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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 799x465, clean_meat_cropped_and_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11883085 No.11883085 [Reply] [Original]

What's with the sudden push for lab-grown meat in the MSM? Why so many articles suddenly popping up trying to shame people who want real meat into accepting a phony as a substitute?

They even get upset that people want this lab grown fake stuff labeled separately so as not to confuse people who want real meat.

>> No.11883108

>Eat your feed, GOY

>> No.11883129

I'll be totally ok with lab grown meat if its shown to be equal in nutrients, taste, texture etc. to natural meat. If we could eliminate the need to be raising and killing livestock I don't see how that's a bad thing.

>> No.11883138

Your owners are tired of your shit and are cutting your rations

>> No.11883146

yeah, all I care about is the taste/texture. I can't imagine why anyone would give a shit either way other than hipster "authentic" bullshit

>> No.11883147

It should be kept separate, it makes I can have medium rare chicken, or just raw meat if I want it. (I would think)

If it even touches real meat that won't be safe.

>> No.11883282

It's this green deal that the democrats launched in america.
They want to get rid of all cows because their farts are destroying the atmosphere.

>> No.11883286

Nice bait.

>> No.11883290

Can we keep the cows and get rid of fat chicks instead?

>> No.11883322

Aw man, I thought they were talking about getting rid of the farting cows in college.

>> No.11883323
File: 32 KB, 442x480, seinfeld1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference?

>> No.11883331

No it's real.

>> No.11883336

It's to appease vegans.

>> No.11883364

Green New Deal has nothing to do with animal agriculture conveniently enough despite being the most destructive thing healthwise and environmentally. Her plan is to just make everything electric

Big Beef lining those pockets

>> No.11883393


>> No.11883402

Money. Lots of startups trying to scam people out of money, startups with friends in the media (especially if they're jews). Also lots of idiots in the media willing to push anything green (solar roadways).

>> No.11883415

Because it's literally 1000x more efficient that land grown meat.

>> No.11883428

We don't know anything about the real efficncy of lab grown meat. Right now it uses FAR more resources than land-grown, and the raw material is basically a cow fetus smoothie for lack of a better term so it's not exactly "humane" either. Of course the goal is to solve those problems, but right now that hasn't been done and we have no idea what the real enviornmental costs will be. Currently it takes an awful lot of energy for the heat to incubate the media where the "meat" is grown.

>> No.11883435

>the MSM
Because the (((MSM))) is pure cancer.

>> No.11883438
File: 19 KB, 351x445, 9A720BB9-3E5C-450F-9AE7-196A7EFF6D76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name 1 problem with cruelty free meat

>> No.11883459

It doesn't taste the same.

>> No.11883462

>Right now it uses FAR more resources than land-grown
No. No it does not. Not even fucking close.
The issue right now is they're still trying to perfect it and get it ready for mass production. But it takes no where near as much resources as land grown meat.

>> No.11883476

They can't afford to go after agriculture because most Democrats are either farm laborers or millennials ruining their finances on avocado toast. You want to see pissed off millennials? Raise the price of avocado toast to $20 they won't care about gays or racism or whatever retard cause of the day

>> No.11883490

Solar and wind use more resources than clean coal but in 30 years or so solar and wind will be better (or thirty after that or after that or after that)

>> No.11883492
File: 37 KB, 680x578, pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regular farms wont go away, regular beef, chicken, fish, and even pork will be considered food for higher classed people while the rest of us should be happy we're eating cruelty free meat and consider it a bad thing to want to eat normal meat.

>> No.11883496

>avocado toast
>animal agriculture

Nice one.

>> No.11883537

> clean coal

Unironically saying clean coal.

They sure got you by the balls, eh?

>> No.11883547

if they can get it to taste, feel and cook the same as normal beef i don't care
it'll be cheaper and way more efficient

>> No.11883633

What kind of nut doesn't like clean coal? How do you think we stopped global warming?

>> No.11883863

I believe this is exactly what's going to happen.

>> No.11883867

Pretty explicitly states not getting rid of it

>> No.11883875

It's not really sudden, it's been in the news for at least 10 years. Maybe it's picking up pace as it's getting cheaper and looking like it'll be viable to have it in stores soon.

It's technically real meat though, it's not like a plant-based substitute. I don't see any downsides to it as long as they make it nutritionally the same.

>> No.11884099

Poorfags are the ones who enjoy chopping up animals

>> No.11884114

as a vegan, i wouldn't touch this stuff

>> No.11884140

i rest my case

>> No.11884153

>regular beef, chicken, fish, and even pork will be considered food for higher classed people
I dunno. If it improves to the point where there's no discernible difference between "real" meat and lab-grown meat, people would probably look down on others who still want to kill animals for some reason.

>> No.11884170
File: 1.22 MB, 1440x1440, dog13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ew, can you believe these people eat lab grown meat? look at all this stuff they put in those meats.
>eating meat is more natural

>> No.11884192

Because veal and fois gra is championed by the poor.

>> No.11884217

Not just ethical reasons but think about if you could get prime cuts of steak or other things for cheap. Foie Gras at 8 dollars a pound or filet mignon at 5 dollars a pound? Sign me the fuck up.

The minute it pivots from something for the rich and affluent is the minute the conspicuous consumption emerges and now it's key to eat natural meat. Remember reading how at first sailors poo-poo'd having to eat sauerkraut or whatever foods the ship had on hand to deal with scurvy.

So the captain made sauerkraut exclusive to the officers. This made all the sailors want to have it too.

>> No.11884228

Everyone eats veal nigga

And my point stands, richfags are less cruel with our dietary habits

Vegetarianism and Veganism are way more common

>> No.11884234
File: 266 KB, 540x540, Its not the same vegan edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consider it a bad thing to want to eat normal meat.

Vegans are already there, now (((they))) want to force everyone else into the starvation cult as well.


>> No.11884235


>> No.11884236


Killing animals to eat their flesh will be as barbaric and crude as modern people eating animals alive

>> No.11884248

Let me refute all thos morphological arguments with three words:
>gene-culture coevolution

>> No.11884260
File: 849 KB, 1280x800, Another Robust Healthy Vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already believe that. Maybe in the future (((veganism))) will win, but for now when I go to any grocery store I see long long shelves full of beef chicken and pork.

When will I personally be forced into your starvation diet vegan agenda shill?

>> No.11884267

and then it's price point will never go down if it becomes a luxury. i'm all for lab grown meat but given each chance something good like this has, it fails to catch on because of basic economics. on top of the fact that the USA would probably still be raising cows and chickens to feed some shitty third world country whlie we're expected to eat mystery lab meat.

>> No.11884300


Only real way they could force it is if they have totalitarian power. And naturally as always it'd be rules for me, not for thee. I could see an environmentalist Maduro telling people they can't eat beef to help gaia while getting his beef cut by salt bae.

My concern is more out-pricing by increasing desires for meat by Africa/India/China (India excluding beef). "I can sell chicken breast at 2.99 a pound in the US or 7.99 a pound in China. I'm going to sell it in China"

>> No.11884332

You a silly nigga

>> No.11884353

i mean the ecological advantages of widespread lab grown meat are pretty incredible, it makes sense that popular science outlets are hyping up new developments in the technology
along with the feel good angle that we wont have to kill animals anymore

i mean aside from the lack of cows farting up the planet, you also eliminate the need for
-clearcutting huge swaths of forest for grazing land
-agricultural focus on the production of corn and soy for feed, which can be more efficiently utilized for food crop production
-the considerable energy cost of shipping livestock from production areas to population centers

the animal agriculture industry is a huge environmental drain, and with the expansion of the middle class in india and china leading to a much higher rate of global consumption of meat per capita, the idea that we're tangibly close to solving some of those problems is obviously really appealing

>> No.11884359 [DELETED] 

Nice bait

>> No.11884468
File: 87 KB, 1080x1073, Sickly Vegan Couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i mean aside from the lack of cows farting up the planet, you also eliminate the need for

>-clearcutting huge swaths of forest for grazing land

Wow point A is complete trolling nonsense, and
Point B is something which is not necessary in any way whatsoever unless you are factoring in the "need" for the west to feed all of Africa for free, forever.

Something tells me you are already a big Zoylent Green consumer.

>> No.11884479
File: 695 KB, 1280x800, Robust Vegan Elder with Novice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the animal agriculture industry is a huge environmental drain, and with the expansion of the middle class in india and china leading to a much higher rate of global consumption of meat per capita, the idea that we're tangibly close to solving some of those problems is obviously really appealing

>Really appealing
>*to me*
>and my vegan agenda comrades

>> No.11884516

Are you guys alright

>> No.11884536

>that webm where a dude shouts so hard his tooth goes flying out

>> No.11884544

>omg why is this scientific breakthrough that appeals to non-morally bankrupt people getting so many articles written about it? Why is everyone talking about this? Why am I the only one in my entourage who hates the idea of eating meat that didn't involve the killing of lesser animals?
>Must be the fucking jews
Stay classy, /pol/

>> No.11884558
File: 60 KB, 976x561, Average Vegan Nutjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jon Saker.

The homosexual pioneer of "vegan cringe" this video (his part) is still proudly up on his channel.


>> No.11884594

Man, those videos show at least one thing.

Going vegan for three months will go and have you lose a TON of weight.

>> No.11884603

Plants are usually lower in calories than animal products but not all, you can still be obese on a vegan diet. Refined flour, sugar, and oil are all vegan, not very satiating, but high in calories.

>> No.11884605


So, is the whole fetal calf- serum thing being conveniently ignored?

>> No.11884617

Basically it's going to push eating meat into being a status symbol where the basicc plebs will be served lab-grown meat and only rich fucks will afford meat especially as faggot chinks,niggers, kikes and curries fuck this planet into a cesspool of rainbow shit.

>> No.11884655


>> No.11884694

Which will never pass anyway. it's full of empty promises and wants to kill off several industries.

>> No.11884781

and also

>> No.11884792

ITT: victims
Don't like it, don't buy it

>> No.11884940


>> No.11885036

Excuse me friend but you seem to be lost. You are on 4channel when really you want to be on reddit.com. It's ok that you messed up this time but in the future be more careful!

>> No.11885170

nah fuck off, this people come here for free speech, people from the politics containment board don't understand that despite crying about muh free speech all the time

in conclusion i reiterate: fuck off

>> No.11885186

Sounds like you are upset with /pol/ perhaps because you lost so many arguments there

Again, I reiterate that you belong on reddit.com and that's simply all there is to it :^)

>> No.11885210

Fuck jannies

>> No.11885213

Mainstream media is a normal term used by normal people. The MSM itself uses the term.

>> No.11885226
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
