something normal?

>> No.12181902

It’s probably just trying to camouflage itself from sonar based predators, by dropping to the seabed

>> No.12182361


>> No.12182447

>tfw sk.ylar will never sit on your face with her cock in your mouth

>> No.12182491

this right here. basically everything I was going to say.

>> No.12182550

I've been to three Great Lakes and two oceans and they absolutely look the exact fucking same.
>sandy coast
>dark teal water as far as the eye can see, no opposite coast visible
>massive crashing waves when it's stormy, little ones when it's calm

>> No.12182577

Water, because whenever I go the beach I am either surfing or bodysurfing. Use the waves and the beach for what they are intended for- exercise and having fun. I pity the fool who sits in a chair and fucking reads of all things to do at the beach.

>> No.12182872

'ronas with the boys

>> No.12182901

OP's image is a tranny though. One of >>12175208's friends

>> No.12182989

Fucking mogged hard

>> No.12183032

Haven't been to the "beach" for nearly 14 years, but last two times I was, I drank Karlovačko Pivo and Mythos Helles, respectively.

>> No.12183054

But anon... They're from a show about trannies...

>> No.12183060


>> No.12183107

I get hard serve ice cream in a waffle cone then wash it down with a cold bottled water

>> No.12183133


>> No.12183593
File: 629 KB, 735x1102, Greeek-Coffee-Culture-Explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freddo espresso or a humble frappe with condensed milk for maximum shits

>> No.12184194
File: 6 KB, 217x232, 1546841765226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how fat jazz has become

>> No.12185138

Beer or whiskey and a coke, depends on the time of day. During the day if it's hot then beer, at night then the booze.

>> No.12185142

>he doesn't have a house on the beach
>or even that family owns that you can borrow

>> No.12185146

In my eyelids, varmint.

>> No.12185167
File: 73 KB, 320x240, Granny-Beverly_Hillbillies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you mind your tounge there or granny will make varmint stew of you!

>> No.12185180

It's from this video

>> No.12185202


>> No.12185219

>I live 15 minutes from the beach
>2 hr drive to Miami/Ft Lauderdale
I never go to the beach anon. It’s pretty overrated.
>tfw all I want is some midwestern farmland, a farming qt, and some children
lifes unfair

>> No.12185825

Just move to Dothan

>> No.12186093


>> No.12186184


>> No.12186192

pale beers, water, or rum&juice

>> No.12186214

>I've heard light can kill deep sea creatures because it's too harsh
So I can scuba down to the ocean floor and start blasting away ayys like a reverse War of the Worlds?

>> No.12186233

Pussy juice

>> No.12186303
File: 70 KB, 1000x596, bigs-The-Wedge-Newport-Body-Surfer-Tossed-In-Huge-Wave-E1-Large-1000x596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pounded a 24 oz 11% imperial stout before going into 10 foot+ shorebreak at the wedge once and i ended up swallowing a bunch of water and puked and I almost snapped my neck, had viper fins and I still got beat up really good, really fun though.

>> No.12186590

No, it's not.

>> No.12186597
File: 283 KB, 640x360, HP_Lovecraft-Sea_Creatures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want some sea creatures check out OTR HP Lovecraft stuff.

>> No.12186599

Fixed it for you
> rum & coke

>> No.12186611

... OTR, the theatre of the mind.

>> No.12186634
File: 125 KB, 910x425, cassatt_painting_victorian_1308278_o_910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a "reddit learns that a country can have traditions that involve imports from another country and that's still ok!" episode

>> No.12186911

it's called a cuba libre heathen

>> No.12187155

almost nobody calls it that, padre.

nah man... well, maybe. Not often. Usually rum and pineapple or rum and mango at the beach.

>> No.12187378

The reference I was making was.

>> No.12187598
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 2-IMG_4330m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mainly drink chilled espresso in the hot summer
>next to Italy
>Lavazza and illy are not the two main importers of dose beans plus most of the professional coffee machines leased in Greek coffee shops
Also fun fact;many islands of Greece used to be a protectorate of Venice after the fall of Constantinople and the Venetians had a big cultural impact,in local cuisine (e.g. the use of Italian bechamel),introduced pasta filata in cheese making, poetry and literature (e.g. Vincenzo Cornaro) and the dominant accent in the Ionian Sea that is a mix of Greek with Italian word.

>> No.12188166
File: 119 KB, 800x553, ionian_kefalonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dominant accent in the Ionian Sea
Fuck, if this was my reality I wouldn't bother having my shit together either. Why did the Germans lend money to them again?

>> No.12188185
File: 140 KB, 1200x1144, Non_92d806_6624408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually straight liquor and then wander alone on the beach at night being a moody fuck

I'm 30 and still havent grown the fuck up

>> No.12188192
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Do you live with an attractive drunk Japanese lady and her penguin?

>> No.12188194
File: 2.89 MB, 1499x937, paxoi island.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/4 of the Greek population lives in the mainland (and almost half of Greece,about 5 millions in Athens). The Greek islands are the only places that did not get the full impact of the economic crisis, especially since their main industries (hospitality and tourism) actually flourished during the crisis due to the free fall of the minimum wage and the dismantling of labour rights...

>> No.12188205
File: 80 KB, 599x780, 3e7306d3d0119d98a93d5f9cfb288d5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I do fantasize about ripping angels apart

>misato is best

>> No.12188304

OP drinks the sand kicked in his face by alpha males.....

>> No.12189278

So are you saying that it’s safe to visit the Ionian Sea area as long as I steer clear of Athens? I’d like to see that landscape but I don’t want to get stabbed by Golden Dawn

>> No.12189382

I drink the beach

>> No.12189400

Sea water when the waves crash into me and knock me on my ass.

>> No.12189513
File: 598 KB, 1924x1283, folegandros island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athens is a must but for 4 day max (Acropolis, anchient agora, temple of Posidon etc), the Greek country side is where its at, especially the islands, we have a sort of a bastardized campanilismo and even in the Cyclades where the islands are closely clustered, each has its own culinary traditions (especially in cheese and wine making) as well as different vistas(from the arid Cycladic islands to the vast networks of waterfalls in Samothraki island) and they tend to hate each and think they are better than the rest(much like our Italian brothers treat each other) Just avoid Mykonos and Santorini. Also as for the golden dawn while lots of ppl didn't give a fuck about all the immigrants being lynched/arsons/pogroms etc they killed a Greek antifa (stabbed ofc) and thus the authorities had to intervene. They are currently under trial as a criminal organisation and some heads will roll. And anyway most stabbings in Greece much like gun violence is something like 80% crimes of passion (aka cucking) and negligent discharges.
t. Greeklawyerfag

>> No.12189735

Are any of the islands still similar to what was depicted in Zorba the Greek?

>> No.12189787

my bottled feelings :'(
wait this is /ck/