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File: 310 KB, 1660x1488, cicada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11966601 No.11966601 [Reply] [Original]

How do I kill these cocksuckers and leave them intact enough to cook them?

>> No.11966614

Cicadas are best before their shells have hardened and wings have dried. Look for them early in the morning still clinging to the sides of the lower parts of tree trunks. You can pick them right off the tree just like fruit.

>> No.11966621
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>> No.11966626

They're mindless enough that you should be able to catch most of them alive. I've never had one, I never plan on eating one but my dogs go absolutely wild for them and if I let them out while cicadas are around they'll eat every last one of them.

How were you planning on preparing them, just out of curiosity. Deep fried?

>> No.11966629

I use a small butterfly net to scoop them of the tree.
A needle between the eyes kills them pretty quickly

>> No.11966728

Who the fuck eats these

>> No.11966735

I honestly don't think a more disgusting looking creature than the cicada exists.

>> No.11966793

What the fuck, is this some sort of joke? Do Americans actually eat giant bugs?

>> No.11966803

Catch them and play around with them until they die, like a little psycho kid.

>> No.11966828

I was all excited because they where supposedly supposed to rise all over the place here in new england from some long hibernation period they go through but the fuckers never showed I was going to def catch a few and fry em up just out of morbid curiosity. I hear they taste like nutty shrimp or something like that.

>> No.11966831

if they are still alive after you catch them, you can freeze them to kill them, supposedly that's the most humane death for an insect

>> No.11966936
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Cicadas are awesome! They’re nature’s fighter pilots. They have big goggles, bright uniforms, and cool-looking glass wings that make them go super fast. I also like how their summertime call is a shout of joy against the inevitability of the grave. “We will die when we are dead! We will live while we are alive!”

Not that these are reasons not to eat them.

>> No.11966945

Not yet but I’ve been to a couple Mexican places that served bugs
Unironicly high in protein because more bugs die per serving

>> No.11966946

You can’t eat these but you can eat grasshoppers and locust thus saith the Lord, thy God

>> No.11967007

Where the fuck are the cicadas at when they are not buzzing all day?

>> No.11967045

cicadas are fucking disgusting and annoying as hell

>> No.11967073
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>tfw used to hear about how high protein bugs are, we should all be eating bugs, etc
>trying to get /fit/
>decided to eat some bugs as a way to get extra protein in
>live in the UK, so not many large wild bugs that live near me
>lots of ladybirds (think they are also known as ladybugs) in my window and garden
>capture dozens of them
>put them in the microwave to kill them
>put them into a pot
>go to the gym with the pot of ladybirds
>keep them obscured in a tissue so nobody sees what I am eating
>do my first set of deadlifts
>decide to grab a protein boost
>take a few of the ladybirds and throw them into my mouth
>bite down
>horrible and bitter flavour, completely unpaletable
>spit ladybirds all over the floor, drop the tub of ladybirds, they go all over the floor
>think one of them was somehow still alive and flew off
>panic, and rush out of the gym
>went back to get my stuff from the locker room
>as i walk past a couple of big gym buff guys, one of them pats my back and says 'I PREFER SPIDER PROTEIN'
>he laughs hard
>tfw cancelled my membership

>> No.11967102

Once I watched a guy eat one of those shells they leave behind. He probably wouldn't if I didn't tell him not to. He said the claw bits were extra hard and got stuck in his teeth.
Fun guy.

>> No.11967112

If this isn't bait, you should've stuck to mealworms. Not even birds will eat bright-colored beetles.

>> No.11967157

They have a slow reproductive cycle and are suffering from environmental pressures, you jerk. You're dooming yourself to summers without blissful white noise.

>> No.11967168

Where are they when its not summer?

>> No.11967185
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Fuck cicadas
They kill all my plants

>> No.11967205

of the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most

>> No.11967220

The adult ones are dead. The eggs are developing into larvae underground over a course of something like three years.

If you can be sure the one you've got has already bred, I guess that's fine, but I don't know how you would do that and I doubt that's what OP is talking about.

>> No.11967230

Yeah. Freeze them or put them in a sealed jar with a cotton bud soaked in methylated spirits is how bug collectors do it.

>> No.11967269

I wish I could get excited like you.

>> No.11967311

Underground with the spooky skellingtons.

>> No.11967324
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>Cicadas are awesome!
Cicada detected. Get out and take those hideous eyeballs with you.

>> No.11967365

People across the world eat cicadas

>> No.11967425
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>> No.11967492

Cute buggo.

>> No.11967636

Is he going to be OK?

>> No.11967651

just resting

>> No.11967697


>> No.11967951

Pls dont eat him :(

>> No.11967992

eat his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti

>> No.11968009
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>A needle between the eyes kills them pretty quickly

>> No.11968021

12 gauge shotgun. Might seem like overall, but the pellets are small. As is the bug.

>> No.11968023

what are you, some kind of subhuman? dont eat bugs

>> No.11968054

I could see cicadas being tasty. I'll probably just stick to using them for bass fishing. Best top water action ever.

>> No.11968086

I doubt anyone is wasting time chasing down annual cicadas. Presumably OP is talking about 13yr or 17yr broods.

>> No.11968219

The idea of making lesser races eat things like this one is arousing.

Is this the rationale for the elite pushing this?

>> No.11968698

the ol' "two birds with one stone" method. Well done anon

>> No.11968720


>> No.11970283

Not even fucking close.

>> No.11970354

Based pups

>> No.11970390

If you wanna eat meat mate, bugs are gonna be the only source you'll find in the future.

Get ready for clean, eco-friendly, plant & bug based diets!
You know, just like how our primate ancestors eat.

>> No.11970452

We all wish to be 15 again mate

>> No.11970470


>> No.11970856

Fuck cicadas. Hearing them in the hot weather always makes me sleepy.

>> No.11970881

Warning: if you have allergies towards seafood, your chances of being allergic to different species of bugs is high.

I'm a big experimental eater, and I've gotten everything from my face getting all tingly and red from eating a spider, to full blown face swollen can't breathe holy shit bring me my epipen from eating too many water beetles.

The bigger the insect is, the likelier that you will have an allergic reaction. So larvae, most pupae, and ants are perfectly fine to eat, and so are worms and whatnot. But proceed with caution for scarabs, beetles, spiders, roaches etc. if you already have even a mild seafood allergy.

>> No.11970896
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Fucking loled

>> No.11970901

Lol, retard

>> No.11970912

Obviously lies. Who the fuck would eat bugs with a hard shell

>> No.11970920

That actually is a dog, though.

>> No.11971558

Op here
Pan fried

>> No.11971618
File: 179 KB, 768x781, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>methylated spirits
I know they have only primitive nervous systems but it's fucked up watching them writhe around and contort for half an hour before they actually die.
I don't know why collectors insist on kill jars, from my own experience they retain their shape batter when you freeze them and aren't any more brittle or difficult to pin.
>not popping a juicy lethocerus after a set

>> No.11971818


>> No.11971863
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t. Hannah

>> No.11972284
File: 865 KB, 1155x704, yummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will be helpful: