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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 640x360, scrambled-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11992189 No.11992189 [Reply] [Original]

Do you actually like your scrambled eggs this gooey? They look undercooked to me and I'd still be worried about salmonella when they're that runny.

>> No.11992192


>> No.11992198

I really wouldn't worry about salmonella. It's pretty rare for that to happen. Shit i eat egg rice but cracking a raw egg in hot rice and stir it; never gotten sick. If your that worried but the ende that are sterilized.

>> No.11992208

Yes they taste so much better that way and salmonella might as well be a myth
A fluffy scramble is a nice texture sometimes but it's never quite as pleasing

>> No.11992212

are you japanese?

>> No.11992217

You're missing out. French omelette is the best thing in the world.

>> No.11992220

No, gooey wet eggs smell and taste like wet dog. I like them fully cooked, even slightly browned.

>> No.11992259

He's adding a half a gallon of milk when he does that. The eggs aren't gooey as much as it's all suspended in a creamy egg gravy.

>> No.11992263

>They look undercooked to me
That's because you're stupid. You can say you don't like them made that way, but calling them undercooked is just ignorant.

>> No.11992266

No, because I don't jump on fad cooking.

>> No.11992267

They can be perfectly cooked and still be that gooey. You just need to cook them in a shitload of butter and and crème fraiche. That said, I prefer thicker curds like American diner style.

>> No.11992269


>> No.11992277

Scrambled eggs are a fucking meme and the only reason to not eat your eggs poached or fried somehow is because you want to make an omelet

>> No.11992278

No i just randomly came across TKG one day and have slight weeb tendencies. Shit is good and sticks to your runs better than oats in my shit opinion.

>> No.11992292

That shit is gross

>> No.11992310

you don't have to be a cunt about it, jeez

>> No.11992326

>look undercooked to me and I'd still be
good thing you're a retard that knows nothing then

>> No.11992334

Hell no. I can do with an omelette being slightly this texture in the middle, but that's as far as I'll go.

>> No.11992359

the temps that it reaches makes it safe
put your hand on the pan for as long as it can get to that state and see what happens
do you think bacteria will survive what can permanently destroy your skin?
only way a scrambled egg would be considered undercooked is if you can still see albumen in its goopy state
thats just wrong

>> No.11992368

cry more bitch, don't be surprised when come to the cooking board and get called out for saying stupid shit about cooking

>> No.11992388

salmonella is only on the exterior of the shell retard

>> No.11992398

Fuck runny eggs, it's a waste of the full potential of the ingredients.
Scrambled eggs can achieve perfect, fluffy light consistency with just that tiny bit of gooeyness inside and it's perfection.
Nothing wrong with liking liquid consistency in eggs but scrambling them is a pleb way to achieve that.
Also if egg doesn't draw strings when you stir it it's safe to eat, many dishes involve keeping eggs from solidifying.

>> No.11993732

Runny is great if you spread it on some toast/biscuit, but in its own runny scrambled is sub-par compared to slightly browned.

>> No.11993753
File: 28 KB, 640x360, Scrambled-Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a little bit of goo, but this is too runny for me. Nothing to do with salmonella, I just don't like the texture. Pic related looks about right to me. I don't like them completely dry and fluffy

>> No.11993779

>even slightly browned.
Browned eggs smell awful to me, unless it's for egg foo young for some reason. I don't like scrambled eggs runny, they should be moist but not with any liquid. Over easy eggs are best though.

>> No.11994249

I do mine slightly less runny than Gordon's, like 20-30 seconds more on the heat. I also think the creme fraiche is unnecessary.

>> No.11994544


>> No.11994575

no...it isn't

you...are gay

>> No.11994664

yes..it is, enjoy your diarrhoea

>> No.11995868

based and uneducatedpilled

>> No.11995970

For real though guys, how much milk do you guys put in? Or do you not put any milk in?

>> No.11995991

I used to use some according to eye, but now I don't use any. I just cook it in butter. Medium heat, slowly stirring.

>> No.11996006

Was thinking of doing that since I'm on a cut and trying to watch my calorie intake. I dunno what adding milk does anyway, I guess make it a tad bit gooier. I was always told a tbsp of milk for every egg added.

>> No.11996564

>not enjoying every preparation of egg imaginable

>> No.11996602

In the US only 1 in ~15,000 eggs have salmonella. I don't like ramseys egg goop, but it can be appealing if you like your breakfast to have a mild element of danger.

>> No.11998116

I just use the yolk and soy sauce

>> No.11998126
File: 27 KB, 640x426, baking-1846027640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back when you know something about cooking. This is what raw egg looks like you dipshit

>> No.11998146

obviously i want my scrambled eggs cooked to perfection like that.
also what shithole do you live in if you worry about salmonella?

>> No.11998202

i know how to not make shit semi raw undercooked puke

>> No.11998922

The one thing Gordon Ramsey does better than anyone is scrambled eggs. They taste so fucking good...

>> No.11998953

And that's a good thing

>> No.11998980

none, it's dumb

>> No.11998988

All the bad shit you are worried about is only on the shell. So just wash your hands after you are done with the shell and you're fine.

>> No.11998999

>add a shit load of butter
>stir constantly
Wow, how can anyone else ever compete?

>> No.11999019

if your mashed potatoes arent 2:1 potatoes to butter you're fucking up

>> No.11999067

Yes. The texture is almost custard like. It's very nice with toast.

>> No.11999069

so you'd rather they taste like farts?

>> No.11999072

>Do you actually like your scrambled eggs

>> No.11999312
File: 175 KB, 384x390, 1499290178453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this
>tfw my mom sucked at cooking and would add nothing to scrambled eggs, and overcook them so for the longest time I thought I didn't like eggs because they tasted rubbery

>> No.12000179

They could actually cook the eggs

>> No.12000186

Ramseys eggs are raw vomit

>> No.12000304

Fuck egg soup and fuck Gordon Ramsey

>> No.12000464

>eggs are cheap bro, just cook them in a bunch of expensive ass milk and cream and butter
Nah. poorfag's perfect lazy scrambled eggs:
>wash and dry a pot. I use a steel saucepan I got for $2 at goodwill
>put a shot of whatever cheap oil you got, i got canola, not too much or it gets oily-eggs
>heat it, slosh it around. the heat makes it more runny so it coats, get a bit on the sides too
>med-low to outright low
>crack 3 eggs directly into pot
>use a chopstick to break the yolk and mush it around. wooden spoons and whisks and shit are too big. use one chopstick from the chinese takeout set. I reuse them. why buy silverware if the chinks give 'em to you for free?
>keep whisking those fucking eggs
>when they're done, they'll be soft and fluffy, eat them
I tried the whole wisk in a bowl and add a shot of water and other bullshittery. this is the best method, and also cheap and easy.

>> No.12000576

If they're pasteurized, you probably won't need to worry about salmonella.


Scrambled is pretty good for egg burritos.

>> No.12000633

Who exactly are you talking about? And adding milk is a bad idea. It's mostly water by a long shot so to get the creamy texture you need to evaporate that by going longer or hotter both of which will curdle the eggs too much and you'll have a "grainy" texture. Either add more butter, cream, yogurt etc (higher fat dairy) or nothing.

>> No.12000826

He is obviously talking about Ramsey the dumb shit who popularised eating raw eggs, and pretending like you cooked them.

>> No.12001051

But that's wrong, people were widely eating proper french scrambled eggs long before Ramsay. I mean maybe not in murica. Part of being a good chef is knowing when to stop heating things, else by your metric the best steaks would be carbonised.

>> No.12001073

>Do you actually like your scrambled eggs this gooey?

If you like soft boiled eggs it's no different.

>> No.12001190


you don't need to raise food to a boiling temperature for it to be safe. A rare steak is something like 130F internal. Milk is pasteurized at something like 150F.

>> No.12001265

gooey and spreadable topped with chives on quality toast
it's so good because it's so simple

>> No.12001300

Cooking them like that involves cream and maybe cheese. That accounts for the texture.

I like them a little more set than that generally.

>> No.12001347

I prefer them when they're just a bit more cooked than that. They are perfect when they are still very soft and leave a bit of liquid on the plate, but are separated into distinct curds that are solid enough to scoop with a fork. Eggs like that are only decent on a crisp slice of toast but I don't care much for toast.

>> No.12001348

Everyone in Britain eats scrambled eggs like this. It isn't fucking just Gordon Ramsey

>> No.12001359

It is a fact that he popularized it in north America, and by your logic chicken is only good if it's still pink in the middle, have fun w salmonella fag

>> No.12001447

I agree. I like my eggs cooked. No nasty egg crust but no sliminess.

>> No.12001468

Based and eggpilled. Country-style scrambled eggs with a firm consistency and slightly browned on some parts is what you want.

>> No.12001479

Never seen anyone make it this way in England. I think it's a French thing. Like most French things it's nicer but takes 10x as long and it's gay as fuck

>> No.12001482

you can only get salmonella from salmon retard op

>> No.12001580

Adding milk is the same idea as adding cream, like you said it's just more water. If you watch the fuckface that is ramsey without the bajillion cuts, he stirs that shit forever and just barely enough heat to evaporate that water to do exactly as you describe.

Either way, I don't think people should be a fan of this egg curdle gravy bullshit. When someone cooks, the whole should be greater than the sum of its parts, it's an awful waste of both a lot of good dairy fat and the joy of that eggy flavor when they do this shit.

>> No.12001590

its raw meat and undercooked food dumbass

>> No.12001599

>chicken is only good if it's still pink in the middle
chicken can be as pink as it wants.
Pink has no bearing on if it's cooked to safety, only internal temperature.

>> No.12001639

pic related looks like mac n cheese

>> No.12001712

>when come to the cooking board
>unironically referring to this shit hole as a cooking board
anon, I ...I have some bad news

>> No.12001721

I generally dislike scrambled eggs regardless of how they are made. Over-easy or better yet over-medium is the patrician choice.

>> No.12001726

I routinely handle chicken and eggs then stuff all over the kitchen without giving my hands more than a dry wipe. Same for the cutting board. I've never had salmonella.

>> No.12001754

I thought it was just a filler that helped them get that fluffy consistency.

>> No.12001762

>In the US only 1 in ~15,000 eggs have salmonella
On the shell. So just crack the eggs cleanly into a bowl and literally none of them have salmonella.

>> No.12001764

You're more likely to get salmon hello from the shell then the inside.

>> No.12001771


based and perfectlycookedeggpilled

>> No.12001778


cringe and sticktothepanpilled

>> No.12001783

That brings back memories to middle school and high school for me. My dad would always be up at the crack of dawn, eat his plain, unflavored, unsugared oatmeal, then go around pounding the shit out of all our doors and exposed bedroom walls. Then he'd get started on overcooking the shit out of eggs to the point that it would make me queasy every single morning just to smell them all the way from my room. My parents used to flip out at me for refusing breakfast, but I could barely make it out the door for 7 years straight without feeling like I could vomit.

>> No.12001787

If your eggs are wet, you’re not cooking them long enough.

>> No.12001796

dad couldn't cook but at least he cared

>> No.12001805

Wrinkly boomer hands typed this post.

>> No.12002086

Fuck, the shell is my favorite part of scrambled eggs, it provides such a crispy crunch.

>> No.12002163

Well then enjoy your salmon hello!

>> No.12002172

Actually yes, as a kid I was scared by salmonella and hated runny stuff, but then a friend almost forced me to try them, and now I love them that way.
You should definitely at least try to make good undercooked eggs

>> No.12002213

>I'd still be worried about salmonella

What backwards fucking country do you live in? Calm the fuck down.

>> No.12002221

But in milk your adding over 90pc water. It ruins the texture if do or don't evaporate. That was my point, cream and butter have a lot less water. And yeah you just don't add enough to drown out the egg flavour. Beautiful rich creamy scrambled eggs.

>> No.12002223

It's a running gag on /ck/ to be scared of getting food poisoning from anything that isn't burned to a crisp

>> No.12002234

Well no, I specifically said they know when to stop the heat. Stay with me now: this timing is different depending on ingredient and desired outcome. Creamy (correct) vs uncooked or spongy (both incorrect) scrambled eggs, or juicy (correct) vs raw or burnt and tough (both incorrect). And yeah I already specified only in murica, an irrelevant country in terms of culinary expertise. Yeah southern, "lol just fry it" is not really difficult or unique; fried chicken and most Creole is French anyway.

>> No.12002259


>> No.12002269
File: 48 KB, 640x417, kotlet-jajeczny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i maade the gordon ramsey ones for the missus once and now it's our weekend staple. the thing is, it's not really runny or anything, it's just different. it's perfectly firm, but at the same time the taste is so much better, a lot creamier. i honestly highly recommend at least trying this method.
pic only vaguely related

>> No.12002279

that pic gives me an idea
has anyone ever tried to make lil deep fried balls of scrambled egg?

>> No.12002282
File: 7 KB, 238x183, 1551650953933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12002429

not that i heard, but it sounds pretty greasy. as for the burgers,
- hard boiled, chopped eggs
- one raw egg
- filler (fresh bread, breadcrumbs, millet etc)
- stuff for taste(green onion, salt pepper, etc)
- coating

boil eggs, chop them, add raw egg, filler, spices, whatever else you feel like, form burgers, coat with coating, fry. they're pretty good, i have them every couple of months. they're a staple in slav milk bars.

>> No.12002743

Salmonella has effectively been eradicated in the UK and it is safe to eat British eggs raw. Gordon is British.

>> No.12002843

Sounds interesting. I'm going to try it.

>> No.12002857

Also it sounds like it'd more satisfying than bean burgers which usually end up being too starchy.

>> No.12002985


>> No.12003007

Same. Runny egg yolk is gross makes me wanna puke.

>> No.12003010

I only use margarine

>> No.12003898

Heat it to a minimum of 70oC for 5min while cooking and that won't be a problem.

Life's too short for rubbery eggs.

>> No.12003908

Wow, look, a totally shit bait opinion just posted because it's contrarian as hell, and other absolute idiots who have never even tried to make scrambled eggs like OP because "they could fuck up" post about how it's "based and redpilled" like a bunch of fucking NPCs. Or they are just all joking and I dgaf because this is the hellhole of the internet and we are all just pissing in an ocean of piss.

>> No.12003914

take some deep breaths, autie

>> No.12003931

if raw egg gives you diarrhea, maybe the problem is your weak organs

>> No.12004010

if you cook eggs to eat them raw maybe the problem is you're a retard

>> No.12004264


>> No.12004296

Based and salmonellapilled! Enjoy your organ failure, egg slurper.

>> No.12005361


>it's bad to cook with butter meme

Yes. It tastes way better. I can never go back to American style eggs now, they're just so dry and bland to me now.

>> No.12005364

A thread survived because of your post.

>> No.12005372

Sorry, I should reply to fat wojaks and McDonald's threads instead, yes?

>> No.12005386

If it will save the thread? Yes.

>> No.12005408

I actually love runny yolk, but that's if I'm eating Sunny side up or overeasy eggs.
Scrambled I prefer fully cooked.