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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11872355 No.11872355 [Reply] [Original]

>haven’t come to /ck/ in years
>decide to check in
>same stale memes from 4 years ago
>anime threads
>same fucking guy in Texas cooking shit in his apt
>same fucking jack threads
>do Americans/Euros really do this
>for me, it’s the ______
>angsty, cringey alcoholic threads

fuck me im glad I left. i Know the nationalism on this board is a meme but you should know that you’re all equally contemptible, horrid lowlife losers and you all should be put in a fucking gas camp somewhere. Bye, shitstains

>> No.11872364

I made a thread about making pancakes a few weeks ago and despite having to sift through a few shitposts it's still pretty decent and they give good feedback

>> No.11872366

See you tomorrow anon

>> No.11872371
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>> No.11872373

>comes to /ck/ during 'straya/euro hours
>complains about the shitty content
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.11872376

why do u feel the need to lie about leaving the board for x amount of years
if u really did come from years of not giving a shit why would u need to say u hate the board u fucking mong

>> No.11872381

Only downhill from here
>Implying that autist Americans have nothing to do with it
You'll just call me a Europoor for calling you all faggots that assume that they're not part of the problem.

>> No.11872382


calling this pathetic shitpile “””””content””””” is an affront to even /b/

>> No.11872388

This also why are they so obsessed with fast food? Burger King is fucking shit

>> No.11872397


>> No.11872398 [DELETED] 


>> No.11872416


>> No.11872419

This is always one of the other boards little Jimmy and his friends from Reddit come to after shitting up /v/ and /pol/, it also doesn't help that a lot of the le ebin screenshots and greentexts that everyone reposts and shares come from here.

>> No.11872458

For me, its beans and deenz.

>> No.11872462

Boo fucking hoo. At least you aren’t from /tv/ and got to watch the hell hole that has turned into. Fuck off.

>> No.11872468

>do Americans/Euros really do this
Literally 3 Amereican threads up within 10 minutes of each other. Probably the same fucking spaz making them.

>> No.11872495

Formerly sprats.

>> No.11872532

If it weren't for the furriners this board would be nothing but fastfood and patti.

>> No.11872564

Enjoy your ban :)

>> No.11872590

>same fucking guy in Texas

(For reals though, at least that dude does step-by-step home cooking threads. He's probably the only one in here with consistent OC.)

>> No.11872592

i'm glad you left, too
you dumb fucker

>> No.11872602
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I hate autistic fucks like OP. They have some idealized version of 4chan of all fucking things, and when the autist sees things going differently on a site with thousands of different users, they want to blame thousands of people collectively instead of doing anything on their own like: hiding threads, ignoring content you don't like, not spamming a shitty meta thread that only goes to show how retarded you are, etc.

>> No.11872635

>proving OP right
denying the truth and actively making the board worse


>> No.11872639

>mommy 4chan said something i didn't like1@2!!!
grow the fuck up you complete zoomer autismal bastard.

>> No.11872669

Then stay gone

>> No.11872671

>hurr dah state of muh bored
No really, fuck off back to boomer land

>> No.11872673

actually you're the one who complained about it in the first place, i was responding to your complaint
stupid asshole piece of shit can't even comprehend his own stance on any perceived issue

>> No.11872674

>Bye, shitstains
... and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.11872676

I see why the text boards died, the absolute state of reading comprehension I swear.
He didn't deny the issue, he just said 4chan at it's core is a turd fire, always was and will be a tird fire. Denying this is pathetic.

And the train of autistic, self-defeating rage keeps on chugging and it feels so good

>> No.11872700

I'm gunna go out of my way to make fast food threads now, just for you OP. <3

>> No.11872749


>> No.11873052


100 bucks you’re one of the cringy alcoholics

>> No.11873138
File: 193 KB, 750x1334, 791E0123-BB1E-4AE5-B4CF-1CDC3A1154AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>turd fire

This metaphor suggests that there’s some dynamic change and development here. I don’t like it. it’s fossilized vagrant shit stuck out of time.

This board is full up with shit someone said that was funny dozens of months ago on life support, irony and actual interest is blurred because the actually funny people left which leaves the developmentally disabled “pro meemerz” on this board to prop up the rotting corpses of terrible YouTube content creators that were briefly famous ages ago because someone here found their channel, catchphrases that should have been forgotten, and cross-continental sniping which is cringey coming from literal zeros who contribute nothing nowhere for no one.

It’s hell stuck out of time

>> No.11873163
File: 349 KB, 350x233, You go back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is objectively the worst board
>knife fight
>sauce thread
>vegan thread
>XYZ food is the best/degenerate
>fast food faggotry
>shill thread
Have seen some good baking and cook-along threads here and there, but that's few and far between. If we retake the board and do not post in /b/-tier garbage, they will go back to /b/.

>> No.11873166

On the upside, the shills for that crappy hot sauce with the long-nosed burrowing mammal on the front haven't been around for a while.

>> No.11873173

It's probably because the majority of /ck/ is female

>> No.11873208


this one fucking hurts

>> No.11873249

samefag, but yeah, I am on board with:

>> No.11873339

/b/ is the problem? Is it 2008?

>> No.11873399
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 1549488518485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All redditors have weak female brains. Kys.
>Just like hide from your problems bro!

>> No.11874353

taking this for my blog