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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 261 KB, 800x800, paper straw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11915050 No.11915050 [Reply] [Original]

The devil invented paper straws

>> No.11915112

Plastic straws are literally illegal here as of Jan 1st of this year. Paper straws are fucking awful, especially for hot drinks. They are slowly moving towards eco-friendly plasticized straws (who knows what's in them). I would destroy every animal on earth to just have normal fucking straws and never have to use paper straws again.

>> No.11915126

Agreed. They fucking suck. I'd rather just not have a straw than use a paper straw.

>> No.11915173 [DELETED] 

guys, dont flush plastic straw down the drain. Paper ones better.

>> No.11915185

hahahahaha faggot

>> No.11915206
File: 539 KB, 988x1202, GayMillenial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gay. Do you have a problem with that?

>> No.11915220

Yeah I'm tired of seeing your AIDS pill commercials.

>> No.11915229
File: 105 KB, 856x586, HIVRussia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you see ads for Truvada? Why are you so concerned about gay people? Are you repressing your own lusts?

>> No.11915266

Edible straws are better

>> No.11915306

>Why are you so concerned about gay people?
Sodomites have a disproportionately high cost burden on public healthcare. Those who commit the sin of sodomy should have to pay an additional tax for the damage their behaviour does.

>> No.11915333

So then you support gay sex education and comprehensive healthcare efforts for gay people aimed at reducing costs?

>> No.11915334

Why would anyone over the age of 11 even use a straw to drink?

>> No.11915340

No, I support making sodomy illegal.

>> No.11915352 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, iuA2P6XJ57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u stupid frend?

>> No.11915355
File: 620 KB, 1420x1152, GayMarriageMap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay marriage was legal in a majority of states prior to federalization. Sodomy laws were only on the books in barely over a dozen at most states when Lawrence v Texas was handed down in 2003. You have zero rational arguments to justify persecuting homosexuals. You are probably repressing your own homosexuality and want others forced to live as you do.

>> No.11915374

I have already explained to you that they cause a disproportionate burden on normal people in terms of tax.
What about the damage that they do to society? What about the attempted normalization of their pederasty?
You have literally zero arguments as to why these degenerate sodomites should not be incarcerated for the good of society.

>> No.11915382

>they cause a disproportionate burden on normal people in terms of tax

literally just your opinion asserted and therefore dismissed without evidence

in fact married male taxpayers are among the highest earning:


For instance, the table shows that the average AGI of different-sex couples is about $115,208 and about 19 percent had income over $150,000. Different-sex couples with dependent children had slightly higher incomes ($122,150 compared to $105,983) and were slightly more likely (21 percent compared to 16 percent) to earn more than $150,000. This pattern in which families with dependent children are higher income is also true of FF and MM couples, but is particularly striking for MM couples, for which the average income of couples with children is about $264,000. Almost half of MM couples with children earn more than $150,000. Differences between same-sex female couples with and without children are much smaller.

>> No.11915385

Just use a metal straw then retard

>> No.11915390

Am I supposed to bring it with me everywhere I go?

>> No.11915394

paper straws are kino

>> No.11915398

Do you actually think that making sodomy illegal is going to do anything? That's completely retarded. People will continue to do whatever they want in their own homes and there is no way to enforce a dumbass law like that.

>> No.11915401

>The devil invented paper straws
Well, the left ARE the party of the most evil policies which gives power to satan.

>> No.11915402

It is simply a way of pressuring gay people to repress and live in secret. Its purpose is as a threat, not as an oft-enforce law. What are people so scared of about gays living openly?

>> No.11915407

Yes? Is that really that much of a burden? If you're at a nice restaurant then they should provide a metal straw anyways.

>> No.11915411 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 977x717, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like /ck/ was right again.

Given that no stats are held for the additional burden that sodomites put on the taxpayer, in terms of the additional treatment they require over and above normal people to treat their AIDS, HIV, anal cancer etc., no fixed cost can be placed on exactly how much of a burden these sodomites are on normal people, but it is likely to be in the realm of hundreds of millions, annually.

Yes, it will cause people to, at worst, keep their degeneracy to private clubs and private homes, at best, to desist with their unsavoury and unhealthy practices.

>> No.11915415

>so do you support spending more money on education for gay people and more money on healthcare for gay people to reduce costs?
Further proof that homosexuality is a mental disorder

>> No.11915418

It is illegal in @ half the states, but heterosexuals would be guilty too if they engage in cunnilingus, fellatio or anal.

>> No.11915422

I’m black and gay btw

>> No.11915428

Bringing religion into your argument is a great way to instantly invalidate it.

>> No.11915434
File: 50 KB, 488x488, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

candy straw are the solution

>> No.11915439

>keep their degeneracy to private homes and private clubs
So... exactly as they do now? What sort of retarded boomer thinks that gay men are having sex in the streets or in public parks?

>> No.11915444
File: 87 KB, 900x900, 1439696648466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11915443

It was illegal in only 14 states when Lawrence v. Texas was handed down.

Those laws were near-uniformly only enforced (and at that rarely) against homosexuals.

Don't interrupt fools.

>> No.11915447

>let me just make shit up because
You sound like a faggot.

>> No.11915452

Still not seeing a shred of proof that gays cost taxpayers more than other people.

>> No.11915457

This actually gives me an idea, could some sort of hard wax be used to make disposable straws that don't maintain their straw shape once disposed of?

>> No.11915459

you can order 10 lifetimes worth of straws for like 50$

>> No.11915469

Cool strawman, bro.
Sodomites *should* be compelled by law to hide away. No-one wants to see a sodomy march in public with generates walking around half naked, or to have sodomites influence education to spread their propoganda to chlldren.
No, for the betterment of society, it is imperatve that sodomy be once more criminalized.

>> No.11915483
File: 388 KB, 654x1416, GenGay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insulting gay people won't make people like your outdated bigotry any more. In reality, people take your views less and less seriously every passing year. You keep shouting alarmist nonsense tho :^)

>> No.11915487

If your only argument is "because God" you can fuck right off. You can believe what you want but don't bring that shit into a debate on serious matters.

>> No.11915494


This article esitmates to cost of HIV alone to be in the region of $500 Billion over the next 20 years.
Are you denying that sodomites are users of healthcare facilities at a disproportionally higher rate than normal people?

>> No.11915510
File: 500 KB, 600x450, 1444514776560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made plenty of arguments right here ITT as to why sodomites should be incarcerated, and not one depends upon it being againt the law of Our Lord and Saviour.
gg edgelord

>> No.11915512

just drink like an adult

>> No.11915521

crackpot website

>denying that sodomites are users of healthcare facilities at a disproportionally higher rate than normal people


your loaded questions are convincing no one

I'm sorry that you feel forced to repress being gay but plenty of people are happy living openly.

>> No.11915526

>jerome corsi
wew lad

>> No.11915539 [DELETED] 


Yes, we should all get our news from Shlomo Shekelsteinberg at CNN.

>> No.11915549

I bet Jerome Corsi and his buddy Roger Stone will love getting fucked in the ass in jail.

>> No.11915556

Shouting your hatred of Jews on the internet sure is going to change the world.

>> No.11915584 [DELETED] 



LGBT youth are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide.18
LGBT youth are more likely to be homeless.19, 20, 21
Lesbians are less likely to get preventive services for cancer.22, 23
Gay men are at higher risk of HIV and other STDs, especially among communities of color.24
Lesbians and bisexual females are more likely to be overweight or obese.25
Transgender individuals have a high prevalence of HIV/STDs,26 victimization,27 mental health issues,28 and suicide29 and are less likely to have health insurance than heterosexual or LGB individuals.30
Elderly LGBT individuals face additional barriers to health because of isolation and a lack of social services and culturally competent providers.31
LGBT populations have the highest rates of tobacco,32, 33 alcohol,33, 34 and other drug use.33, 35, 36

The government says you're wrong.

>> No.11915596

Ironic that most of this research is designed to direct funding towards vulnerable and oppressed sexual minorities and you think it justifies oppressing them further.

You are a crackpot bigot.

>> No.11915606

why is there an argument about butt sex and gay people on a cooking board post about paper straws? the only connection i see is sucking on things

>> No.11915608

I haven't used a straw in a decade because I'm not a child.

>> No.11915616
File: 599 KB, 648x881, straw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because all anti-gay bigots can do is grasp at straws when justifying persecuting gay people.

>> No.11915615 [DELETED] 

>I was wrong
That's a funny way of saying it mate, but w/e.

>vulnerable and oppressed sexual minorities
I don't see any sodomite bakeries being forced to make Christian cakes?

>> No.11915623

Religion is a federally protected class. Gay-owned business with a public storefront may not legally discriminate against Christians or any other religious people for their religious beliefs.

You have 0 (zero) examples of gay-owned businesses discriminating against religious people (who weren't trolling with deliberately offensive requests) and the legal system ok-ing it.

>> No.11915628 [DELETED] 

>who weren't trolling with deliberately offensive requests
You mean like a couple of sodomites going through the phone book to find bakeries until eventually they found one that wouldn't make them a cake that celebrates sodomy?

>> No.11915638
File: 176 KB, 808x716, 14552182805344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hate fags

>> No.11915646

>couple of sodomites going through the phone book to find bakeries until eventually they found one that wouldn't make them a cake that celebrates sodomy

never happened

>> No.11915656
File: 402 KB, 1476x990, image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the restaurant should provide metal straws

That's actually not a bad idea

>> No.11915658 [DELETED] 

who uses a straw for a hot drink?
that's just asking to burn your esophagus

>> No.11915662

>the western coast of america
lol, hope you liking using a spoon to eat your milkshakes

>> No.11915667

I don't live on the West Coast.

That makes no sense.

>> No.11915676

California literally voted no on gay marriage and the tiny gay population bitch about it with the supreme court to over turn it. Seriously, fuck them.

>> No.11915680


There's 13 examples.

>> No.11915685
File: 339 KB, 661x488, 1525332321150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything that fags don't ruin? Not even a thread about paper straws is safe.

>> No.11915688

Prop 8 was overturned by a state court well before the Supreme Court ruled for gay marriage federalization in 2015.

>being a minority group justifies oppression


you just want to oppress people and that's not a right

>> No.11915702

Of Christians trolling legitimate businesses with politicized requests. You have no examples of gay-owned businesses refusing to serve Christians who just wanted a normal wedding cake.

>> No.11915705

No, you dumbass. If they wanted marriage, they should just go to another state and get married there. The fact that most of the Californian vote no but got turn over because of a bunch of fags complaining about was a giant fuck you on the voting system. It only shows that you fucks got more special rights and privileges compare to a normal people when it comes to these laws, now.

>> No.11915710

time to buy your own reusable plastic straw

>> No.11915720

There are no examples of sodomites being refused a normal wedding cake.
A normal wedding cake has one male and one female atop. No sodomite who has ever asked for a cake like this has ever been refused one.

>> No.11915723

But that was why Obergefell was ruled the way it was. What good is a marriage that becomes null and void when crossing state lines?

>> No.11915724

Gay marriage on your cake is a politicized request btw.

>> No.11915727

A gay couple wanting a wedding cake is not a political request.

>> No.11915729

When it's explicitly for a gay wedding, yes it is.

>> No.11915737

Yes, because faggots have hijacked control of mainstream media and cry crocodile tears when they can't get their marriage papers as if their marriage paper is going to radically change their life. They supress data on rectal cancer (rising in millenials) and the social damage of having faggot parades where faggots parade around naked for "pride" is heavily apparent.

>> No.11915740

As opposed to?

>> No.11915745

Asking for a wedding cake with no faggotry involved.

>> No.11915747

>rectal cancer (rising in millenials)

perhaps due to obesity?

correlation does not imply causation

>> No.11915748

A normal wedding, doofus.

>> No.11915752 [DELETED] 

Because crying about it and trying to act like a victim just to overrule the majority vote and shove it against everyone's face is still a big fuck you regardless. Again, this shit only shows how much more right and privilege the fags have over a normal person.

>> No.11915754

I'd like to see you justify how millenials are more obese than average.

>> No.11915770

>They supress data on rectal cancer
That's bullshit. You have no idea what you\re talking about.

t. MD

>> No.11915783
File: 729 KB, 1457x1080, 1535916163320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HPV, my man.

t. ISS Astronaut

>> No.11915789

just don't use straws

>> No.11915815

>"Obesity raises the risk of colorectal cancer, but if that were the sole cause, then we wouldn’t
expect to see it until 10 to 20 years after obesity gained momentum. But that’s not what we see,” she said. “We see that these trends are in parallel.”

>> No.11915955

What's sad is some mexican in mexico found the cure for HPV.

>> No.11916048
File: 124 KB, 500x400, ORIGINAL_KRAZY_STRAW-STRW-0603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of OP.
>OP doesn't use a krazy straw

>> No.11916161

>Queers are so uppity after getting their laws that they'll start arguments with people who use the word faggot now.
This is what will hopefully make people realise what a mistake all this is, when they have enough of being hassled and bitched at by some entitled faggot because he's been told that he's a protected class now.

>> No.11916192

>drink it
>get paper chunks lodged in your throat
That being said who the hell uses a straw anyways?

>> No.11916549

>arachnophobic, huh?
>I guess that means you secretly want to fuck spiders

>> No.11916584

My mom had these spoons with a metallic tube as a grip. Shit was perfect.

>> No.11917249

Used a paper straw for the first time in like 30 years last week. At a hospital cafeteria too. They obviously gave into the pressure of ZOMG plastic is killing cute things!
They really are off putting. Something feels all wrong, and they are unpleasant.
They had absolutely no problem with the plastic forks, knives, spoons, each of which contain at least ten times more plastic. And fifty other use once and throw away items. But man, those straws really got demonized, and everyone jumped on board with it. Fucking stupid.

>> No.11917258

This, just bite the ends off a twizzler.

>> No.11917718

>Arachanphobic, huh?
>You must secretly want to fuck spiders

>> No.11917781

All I'll saw is that the modern paper straws are garbage compared to paper straws from 30+ years ago.

This fellow oldfag gets it.
We remember when things were nice and fags knew their place to be out of sight of regular society.

>> No.11917886

Honestly, rather than banning arbitrary plastic products they should set a plastic tax which will go directly towards cleaning up plastic related pollution. That way you get to help unfuck the environment just a tiny amount, let people use plastic where appropriate and create an incentive to decrease plastic use.

>> No.11917909

You have no idea why Obergefell was ruled the way it was, nor do you have a clue that a gay marriage officiated in one state would have to be respected by ALL states — 250 years before Obergefell.

>> No.11917942

The definition of a phobia includes irrational

>> No.11919424

Wow. The second faggots get involved in a thread is becomes a shit fight of self justification

I'm not the straightest arrow in the quiver, but boy do I hate uncloseted homos

>> No.11919509

>They fucking suck.
They took our fucking job.

>> No.11919517
File: 831 KB, 636x846, ClosetAmerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you resent the fact that others have the balls to be open about being gay and you don't?

>> No.11919523

I'm using both hands for other things.

>> No.11919597 [DELETED] 

>public healthcare
Literally the problem in the first place. If faggots want to engage in deleterious behaviour let them pay out of their own pocket. Retards like you are basically just crypto socialists.

>> No.11919602

>muh taxes
>we need mo monet fo dem programz
>daddy needs more power to lock up the bad man
Kill yourself left wing cuckboi

>> No.11919615 [DELETED] 

Hello there, Shlomo, how are things at the JIDF today?

>> No.11919617 [DELETED] 

Fags are disgusting but I'd shoot you for being such a little statist cuck. It's your precious government that forces homo propaganda on your children under force of law, I don't more legislation is the answer.

>> No.11919636 [DELETED] 

Nice try, Rabbi. Please do tell me how we need more taxes to pay for Jamal who got the bug from being on the downlow without a raincoat.

>> No.11919640 [DELETED] 

Great, I'm wheeling out the shitposts and the shekels are piling up, keep replying

>> No.11919654 [DELETED] 

It's great that things are going so well for you over at the JIDF today. Keep on shilling anyhow.

>> No.11919680 [DELETED] 

Your Jewish tricks might work here due to the high percentage of women and third worlders, but I see throigh your transparent schemes Moishe.

>> No.11919834

who the fuck actually uses straws after the 1950's though?
I havent even seen a straw in 20 years.

>> No.11919849

Doesn't maryland have an old law where sodomy is illegal

>> No.11919904

why would you use a straw for a hot drink??

>> No.11920229

But they were invented before plastic straws.

>> No.11920233

Faggot has not been an acceptable word for decades, dickhead.

>> No.11920856

yes i do. faggot

>> No.11922746

ok, faggot

>> No.11922798

>Using straws like a child

>> No.11923309

This guy is a dead ringer for Kenny Hotz.

>> No.11923325

I've been to a few restaurants that use metal straws. There is literally no reason to not use them, you can just wash and reuse them to prevent a ton of plastic waste. The only issue is takeout stuff, and paper straws work fine for that purpose.

>> No.11923380
File: 62 KB, 600x600, wooden coffee stir stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck whoever invented this shit. Really makes you appreciate life once you get a splinter stuck in your throat from one of these fuckers.

>> No.11923423
File: 119 KB, 845x960, 1549618734584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so grown up. I only use a fine Panamanian drinking thimble to savor my vintage dated mountain dew throwback.
People like you that try too hard are the ones who need to go fuck themselves the most.

>> No.11925432

straws are for fags, anyway. unless you have tooth sensitivey and need them

>> No.11926352

>mixing upper case and lower case in your hardwriting

Is this what passes as education in america?

>> No.11926528

Sorry but we have had societal standards that have been slowly evolving for thousands of years and a full on assblast of "don't have kids" and "same sex relationships" is a detriment to our societal norms.
This is not to say that anything out of the ordinary is bad forthright. But it's not something that should be forced on society to accept. Why do you think 20% of millennials now identify? It's called a trend. Why do you think 40% of those transgendered kids kill themselves?

>> No.11926684

Or, you know, actually force the countries hat are actively fucking over the environment to shape the fuck up.
>But they are poor, you RACIST!
And they will continue to be poor if they keep burning tires because some shaman thinks its special.

>> No.11927510

Why not metal or wooden straws?

>> No.11927575

I think the metal would feel unnatural and ruin pretty much any drink. I mean, if you think about silverware - have you ever used a little disposable wooden spoon thing to eat ice cream? (I don't know if they even still make those). There was something very pleasant about the feel of the wood on your lips, and even the slight taste it added. It is much better than ice cream off a hard metal spoon.

I can't really think of any drink that tastes 'better' out of straw, anyway. Milkshakes somewhat, if the consistency is too dangerous to tip into your mouth. But other than that, they're a convenience for people driving and that's about it.

>> No.11927639

Back in the day, people carried all their own cutlery with them, and you're bitching about carrying a personal straw.

>> No.11927703

I’ll stick to my chiropractor who is a real doctor.

>> No.11927713

lol whatever, faggot

>> No.11927748

Not a burger so I haven't seen paper straws in a while, but I remember using waxed paper straws when I was a child and thinking they were pretty neat and not really uncomfortable.

Are these new paper straws that bad?

>> No.11927800

Why are there fags and fag enablers shitting up this thread?

>> No.11927806

it's just our worst state where offering to give a straw to someone who didn't explicitly ask for one is a felony, but deliberately infecting someone with aids is a misdemeanor.

>> No.11927814

You're right, I think that using a plastic straw should get you executed

>> No.11927821

>plastic related pollution
no such thing exists. There are these things called grates that are a one time cost and catch basically all garbage going into storm drains. Plastic island is literally a lie. Microplastic is likewise a (((lie))), becuase biologically it is no different from the small pieces of metal that society produces and small pieces of rock that nature produces.

>> No.11927867

Please, next you are going to tell me that lead isn't dangerous and it's fine to just shoot it in the ground.

>> No.11927893

Oh yeah, and the Earth is flat too, and global warming is also a hoax right? And going outside in the cold causes colds too, surely?

>> No.11927911

>that lead isn't dangerous
elemental lead isn't dangerous, unless you inhale it.

> it's fine to just shoot it in the ground.
It is.

Not an argument.

>> No.11927919

Why is Slovakia, FYROM, and Kosovo so based!

>> No.11927942

SEETHING greekfag.
Also, you missed Liechtenstein.

>> No.11927981

>Not an argument.
There's no point in arguing with disabled people and/or boomers, whichever of those you are.

>> No.11929530

This was a thread about straws

>> No.11929907
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 1517016700631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't you guys just stop being such women and drink straight from the glass?

>> No.11930123

>Drinking a margarita, slurpee, or a milkshake straight from the container


>> No.11930132
File: 2.64 MB, 4032x3024, Macedonia7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay and would love a fellow Macedonian bf.

>> No.11930140
File: 165 KB, 583x640, 1547208567372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot Nigger

>> No.11930258

What a nice thread about paper straws

>> No.11930260

theres salt on the rim for a reason

>> No.11930299


>> No.11930315


>> No.11930362

I don't appreciate your use of homophobic slurs on /ck/. I'm openly gay and we have feelings too.

>> No.11930395

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.11930428

Not him but they're just fucking words. Get a thicker skin.