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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 137 KB, 640x640, 10787852_585191581587620_172596391_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11921943 No.11921943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ready for a nice family meal?

>> No.11921955

YHAt one on the left looks like she just got back into the country from one of her long exotic vacations and has a suspicious amount of money

>> No.11921961


>> No.11921968

I guess but I don't really love stuffed acorn squash, white rice, and fake butter. Also, I am gay so the women at the table do not appeal to me unfortunately.

>> No.11922072

>no father

>> No.11922075

>photos get taken on their own

>> No.11922078

the photo was taken by the neet son

>> No.11922102

Fuck Marla, marry Tiffany, kill Jim Acosta

>> No.11922127

>earth balance
turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.11922213

What would you bros give to stick your dick in the same woman Trump did?

>> No.11922635

why is the milf hotter than the teen

>> No.11922656

>casserole dish

Do wh*toids really??

>> No.11922658

I'd fuck the daughter. Mom can watch.

>> No.11922662

I'm white and I vomited.

>> No.11922673

great 3some

>> No.11922692

I’m gay btw >>11921968

>> No.11922756

>Reject her white casserole
>Don't get her casserole later
That's why niggers have to rape 'em because they don't know how to properly gobble the hot dish.

>> No.11922779


you fuck your hand
not even the dog watches

>> No.11922805

B-b-but Rex, muh Collie from muh youth of yesteryear.

>> No.11922816

Is this intro to incest porn?

>> No.11922822

father is donald trump you ignoramus

>> No.11922828

don’t wake him up when you nut

>> No.11922845
File: 198 KB, 970x546, ivanka_and_goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you your parent's favorite child, or their least favorite child?

>> No.11922926

Doubtful, nicknamed "tiny" from his myriad whores, he would be spawning anything. Orange is the new black, ok?

>> No.11923846

Because Trump's her dad.

>> No.11923909

What the fuck is that weird fruit bowl thing they made? I see this all the time

>> No.11924204

The one on the lefts pussy and the one on the rights asshole

>> No.11924417


>> No.11924420

this picture tastes under-seasoned

>> No.11924439
File: 31 KB, 509x625, 1507500046982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never have family dinner again because a bunch of them died and now no one talks to each other

>> No.11924442

why do so many libtards have this shitty writing style?

>> No.11924447

This anon reads nigger.

>> No.11924457

imagine flipping the table and listening to their screeching

>> No.11924481

what is it with you guys and trump?

>> No.11924497
File: 91 KB, 720x960, TrumpJew2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I actually am gay and I voted for Trump. I also believe business can be legally obligated to serve gay people with custom items if they have a public storefront. Trump agreed with this notion himself in an older interview.

>> No.11924504

Should a gay artist be forced to do a Nazi painting on commission as well?
Should a Muslim be forced to sell boose and bacon?
Should a Jew baker be forced to put a Palestinian flag on a cake?
Should a Christian minister be forced to perform a Muslim wedding or vice versa?

I like that tray with the glass lid and the flowers on it.

>> No.11924542


[William] Jack went to the bakery … and requested two cakes shaped like bibles. He asked that one cake have the image of two groomsmen holding hands in front of a cross with a red “X” over them. He asked that the cake be decorated with the biblical verses, “God hates sin. Psalm 45:7” and “Homosexuality is a detestable sin. Leviticus 18:2”, according to the Civil Rights Divisions’ decision.

On the second bible-shaped cake, Jack also requested the image of the two groomsmen with the red “X”. He wanted it decorated with the words “God loves sinners” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.” …

The agency’s decision found that the baker did not discriminate against Jack based on his creed. Instead, officials state the evidence shows Silva refused to make the cakes because the customer’s requests included “derogatory language and imagery.”

your false equivalencies all fail

this is a business with a public storefront so ur last example fails

number 3 yes because civil rights act protects national origin


2 is no because custom items ≠ making something they don't already sell, so false equivalency

1 no because thats a derogatory request

simply being gay is not obscene or derogatory

you are arguing in bad faith with fallacies

>> No.11924545

so you're a moron

>> No.11924568
File: 152 KB, 460x559, cheesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not.
First of all, I don't think it's any business of the State how a private business is run, at all.

Second, my equivalencies are perfectly sound; I don't think gays should be able to force someone to make a custom gay cake, and I don't think Palestinians should be able to force someone to make a custom Palestinian cake.
I don't think any artist should be forced to make anything on commission. He should be free to take or reject commissions as he sees fit.

I don't know why you're citing laws when we are arguing personal opinions, by the way. Are you that much of a bootlicker that you think "that's the law" is the only argument you'll ever need? Can't you form an opinion of your own?

There are PLENTY of other bakeries out there and some, literally, cocksuck faggot still decided to try his best to destroy a man's livelyhood instead of walking a few blocks down the street to the next one. So much for that "tolerance and respect" they all talk about.
And it's specifically anti-Christian, of course. They would never go after Muslims like this.


>> No.11924602
File: 283 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had no idea the baker was a Christian who hates gays when they entered. There was no sign. He, to this day, does not sell wedding cakes anymore. He is free not to sell items he feels he cannot sell to everyone. Your argument rests solely on that these were deliberate agitators, and they were not.

>> No.11924626

They became deliberate agitators the moment they decided to take this to court instead of finding another baker.
They may have walked in there in good faith but that's not how they left.

Do you really want to live in a country where the State can force you to create art against your will and personal beliefs?

>> No.11924637

>Christian who hates gays
Is that a fact or more bullshit slander from the fags?

>> No.11924648


>> No.11924651

>How dare people stand up for what they believe is right!

check out the moral outrage

>> No.11924665

it goes both ways like you, faggot

>> No.11924670

Yes that's why we have a court system, so it can decide which side of the argument might have any merit. Suing somebody over something isn't "deliberate [agitation]" you pearl-clutching snowflake.