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12058335 No.12058335 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that 1 egg = 5 cigarettes

>> No.12058347

Cigarette fort! Now I will light up this egg for some smoooooth satisfaction.

>> No.12058348

Ate 4 eggs today

>> No.12058425

How does the egg get in your lungs?

>> No.12058476

so eggs make you 5 times cooler than cigs

>> No.12058478

1 egg = 1 assmad vegan
if thats not incentive, it don't know what is

>> No.12058490

>getting cancer to trigger the one vegan on 4chan
My work here is done

>> No.12058686

daily reminder that a 117 year old italian woman ate 3 eggs daily since she was a teenager

>> No.12058693

There are plenty of 100 year olds who have smoked since they were young.

>> No.12058715
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I tried switching to eggs when I quit smoking, but had a hell of a time getting them lit!

>> No.12059313
File: 2.72 MB, 626x360, Surly king of the egg fort.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12059322

Smoked how much though? Obviously smoking causes health problems, but nicotine does have some benefits. A lot of them drink alcohol too but only one or two drinks a day, and none of them are obese.

>> No.12059336
File: 38 KB, 334x469, 2atld1_better_version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah they do

>> No.12059338

Daily reminder that nobody, NOBODY likes vegans.

>> No.12059340

I wish. One egg and one cigarette are basically the same price.

>> No.12059519

Who said anything about vegans? Do you have a boogeyman?

>> No.12059523


>> No.12059562


>> No.12059585

Is that the lady in South Florida? She's out in the sun in a bikini every day because she's addicted to tanning, of course she turned into jerky.

>> No.12060162

>Thinking the digestive system is similar to the lungs
when the race war happens lets add vegans to the list of degenerates

>> No.12060389

>being this retarded

>> No.12060442

>Vegans think lying like this helps their case

Reminder that chickens lay eggs as a normal part of their reproductive cycle, and unfertilized eggs would just go to waste without use.

>> No.12060448
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No, it's only vegans who say complete bullshit like that.

>> No.12060609
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>> No.12060691

Shit, didnt know my daily smokes was only an eggs worth

>> No.12060695

>And none of them are obese
When was the last time you saw somebody in their 80s that didnt look like a fucking ghost? Your body stops being able to process food after awhile, living that long guarantees turning into a skeleton

>> No.12060700

You pay $6 for 20 eggs?

>> No.12060712

Yeah but I smoke 5 eggs and eat 1 cigarette.

>> No.12060977

A dozen eggs is like $2.60, so yeah, it's pretty close.

>> No.12060989

I read from one supercentenarian that she had a shot of scotch whiskey every night before bed

honestly it seems like it's just luck of the draw

>> No.12060999

I pay $.99-$1.19 for 18 eggs.
Checkmate whatever country you're from
America: egg

>> No.12061032
File: 16 KB, 420x420, 7EEB119A-6DC6-4D14-B20F-23A9827D5143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a rural area, we get farm eggs for free.
>any semi decent job makes you rich
>liberals are ignored
>gun laws that /k/ommandos masturbate to
>all the police are nice to me, and I’m not even a bootlicker
>95% white population (if you include Native American blood)
Man it feels good to be flyover

>> No.12061047

Things being cheap doesn't make up for everything else you listed; things are cheap because nobody actually wants to live in such a shithole.

>> No.12061056

>things being cheap doesn’t make up for everything else you listed
Are you implying that anything I listed is bad?

>> No.12061088

I just look at your pic and knew I didn't want to live anywhere near wherever you felt at home.

>> No.12061129

That’s fine, to each their own.
But seriously look at what you posted. Unless English isn’t your first you should know that what you posted means that you consider those things bad, or that you consider cheap things bad.

>> No.12061143

Daily reminder that most studies about people eating eggs are usually polling people who assume their Sausage egg cheese mcmuffin was/is a good source of getting good egg.

>> No.12061158

I wished we lived in a time where buying a house and raising a family was affordable outside of deep flyover land, but as much as I like "cheap" (i.e. affordable) things, it's not worth living in a place where Walmart is your only option for buying groceries. Also can't imagine living somewhere where I'd have to interact with Trump supporters on a daily basis.

>> No.12061439

and yet you come to 4channel

>> No.12061469

i just smoke my eggs for 10 times the nicotine

>> No.12062186

I hope so, I eat 4-10 a day.

>> No.12063691 [DELETED] 

kys and sage

>> No.12063766

you guys are so silly you dont have to smoke the egg you need to BOOF it

>> No.12063804

How egg out he come?