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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12117081 No.12117081 [Reply] [Original]

Is Tonight Dough the best flavor of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream(or indeed all iceream ever created by mortal men)?

I think it is.

>> No.12117086

Not as long as Phish Food exists

>> No.12117160
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I'm a simple man.

>> No.12117166

chocolate therapy is the best

>> No.12117180

For me, it's New York Super Fudge Chunk, the most calorie-dense Ben and Jerry's Flavor.

>> No.12117202 [DELETED] 
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>Ben and Jewry's

>> No.12117212

Based. Americone dream is also good.

>> No.12117214


>> No.12117217


>> No.12117299

Not when strawberry ice cream exists.

>> No.12117310

phish food

>> No.12117450
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Half Baked is the best flavour. If you disagree you're literally a faget.

>> No.12117456
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>eating sugar and diary

>> No.12117457

I'm gay btw not sure if that matters

>> No.12117465

The best flavor of Ben & Jerry's is cyanide and I suggest you eat a pint immediately. Faggot.

>> No.12117469
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That's what I got the last two times, but I got this tonight to mix it up, never had it before.

>> No.12117475
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I'd rate that second best after Half Baked, good choice anon.

>> No.12117485
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>A Challenger appears!

>> No.12117491
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>Eating the most cucked brand of SJW ice cream
Jesus fuck guys, I never knew /ck/ was so full of faggots.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><marquee direction="left" width="250" height="50" behavior="alternate"><marquee direction="down" height="50" behavior="alternate">&#x1F3C0;</marquee></marquee></div>

>> No.12117500

they were originally going to make bagels

>> No.12117501

late night snack was pretty good but I think half baked might be the best

>> No.12117812

My opinion:

God tier:
>Half Baked
>Tonight Dough
>Americone Dream

>> No.12117872

Cry more

>> No.12117903
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For me it's the Cherry Garcia Froyo

>> No.12117907

Socialist scoop beats it all.

>> No.12118300
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I can confirm the cherry garcia is the best favor by a green mile and I don't even like cherry's

>> No.12118310

Simpleton*<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F3F3;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.12118314

There is nothing cucked about eating John Oliver flavored Ben & Jerry's ice cream while your wife and her best male friend go watch a movie together. I even payed for the tickets so I know it's not a date. So shut up damnit<div class="like-perk-cnt"><div style="text-align:right"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/verified.png"></div></div>

>> No.12118318


>> No.12118344

For me it is the humble Pecan #Resist.

>> No.12118350

>dude it's full of CUNKS
Fuck off Ben and Jerry's is just overrated overpriced shit for autistic mouths who are really tastelets

>> No.12118548

Chocolate ice cream is DISCUSTING

>> No.12118551
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This shidd lidd

>> No.12118768

i stese around the gas station I work at. i can get 2 for 10. how good are they?

>> No.12119718
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Shame they use flavourless white chocolate has its flavour completely drowned out by the sweetness of the ice cream. Should have used a stronger tasting white chocolate.

pic is my fav

>> No.12119722

I prefer cake batter. It's very hard to find though. I don't know if they even make it anymore. Cinnamon bun is great too

>> No.12119734
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Imagine being such a faggot that gets upset because of petty politics surrounding ice cream.

>> No.12119954
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haha, not even close.

>> No.12120611


>> No.12120651

Wrong it’s mint chocolate chip.

>> No.12120687

What's the big deal with these overpriced little pots of shit? I've never wanted to pay for one

>> No.12120715

tfw no mint eastwood flavor

>> No.12120718
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>he just found out that /pol/tards are the biggest snowflakes in existence

>> No.12120749

I prefer my ice cream to be politics free

>> No.12121198

I, too, am a simple man

>> No.12121242
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Excuse me, I need to get to the front of the line.

>> No.12121832

bobs and vagine?

>> No.12121837
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>sweet chocolate and vanilla ice cream clashes with salty peanut butter pretzels

This is my end-all be-all ice cream. I would eat this before they carry out my lethal injection

>> No.12121929

I miss the old flavor when it was French vanilla ice cream with salted caramel swirls with chocolate covered potato chips. The new one tastes too much like a variation of half-baked.

>> No.12122092

>Ben and Jerry's
Into the trash where it belongs. Fuck those libcucks and their overpriced icecream

>> No.12122102

Nothing is apolitical. Confectioners probably all vote Democrat because they’re tired of getting screwed by Florida sugar growers and their Republican lapdogs.

>> No.12122115

Thanks for correcting the record.

>> No.12122122
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ITT: Literal zoomster children who weren't around to have the real god-tier ice cream. The shit that they have now isn't even the same

>> No.12122125

It's because they're all old bitter hippies

>> No.12122304

Cheesecake core one is better

>> No.12122410

sweet jesus christ on a bicycle that sounds absolutely and disgustingly indulgent. if i ever find out my days are running short i know what i'm going to eat myself to death with

>> No.12122520

>eating (((Icecream)))

>> No.12122568

There's a reason it's still on sale even after The Colbert Report ending

>> No.12122571

>supporting liberals

Lol no.

>> No.12122727

Anyone remember when Ben & Jerry's made the fried catfish flavor ice cream for a year?

>> No.12122943


How autistic do you have to be to drag politics into a discussion about ice cream flavors?

>> No.12122978

>How autistic do you have to be to drag politics into a discussion about ice cream flavors?

Ben and jerrys are liberal supporting degenerate faggots and so is anyone that purchases their products.

>> No.12123018
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Simple is best.

Have sex, incel.

>> No.12123022

Anyone who eats this stuff is disgusting this barely passes for food. Its peak degeneracy in a tub.

>> No.12123023


>> No.12123025

But ben en jerries is literally making their ice cream political. How the fuck does one make ice cream political is beyond me

>> No.12123028

Isn’t this the company that tweeted “Despite making up 13% of the population” the other day?

>> No.12123048

How do you make a chicken sandwich political? More importantly why?

At least with B&J's it's a milquetoast "I'll say something nobody can disagree with" kind of pseudo-politics. So people who need politics can get it with their ice cream, and people who don't care can still eat ice cream without worrying that they're supporting genocide or whatever.

>> No.12123109



>> No.12123114

>I'll say something nobody can disagree with

then why do so many people disagree if it can't be disagreed with

>> No.12123124
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>> No.12123210

t. incel redditor from r/braincel

>> No.12123437

Meh, Hagen-Daaz is better.
Where did you see that? B&J are massive Berniefags based in Vermont.

>> No.12123739

I don't know. I don't buy that shit brand anymore. Fuck Colbert and fuck Alec Baldwin.

Willie is still based, though.

>> No.12123745

>no spoiler board

Fuck it. I stand by that.

>> No.12124083
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>> No.12124087
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why are right winger such fragile snowflakes?

>> No.12124217

for me, its half baked

>> No.12124296

no experience with being unprivileged, they don't have any practice not being the cat's meow like black people do

>> No.12124300

*minorities in general, but agreed.

>> No.12124359


>> No.12124370

>(((bernstein * jewy's)))

>> No.12124410

I hope the trump administration bans antisemitism

>> No.12124480

You mean black privilege like black Smollett getting let off by a black prosecutor in a black city to appease other blacks?

>> No.12124504

Black people are subhumans though, they dont deserve the same privilege as superior white people, they should fuck off back to africa

>> No.12124506

>drag politics into ice cream
B&J have an entire flavor supporting illegal immigration and a flavor for that America-bashing faggot communist Colbert. Im not giving them a dime.

>> No.12124515

you are giving a lot of your tax dollars to israel anyways lmao

>> No.12124540

New B&J flavor: Dindu Muffin

>> No.12124551
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For me, it's Americone Dream

>> No.12124565

>my ancestors had access to the apparatus we use to build wealth for hundreds of years while black people didn't but hey look at this well-connected black person having his charges dropped the same way well-connected white people do!

>> No.12124586
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If everyone was taxed equally I'd wind up giving about $9.00 a year to Israel. I consider that an investment to keep them inside their merchant containment zone.

Doesnt mean Im shelling out $5 a pint so a company can litterally cram its politics down my throat

>> No.12124607

you are still a slave to them, while they affect your politics. Just wait till they lobby enough to ban antisemitism and based trump obligues them

>> No.12124608

and where do you think white people aquired that apperatus? do you think it just magically appeared out of thin air? no. white people are superior therefore we invented it while the blacks sat around in their mud shit huts eating grass

>> No.12124642
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Could you imagine being so insecure about your entire life that a brand of ice-cream triggers your autistic political rage?

I sure can't.

>> No.12124653

then why do liberals/trannies/faggots not eat at papa johns or chick fil a. could you imagine be so insecure about your entire life that a pizza chain or chicken chain triggers your autistic poloigical rage.

how does it feel that the shoe is now on the other foot.

>> No.12124657

i'm a fucking gay ass faggot and i still eat chick-fil-a regularly. eat my ass

>> No.12124671

and there will also be right wing individuals who continue to consume the devils ice cream, doesn't mean the people who choose intergrity over gluttony are autistic.

>> No.12124686

If you were a celebrity, what would your Ben & Jerry's flavor be with a picture of you on it?

>> No.12124694

That's already happened to a certain degree. It's now illegal in the US to advocate for or participate in a boycott of israeli products. US best goyim!

>> No.12124699

I never said that the people who are screeching about pizza and chicken are right either. I don't eat Papa Johns because we got better pizza here, and I don't eat Chick Fil' A because we don't have them.

If anything the only problem I have with Chick Fil' A is that they use their profits to push their religious ideals on others who don't want to be a part of it. At that point I don't care if they're Democrats or Republicans. That's just a shitty thing to do.

>> No.12124705

Wavy Gravy, but it's actually just gravy.

>> No.12125323
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>> No.12125348

>100 posts
>no Half-Baked
I know it's basic but C'MON

>> No.12126068
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this sounds good af
based brownie

lmaoing @ all the triggered

>> No.12126096

Nobody sane. Obviously there will always be the mentally ill who will get upset and triggered by banalities like "racism is bad" or "we should fight global warming"

>> No.12126104

The oatmeal cookie one.

It's the best ice cream I ever done ate.

>> No.12126107

Imagine supporting a company that wants you exterminated
Seething tranny

>> No.12126185


>> No.12126270

Whats wrong with being racist?

>> No.12126282

You're annoying, and there's a containment board specifically for you.

>> No.12126297

wtf, that's way too much shit. the best ben and jerry's flavor for me is cherry garcia. simple, real cherry, dark chocolate. it's the shit. overall the best flavors are probably coffee or pistachio though

>> No.12126326


>> No.12126342

So we need a containment board for liberal sissies faggots and niggers then

>> No.12126359

That's called the rest of the internet, dum dum. Saying "nigger" on 4chan stopped being edgy 15 years ago.

>> No.12126374

B&J are way too politically subversive.
Haggen Dazs is the same or better quality and identical price, and the only logical choice.

>> No.12126450

This honestly. I'll buy your product rather you lean left or right. Start using your product to push a political agenda and you've lost me.

>> No.12126469
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u can hate ben and jewwy's because of the politics but is NO ONE gonna mention that they're rediculously over fucking priced

$6 for a fucking pint of brownie batter core? no thank u ill stick to the 7-Selects GoYum!™ Chocolate Fudge Tracks for only $4.19 a pint

>> No.12126472

Yeah instead of gassing all the jews or not gassing any jews, let's just gas some jews, right? Oops not right, both sides are bad, I mean center? Or should I say, enlightened center?

>> No.12126486

Yes because asking a company to not push a political agenda is the equivalent to wanting to gas the Jews. At least pretend to not be a radical leftist when trying to be objective.

>> No.12126499

>Go! Yum
I honestly almost respect them for being so straight forward.

>> No.12126520

What a shit comparison. You're only furthering the stereotype that you people can only think in absolute extremes.

>> No.12126532

It's not a stereotype, redditors only deal in extremes. They are closer to being nazis than actual nazis.

>> No.12126534
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>> No.12126763

Pretty good but nothing beats some Pistachio ice cream on a waffle cone

>> No.12126850

top poverty

>> No.12128304

this is literally the best flavor.

local Handles ice cream shop has this as Spouse like a House and it's elder god tier. glad I moved because I can't resist it.

>> No.12128310

I like to put it into my oven and let it melt a little.

I would also like to put a lot of other things into an oven.

>> No.12128313

I think I smell the dilated flesh wound of an discord tranny.

>> No.12128375

Ben and Jerry's are a bunch of liberal cucks trying
to brainwash social media users via misleading advertisements.

>> No.12128949

Does it chuckle and hammer the table with every bite?

>> No.12128966
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>> No.12129003

>Imagine supporting a company that wants you exterminated
planned parenthood

>> No.12129220

>support the rights of oppressed minorities
>omfg, they advocate white genocide
This is why you're ilk is laughed at. white genocide
When did they advocate that?

>> No.12129606
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>> No.12129838

7-11 is god-tier drunk food though.

>> No.12129861


They might as well just go ahead and make that flavor. At least half their customers will unironically buy it.

>> No.12130190


>> No.12130273
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It's more common than you think.

>> No.12130312
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>> No.12130323

It's the funniest and most intelligent comic of our generation.

>> No.12130351

Just because someone is an anti-semite doesn't mean they don't make good comedy. Look at Mel Gibson.

>> No.12130354

>bends your spoon

why is this shit so thick

>> No.12131496

I don't know a single gay person who doesn't eat at Chick Fil A. When your therapist told you to talk out your frustration more, this isn't what he meant.

>> No.12131825

>hahaha drumpfie you mad that hundreds of thousands of illegals are entering our country

yes, which is why there will be a wall, and why he is going to be re-elected

>> No.12131904

I was born and raised in Texas and Tillamook shits all over Blue Bell.

>> No.12131912
File: 18 KB, 198x229, garcia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, Cherry Garcia is easily the best flavor of Ben and Jerry's.

>> No.12131916

Quality over quantity, you poor bitch.

>> No.12131923

cherries are garbage and so is your whore mother you son of a bich basterd

>> No.12131974

Yeah, for retards

>> No.12131982

Two scoops

One term

No wall

>> No.12132574

this is their worst flavor

>> No.12133262

Groovy Splatooney
Inkling piss and cum and chocolate grooves.

>> No.12133491

best* flavor

>> No.12134027

no there wont be a wall, he had both houses and did diddly dick. You shithead cultists will even say that there will be a wall after he will get impeached, lmao

>> No.12134032

yes dude, every CEO is a closet cultural marxist just waiting for capitalism to collapse due to interracial sexual imagery, kys cringy incel

>> No.12134043

thanks based Trumpstein

>> No.12134058
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Don't mind me and my superiority.

>> No.12134072
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Can't remember the last time I had ice cream