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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.10 MB, 1242x1835, 9980972B-3DD1-4A70-9A71-220D3E8DDE66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11928228 No.11928228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m sorry but ain’t nobody getting “very happy” about some damn vegan waffles.

>> No.11928241

lmao vegans btfo'd again xDD
aren't vegans annoying guys?

>> No.11928242

I’d be delighted to wake up to a sweet vegan chick with waffles

>> No.11928244

Wait til you smell their breath then

>> No.11928258

yeah that's why it got all the likes... for the waffles you can barely even see... yeah

>> No.11928267

This. They are simply inferior to us as white men. They mostly liberal leaning and often women, both inherently inferior to our redpilled beliefs, and even their shit smells worse than ours

>> No.11928663

Yeah I totally clicked this image because of the waffles, totally, why are women so fucking dumb?

>> No.11928665

Instagram pisses me off so much. Why the FUCK does this shitty thot and her shitty picture get so many likes? Not to mention that style of typing... So fucking annoying with the stupid emoji goddamnit this makes me furious.

>> No.11928668

They have simply smaller brains than us, brother. We are better off without them. They are too stupid to anything except fucking and cooking food for their white man.
She is taunting us with her sexuality. We get it, whore, you want to be abused by a Chad, but you aren't going to get me begging for you. I don't care about you at all, dumb whore

>> No.11928670


>> No.11928675

Makes me fucking angry too, brother. These women belong to us. We should be getting these likes as white men of virtue, not degenerate slut bags who have been perverted to turn away from serving us

>> No.11928679

Thats not even the problem you falseflagging idiot.

>> No.11928716

you ever watch one of her videos? why is her skin so bad?

>> No.11928741

>Why the FUCK does this shitty thot and her shitty picture get so many likes?
Because she's a young, attractive woman, and there are tons of thirsty men out there.

>> No.11928743
File: 913 KB, 1242x1280, 0CA01DD6-302E-42AA-823E-8CCFEF8902AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot

>> No.11928745

Holy fuck you literally just triggered me AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

>> No.11928747

This bitch is legitimately not pretty, despite the makeup and filters, and her body is onky good if you like curveless women. Why is she so popular? That dumb hentai face she does a lot?

>> No.11928790
File: 93 KB, 627x960, B%20(397).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pretty
Going too far there, how high are your fucking standards?

>> No.11928822

She's pretty, but she's also probably the most annoying, cringey bitch that's ever walked this earth. I've never wanted to shoot someone more than this dumb bitch.

>> No.11928829
File: 31 KB, 720x405, 1548673397502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11928830

You think you're being profound, but you're just making yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.11928835

I want to shoot the guys who give her money. Who the fuck forks over cash to women who make slutty anime faces on instagram? There's children starving in africa and shit

>> No.11928845


I would be happy with them, for a body like that. I am overweight and probably because my waffles are full fat. I wish I had the will power to change my diet, but only partially. Let vegan foods supplement some ingredients, etc. I could not give up meat and fish. I just couldn't!

>> No.11928853

i agree on the first part but what kind of monster would feed the starving children in africa so there'd be more to feed a generation later? think of the children for god's sakes!

>> No.11928859

Nerd-chic for smoothbrains who think Big Bang Theory is peak humor

>> No.11928860


>> No.11928864

Is that a monkey