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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 1000x854, gettyimages-56297327_1513786442-1000x854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11962760 No.11962760 [Reply] [Original]

*destroys vegans' imaginary moral superiority*

>> No.11962779

>destryoys millennials life prorispects

>> No.11962784

Now c'mon we just banned the vegan fruitloops last thread, your thread is no better.

>> No.11963144 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 596x566, bbab72e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroys carniecoasties

>> No.11963149

Isn't palm oil much worse?

>> No.11963168
File: 56 KB, 800x600, Clemens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering most vegans live in a state that shouldn't exist and are drowning precious aquifers dry to consume nuts, and sell them to others, should I try these ridiculous statistics? Not that I ever trust statistics mind you.

>> No.11963192

>state that shouldn't exist
California has more relevant companies than every other state combined, like it or not. Apple, intel, google, tesla, facebook

What do the drumpf states have? walmart lmao

>> No.11963215

Yes yes. You probably are the most financial important state. But those tech firms could have and would have started elsewhere if you hadn't been created, and you shouldn't have been. You're raping the environment and pretending not to be screaming the world should be Eco-consiouncous.

I don't mean to sound salty but I look forward to the day when those ports are less relevant and even more of those tech firms have moved offices.

>> No.11963269

Reminder that eggs are vegan.

>> No.11963279

That's fine, there's loads of water where I live.

>> No.11963283

Yes. But drumpfies love quoting Adam Ruins Everything and lamestream media as gospel when it fits their narrative

>> No.11963287

Good. Now refugees can sustainably live here.

>> No.11963300

So what you're saying is, we should stop eating cows and chickens and shit and start eating vegans?

>> No.11963303

Reminder that fossil oil or anything derived from it is, in fact, not vegan.

>> No.11963309

>if you can't be absolutely perfect you should just be a total piece of shit!

>> No.11963337

Palm oil is bad, but not as bad as other natural oils. Banning biofuel is honetly the better decision.

>> No.11963370

This is one of the most overrated piece of shit in the history of food.

>> No.11963571

Why the fuck do you people hate a fucking fruit so much

>> No.11963572

*plugs in toaster*

>> No.11963582

>But those tech firms could have and would have started elsewhere if you hadn't been created
They would have started in New York and Massachusetts. Blue states still win.

>> No.11963631

What's wrong with avocado?

Can't you like capitalism at the same time as animals? Or do you really think foreigners would be better off with no income?

>> No.11963640

can gay vegans suck dick?

>> No.11963644
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>> No.11963655

I think he might be talking about certain instances of violence/criminal activity involving avocados and some of the pesticide controversies. Not all avocados are blood free.

As an aside some of the ones I've gotten in the US are kinda flavorless but not all. Some of the better tasting ones I've had were some thin-skinned kinda gourd shaped ones I got in puebla.

>> No.11963668


>> No.11963674
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>> No.11963734

Pretending you care about the environment so you can rape it unfettered

>> No.11963750

What would you rather have my fellow millennials, avocado toast or a home of your own

>> No.11963751

Meanwhile in reality
>4.2 Animal production
>4.5.1 Diet composition and feed intake
>Often, more than 90% of the water consumption in livestock and poultry production is associated with THE production of feed (Legesse et al., 2017; Mekonnen and Hoekstra et al., 2012)
FAO. 2018. Water use of livestock production systems and supply chains – Guidelines for assessment. (Draft for public review)

>The global sum of international virtual-water flows related to trade in agricultural and industrial products in the period 1996-2005 was 2320 Gm3/yr on average (68% green, 13% blue and 19% grey). About 76% of the virtual-water flows is related to international trade in crops and derived crop products. Trade in animal products and industrial products contributed 12% each to the global virtual-water flows.

Modern unsustainable agricultural practices (with regards to both crops and livestock) are what's using up all our water, not livestock in its own right. There's a reason why most arid and barren areas are far better suited to animal husbandry than agriculture. Because irrigation and fertilization can actually be incredibly expensive and wasteful outside of fertile areas.

>> No.11963762
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Crime is a luxury problem. Better than there being nothing to steal.

>> No.11963772

> wishing to do what is right
Is it true that GenZ English courses consist of asking if you've done your Spanish homework?

>> No.11963776

>not stealing your neighbors rats

>> No.11963880 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 494x611, TerrestrialBiomassRatios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google trphic levels and you'll realize that most of those plants are soy and corn and are fed to animals. Nice vegan argument.

>> No.11964133

You're either illiterate or wilfully obtuse. Not to mention wrong again. Only a third of crops worldwide are intended as feed, the vast majority is for human consumption.
You might be too dogmatic or genuinely retarded to acknowledge this, but most of the problems associated with modern animal husbandry are borne out of wider agriculture. Factory farming couldn't be viable were it not for unsustainable crop production. Entirely condemning only one part of agriculture and insisting there's nothing wrong with the larger whole for ideological reasons is idiocy. Especially when husbandry can and is being practiced sustainably and ecologically beneficial in a lot of areas where agriculture simply isn't viable or where it can be aided by livestock. Hence why no actual experts and researchers are in favour of banning husbandry entirely, but encouraging us to return to sustainable forms of it.

>> No.11964234

Vegans are completely unironically morally superior. I say this as a nonvegan. Self denial for the benefit of others is the highest form of morality you insufferable faggot.

>> No.11964996 [DELETED] 

>news website
I ain't clicking that shit, incel. Stop murdering animals, using massive amounts of water, using most of the farmland, destroying the rainforest, and producing 51% of greenhouse gasses. Stupid redditfaggot.

>> No.11965000

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11965105

lmao vegans can’t even drive cars

>> No.11965107

how about you self deny your wife and let me fuck her then?

>> No.11965374

>Stop murdering animals
No, why?
>massive amounts of water
My country uses 3% of its renewable water supply per year.
>using most of the farmland
Farmland is used by its owners how they want, it's none of your business.
>destroying the rainforest
>producing 51% of greenhouse gasses
KEK. This smoothbrain imagines itself fighting a crusade against a global community of meat eaters. None of these "arguments" hold any water against delicious, juicy, grass-fed regional meat.

>> No.11965457

Learn what the FAO is you retarded faggot
> murdering animals
You first
>using massive amounts of water
Proven horseshit
>using most of the farmland
Agricultural land =/= arable land. 90% of Mongolia is agricultural land but only like 5% is arable. This is female wage gap tier ignorance/disinfo
>destroying the rainforest
Again, you first. Where do you think your meme veggies come from, or that those fertile areas will magically stop being targeted for crop production when global demand substantially increases?
>and producing 51% of greenhouse gasses
Try something like 7%
> Stupid redditfaggot.
Larping as an eco warrior when you're really just a virtue signaling çoyboy who gets his knowledge from Facebook infographs is peak reddit my man

>> No.11965466

I dont know, can you?

>> No.11965496

so what global warming is invenetable.

Reminder that the biggest mass dying and global climate change was caused by fucking plants.

>> No.11965581

Based anon

>> No.11966532
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>> No.11966603

Most meat eaters are just hypocrites, if some white liberal hears that someone tortured or killed their dog they bitch about it and it's considered animal cruelty.

But the dog is their property and should be able to do what the fuck they want to it. But they act like they would never hurt an animal in anyway even though they eat meat.

>> No.11967056
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>Complete vegan horseshit.

As anon said, you drain aquifers to produce nuts in the desert, entirely unnecessary. Water goes in AND OUT of cows

>Vegans lie to defend their starvation cult

Imaging my shock


>> No.11967077
File: 7 KB, 259x194, hfkjsdfhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans don't 'benefit' any others, whether man or beast. How does in "benefit" an animal if you massacre it with pesticides by the ton? How does it "benefit" a rabbit family if you grind it up underground with deep tilling the field?

Every dollar vegans spend kills animals and poisons the earth.


>> No.11967101

Obviously. All vegans are liberals, all liberals enjoy killing babies, sperm is unborn babies.

>> No.11967104

Anon, you still need water to grow the feed for cattle. That's what makes it wasteful; we're spending a lot of resources for comparatively very little reward, which further decreases considering many Americans don't know how to cook any other parts than steak.

>> No.11967119


Why don't omnivores exist in the vegan lexicon? Why must everything be presented as though a person can either be vegan/vegetarian otherwise all they eat is meat?

>> No.11967131
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>falls on the plains/grasslands like it has for millions of years.

Wow imagine the devastation. Grass fed beef is horrible.

>> No.11967132

>I ain't clicking that shit, incel.
>I'm not gonna try and learn jack
Anon this is why nobody likes you IRL

>> No.11967139
File: 30 KB, 750x500, 175844725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calls people incels
>Is a vegan
>Believes in man made climate change
>Has the audacity to call someone else reddit
Oh no no no no

>> No.11967140
File: 6 KB, 259x194, hf897dff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all carnivores to vegans, who abstain from all meat (the vegan cucks call us 'carnists' though, because it sounds ugly, not cool like 'carnivore')

I do see less milk on the shelves, (more soy milk and fake 'milk' like that) But I don't see any reduction in available meat, anywhere.

But watching the milk, and the insane amount of press veganism is getting, they are making progress into our healthy food availability.

>> No.11967294
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>disbelief in manmade climate change

>> No.11967485
File: 92 KB, 1024x576, Al Gores Climate Saving Transportation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sends all his money to Al Gore.

The man needs a new private jet what can I say?

>> No.11967487
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>being antirispects

>> No.11967499

Observe the typical poltard: there's no climate change, because politician bad, HURRR

>> No.11967513 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 770x431, Climate Change Al buring fossil fuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the perfect NPC.

>I believe because government told me
>Must send my money to Saint Albert for new Private jet.
>Justice for Jussie!

>> No.11967533 [DELETED] 

Al Gore has been profiting and getting rich selling his "climate chagne" bs to ignorant white people. It's actually a pretty smart scam that prays on ignorance and fear. He literally doesn't even have to do anything... except to pay lip service to dumb white liberals.

Fucking brilliant money scam. Just ingenious manipulation of rich white sheep.

>> No.11967544 [DELETED] 


> NPC actually thinks Al Gore is saving the world & environment

lol @ the stupidity of you white people.

>> No.11967581 [DELETED] 

.........................kind of.
Don't you think most of his (Al Gwhore) 'support' comes from above? From the UN climate change elites and the international elites like Soros, Justine Trudeau etc?

I mean yes the Libtards are on board with the climate change hoax, but they basically will vote for any new tax, any new law which further enslaves us

>Al Gore wants a new 20% tax on the world economy for his personal wealth and pleasure!


>> No.11967596

>Apple, intel, google, tesla, facebook
>arguments FOR existence
pick 1

>> No.11967599

Are you sure you didn't mean "conscientious," Anon?

>> No.11967602


Wait... I thought you white liberals were supposed to care for the less fortunate and the poor. Turns out you're just pieces of shit bigoted douchebags who look down on poor people and those who have less.

>> No.11967604

Nobody is saying climate change isn't absolute brainlet, man made climate change is absolute nonsense made up to profit off of sub-50 IQ leftists. We are experiencing climate change, people have almost nothing to do with it.

>> No.11967632

Observe: the paranoid schizophrenic poltard.

>> No.11967637

I loom down on the evil and stupid regardless of wealth. Being poor doesn't give you a pass to be an idiot.

>> No.11967665

You have absolutely no idea about the scope of human impact on our environment. China through its construction projects moves more ground a year than the planet does by its natural processes. We pump out more than 2.4 million pounds of carbon dioxide PER SECOND.

To even suggest that we have nothing to do with the climate changing around us is not just ridiculous but an obvious pseudo-scientific rationalization of big corporation's economic interests.

Which is ironic, cuz, you know... you pretend to be the enlightened poltard who ain't nobody's bitch. Well, sorry to break it to you: you are literally Exxon's, Aramco's, and Shell's little stupid bitch, who regurgitates their propaganda "for free."

>> No.11967685

I would have argued with you until i took up a travelling job that has me all over the midwest and central south. Almost always red states. I now fucking dispise conservative states and any time i get to come to a blue state it's a total breath of fresh air.

>> No.11967692

Here's a hint: right wingers are literally insanse and evil. Here's a proof: this thread.

>> No.11967699

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11967701

[lack of arguments detected]

>> No.11967704

What point exactly did you want me to dispute?

>> No.11967706


>> No.11967712

That guys absolutely correct humans have a huge impact on the environment.

>> No.11967745

>breath of fresh air
>unwashed liberals

Not likely.

>> No.11967765

I'm not a fan either of liberalism or conservatism but I'd take a deranged hippy faggot over an anally-retentive bible fucker as a flatmate any time. Absolutely no question about that. Right wingers are literally insane.

>> No.11967817

This. Cuckservative loonies are the worst.

>> No.11969308

Thats rich
Meat production accounts for a fuckload of water usage

>> No.11969322


>> No.11969334
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>> No.11969343

If you're anti-nuclear then you're just as guilty of being Exxon's bitch.

>> No.11969393

A lot of crops are grown for livestock feed though.

>> No.11969523

Most vegans are abortion crazy baby killers. Nothing more hypocritical than that.

>> No.11969546

What do you think the animals are eating in those arid and barren areas? Oh yeah, crops grown elsewhere...

>> No.11969633

(i) The avocado monocultures are really, REALLY bad for the environment
(ii) It gets tiring seeing the same shit outside every day, everywhere
(iii) This is the same board that would swat someone for disliking the mcchiken

>> No.11969640

You want a side of cock with that post?

>> No.11969642

These vegans are retarded. Not all vegans are retarded

>> No.11969664
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free real estate

I forget veganism is a thing until I open /ck/. You faggots are so obsessed.

>> No.11969670

You must associate with very few people.

>> No.11969679

I associate with plenty of people. None of them are deranged retards who get so uncomfortable about veganism that they have to come up with terrible refutations about it daily.

I also don't use facebook or instagram.

>> No.11969687

If you don't have vegans shitting up every social occasion, your range of association is very limited.

>> No.11969694
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>every social occasion

Yeah, thanks for proving my point. Absolutely deranged. You're not even aware of the selection bias you're experiencing because of how cucked your brain is by veganism.

>> No.11969699

You've stopped making sense at this point. Sorry about your limitations.

>> No.11969712
File: 37 KB, 490x390, 1488740197971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye dude. I hope you get over your mental illness and or obsession (not really lol).

>> No.11970346
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Vegans, born imbeciles or does the malnourishment drive them to madness?

>> No.11970379

>rednecks are obese, racist, inbred retards
>someone calls them out on their shit
>so much for the tolerant left!

kys senpai

>> No.11970384

>rednecks are obese, racist, inbred retards
So are niggers and spics.

>> No.11970385

>How do anyone "benefit" if it involves massacre of animals to grow crops?
If you're eating meat, you massacre animals to grow crops, but unlike vegans, you then feed that crop to the animals, which you then massacre.

So if being vegan is harmful, by your logic, than eating meat is twice as harmful. Which means it's still superior to meat.

>> No.11970441

>no u!

nice argument

>> No.11970455 [DELETED] 

Sorry, not all whites are rednecks. All niggers and spics are niggers and spics however. Also
>admitting you are nonwhite

>> No.11970471
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I flex on y'all haters

>> No.11970530

explains hitler desu

>> No.11970541 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 590x473, Vegetarian NCDS men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof that all omnivores are retarded fallacy-posters that can't argue without making things up.
>inb4 i heard it on YouTube so it must be true hurrr
Fuck off you fat, bald manchild.

>> No.11970557

>literal slave morality

>> No.11970561

Those averages are useless. Show normal distributions for those samples if you want to know which group has more smart people.

>> No.11970600
File: 18 KB, 800x450, nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fake news and you know it

>eats animals
pic related
level 5 vegans actually eat babies. it's eco-friendly

he's insecure about the fact that vegan dick is more pleasurable to men and women

>> No.11970735

It's better to eat locally than import stuff from far away. Be informed and make your own choices after thinking about it and it won't be wrong decisions. Be open to discussion with other humans and you want them to be with you.

>> No.11970753

Each avocado requires 84.5 gallons of water.

An egg requires 55 gallons (due to corn-based chicken feed) and has 1/3 of the calories and twice the protein.

Well, that was easy. Vegans BTFO once again.

>> No.11970778
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This. Fucking people bitch and moan and whine about pumpimg carbon dioxode into the air, and then we have an actual technology (Nuclear power) that can cleanly and effectively give us power, people throw a fucking shit fit and a half. Waiting for the day where people finally realize that solar and wind energy aren't efficient enough to make the power that is required by our modern society. Fucking hate those goddamn hippies.

>> No.11970779

Meat & Dairy consumption does lead to an increased risk of erectile dysfunction.
It's not nearly as effective as cigarettes are at stopping bloodflow to the penis, but you're still lookin at limpdick in your 30s if you consume meat and dairy like an average American.

>> No.11970787

>require twice the water for the same calories

>> No.11970794

It's not just hippies, literally noone wants to live near a nuclear reactor and noone wants to be the place that stores all the waste

>> No.11970822

A vegan diet is 90% more energy-efficient compared to the diet of an average American.
Milk and eggs are the only animal products that are even comparable to growing a vegetable or a fruit, in terms of energy efficiency (and milk > eggs, since milk is so calorically dense).
If we compare milk and eggs to grains however, they're almost always going to be at least 50% less energy efficient.
Grains are simply way too efficient energy-wise, due to many reasons. The nature of grains: they produce little waste, as almost all of a grain can be used, and they require little water (compared to say, a friggin juicy avocado). Because of how cheap it is to produce, it's also as feed for livestock, (about 30% of all farmlands in the US are used to grow feed for livestock) which means it makes use of massive economies of scale to drive the price even lower.
BUT, just sticking to milk and eggs will still increase your diet's energy efficiency tremendously, given that you normally eat like an Average American.

Just eat less meat, and more veggies. Eat your eggs, drink your milk, sure but just... eat more veggies man. It's what all our mamas told us, it's the healthy option, and turns out, its the least we can do to help save the planet.

If you ask for links and evidence I will take the time to find them for you.

>> No.11970835

please tell me where we're going to put nuclear waste so it doesn't fuck up the environment? i'll wait but you nuclear cucks never seem to have a response to this one

yeah this basic trophic levels but i don't expect these incels to have passed bio 101

>> No.11970849

The fuck? Are you aware of the issues surrounding waste? Ok, since it's so clean we'll store it in your backyard and put your kids' swing set on top of it. Christ, cuckservatives are literally braindead.

>> No.11970858
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awww someone's not smart enough for the average 4chan convo

>> No.11971006

>not all whites are rednecks
This doesn't help you because it's painfully obvious you are a fat virgin from a shithole flyover state.

>> No.11971078

>implying we want your jewish companies in our neck of the woods
as long as those places don't drown the entire desert aquifer then all the more power to you, goy.

>> No.11971333

Look, I get it. You watch CNN and drink craft beer. You probably dropped out of college due to depression.

But even you, dumb leftist that you are, should be able to understand that nuclear waste can be recycled into new uranium rods. You probably didn't know that though. Years of watching The Simpsons has convinced you Nuclear waste is a toxic green sludge.

On top of that, we have an enormous underground complex in Nevada designed to hold thousands of years worth of spent nuclear rods.

I know thinking is hard when you're wrapped up in identity politics, but come on. This is embarrassing.

>> No.11971337

>But even you, dumb leftist that you are, should be able to understand that nuclear waste can be recycled into new uranium rods. You probably didn't know that though. Years of watching The Simpsons has convinced you Nuclear waste is a toxic green sludge.
>On top of that, we have an enormous underground complex in Nevada designed to hold thousands of years worth of spent nuclear rods.

these are both literal lies lol. log out of life

>> No.11971397

Pyroprocessing has existed since at least 2012

Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste facility was built in 2002.

I'm sorry you had to find out like this. You've been misinformed for at least 17 years. But it's okay. Just reject all that bullshit and join the good guys. It's not too late.

>> No.11971538

>Self denial for the benefit of others is the highest form of morality you insufferable faggot.
Great, I need someone to clean my house for free. When can you start?

>> No.11971543

you must be literally retarded because they never actually got around to the *building* part

>> No.11971741

They're grazing, dumbfuck. What large herbivores naturally do, hence why people in those areas have heavily relied on them for millenia. Factory farmed animals are the ones that need farmed crops, because they DON'T graze. Because fertile land is cheaper used for crops, as you can just feed the animals with it. Hence why factory farms are built relatively close to large urban areas, why not when you just need a big shed for them.

tl;dr the arid and barren areas can't grow crops in the areas they live in to feed their livestock, nor do they need no because the livestock's food is already, nor could they afford to import it even if they wanted to.

>> No.11971746

Do you have a Deathwish?

>> No.11971749

>grazing in the desert

confirmed for full retard

>> No.11971762

So, you're willing to take that nuclear waste into your backyard, cuckservative? No, you want it in someone elses (shitskins, maybe?) backyard. Go lick some more corporate boots, hypocrite, you need your daily dose of polish, lol!

>> No.11971766

I'm a cuck so I majored in environmental studies. If you really want to help the environment the best thing to do is go out in the woods and kill yourself. There is nothing you can do with your diet or with your consumption that will undo the damage you've done to the earth just by being alive. A dead vegan is better for the environment than a living omnivore.

>> No.11971778

>Pyroprocessing has existed since at least 2012

Notice how it says "fast reactors" as the user for recycled materials from those pyroprocessing processes? It doesn't recycle it into uranium rods, it recycles it into a messy contaminated shitshow which can't be burned in a water moderated reactor. The US has no certified fast reactors ... probably won't in the next 2 decades either.

>> No.11971779

Except for the part where all the tunnels are dug and the tracks are laid.

Also funny that you didn't even try to attack pyroprocessing.

Look kiddo. You lost. Just admit defeat and join us for a green nuclear future. There's no point embarassing yourself further on a Congalese Whaling Board

>> No.11971889

edgelord 9000

>> No.11971955
File: 166 KB, 600x774, 1550626924489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going vegan is "more efficient"

That literally doesn't mean anything. You posted a long winding rant that said absolutely nothing.

Should I eat for my healthe or should I ignore my own health to become "more efficient" in your opinion?

>> No.11971975

This is great advice for all vegans.

>I stopped all animal harm done in my name
>Now I feed the animals with my decaying corpse