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12105752 No.12105752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Vegan dairy substitutes taste better than actual dairy products.

>> No.12105766

Haha. I respect your opinion Jim! We're all about respect here on 4chan. Haha.

>> No.12105771
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>change my mind
To a fine pink mist.

>> No.12105793
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>> No.12105795
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Based triggered meatcuck wanting to kill people because they are altruistic as opposed to paying for animal murder!

>> No.12105797

American milk tastes different from everywhere else. Even Canadian milk has less of that protein-y aftertaste. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

>> No.12106684

Vegans pay for animal murder, on an industrial scale, and don't give the slightest fuck about the animals they kill.


>> No.12106697

Steven Crowder is a miserable cunt and so are vegans.

>> No.12106701


>> No.12106744
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You haven't had good milk then.

>> No.12106751

Milk is delicious and pretending to not like it is soy

>> No.12106761

If we aren't supposed to eat meat why do vegans have to consume supplements to prevent themselves from dying due to a lack of animal food products?

>> No.12106852
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vegan egg substitutes probably taste like fried asshole compared to the real thing

>> No.12106856

Stop posting that raging faggot.

>> No.12106863

Ate vegan for three years, never took a single supplement, and felt completely fine.

I don't get this meme.

>> No.12106864

I a huge meat eater but I haven’t been disappointed by vegan food yet. Won’t convert unless there’s lab grown meat, but I genuinely enjoy a lot of replacements.

>> No.12106873

>being a delusional hypocrite equates to altruism

>> No.12106925

don't you mouth off to me, i'l ban you so fast it
ll make your head spin

>> No.12107069

I think a lot of milk is scorched during pasteurization which changes the taste. Better brands just taste "cleaner" and sweeter.

>> No.12107081

Almost as if animal vitamins tend to be fat soluble.
You ate yourself

>> No.12107149

You better ban me, homo.

>> No.12107227

Let me guess: "muh crop deaths."

These people actually can't comprehend that animals eat.

>> No.12107239

Vegan for 11 years and haven't taken any supplements in many years unless you count fortified foods like plant based milks and stuff like that. I know it's best to take supplements or monitor your eating to make sure you're getting everything, but I'm just lazy and do what I want. Still perfectly healthy though, and even cured my anemia and chronic nausea by going vegan. Also pretty sure my IQ increased by at least 20 points. I was in such a fog before and looking at my old posts I made online makes me cringe. I was basically like you guys back then lol.

>> No.12107241
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Veganism is a dead end for the simple reason that brown people do not literally give a shit about animals and will also eat you and your cats,

>> No.12107378

>i'll ban u
>deafening silence
That's what I thought, little bitch.>>12106873

>> No.12107386

>getting upset by fun banter
it's a matter of personal taste of course, but i could see why someone would enjoy almond milk over cows milk, or whatever. Of course, the vegan substitute is practically devoid of nutrients, whereas a high quality dairy is incredibly nourishing and healthful.

>> No.12107388

>pretty sure my IQ increased by at least 20 points
it didn't, regardless of any health benefits veganism may or may not have that's assuredly not one of them

>> No.12107396

little known side-effect of veganism is acute osteoporosis in the funny bone, with serious detriments to their sense of humor

>> No.12107407

Well, I graduated high school with like a 2.5 GPA or something like that (granted I skipped like half of high school and didn't care but still). People always thought I was on drugs even though I wasn't. Now I'm going to one of the world's best universities as an honors student. I can't say it was veganism that improved my mental function but I don't know what else it would have been. I was thinking it could have been allergy related. I cured my chronic nausea instantly, so maybe it had an effect on my brain functioning as well. It would be an interesting thing to study is all I'll say.

>> No.12107424

I used to work for coke. I refuse to drink that fairlife shit. Milk shouldn't be able to sit in a hot wearhouse for days without spoiling.

>> No.12107431

The soy induced chemical castration is not worth it.

>> No.12107434

>doing better better in college than in high school, how could that be?
>granted I skipped like half of high school and didn't care
You answered your own question.

>I don't know what else it would have been
Your brain isn't done developing by the time you finish high school, especially if you're a guy. It's not abnormal at all for one's focus to improve between high school and college.

>allergy related
>chronic nausea
I don't know. If it did indeed fix those issues that probably would help you perform better in school if only because it's one less distraction, but that's not exactly the same as increasing your IQ by 20 points.

>It would be an interesting thing to study.
Completely serious on this point. If you really do think it played a role then look into it. If you could actually prove that switching to veganism increases IQ by 20 points (that's over 1 standard deviation) you could have a Nobel prize in your future. I think it's a long shot, but I'm just a schmuck on the internet. Ask a biology professor.

>> No.12107442

surely you're not actually stupid enough to think that vegan cheese tastes better than real cheese right?

>> No.12107461
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Except it does.

>> No.12107471
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why don't you get your allergies tested then genius

>> No.12107477 [DELETED] 

I dread doctor's visits. My mom was always dragging me to the doctor as a child. I have Hashimoto's disease and turns out she was right to take me to the doctor all those times and the doctors are pretty dumb for not figuring it out sooner.....but long story short - that, along with a doctor repeatedly asking me if I had been raped and making me cry in the office lead to me being apprehensive about going to the doctor's. So I just go maybe once a year and don't bother with anything like that. Last I checked allergy tests were expensive too and I'm a poor student.

>> No.12107478

You can't really match the experience of a full cream milk with any of that vegan shit, but I agree almond milk can be pretty fucking good.
Soy milk is tastes alright too, if you can get over xenoestrogen I.

>> No.12107479

I dread doctor's visits. My mom was always dragging me to the doctor as a child. I have Hashimoto's disease and turns out she was right to take me to the doctor all those times and the doctors are pretty dumb for not figuring it out sooner.....but long story short - that, along with a doctor repeatedly asking me if I had been raped and making me cry in the office led to me being apprehensive about going to the doctor's. So I just go maybe once a year and don't bother with anything like that. Last I checked allergy tests were expensive too and I'm a poor student.

>> No.12107484

Cashew cream is better than full cream milk. Also soy doesn't affect male hormones.


>> No.12107494
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>Hashimoto's disease
and don't you think that might be the cause for you doing poorly in HS and fine later on?

>> No.12107495


Is there any mass of intelligence between your ears?

>> No.12107504


My mental function started improving after I went vegan though, not after I first started getting treatment for Hashimoto's disease.

>> No.12107505

cheese is on a level of it's own
soy milk is atrocious but tofu is alright
coconut milk is best for latte

>> No.12107529
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>after I went vegan though, not after I first started getting treatment for Hashimoto's disease.
but the effects of your treatment (stabilized hormonal levels, proper adult development) and your vegan diet coincide chronologically

What are the odds that
>you have a endocrinal disease
>an unknown food allergy that causes similar negative effects to the aforementioned disease

>> No.12107534

They said vegan dairy substitutes. Calm down.

>> No.12107537
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This stuff is genuinely better than any sliced cheese I've had before in my life.

>> No.12107538

I would say that plant milk is delicious and icecream is delicious but the cheese is shit. That said, I don't mind not eating cheese because the dairy industry is just as cruel as the meat industry but I haven't found a suitable cheese replacement yet.

>> No.12107602

Fuck yeah. I love this stuff and I'm not even vegan.

>> No.12107607

Milk your own cows or go to a local farm and ask for milk. Making cheese isn't difficult
>but I live in a big city
Either drive walk cycle or live like a canned sardine

>> No.12107608

>Milk shouldn't be able to sit in a hot wearhouse for days without spoiling.
It's just high temperature pasteurization, above boiling temp. It does make the milk taste a bit worse to most people but it's not that strange.

>> No.12107613

>responding to banter with genuine insults