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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 1197x630, homemade-pasta-self-proclaimed-foodie-FB-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12151196 No.12151196 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever made homemade pasta? Is it really worth the effort? From what I've read, there's a lot of praise that it's way better than dried storebought and basically can't even be compared. Any experience and tested recipes would be appreciated.

>> No.12151209

I've made it. To me, it's not even close to worth it. I can buy dozens of varieties of fresh pasta at a store nearby. They're making it right there, when I walk in. It's not like it's shipped there in a frozen block or something.

If you live in the middle of nowhere, then it's worth it. I'd probably buy a pasta machine, I guess. But I wouldn't live in the middle of nowhere because to me, food is more important than MUH STRONG SELF-RELIANT ONION MAN DON'T NEED NO CIVILIZATION fantasies.

>> No.12151214
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>> No.12151215
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>> No.12151217

>Have you ever made homemade pasta?

>> No.12151218

homemade pasta works better in most dishes, but i don't regularly make my own. think of them as two different types of pasta.

>> No.12151224

I made raviolis and it was a bitch.

>> No.12151257

Pasta dough is literally 2 ingredients. Don't be poor, then get a KitchenAid with the roller attachment. Takes 20 minutes to make the best linguini you've ever had

>> No.12151367

It's not a popular opinion, but I don't care for fresh pasta. I feel that the texture is too "doughy".
Dry pasta doesn't have that raw dough texture.
The egg in fresh pasta might contribute as well.

>> No.12151415

great fucking story bitch

>> No.12151425


most of the restaurants ive worked in use the same thing.

>> No.12151437

how long does it take to clean your bitch boy kitchen aids roller attachment? faggot

>> No.12151444

about as long as it takes me to clean your moms shit off my dick

>> No.12151451

and how fucking long is that gaywad

>> No.12151458

about 20 seconds. like my dick, i soak it in warm soapy water and then pat dry with a towel.

>> No.12151472

About a minute if you aren't retarded

>> No.12151476

you don't even use soap? you don't scrub it? Filthy fucking trailer trash faggot. You know how long it takes me to open a bag of pasta? 5 seconds total. Sure made from scratch pasta can be nice in its own way, but don't act like premade isn't perfectly fine and has the added advantage of convenience.

>> No.12151483

so it takes you a few hours then

>> No.12151485

Dried pasta is better for most dishes. The problem with fresh is that it’s extremely soft and so lacks the bite of dried. It’s only really good for ravioli.

>> No.12151623

>Have you ever made homemade pasta?
A few times..
Bao (hot water method) and won ton wrappers, and it was worth it.
Spaetzle, and homemade dumplings, and yes, nothing is as good as homemade.
Fresh gnocchi and yes, that's absolutely a labor of love, and not too hard after doing it a couple of times once you own a potato ricer.
Back in the olden days, watching Molto Mario, I tried a few well+ egg doughs, and yes, it's okay, but not really worth the time unless it's for ravioli, and you want to buy special flour (ideally). The fresh pasta in the store is easy enough when you have mood for some softer fettuccini, I've found. The only homemade dough I really enjoy is actually the easiest, when you just tear it up like rags, and it's good when you're really just featuring a sauce or have some really special ragu or beef stew or short ribs you've lovingly browned and braised forever and ever, and so yea, you have the time on your hand to make a dough, rest it, and fiddle around. Can use a curly cutter for fun. Can use a weird herb from your garden you grew for fun to flavor it.
> or Is it really worth the effort?
No. Not usually. It's something fun to do because you're snowed in or you find cooking restful.
>From what I've read, there's a lot of praise that it's way better than dried storebought
Fresh pasta and dried pasta are two different beasts and they are a mood, not a better/worse situation. There's really no substitution for the texture of dried pasta. Barilla is good enough for dried pasta, esp their premium line. Just look for semolina ingredient and stay away from anything quick cooking.

>> No.12152550

Have none of you heard of semolina ffs.

>> No.12153047
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Yes. It was thicker and flourier than I would've like. In hindsight, I should've gotten a rolling pin at least.

>> No.12153054

I had made egg noodles and ravioli with Italian farina tipo 00 and them outmatched any dry pasta I ever bought. Just dont use water at all, only eggs.

>> No.12153062

I actually just made some. My kitchenaid makes it really easy. I currently have the extras settled as a 'nest' and drying at the moment. Honestly, if you don't make them quite right (too thick, too thin, etc.) they're not worth it.
However, if you make them correctly with just the right texture? They blow store bought dried pasta out of the water.
This is only true if you don't use semolina flour. I use about 2/3 semolina and 1/3 regular all purpose flour (in this case 1 and 1/2 cup semolina and one cup of regular flour)

>> No.12153073
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i live in a region of italy with a strong tradition of fresh pasta, so it's full of places where you can buy fresh pasta made daily with great ingredients and a good price, here it's worth it
if you have to make yourself and you don't have enough skill/good material or you have to buy overpriced fresh pasta from stores it's not worth it

>> No.12153085
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Its way worth it. Buy a pasta machine, dough is eggs/flour/olive oil, its stupid easy to make and is very impressive to normies. Women will blow you if you make them pasta, they like watching you knead and shit and its all foreplay pretty much

Plus its a good skill to have and pasta machines are really cheap, i paid like $100 for mine and it was the most expensive i could find.

>> No.12153095
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Made some ‘chovy ‘nara, it was great

>> No.12153098
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Forgot i had black garlic in there too

>> No.12153102
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Wa-la.. it tightened up a lot, coulda ysed more water

>> No.12153114
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Youre a bitch, raviolis are the easiest

>roll pasta sheet
>spoon filling
>brush with egg wash
>smush down with your fingers

Wow, so hard

>> No.12153125
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>> No.12153172

Whenever I see Babish cranking it out in his pasta maker it looks like a lot of pretentious unitasker bullshit somebody does to earn /ck/ cred.

>> No.12153177


>making pasta is pretentious

Fuck this board. Go suck barillas dick; grandmas have been making pasta for 600 years there is absolutely zero pretense.

Theres zero excuse for not knowing how to make noodles

>> No.12153178

Its better but not worth the effort. Obviously nobody would ever say the same about the sauce though. The only forseeable circumstance I would ever make it again if I didn't feel like it would be if I was in some kind of contest with no time constraint. My (at the time) girlfriend had the nerve to say boxed was better but she had a fucking peasant mouth.

>> No.12153182


>10 mins to knead dough
>20 mins to rest dough while prepping everything else and boiling water
>10 mins to roll out dough, roll into sheets, cut into noodles on machine

Yall are proving the point that people make it out to be some extravagant process when its not

>> No.12153192

It's not better in all cases. For certain dishes, dried pasta is the ideal choice. But fresh pasta is amazing with pesto or bolognese.

>> No.12154938

I thought you were meant to let the dough rest for at least a couple hours or so.

>> No.12154960

If your shits doughy, use better flour, dingleberry. a 50/50 split of tipo 00 and semolina make a pretty light chew. Aim a little higher than Walmart brand all-purpose.

>> No.12154990

you're thinking of bread dough with active yeasts, those have to rest. Pasta dough not so much,

>> No.12155004

It may be better but chances are i'll probably drown it in cheese, herbs and perhaps sauce. Pasta in itself is a staple food and making it yourself seems.. Not really worth the effort as i can buy 3 whole portions for 50 cents.

>> No.12155251

It's not worth the effort. Only when you feel like doing something extra on a weekend or something.

>> No.12155274

It's very different. It's a lot softer and more slippery without being mushy like an overcooked pasta.

Obviously certain pasta is better suited for certain recipes.
An easy one to understand how good homemade pasta is – pici with mushrooms
Pici are just flour + water + salt (no eggs). Buy some procini mushrooms (or otherwise good mushrooms, not champignon or other garbage) briefly saute them in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, parsley and garlic and you've got one of the tastiest dishes in the world imo.

>> No.12155298
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Oh, also, for the garlic, just chop a clove in half and put it in the pan to saute, remove it when you add the pasta. Don't chop it up.

>> No.12156184

It’s leagues better than the dry stuff but it’s a process to make and a pain in the ass, fortunately there’s a fuck ton of Italians in jersey and you can just buy the fresh stuff daily and it’s cheap

>> No.12157780

I use the mixer and the extruder attachment. It's literally one of the best things ever.

>> No.12158430

No. But they sell fresh pasta nearby. Once I tried it I couldn't go back to dry.

>> No.12158463

>Have pasta roller
Yes its worth it
>Don't have pasta roller
No fucking way in hell

It is better in every single way. Best thing to do is make a fucking huge batch of pasta and freeze the extra. You now have pasta for weeks from one pasta making session.

>> No.12158866

>Have you ever made homemade pasta?
>Is it really worth the effort?
Without a pasta machine, no

I recently tried making farfalle by hand a couple of weeks ago using a mix of bread flour and cake flour and water because I didn't have semolina or all-purpose.
It came out fluffy and chewy but I'm sure as hell not doing that again, not without a roller

>> No.12158881

It's not worth it just for normal meals, but it's so easy to learn to make competent pasta and it impresses a lot of people, so it's a good party trick to have up your sleeve.

>> No.12158997

frozen fresh pasta is fucking shit

>> No.12159154

fresh is always going to be better. it's just a pain in the ass making it, but just like anything the more you do it the better and quicker you get at it. i bet you could knock out some fresh pasta in 10 minutes if you did it often enough.

>> No.12159474

Holy shit, not a woman but I would still blow you for that dish.