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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11886919 No.11886919 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like pulp in your orange juice?

>> No.11886922

I love it. Always buy extra pulp

>> No.11886957

Orange juice is hardly palatable without heavy pulp

>> No.11887057


>> No.11887069

remember that one standup with the pulp in the orange juice and the girlfriend?

>> No.11887091

nope any health benefits to it ?

>> No.11887096

Fucking love it. If you could just buy pulp separately I would

>> No.11887098
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>> No.11887099

You get a little bit more fiber

>> No.11887124

i see id rather have less fiber for taste pleasure

>> No.11887129

Depends on the brand honestly. Cheaper brands have shittier mealy pulp...

>> No.11887133

I love pulp in pineapple juice

>> No.11887139

Orange pulp in pineapple juice master race

>> No.11887162
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Floaters of any kind in drinks disgust me, I don't know how people drink pulped orange juice.

>> No.11887179

When I can find it.
More often than not stores around here carry nothing but pulp free along with the retarded low acid, chalky added calcium, and fucking gross calcium + vitamin D varieties.

>> No.11887202

constipation fags BTFO, enjoy your hemorrhoids

>> No.11887400

I remember talking a guy one time that was practically shitting himself at the concept of lemon pulp in his tea, so he never used lemon. Must have been a northerner.

>> No.11887435

I like a lot of pulp but it sucks if you forget to wash the cup right away or it becomes a mission to get dried pulp oit

>> No.11887476
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Gotta have the pulp

>> No.11887573

Some pulp.

>> No.11887580

yes but my roommate is autistic and hates it whenever he's too retarded to read a label or get his own OJ and pours a glass for himself and literally starts shitting and screaming for mommy

>> No.11887589

You probably can, most commercial orange juice adds in re-flavoured and re-colored pulp, it's not stored that way.

>> No.11887606

I don't drink juice anymore but last time I did I drank it with pulp. I say this as someone who originally didn't like it.

>> No.11887613


>> No.11887823
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>I sure love extract with water.

>> No.11887994


>> No.11888153


>> No.11888166
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It's called "bits "honey.

>> No.11888200

I dont know why you would drink the pastuerized juice. Just drink it straight from the tree pulp and all

>> No.11888206

Where do you buy pulp from?

>> No.11888809

>Try to drink glass of juice with some pulp.
>Start projectile shitting as soon as my lips touch the glass.
Happens to the best of us.

>> No.11888859

do you also sit down to pee

>> No.11888888


>> No.11888915
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>> No.11888937
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The Yeas have it

>> No.11888979

Eights confirm pulp is superior.

>> No.11889072
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I dont give a fuck about pulp, but it better have vitamin d

>> No.11889083
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I only like it with "some pulp"

>> No.11889751
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>> No.11889757

>w-whatever you say m-master!

>> No.11889773

woah there vriska

>> No.11889805

your image literally says "not from extract"
reddit please leave

>> No.11889833

My nigga.
A little apple juice is good too.

>> No.11889905
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If by pulp you mean bourbon, then yes

>> No.11889933

I don't like it. But I can live with it.

>> No.11890523

I hate orange juice. Give me grape, cranberry, pomegranate, anything except for orange or apple.

>> No.11890530


>> No.11890804

who the fuck thought it was a good idea to add pulp to fucking juice
if i wanted bits of orange in it, i'd eat the fucking orange

>> No.11890832

Pulp rules

>> No.11890834

The pulp shop

>> No.11890855


>> No.11891487

Its hard finding OJ loaded with unfiltered pulp

>> No.11891750

Orange juice without any pulp feels like drinking orange flavoured water. Terrible.

Same for apple juice.

>> No.11891826

>hardly palatable
Do you have autism?

>> No.11892503

do you ever think before you post?

>> No.11893070

juicy bits :^)

>> No.11893075

It's actually called "plumps"

>> No.11893571

Maximum pulp, pulplits need not apply, no pulp orange juice is disgusting.

>> No.11893587

Why is there never apple puP?

>> No.11893730

when I poop, yes

>> No.11893983
File: 39 KB, 474x529, 687e11d0ec5afb23c65a3b79f259ea46--homestuck-john-secret-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting my wifes name on the internet

>> No.11894291

pulp is based and redpilled, don't @ me

>> No.11895308
File: 128 KB, 908x1300, oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up in my san francisco studio apartment
>gently pat DeMarcus's head, but not too hard because I don't want to trigger his hereditary PTSD from slavery
>also pet the conjoined living unit dog which my significant life partner got to have sex with
>walk to the mirror and put on my chastity belt, bow tie, skinny jeans, and shitty flannel
>remember, only button until you can see chest hair
>i don't have any hair so i just borrow some of DeMarcus's
>cultural exchange
>walk into the kitchen and see my empowered healthy at every size SLP sleeping on the remains of the kitchen table
>her empowered shaved hair excites me so I hit myself with a nearby cuck whip to keep my patriarchal urges down
>shuffle around her body and get to the fridge
>what to drink on a lovely M*nday morning?
>see twenty bottles of Soylent brand TrannyJuice with pre-leached xenoestrogens
>no, that's not empowered enough
>see a 4 oz bottle of Demarcus's potent black seed
>not empowered enough
>see the dog's semen in a ziploc bag
>still not enough
>see a carton of pulp free orange juice

>> No.11896556

>only button until you can see chest hair

Then you don't need to button at all you fucking idiot, the buttoning process would stop immediately . God this board is fucking retarded