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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12030649 No.12030649 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ have any memories or tics that make them crave a certain food or drink item?

For me, Twin Peaks is my favorite show of all time and anytime I watch it I feel compelled to have multiple cups of hot black coffee while viewing--not matter the time or place.

>> No.12030661

I bet you're a great human being.

>> No.12030704
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I wouldn't describe myself that way but every day there are opportunities to become a better person and its certainly worth the effort to seize those moments.

>> No.12030706

U basic

>> No.12030771

Interesting thread op.

Yeah if I go swimming in the river I want to drink lots of cheap pinot grigo. Its something from my childhood.

>> No.12030793

I always have a craving for cheap lambrusca wine when I am looking down on Rome from the gianicolo hills.

its because of a great memory.

>> No.12030796


>> No.12030803

After spending the day at the beach, I gotta get a spam musubi and a 40 oz from the nearest 7-11. Consume both on the ride home, then immediately go to sleep.

>> No.12030833
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>> No.12030848

no donuts/cherry pie? Or those baguette butter and brie sandwiches? I'm with you on the coffee though, I just usually also feel compelled to have a donut

>> No.12030851
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>> No.12030856

Is it often that you look down on rome from the gianicolo hills?

>> No.12030875

Different anon, but I always go for coffee and pie when I know I'm going to marathon some TP. Never liked donuts, and it's practically impossible to find a good baguette in the States - can't imagine how hard it would have been 25 years ago.

>> No.12030916

Look at this poor faggot!!!

>> No.12030920

It was called qbasic retard

>> No.12030931

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion it is by the juice of the Sapho that thoughts acquire speed the lips acquire stains the stains become a warning it is by will alone I set my mind in motion

>> No.12031507
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The Appalachian mountains. Particularly sunsets. I would sit near my papaw and enjoy the smell of his pipe tobacco while drinking a cold RC and enjoying a moonpie. Sometimes the fireflies would rest right on my hand to dry and grab a nibble.

Comfy childhood moments.

>> No.12031513

Whenever I think of her, I think about booze. Doesnt matter what it is, just as long as it helps me forget.

>> No.12031518

lmao get a load of this country bumpkin

>> No.12031524
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>> No.12031566

That's really sweet man.

>> No.12032089

I always want to (and sometimes do) eat a fuckload of hummus after concerts because my family used to see shows in a theatre across the street from a Greek restaurant we'd eat at that served endless hummus as an entree.

>> No.12032938
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>you can never go back

>> No.12032950

At the last hour and a half of our jouney into the Great White North we had a very long dirt road left, usually it would be sundown. We'd stop at the last gas station and I'd get a cream soda. Probably the only one I'd have all year, but every time I get near that road I have to have a cold Cream Soda in the fading summer heat.

>> No.12033481
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>swimming, beach, appalachians, long dirt roads

this has turned into a wholesome thread
how long before the broken fucks of /ck ruin it
keep up the comfies lads

>> No.12033499
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I've been aenemic my whole life and have too eat nearly a carnivr diet to get enough meat. So I've been eating cabanossi with fruit joghurt as a kid (used the sauage instead of a spoon).

So everytime I feel down I terrorize my spouse with it.

>> No.12033579
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Easter and july 4th crawfish boils (pronounced berls) and spring break boucheries

>> No.12033811
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Ok, I'll keep the wholesome going.
Whenever I am working in the garden I start craving borscht. I'll put down the shovel, walk down a verdant rural meadow back to the house. I'll sit on the deck in the shade, listen to the ducks quacking and the bugs buzzing and enjoy a nice bowl of beet soup. We always can a bunch of it in the late autumn on the previous year and keep them in the cold room. It's all natural, all home grown stuff from the very garden I'm replanting or weeding. It's not a protein rich soup or anything, no meat, and its weird to have a hot soup when you're coming in from a hot day of yardwork, but it just tastes right. Tastes like bucolic paradise

>> No.12033921

when i smell some coffee with milk it reminds me wheni was a child and stayed at my grandmas house and my breakfast was crackers with coffee ad milk and it was my favourite. inlove that smell even tho id rather drink my coffee black

>> No.12033937

whenever i'm really sad i'll crave velveeta mac and cheese because my mom used to make it for me to cheer me up as a kid

>> No.12033956

McDonalds and the fifth element Chinese food with office space steak with the matrix

>> No.12033963

dont worry anon, everyone was young and dumb once. I'll see you around brooklyn

>> No.12033982
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>> No.12034064

If I see someone making biscuits and gravy I have an irrational urge to eat cold pizza and have a beer. It's a holdover from my college days

>> No.12034073

After I masturbate to porn I have to stuff my face with candy

>> No.12034081

Speaking of dune I used to snack on cinnamon altoids while reading it

>> No.12034205

>typical broken home situation
>dad only sees me an sis every other weekend
>he used to work for distribution co that did snacks/candy
>one summer he let me work a week-long run with him
>most vivid and happy memories to date
>he always let us get 'samples' out of the back
>on ski trips and fishing trips he got us McDonald's for breakfast
>now I eat a lot of egg mcmuffins when it snows
>and I eat candy when I get stressed
>I'm obese and diabetic because I miss you dad

>> No.12034220

If I'm on a long road trip and want to stop to eat, I always opt for Hardee's. My dad and I traveled a lot and we ate there whenever we could. One of us would say we were hungry which meant we drove until we found a Hardee's or got hungry enough to eat something else

>> No.12034274
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my dad taught at the middle school I went to and some mornings we stopped by Hardees and would get those fucking huge crispy chicken biscuits

that shit would probably nuke my digestive system now but i loved it back in the day

>> No.12034290

Madmen made me want to get Choward's violet mints, and I did. They're pretty damn good but a bit strong the first time

>> No.12034291

You're not obese because you miss your dad.

You're obese because your dad taught you that it was OK to eat junk food.

>> No.12034316

Whenever I would watch breaking bad I'd have some tortilla chips with melted cheese and salsa.
Good times

>> No.12034477

No pie with that? hot black coffee and pie is very comfy

>> No.12034874

Based Kickstarter TV poster

>> No.12035077

based hillbilly poster

>> No.12035097
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in the long days of summer. when the sun doesn't set until 9pm or so I like to spend my afternoons and early evenings on the river casting a fly line to rising trout. I rarely ever drink sodas, but I always like to grab an ice cold Dr. Pepper from the local bait shop to drink on the drive home as I watch the sun disappear behind the mountains.