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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11998289 No.11998289 [Reply] [Original]

why are hipsters getting into offal and organ meat? is it because they are primarily consumed by ethnic minority groups, and poor people?

>> No.11998292

Does it really fucking matter? You don't necessarily have to fucking worry what the fuck other people are doing unless it directly affects you.

>> No.11998295

it does directly affect everyone

>> No.11998299

It directly affects your bullshit sensibilities because you're such an asshole you have to attack people over inane shit. No one cares you fucking loner asshole.

>> No.11998300

upvoted, my good friend

>> No.11998304

Oh, really, they are? Are there good offal cookbook out there already?

>> No.11998307

What year is it? Have I woken up in the past?

>> No.11998309
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hippie detected

>> No.11998310

>he thinks food culture is inane

>> No.11998313

do you always post in threads without having anything to contribute?

>> No.11998314

Hipsters are conservative? You're not even understanding the topic junior.

>> No.11998316

Eating certain people's meat is now food culture? I guess it would be for you faggot.

>> No.11998350

Please define hipster. Protip: you can't other than stating it's some amorphous, mythical grouping of people you hate.

>> No.11998356

Hipsters want to be special in their tastes and selections so when an item that they enjoy becomes common and mainstream they move onto something else that is more obscure. Soon they will be eating bowls of haute shit and saying that it is calorie rich and a complex taste.

>> No.11998357
File: 41 KB, 500x500, kotlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hi, it's this thread again :D BTFO, straight answer coming through.

First of all, offal went off the menu of the general public due to urbanization beause they are hard to preserve without refrigeration. Basically, unless you lived at a farming community, it didn't come by. At the same time, city slickers and sailors would pay with silver dollars for salt beef and pork, further increasing the prestige of straight meat cuts.

Then stepped in the processed food industry. They figured that volume is the king and rather than developing a product, processing it and trying to dump into market individually for every organ they just ground it and put either into pig fodder (also tried that with beef, oops) or into pic related. Only some holdovers like beef liver survived.

Secondly, we have internet now. And the hipsters, despite how bum they look, have surplus money and time. They get curious about it, search it, drive far and possibly even pay premium to get it, aint that the core of hipsterism?

Like >>11998292 said. If anything, this new information era helps to bring back *diversity* once lost into our food culture. It's going to be a fad for sure, but thankfully it's going countercurrent towards the general trend of veganism so it wont be like say, avocadoes.

>> No.11998359

Raising prices on offal doesn't directly affect people.

>> No.11998360

They kind of are now, actually. Histperism has morphed into this kind of weird right wing homesteader pickling movement. Everyone who is way into Christianity where I come from is always making their own kombucha and bread and stuff.

>> No.11998369

It affects me because I like those cuts of meats and they're hella cheap. I don't want some shitty ass yuppie millenials ruining how cheap these meats are.

>> No.11998412

>if you're not a sheep who only eats overpriced cuts of chicken, pig, and cow then you're a hipster and poor
You're the kind of guy who swears the breast is the best part of the chicken

>> No.11998426

you ARE a shitty ass millennial yuppie you fucking retard

>> No.11998436

>why are all these people buying the thing i like to buy whaaaaaaa

>> No.11998440

Not that guy but I have to admit that I dislike the act of trying to separate the meat and the gristle from those tiny little bones. Meanwhile, all that transparent crispy skin is hanging around.

I have kind of sensitive vomiting reflex, as a kid it was always terrible, doubly so if there were other people (as in not family) around, because I knew I was supposed to eat that meat and not be picky but at the same time had to go through and mush the meat with fine comb so not to get that rubbery lump of tendor into my mouth that would have inevitably caused the gag reflex, maybe even straight out vomit yet I knew I was suppoesd to just swallow that bit like a big boy and not cause an episode.

The same thing was with fish bones. I just knew it would be kind of offensive to start picking those off one's mouth. I never saw anyone doing it, certainly not as much as I did. Did the fucking adults really just eat those damn pike Y-bones?

Now black pudding, liver, kidney soup? Any time. I still never have chicken and very rarely fish other than herring.

>> No.11998455

Aint that sweet when the magic hand of the free market for no reason pulls down your pants and start to slap your ass?

That's the thing with it, it does what it wants. Sometimes we collectively want it not to do certain things, hence why there are legal limits and those pesky entitlements.

>> No.11998923

>Why are hipsters getting into X? Is it bc minorities do it?
Answered your own question OP

>> No.11998947

Food/travel shows keep telling them it's good so they want to at least try it. It also is keeping with the philosophy of using the whole animal, and the conscious carnivore wants to support local butchers that will sell that stuff

>> No.11998967

I dunno but I’ve always liked them, mum made them for me as a child.

>> No.11999104

It's sad that this happens, but what can you do. Being pissed at hipsters or any other strawman is kind of hypocritical. "They found YOUR secret thing and now it's ruined."

I'm a 30yo boomer (what am I still doing here?!) and I can remember actually when cow and pig hearts and kidneys came back into the grocery stores. For some time we would buy those for our cat, but then that stopped.

I cannot but speculate that either some richer folks started to treat their pets well too or some poorer people fond them well suited for human concumption. At least here, that driving up of the prices has already happened, you pay essentially the same price for liver as you do for "stew bits".

>> No.11999212

No, shit burger, I come from a country that uses those cuts for cuisine because they're cheap. You autistic yuppie faggot.

>> No.12000441

>being from a country stops me from being a millennial
so your entire country is yuppies. neat

>> No.12000458

Image being this stupid.

>> No.12000488

>hipsters getting into offal and organ meat
Is it 2004?

>> No.12000945

You're an idiot.

>> No.12001001

I guess it is more of a cultural thing. Ox tail, for example is a delicacy in UK and yet I have never seen it at American butcher shops.

>> No.12001004

how big of a cuck do people need to be to be effected by people they have never met or seen in person's eating habits?

>> No.12001016

There have always been conservative hipsters

>> No.12001026

>baking bread makes you a hipster
This might be the dumbest thing I've read all day.

>> No.12001083

When I was a kid they were icky. I absolutely always loved liverwurst and paté to the point of considering them treats, but as a kid I always thought it was gross because other kids did mostly. I'd be weird if I ate that stuff. Then I gave it a second shot as a teenager and it was really good, liver was delicious ball of the sudden, as were the kidneys from a whole roasted suckling pig. Mom got gifted a bunch of chicken giblets and made me rice and giblets with a nice onion-heavy broth, and now it's genuinely one of my favorite meals.

Like how a kid follows what the TV says is fun yummy kid food a lot of the time, adults do something very similar. My mother was a close friend of her boss, and she was once confused and said "huh? but that's poor people food" to my mother when mom mentioned how much she enjoys polenta with a simple tomato sauce. I've met people who are legit embarrassed to walk up to the check-out aisle with something that's not a well known brand name. Even with things that aren't branded, a lot of people automatically consider a piece of low-quality sirloin superior to a piece of nice pork belly for reasons having nothing to do with taste but with a lot of perception about who buys what and how you want to be perceived. There's a ridiculously large amount of what I consider undue consideration for food as a measure of social status, and that kept offal from being something anyone would even dare talk about eating unless they wanted to be thunk of as poor and beneath their peers.

I really don't think that it's so much hipsters driving the price up because they want to be those weird zany people who eat strange and unique animal parts. Food culture as a whole has gotten progressively a whole lot less rigid over the social hierarchy attached to some ingredients, and as people are now not spooked of the idea of getting caught buying what was often considered "peasant scraps", they're starting to figure out it's economical and can taste great.

>> No.12001123

>Like how a kid follows what the TV says is fun yummy kid food a lot of the time

I for one believe it to be food industry long strategy shillling to further narrow our palates in order to make feeding us with human fodder easier, meaning - only the few selected prime cuts and the rest goes into the sausage machine or burger patties. Why else?

>> No.12001168
File: 81 KB, 640x640, 12276937_837986806300178_409735498_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? almost every person i know has the most bland and lame diet, even people with money. i always go for the "scrap" cuts that i can turn into something great and blow peoples minds. ive literally never heard anyone say anything remotely like what youre saying with the exception of my dad who doesnt like dark meat chicken but not because its cheap but because hes a boomer tastelet and cooks everything into charcoal.

seriously who the fuck knows that polenta is poor people food? when hasnt well prepared offal been high cuisine? your entire post is full of lies and fuck

>> No.12001172

t. libertarian[ravaging homosexual]

>> No.12001211


Bobby Hill got gout from eating too much chicken liver, hopefully these hipsters will die out from their quirky food obsessions before they fuck up anything else

>> No.12001213 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really watch King of the Hill?

>> No.12001222


Partner, we live it

>> No.12001770
File: 54 KB, 720x486, 羊腰子.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's wasteful to not eat offal. It also has a lot of nutrients not found in regular tissue meat. It's also often quite cheap. Another thing is the reason people stopped eating it is because everything has to be a competition for social status, food included, and people decided certain foods were low-class and avoided them purely for that reason. Which is dumb since variety is a good thing, both in terms of enjoyment and nutrition. Also, offal tends to require specific cooking methods to make it nice, and as people lose traditional cooking skills, this compounds the problem.

It's smart to eat offal. Don't make it a hipster thing.

>> No.12001971

>poor people

Why ask the question if you already know the answer?
Yes. Hipsters eat offal because they are poor.

>> No.12002217
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I'm currently in Germany and these fucks eat organs all the time. Fucking peasant Krauts.

>> No.12002226

if you think about stuff like that then when something does affect you then theres nothing you can do about it since its gonna be too late
you are just a lazy faggot that goes "oh whatever haha doesnt affect me" just because nobody has knocked on your door yet
this isnt just about food

>> No.12002315

it's because offal is unpopular and they're hipsters so they insist on being counterculture, that's as deep as it goes

>> No.12002390
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I was eating livers and hearts before it was "cool"
I just thought they were tasty

>> No.12002805

All this talk about social status.

I have my herite pretty solidly in the landless rural working class and the old ways are still just barely in living memory. By what I have learned, I'd say even in traditional community, offal was firmly a farmstead and seasonal thing, because meat you could salt, most of that innards shit had to be cooked on the slaughter day.

Stuff we still sometimes eat are the bits that would keep a few days longer and thus would circulate in the community by some extent.