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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 226 KB, 960x960, etcbqvqew3i21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11993460 No.11993460 [Reply] [Original]

Who are these gay manchildren that make a steak and then need to slice the whole thing into pieces before they even eat it? This shit is retarded.

>> No.11993477

not as retarded as u tho Iol fuckin fag

>> No.11993488

Americans do this.The same fucking people that think eating raw meat is top gastronomy.

>> No.11993505

people who like to eat their steak without having to bother with a knife while eating. i don't know about you but cutting is a waste of effort and i'd rather just shovel that shit down my gullet while it's still warm.

>> No.11993514

Only a woman could write a post like this.

>> No.11993516

>while it's still warm.
lol the only real reason to not cut it beforehand is it stays hot longer

>> No.11993520

American here.
I just pick the steak up with my hands and start gnawing at it whole.
I like to think I am a caveman around a fire eating his fresh kill.
*oonga bunga pass the salt and pepper*

>> No.11993542

Makes a better and more dramatic presentation especially when presented as a centerpiece to a table of people.

>> No.11993553

every year I go out and get a steak for my birthday. fill up on the soup/salad and appetizer first, have a bite of steak, then take the rest home for later. when i wake up in the morning i stab the steak with a fork and chew on it until its gone. i love cold steak

>> No.11993562

Maybe for the amount of money that they're paying they like to be "doted" over, to feel executive or whatever.
Piss off, that's a euro thing. Keep goosestepping to merkel's beat you eurotrash cunt.

>> No.11993596

>I don't like how others eat their food
I can never imagine being such a whiny little bitch. I'd honestly kill myself

>> No.11993602

No one does, its like so many other things today... IS ALL FOR SOCIAL MEDIA

>> No.11993612

I won a $100 ruths chris gift certificate from work last Christmas so I took my girlfriend there and ordered one of those meme tomahawk ribeye steaks. As soon as gf saw it she was like "no no no" but it was like 3 in the afternoon and we were the only people there so I seized the opportunity and grug'ed that shit. Felt alpha as fuck. Would have been even more alpha if other people were there to watch, but I would have probably got broke up with.

>> No.11993614

Damn that's a good sear

>> No.11993688

Is that brisket or something? Why's there so much fucking fat?

>> No.11993718

If you were cooking a poor cut of meat like a London broil then it makes some sense to do this to counteract the toughness of the meat.
Otherwise I would agree, the meat gets cold too fast if you do this.

>> No.11993724

>Not cutting your food to eat
What the fuck are you going on about? You can't just eat a whole fucking steak strip in one bite you autist

>> No.11993725


>> No.11993726

I think OP was complaining about cutting the entire steak up all at once rather than cutting each bite before you eat it.

>> No.11993781

Euros are not fond of raw charred raw meat. Only retarded americans with no grasp of cooking do that shit and post their failure online.

>> No.11993825

If you're going to eat it right there anyway why does it matter?

>> No.11993834


>> No.11993852

That meat looks a bit too burnt.

>> No.11994149

that steak looks horrible

>> No.11994208

This is called tagliata di manzo you fat pig.

>> No.11994292
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asians do it all the time, how else are they going to eat a steak with chopsticks?

>> No.11994322

checked and /thread

>> No.11994331
File: 40 KB, 500x600, 1521662893640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not blue rare

>> No.11994338

its dumb only if you aren't eating immediately. you need to slice that shit up real fast because since more of it is exposed it can't retain it's heat as well as one entire steak
i think you're talking about when you get a plate full of food to cook to your desired level of doneness, that's different seeing as you'd be eating the piece almost immediately after cooking.

>> No.11994392

Because it is. It's basically ruined. A bit of burn here and there is acceptable, but that fucking thing looks horrible.

>> No.11994405

rent free

>> No.11994434

My understanding is: 1. Its done for presentation, it shows the red and with a sauce on top it covers it fully and looks great. 2. At lower quality restaurants they use it to serve less meat while making it look like more. Particularly when the steak is mid to low quality

>> No.11994446

some people just can't enjoy life, because they hate themselves so much

>> No.11994498

Cutting it cools it down...

>> No.11994510
File: 124 KB, 800x543, it baggers braunkohle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless you shovel it down like a braunkohlebagger the last pieces will be cold already when you get to them.

>> No.11994543
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>> No.11994545

it's burnt

>> No.11994554

I have a related question: how do you guys let the meat rest without it getting cold?

>> No.11994555

It's beautiful

>> No.11994585

Put it in a warm place, or cover loosely with foil while it rests.

It's supposed to cool down some while it rests. That's intentional. It's just not supposed to cool down all the way to room temp.

>> No.11994599

i do it because i only need a fork to eat it, way less annoying than cutting steak all the time

>> No.11994713

I never got thi either. Even the top chef chnnel o thi n leve huge pule of juice on the cutting bor

>> No.11994725

Asians eat raw seafood.

>> No.11994733


>> No.11994767

>Put it in a warm place
How warm can it be? I suppose the point is to not let it cook more

>cover loosely with foil while it rests
I will give that a try

thanks for the tip

>> No.11994821

>How warm can it be?
No warmer than the food was when you pulled it off the heat.

>> I suppose the point is to not let it cook more
Right. The idea is to let it cool down slightly. Not so much that it "tastes cold", but enough that the juices thicken a little so they don't run out when you cut into the meat.

>> No.11994848

wow, now thats a burnt ass steak

>> No.11994866

ok, thanks a lot. I'll try this next time

>> No.11995184
File: 534 KB, 1080x791, 1548980522368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunkenly eating a steak with my bare hands was my first experience with rare meat. i was too impatient for my friend to finish grilling it. i've been in love with rare steak since, especially the fat.

>> No.11995616

You dont let it rest, because thats a shit meme. All that happen is your meat gets cold and dry. Your meat is "resting" while its being eaten.

>> No.11995620

I see it in American movies all the time. People cutting up their entire meal, then putting down the knife and using the fork in the right hand to eat. I never see it anywhere else.

>> No.11995735

Kill yourself for spreading disinfo. You are a faggot and not my nigga.

>> No.11995758

you said it. There is so much salt to be mined on this board

>> No.11995773

it is for catering and large events where people just put the amount of steak slices they want to eat onto their plate

>> No.11995863

is this real life?

>> No.11995940

>3 in the afternoon
i thought Ruth’ Chris only opens for dinner? like, at 5:00??

>> No.11995947

The machine? Yeah. The mining industry uses some intense stuff.

>> No.11996038


>> No.11996150

It was one built into a casino if that matters, it opened at 11:30 for lunch

>> No.11996205
File: 1.37 MB, 2879x2663, Green Curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to see one of those moving. It was fucking surreal. I would never recommend watching either Ghostrider btw but there's a wonderful scene where he decides to use one that's just one of Hollywood's most magical moments.

Here, have some really shitty curry I made a long time ago so it's /ck/ related. Made the damned paste myself which was a bitch but it turned out WAY too thin and I didn't have sticky rice so I steamed basmati. Just fucking fail.

>> No.11996347

>meme tomahawk ribeye steaks
I know you acknowledge it's a meme, but I remember hearing somewhere that those are a waste of money because you're mostly paying for the bone, as they count that as weight for the meat.

>> No.11996408
File: 427 KB, 495x700, topcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real answer as to why Michelin starred steakhouses and people who know how to prepare steak does this is simple. Cutting it instantly stops it from cooking.